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And here be Session Seven for this crew of pirates.
And here be Session Seven for this crew of pirates.
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates | Back to Western Pirates]]
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates|Back to Western Pirates]]
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== Session Seven ==
== Session Seven ==
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Syn gets her pillow and rum while everybody else goes back to doing whatever they need to do. They have been allowed time to rest, and will take full advantage of it.
Syn gets her pillow and rum while everybody else goes back to doing whatever they need to do. They have been allowed time to rest, and will take full advantage of it.
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionEight | On to Session Eight]]
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionEight|On to Session Eight]]

Latest revision as of 01:57, 9 June 2010

And here be Session Seven for this crew of pirates.

Back to Western Pirates

Back to Session Six

Session Seven

Just one day later, and the scene on Storm Isle is vastly different. The bodies of the dead have been handed over to Megumi so she may handle the funeral rites. And once those families with lost loved ones have gotten over their grief, they slowly go back to business. After all, one does not send family out on the Hurricane without being prepared. So, things are almost back to normal on Storm Isle. Orillian has spent his time tending to the wounded so everyone wakes up the next morning much better than before. It is time for Red to give his answer to Megumi while the other Solars do their own thing.

Lady Syn hangs around the town, most likely drinking. She more interested in getting back on the seas. It’s not that the people here aren't friendly. It’s more that it’s safe here and that isn't normal for her.

Megumi is leaned up against a building near the new grave site, arms crossed thoughtfully. Thinking about the casualties.

Orillian is hurrying about, rebuilding the ship to specifications none of the islanders are familiar with while stopping to read a strangely-sigiled scroll at every opportunity.

Big Red looks around town for Megumi until he finds her. "Hey captain. Mind if I have a word with you?"

Ryoujal is still in the infirmary, healing up but feeling much better and helping with the wounded mortals.

Megumi glances at Red. "Go ahead."

Big Red says, "I've been giving some thought to what I want to do. My old life does not give me the freedom I want. Staying here on the island won’t help me see more of Creation. So I would like to request to join your crew."

You paged Orillian with 'Orillian is helped along by Jesslaw, although he can tell that the carpenter is mourning for his lost friend. And little wonder since the two of them have been on the ship working as a team before Orillian even arrived. The other Islanders try their best to keep up and provide Orillian with the raw materials, but even they don't know what he's trying to do.'

You paged Lady Syn with 'Syn continues to drink and Bubbles is the one who serves her drinks. The tavern has a strangely subdued mood, but there is still drinking and some eating going on. Eventually, Bubbles takes a seat beside Syn. "Please tell me, what did my son die for? What was the...thing that attacked?"'

Megumi nods. "I understand. Ok. Know that this job is likely to get you hunted down; more than once, if you survive the first attack. It's not the most peaceful of lives...but then, perhaps our kind aren't meant for long periods of peace. If that is still your decision, I'll find the Ship's Articles - mmm, I wonder where Orillian put them.. - and make them available for you to sign."

You paged Ryoujal with 'Despite his heavy injuries from before, Orillian makes quick work of most of them. He still feels some pain, but another round by Orillian will heal him up completely. He is the one who gets to see most of how their return has affected everyone on the island, both the tears and the smiles. But as he looks around, he notices something flicker out of the corner of his eye. A closer look and he sees a fire butterfly flitting just outside their current residence. The only reason he recognises this creature is from his time back at the place he used to call home.'

Big Red says, "I realize that I will become a wanted person. But that’s okay with me. Its time I take my life in a new direction. Right now you and your crew are my best option to do this."

Megumi nods. "Good. Then welcome to the crew of the Hurricane, Red." She offers him her hand.

From afar, Lady Syn pauses trying to think of how to explain things. "The monster was sinking ships around the area. The Captain was asked to find a way to stop it. We clashed with it twice before reaching the island. Both times he escaped as he did this last time. If anything, he made the seas safer for a time. As for what that thing was, you'd have to ask someone more versed in the secrets of creation then I."

From afar, Ryoujal looks out at the fire butterfly flittering about on the wind, "Well hello there little fella. Odd seeing you here, haven't seen many since I left home." He says with a smile. If there are any children about he will attract them to take a look at the rather marvellous insect.

Orillian pages: Orillian shows Jesslaw where to lay down the planks in his strange design, making sure to avoid mention of his fallen comrade to avoid rubbing salt on the man's wounds. His design is somewhat based on the schematics of the artifact ship they seek, but stripped for speed and manoeuvrability. He's decided to make another submersible launch, too, as it will probably come in handy, this time big enough to accommodate a demon 'rower' and the whole command crew of the Hurricane. Though, of course, getting out into the water will still be a bit of a problem and air will be limited because he hasn't had time to reverse-engineer the tiger shark armor's breathing apparatus.

Big Red smiles and takes her hand in his "Its good to be a member captain."

Megumi turns toward the docks. "Now let's go find that paperwork, make it official."

You paged Lady Syn with 'Bubbles latches on to every word somewhat desperately, although her reaction is mixed. "I...I suppose he died for a good reason then. To make the seas safer..." She seems sad for a while longer, before asking another question. "Will that thing return?"'

Big Red nods and follows the lead of the captain

Megumi goes to find the Ship's Articles in the remains of the Hurricane that Orillian is working so industriously on.

You paged Ryoujal with 'When Ryoujal goes out to see the fire butterfly, it flutters for a few moments, then lands on his shoulder. "Greetings from Lord Tzihetla, Ryoujal. Pleased to see you are well." The voice whispers into his ear. "We extend an invitation for you to return to the island for a short visit. Lord Tzihetla will welcome you." Then it starts to flutter again, obviously waiting for any reply.'

Megumi finds that her office survived mostly intact. Quite useful. So did most of her belongings too and what papers she kept there. Orillian and Jesslaw work on the skeleton of the Hurricane, attempting to make a usable ship out of it.

Ryoujal pages: Looks a bit surprised at the fact the butterfly is speaking but responds, "Yes, it is good to hear from the Home Islands as well. As always I will do what I can for Lord Tzihetla, though might I inquire on to the nature of why the Illustrious dragon wishes to see me?"

From afar, Lady Syn ponders again how to reply. On one hand, Bubbles doesn't need the worry. On the other hand, it might help to be prepared. "I don't know. We made it mad and it swore revenge. I don't think it knows of the village fortunately."

You paged Orillian with 'Jesslaw follows his orders without question. Orillian has done so many strange things, he's pretty much used to anything unusual that the Solar might decide to come up with. But he is also obviously not very much in the mood. "I wish Keen Razor was here." He suddenly blurts out to Orillian. "We woulda been joking and having fun and making bets about what crazy contraption you were coming up with this time." And Jesslaw quietly begins to weep for his fallen comrade.'

Megumi pulls out the Articles, along with the ink and quill. "Hmm. Technically we should have others witness it...but I suppose you could make an Oath, and let the spirits be our witnesses."

You paged Ryoujal with 'I don't know. He just asked me to send the message." The butterfly replies, flaming wings fluttering. "Do you know how hard it is to find you?" Now that the formal message has been given, it clearly is giving free rein to its emotions and annoyances. And fire butterflies can be rather capricious creatures. "Anyway, do you have a return message or not? I don't like this place. It's much too wet." The light drizzle that usually falls on Storm Isle is resulting in a rather fine plume of steam rising from those flaming wings.'

You paged Lady Syn with 'For a moment, Bubbles answers with a vicious "I wish he would try." Then common sense catches up with her. "We'll do our best to be prepared." She replies softly. "Will you be recruiting more people from Storm Isle?"'

From afar, Lady Syn shrugs. "I don't recruit. I just keep her on a steady heading."

Ryoujal pages: Yes, tell Lord Tzihetla that I shall do my best to get home as soon as I can. The ship I serve on ran into an accident and we are still repairing the damage. I would say perhaps two or three weeks on the outside. And if you can, please tell my mother that there seems to be few things out here in the open ocean that have been able to harm me, and send my warmest regards to Lady Caritharnas."

Big Red says, "An oath to what effect? While I am willing to serve the crew and the ship faithfully for as long as I am willing. I would rather not be bound to it for all of my life. There is much more in creation I would love to see and I can't see it all from a ship."

Megumi nods. "Fair enough. Then we find a crewman to witness this." She pokes her head out of the remnants of her office. "Hey, Orillian!"

From afar, Orillian frowns and looks around for someone else who might be able to provide support, but it looks like he's alone. Drat. Orillian feels the man's pain, but he's not really experienced at this type of thing. "Well... err... I be certain he'd not have wanted ye to be all choked up over him, now. And he were a good man, I be sure he passed right through Lethe rather than sittin' a spell in the Underworld."

Orillian is telling Jesslaw the carpenter, "Tell ye what, we'll name the launch after him, aye?"

You paged Lady Syn with 'The answer is a subdued. "Oh." Then Bubbles serves Syn another drink. Since they don't use any form of currency, the only thing Syn can do is take the drink. But the atmosphere is a little uncomfortable since it's clear that Bubbles is looking for something to alleviate her grief. Shore isn't even working, with their two children picking up the slack.'

Orillian says, "What, cap'n?"

Megumi waves the Articles in his general direction. "We need a couple witnesses for this signature."

Orillian waves back. He seems to be missing his normal red gloves. "Aye, ye do, captain, lemme come up there. Ye too, master Jesslaw."

You paged Ryoujal with 'The fire butterfly continues to flutter as Ryoujal speaks, shining even brighter after a particularly irritating drop of water. "Yeah, yeah, fine. Come on, you must have something to offer me after all that time out over the ocean." It seems to expect some form of payment.'

Megumi waits reasonably patiently for them to come up to witness the signing. In the meanwhile, she lets Red read the Articles over.

Jesslaw turns away from the Captain when she pops her head out and yells, and goes over to witness the signing with somewhat red eyes. Looks like she interrupted a conversation.

From afar, Lady Syn takes the drink. "Maybe in another life, I was a leader or a guardian or a despot. I don't know. This life, I'm just someone who has been a lot of things in a short amount of time. Now, I don't know what you're going through but I don't think I'm the best person to ask about things. I've got my agendas. They'll probably get me killed someday but that’s my choice. You have a good life here. Don't let your grief lead you to a mistake."

Ryoujal pages: A tad surprised he was sent such a carrier, he says, "Certainly, just give me a second." He looks about for some scraps of oak and cedar from what remained of the Hurricane. "Here you go, nice and fragrant, impregnated with sea salts to burn several brilliant colors."

Megumi pats Jesslaw on the shoulder as comfortingly as she can while Red signs. "..I'm sorry about Keen Razor, Jesslaw."

You paged Lady Syn with 'Bubbles listens, but Syn isn't sure if the woman understands. Still, there's only so much she can do. Finally, Bubbles replies with a "Thank you. Can I get you anything else?"'

Big Red takes up the document and studies it with a merchant’s eye. When satisfied he sets it down takes up the quill and lets his name flow across the paper with a practiced hand of a professional.

From afar, Lady Syn gives a small smile then shakes her head no. "Nah. I think I'll take a swim. Should be drunk enough to make it interesting."

You paged Ryoujal with 'The fire butterfly literally lights up at the sight of the wood, burning merrily. "Oooh, that's good." And it lands on one piece just to see how it burns and merrily enjoys itself in the flames. That's naturally when they start to attract attention. The gang of Storm Isle kids see the flames and the steam and stare curiously. "What's that? It's very pretty." One of the kids finally asks. The flames seem to burn brighter at that comment.'

You paged Lady Syn with 'Bubbles nods and lets Syn go on her way. Outside, she sees that Ryoujal has attracted a small crowd of kids and has a small fire going. A little odd considering the light drizzle that always seems to be constant on Storm Isle.'

Orillian watches and prepares to sign it himself.

Jesslaw seems to hesitate, especially in the presence of a newcomer like Red.. But Megumi is still his captain and a decent one. "He was a good man captain. We were fighting...he took a blow for me ya know? I was stupid, didn't watch myself carefully, and he was just there..." Tears seem to threaten again, so he looks away and swallows hard.

Ryoujal pages: That is a fire butterfly, a rather special elemental of the island where I come from. They reside especially around smouldering volcanoes and come out every once in a while. They are a sign that the volcano spirit is happy and all is well."

From afar, to (Shorlixa, Ryoujal): Lady Syn walks past the fire shaking her head then heads for the water to take a swim. She takes the strange fire in stride gives a slight nod to anyone trying to capture her attention.

Orillian nods. "Aye, that he was, a good man, and noble."

You paged (Ryoujal, Lady Syn) with 'Syn wanders in just as Ryoujal is explaining about a fire butterfly being a sign that a volcano spirit is well and happy. And she also notes that inside the merry flames is something that looks a lot like a butterfly. Only it's on fire and enjoying it. The kids continue to oooh and ahhh, pointing at the pretty creature.'

Megumi nods. "We'll have to remember him in our prayers. Find some way of honoring his sacrifice." She lets go of his shoulder.

Jesslaw seems to get himself under control before continuing with a watery kind of smile. "Well, Orillian said he might name the sub after him. Might be nice...Razor woulda been thrilled..."

To (Shorlixa, Lady Syn), Ryoujal pages: Isn't it just one of the prettiest spirits you have ever seen children? And so dutiful too." He says trying to lay the praise on thick to the little elemental. Seeing Lady Syn, he raises a hand, "Hello Syn, haven't seen you around this part of the island since we landed."

From afar, to (Shorlixa, Ryoujal): Lady Syn gives a sideways grin. "I had to leave the bar sometime."

Megumi nods. "Sounds like a good idea."

To (Shorlixa, Lady Syn), Ryoujal pages: True. Say do you know how up the capt'n would be for a trip a little off the beaten path once we get a ship up and running again?"

Orillian nods. "Aye, I think it'd be a good tribute."

You paged (Ryoujal, Lady Syn) with 'The fire butterfly reacts to the praise by burning even more brightly. And it has to consume another piece of wood to keep the fire going. The children stare and lavish praise on how pretty the butterfly is. Looks like the fire butterfly is very happy.'

To (Shorlixa, Ryoujal), Lady Syn pages: "You'd have to ask her. I just steer the boat."

To (Shorlixa, Lady Syn), Ryoujal pages: Alright it's just that this little darling," He says turning at the fire butterfly, depositing another piece of scrap ship wood near the butterfly to consume, "Is a messenger from the patron spirit of my home islands. He wants to see me for some reason."

To (Shorlixa, Ryoujal), Lady Syn pages: "So you want to return to the land of the giants, eh? It’s her call. The only time I make a push for something is if I can flay a few Lintha."

The next morning dawns, and the Solars hold an early meeting to decide their next destination. They've decided to meet somewhere somewhat private and borrow a residence to do so, since it's still raining.

You paged Lady Syn with 'As the sun rises the next morning, Syn is introduced rather intimately to the concept of pain. And not just the usual wounded in battle sort of pain, but the kind that locks up your entire body, making you completely immobile and incoherent, unable to even scream as pain in all its different meanings and textures comes to visit you. And after the intense pain is over, it is replaced by a sharp stabbing pain that radiates throughout her body that doesn't seem to go away.'

Orillian has brought the projector cube again, just in case anyone needs a reminder. And for Red's benefit.

Ryoujal comes into the room with a small bag which he places in front of Orillian, "Here you go, I think you might want this since I can't use it and don't want the kids to get their hands on it. It's a sort of firedust."

Big Red enters the room drinking a strong cup of tea and takes a seat

Lady Syn staggers in looking like every step induces agony. "Swear if this is squiddy. I'm going to cook his testicles."

You paged Megumi with 'When she sees Syn stumble in, she immediately notices something different about her. And then it hits her that this person has no shadow. It must be an imposter!'

You paged Lady Syn with 'She's in too much agony to notice anything.'

You paged (Big Red, Ryoujal, Orillian) with 'When they see Syn stumble in, they immediately notice something terribly wrong. Despite the morning sun, the small flicker of candle light, she is casting no shadow. That's even giving allowances for the slight drizzle obscuring the light.'

Megumi draws her sabre and points it toward Syn's throat. "Hold."

Lady Syn says, "Go 'head. Hurt less."

Ryoujal says, "What the heck happened to Syn?"

Megumi says, "That's not Syn. Where is she? Where did you put her?"

Big Red rubs his eyes to make sure he's not still sleeping. "Anyone else notice something missing about her?"

Ryoujal says, "Shadow, yes we noticed."

Orillian shakes his head. "Wait... that's her, but she be... broken." He studies the area around her curiously. "No shadow. Obviously magic at work."

Lady Syn says, "You dip into the crate from Great Forks?"

Ryoujal says, "Some sort of mimic, I get that."

Lady Syn looks around while gritting her teeth from the pain.

You paged Orillian with 'He knows instinctively that it's the work of some sort of spell. He's not sure which particular version of the spell it might be, but the pain suggests the Shadow Summons that ended in the destruction of the shadow.'

Big Red says, "I doubt she's an imposter, captain. Why would an imposter come to us while in that much pain. I think Orillian is right and that some foul magic is at work."

Orillian hmms. "Well. That's not good at all."

Megumi reluctantly puts away her blade. Well. Maaaybe.

Megumi glances at Orillian. "You know what the problem is?"

Orillian strokes his beard. "I'm not entirely certain, but I think her shadow's been slain."

Lady Syn says, "You want to fill in the bloody blanks before people decide to lynch me or I drink my self into a painless stupor?"

Lady Syn says, "How the hell does someone kill a shadow?"

Ryoujal says, "A lot of light?"

Orillian says, "Sorcery."

Lady Syn says, "Well, undo it. Or find me the sorcerer so I can shove Reefcutter up his ass."

Orillian shakes his head no. "What's done is done. Your shadow's got to grow back. It'll be a good span of days, at least."

Ryoujal says, "Why would anybody do that?"

Megumi passes over the bottle of rum.

Lady Syn says, "Days? And let me guess it’s gonna hurt like hell the whole time? Well, do that funky mojo shit and find me whoever the hell did this."

Orillian shrugs. "T'be an arsehole, to send a message, to send a message that the caster's an arsehole..."

Lady Syn says, "Oh, there gonna have an arsehole all right. A daiklaive wide one."

Orillian says, "Unfortunately I just only learned my second spell and I can't recall any demons that are particularly good at tracking sorceries either. But... the arsehole needed an arcane link to you. A piece of you, or something very personal."

Lady Syn says, "Like what?"

Megumi ponders. "Eye?"

Lady Syn says, "Cut out by a slaver and went down with his ship."

Megumi ponders. "Did the squid get a piece of you? Or your clothing, perhaps?"

Lady Syn says, "Acidic touch. It'd have burned. And thought you guys grabbed the string and pulled it in."

Orillian scratches his head. "I don't recall that..."

Lady Syn says, "You think squidy can do sorcery too?"

Megumi shrugs. "Wouldn't put it past him."

Big Red clears his throat "Even if we figure out what item is causing the link it seems we have no way of tracking it our the person that caused it. It seems this matter is at a stand still."

Lady Syn says, "Lovely."

Orillian nods. "I'll see if I can summon something that might sniff out the link, but other than that..." He shakes his head.

Megumi pulls out the maps.

Ryoujal looks at the maps.

Orillian activates the projector.

Lady Syn looks for someplace least painful to lean against. Also grabs some rum to take the pain down.

Big Red looks on with some interest, as this projector thing is new to him.

Again, the projector activates to show the beautiful First Age ship before zooming out to reveal the strange map of islands and oceans. The picture holds for several moments before vanishing. And Orillian finds the essence drawn from him once more.

Ryoujal says, "Do you think... that this ship might lay somewhere a little west of Wavecrest?"

Megumi ponders the device. "Is there a way to make it project the map longer?

Lady Syn says, "If'n you want to ask, Ryoujal, ask. Don't play coy."

Megumi says, "Toward the Pole? The Wyld regions around there?"

Ryoujal says, "Sorry, just my first really big favor to ask from the Capt'n. I got a message from my spirit Mentor requesting an audience with me. Maybe... we could swing by my home islands on the way there?"

Megumi shrugs. "If it's mostly on our way, I suppose. But I'd rather not linger. Amongst other things, it could draw the squid to your home islands."

Megumi says, "I'd honestly PREFER to get this other ship first, though - less risk."

Ryoujal says, "Alright. Though I would like to visit sometime soon, and not for very long. He said it was going to be just a short visit. We could probably make better time in the new ship."

Lady Syn says, "So if its in the Wyld, which given how west it seems to be is likely. Or it may just be beyond wyld waters but still, anyone know how to handle that?"

Orillian raises his hand. "I got that covered, ma'am, but I can only make the bubble barely big enough for the sub."

Ryoujal says, "I've been about the Wyld all my life, as you can obviously tell, and I have studied it a bit. I think I can be confident in keeping myself safe but not the whole ship...."

Megumi ponders. "Any way to improve upon that?"

Lady Syn says, "Just because I'm too sore to kick your ass doesn't mean you can call me ma'am."

Orillian says, "Aye, there are methods, but they're complicated. And I were informin' the captain, I'd never call ye ma'am, Syn."

Megumi considers. "The sub has a limited range, yes? Air limitations?"

Lady Syn says, "Least keep the crew somewhat safe outside there."

Orillian nods. "But if we stay on the surface, no worries. And yes, 'twould be best to leave the crew at least at the Bordermarches."

Megumi says, "Would it be possible to rig up black jade air scrubbers? Like on my armor?""

Lady Syn says, "Probably don't have black jade around."

Orillian smirks. "Aye, were there black jade lyin' about, and we had more time..."

Megumi says, "Some of our currency probably is. A little."

Ryoujal checks his purse, "Shell,shell, shell, shell, silver, shell, shell, silver, silver, silver, I think I see a black jade bit at the bottom! That or it's a piece of debris....

Orillian ponders. "Or I could just unmount the scrubber."

Lady Syn says, "On another note, Bubbles asked if you were doing any recruiting."

Ryoujal says, "As did Shark Tooth. Seems like you have grown quite popular on this island capt'n."

Megumi nods. "I suppose we are. Need to get an idea of how many people we'll need to crew the ship, which means building it first, but after that..if anyone wants to sign on, I'll allow it."

Megumi shrugs to Ryo. "I've worked at it. This is home, near's any piece of land is."

Lady Syn says, "Ye might want to reconsider on that. Bubbles is speaking from grief. Not a good thing."

Orillian nods. "Aye, Syn's right, there."

Megumi says, "Oh. You mean BUBBLES wants to sign on? ..Ah, it'd be best for her to wait, yes. If she still wants to when we come back after we get the other ship.."

Lady Syn says, "She didn't say she did but I think its crossed her mind."

Megumi says, "So, do we have a heading?"

Megumi says, "Then I suppose all we can do is follow the bearings. After we put our ship back together. With such a radical change, it may need a rechristening.."

Orillian nods.

Lady Syn says, "Its your ship captain, I just steer it."

Ryoujal says, "And I'll... pedal."

Megumi sighs. "Poor Hurricane. It'll be missed." She hesitates a moment. "Have we any further business?"

Lady Syn says, "If not, I want painkillers and to sleep until I recover."

Ryoujal says, "I'm still resting off the attack of squiddy."

Megumi nods. "This is recovery time. Both of you ought to get some rest. As much as you can, because there's no telling how much we'll be allowed once we launch.

Megumi says, "Ok, then. Meeting adjourned."

Lady Syn looks around. "Sleep here. Bring pillow and rum."

Syn gets her pillow and rum while everybody else goes back to doing whatever they need to do. They have been allowed time to rest, and will take full advantage of it.

On to Session Eight