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This page is for listing the Dragon Blooded Characters involved in my campain 'The Curse of Chaos Fang'

Chaos Fang begun life as a lowly bunch of misfit dynasts from a variety of backgrounds, whoose parents had somehow arranged for them to attend the vaunted Academy of Bells - The Realms premiere school for military officer training. The PC's were all lumped into a fang with 6 members as they were the only 6 non exalted students at the Academy and it was felt they would not survive for long. They began life as 5th Fang, 5th Scale, 2nd Training Talon. The lowest of the low.

The story was ment to be a short series of related plots lasting for around 12 sessions, during which the characters would be blessed by the Dragons at a critical point in the plot, before finally graduating. Two players were lost along the way becoming NPC's.

What actually happened was that the players were not content to take the simplified explanations given to them, and made a point of investigating every single thing that occured, almost to the point of fanaticism, and almost resulting in the destruction of two of the great over reaching story plots that thankfully are still viable. Oh and the prelude sessions lasted an Epic 2 years of real time....

The last session ended with the Characters graduation and their preperations to take on the role of a 'special operations unit' under the command of Rear Admiral Lidaal Estevan Cortez, of the Realms Northern (Air) Fleet. You can follow their continuing adventures here The adventures of Chaos Fang.

Cast of Player Characters

Lidaal Denara : She is the leader of Chaos Fang, a strong warrior specialising in Water Dragon style MA, and the Daiklave, she is an avid socialite, (approx 250 exp).

Cathak Rae : He is the primary warrior specialising in Fire Dragon style MA, and paired Daiklaves, also the Sorcerer of the group, (approx 250 exp).

V'neef Redwood : He is the primary Scout and survivalist, specialising in Archery and Wood Dragon style MA, (approx 250 exp).

Pelleps Salna Boa : He is a strong warrior, specialising in the Daiklave, and an expert in investigations and the criminal underworld, aspected to Water, (approx 175 exp).

Cast of Story Teller Characters

Nellens Tamul : He became a ST character after his player emigrated to Canada. An Air aspected dynast.

Lidaal Byron Tyrrol : He became a ST character after his player moved out of the area. His Character sheet will not be placed here yet as he still has an important role to fullfill of which the rest of the group are unaware.

Lidaal Semkhet Arron : He was the Tutor and mentor of Chaos Fang, during their academy years, specialising in Air Dragon style MA, and the Chakrum.

Cathak Catherine : A Lt in House Cathak's 1st Legion (elite), and currently posted as the Realms Ambassador to Gethamane, a city in the north. She is the wife of /V'neefRedwood.

Tepet Achian : A Lt in House Tepet's 1st Legion (elite), and currently posted to Gethamane in the North.
