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Nellens Silis

Who She Is

Silis was born into the Circus of the Five Dragons, and fully expected to die as a circus performer if it wasn't for her unexpected Exaltation. While her mother comes from a long line of circus performers, commoners all, Silis has no idea who her father might be or if he is still alive. Her adopted uncle, Bellan Tobias, has let it be known that she is the daughter of a patrician from a scavanger land township, and Silis has no problem maintaining this lie. While she appreciates her new abilities gained through her Exaltation, Silis is uncomfortable in her new role as a Dragon Blooded and misses the world of the circus. While used to performing for nobility, she is unaccustomed to being seen as noble. As perhaps befits her Exaltation as a Fire Aspect, Silis likes to enjoy the pleasurable things in life to the fullest extent possible, with little care for her future. As long as there is plenty of good food, good drink, good sex, and exciting adventures to be had she is happy.


Silis is good looking, but she relies just as much on her charismatic nature as on her physical charms. Her thick coal-black hair might be beautiful if long, but she has kept it cropped short since she was a child. While slender and standing only a petite 5'1" tall, she is remarkably fit. Omnidextrous and double-jointed, her athletic abilities are particularly remarkable.

  • [[[EndlessChase/Silis/SilisCharacter]] | Nellens Silis' Character Sheet]]

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