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Size Categories

One of the few things I like about D&D is its size categories. As such, I've modified them for Exalted. Note: This should help revise the problems with the size-based mutations that I've noticed.

Note: The Strength modifications for this system use my revised Strength table to function.

Size Name: What it's called.
Height: How tall (or long) this size represents.
Str Mod: The modification to a character's Strength score. Reductions cannot reduce Strength below 0, but do affect maximum scores. Increases can raise Strength to any level, and affect maximums.
Sta Mod: As Str Mod, but cannot reduce Stamina below 1.
Health Levels: Added or removed health levels.
Damage Mod: Modifier to the base damage of all unarmed attacks. If this reduces raw damage to 0L or 0B, the attack does not deal damage.

In addition, characters fighting smaller ones have penalties. Larger characters suffer a -1 external penalty to attack rolls and DV for every two size categories that a creature is smaller than them by.

||Size Name || Height || Str Mod || Sta Mod || Health Levels || Damage Mod || ||Insectile ||Under 1"|| -6 || -3 || Lose OK,-1,-1,-2,-2,-4|| -5 || ||Diminuative|| 1"-3" || -5 || -2 || Lose OK,-1,-1,-2,-4 || -4 || ||Miniscule || 4"-8" || -4 || -2 || Lose OK,-1,-1,-2 || -3 || ||Puny || 9"-1.5'|| -3 || -1 || Lose OK, -1, -2 || -2 || ||Tiny || 1.5'-3'|| -2 || -1 || Lose one -1 and -2 || -1 || ||Small || 3'-4' || -1 || +0 || Lose one -2 || +0 || ||Average || 4'-7' || +0 || +0 || No change || +0 || ||Large || 8'-9' || +1 || +0 || OK+1 || +0 || ||Huge || 10'-12'|| +2 || +1 || OK+1, -2+1 || +1 || ||Giant || 13'-16'|| +3 || +1 || OK+1, -1+1, -2+1 || +2 || ||Colossal || 17'-20'|| +4 || +2 || OK+2, -1+1, -2+2 || +4 || ||Titantic || 21'-25'|| +5 || +2 || OK+3, -1+2, -2+2 || +6 || ||Mountainous|| 26'-32'|| +6 || +3 || OK+4, -1+3, -2+3 || +9 ||

Any creature that is naturally one of these sizes is considered to already have been affected by these modifications, and if its size is reduced, it will lose them normally. For example, Tyrant Lizards are usually Colossal in size, and have Strength 9 and Stamina 7. One reduced to Average size would drop to Strength 5, Stamina 5, lose five health levels, and deal less damage.

The Small Size and Huge Size Flaw and Merit cause a person to move to the edges of their size category, but do not otherwise move them outside it. If the character takes a Size-mutation, the Storyteller should decide how it interacts with this Merit and Flaw, likely removing them.

Mutations: Size Modification is a 1-pt Pox or Deficiency. As a Pox, it increases the character one size category. As a Deficiency, it reduces them one size category. If it is bought twice, subsequent purchases are 2-pt Mutations per size category instead.