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The Archangels Voice</b>
Level 5 Orichalcum Grand Daiklave

<b>Normal Stats
Speed 5, Accuracy 4, Damage 15, Defence 1, Rate 3, Tags 2,O,P,R
Attune 12, Cost •••••
Mins Str ••••

Triggered Stats
Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 22, Defence 1, Rate 3, Tags 2,O,P,R
Attune 12, Cost •••••
Mins Str ••••

The blade wielded by Hitari Andrix and presented using his stats to calculate the 'triggered' version

The Archangel's voice appears extraordinary, even when laid alongside other weapons made of the 5MM. Fully 7ft long from hilt to tip, the hand guard is made from moonsilver and white jade, shaped into a pair of angelic wings in flight with such skill that it appears to have actual feathers. The rest of the blade is Orichalcum, inlaid with moonsilver and white jade details and every detail was balanced and crafted for it's original weaver.

Forged for the Primordial War by the Twilight of Andrix's circle, the blade served him in fighting the enemies of the gods and into the First Age beyond. It's creation however is unlike that of other blades, even those of the magical materials. The twilight sorcerer engineer actually divined a process whereby a portion of Andrix's essence shard was forged into/linked to the blade. The result being that in addition to the power of a normal daiklave forged by such an adept craftsman, the exalt and blade are tied to one another, the blade responding accordingly when its weilders soul and passions are roused enough to call for it. Only one other such blade is known to exist. It's sister, the Aurora Edge, crafted for the Dawn of their circle.

• When Andrix is fighting in direct support of an intimacy or his motivation (or is in limit) anyone opposing him is at a penalty equal to Andrix's presence and the blade receives a bonus equal to his conviction + valor (in a ratio of 1:2 accuracy to damage, the extra dots being allocated to damage when this value isn't divisible by 3). Damage dealt when the blade has this bonus in place can only be healed by magical means. The presence penalty does not stack with any other penalties based on presence, whichever penalty is highest takes priority.
• Andrix can reflexively call this blade to his hand for a mote and the blade cannot be attuned to anyone else regardless of circumstances.
• The Overwhelm of this blade is equal to Andrix's willpower

