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And here be Session Eight for this crew of pirates.
And here be Session Eight for this crew of pirates.
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates | Back to Western Pirates]]
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates|Back to Western Pirates]]
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[[Shorlixa/WPSessionSeven|Back to Session Seven]]
== Session Eight ==
== Session Eight ==
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Red works on building his new home, Orillian works on his many wonders, Ryoujal continues his feast while Syn continues her hunt. Meanwhile, Megumi is left to wonder what exactly is going on, as the island tightens its grip on the Solars.
Red works on building his new home, Orillian works on his many wonders, Ryoujal continues his feast while Syn continues her hunt. Meanwhile, Megumi is left to wonder what exactly is going on, as the island tightens its grip on the Solars.
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionNine | On to Session Nine]]
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionNine|On to Session Nine]]

Latest revision as of 01:55, 9 June 2010

And here be Session Eight for this crew of pirates.

Back to Western Pirates

Back to Session Seven

Session Eight

Two weeks have passed since the Chimerae's attack. Orillian has worked hard to rebuild the ship, which Megumi has renamed the Squall. And with a few new blood apes around, Ryoujal is spared any further pedalling. Recruitment has also gone relatively well. Most people on Storm Isle wouldn't work well on a pirate ship, but she's found four people willing to crew the ship and able enough to do their duty and to fight. Perhaps one or two make her a little hesitant, but she needs some crew and she stops from recruiting even more from the volunteers since Orillian has summoned some demons to help the ship along. Syn spends most of the time resting, and she will be glad to note the pain faded a week later. Unfortunately, her shadow is still growing back, and is nothing more than a pale little thing. Regardless, time has passed and with everyone ready and able, they finally set off West, towards their new destination.

Orillian makes sure the Eurymanthoi understand that they're under strict orders not to eat crewmembers, then mostly leaves them to their work of turning the cranks that turn the ship's screws, using his new infernal 'nurse' as the runner to carry course and speed changes ordered by Syn or the captain.

Ryoujal looks over at the new engine power before turning back at Orillian, "I thought the Rakhasa were eerie..." Then gets to watch the fresh fish, making sure they are ready when the steel hits steel.

Orillian also gives the stomach bottle bug strict orders to neither consume the ship's alcoholic stores or swim through crewmembers on its way about the ship.

Big Red finds himself on the deck watching the horizon.

Megumi stands on the deck and looks over the crew, paying a little extra attention to the newbies.

Syn and Megumi are the ones who have to figure out a way to navigate and cross-reference the holographic map with the one that they purchased from the map maker. Orillian has done some rough translation on the various symbols on the holographic map, but it'll probably be best to rely on the normal map for most navigation. One can't know how much must have changed over the years. They don't see any other ships, which is really not surprising considering the direction they're heading. They are far from the usual trade routes and they are heading even further out. They get some spirit activity, but even that too slowly disappears.

Lady Syn keeps an eye out for weird water or other wyld freakiness as she keeps a steady heading.

Orillian makes sure the newbies aren't doing anything terribly stupid for their health like hanging out in the sun abovedeck while off duty, not drinking their water ration, etc. Megumi did her best to help Syn calculate a good course, but so much of this is guess-work. She sighs and takes a gulp of rum while watching the ship sail along. Hopefully they'll find this ship quickly...but she doubted it.

Ryoujal helps enforces Orillians' suggestions, as well as trying to keep the crew's spirit's up with a few epic poems he knows.

Orillian, Red and Ryoujal are the first ones to spot it, the way the waters ahead hold a strange glint to them. They're very close to the edge of a Bordermarch.

Ryoujal says, "I know that gleam on the water... that's the edge of the Wyld right there..."

Big Red points ahead. "Anyone else see that. There’s some strange water ahead" Megumi peers forward over the bow.

Orillian points out to the captain, "Wyld waters ahead, ma'am." He looks around at the other officers and inquires, "Do any of the rest of ye know means of repelling the Wyld influence?"

Lady Syn turns the boat so it doesn't sail into the wyld waters.

Various crew members pull out their minor talismans against the Wyld, but that's probably more useful in Creation. Some of them have glowing talismans to indicate the nearby presence of Wyld energy.

Megumi shakes her head quietly. "Well, this is sure to be...fun."

Big Red shakes his head no to Orillian's question

Ryoujal closes his eyes and mutters a bit, "Dragons protect us..." As he channels essence about himself to stafe off the mutable energy.

Megumi takes a breath. "Well. At least we know strange things are afoot."

Orillian nods at Ryoujal. "I see. Aright, cap'n, I recommend we concentrate the crew around myself and Mr. Ryoujal except to perform essential duties. It'll keep the risk of taint down."

Ryoujal says, "Things are going to get stranger before too long..."

Megumi nods. "Especially the regular crew. Aye. Let's stick with that plan."

Orillian makes a complicated hand sign and a intricate, fixed pattern of golden strands of Essence flare around him. "Aye. That be said, if we be leavin' the ship alone in mortal hands and Long Squid Silver has an eye on us, 'twould be bad for them."

Lady Syn says, "There are things that mortal eye cannot comprehend nor mortal tongue explain. Madness dwells beyond the horizon and calls to the weary traveller. Even should he escape the journey forever leaves scars upon the body and soul for the unlucky." Lady Syn awaits word from the captain then drives into the madness.

Megumi nods to Syn. "Continue on your original heading, please."

Ryoujal stands in the middle of as many crewmembers about the more important rigging, ready for their entry into the wyld.

Orillian heads belowdecks, gathering the off-duty crew in the 'engine room' and the galley.

Lady Syn hopes the protection holds as she directs the ship into the bordermarches.

Orillian and Ryoujal do their best to spread their protection out among the crew but probably find that they need to keep moving to cover everyone as they go about their duties on the ship. The Squall is a much smaller ship than the Hurricane, and for this, they can be thankful. When they first enter the Wyld waters, nothing much seems to have changed. They still row through the sea, the sky is where it should be and the colours all appear correct. But they find that their speed is much reduced, even with the blood apes hard at work.

Syn works carefully, sailing the Squall through the tenuous waters. Once or twice, she sees incoming dangers and just manages to steer the ship out of the way. Perhaps some might find it curious why the Wyld is being so tame, but Syn navigates well and Orillian and Ryoujal are doing their best to cover the whole ship.

Megumi stands near the bow of the ship, leaving the crew to their work and staring out over the waters. She wills the ship to sail smoother, to accept the crew's labors a little more easily.

Orillian decides, as an experiment, to dangle a length of rope from the ship, outside their protections, to see what will become of it. Perhaps the fickle Wyld will produce some useful material out of it. Or a hungry rope beast.

The crew are understandably cautious about this new experience and as they sail deeper, the effects of the Wyld are becoming more apparent. The sea and sky begin taking on different colours, radiating light and sparkling in different ways. When Orillian dangles the length of rope from the ship, he comes back with a length of sparkling rope that seems to have been woven from the seawater. Nothing disturbs their journey until Megumi flares her anima anyway.

Orillian raises an eyebrow and stashes it in a chest for later study.

With golden light flickering around her, Syn spots a stream of some dangerous looking Wyld water and wisely stops the ship until she can find a safe way to navigate through. There is a churning under the waves and something huge rises up from the waters. The seawater flows off its sleek skin, but although it's apparently above the surface of the water, the seawater continues to flow. "State your purpose." A voice booms, it's words echoing weirdly and sounding like it comes from behind them no matter where they turn.

Lady Syn looks to the captain to handle this.

Megumi takes a breath. "We're searching for a lost ship."

Orillian nods and hmms. Straightforward.

The thing continues to rise, and now it leans closer towards the Squall. Where the water drips onto the ship, the wood changes colour, taking on sea-green streaks as the water flows back into the ocean, even if the water wouldn't normally be able to flow. "To find something, you must lose something." The voice replies.

Megumi shrugs at Orillian. No sense in lying to the big scary oversized water puddle.. Megumi frowns at that. That...makes absolutely no sense.

Orillian looks the thing over closely, paying special attention to how the creature interacts with the environment and the ship. Obviously Wyld, but once of Creation or once of Chaos, that is what Orillian seeks to find.

Megumi has no idea what the thing is. But it seems to be expecting an answer, and is ever slowly leaning closer to the Squall.

Megumi pauses. "What would be an appropriate...exchange?"

You paged Orillian with 'As far as he can tell, it appears to be part of the Wyld, shaped from the Wyld energies in the area. So it's a denizen of the Wyld. And they're at a waypoint.'

Ryoujal says, "I think I'm about to loose my lunch..."

Lady Syn says, "If you do, I say Red cleans it up. He's been suspiciously on the down low lately."

"An exchange is to be equivalent in trade." The voice replies. The creature is leaning closer now, and most of the front of the ship is becoming a pattern of sea-green streaks. Big Red gives Syn a dirt look before turning his attention back to the creature

Orillian frowns. All the Wyld was a story, and for something so malleable and nonsensical, the Wyld was usually quite set in its ways. Orillian whispers to the captain, "It's of the Wyld captain, it's no need of sense, just story. And unless ye think we have something worth what we seek, might I suggest ye try and twise its words against itself."

Orillian edges forward towards the thing to keep its splatter from affecting too much of the hull. It would be terribly inconvenient if the ship were to become a fish.

Big Red looks up to the creature "What do you consider to be of equal trade for a lost ship?"

"To find something lost, one must become lost." The voice replies. Orillian's little move manages to prevent the hull from turning completely sea-green, but it has a lot of streaks. And the creature rises even further above the water, casting a long shadow across the ship.

You paged Big Red with 'Red gets the idea that trading something to represent becoming lost could send the thing on its way.'

Orillian scratches his chin. "Hate to admit but that makes sense..."

Big Red looks to the captain "Do you have anything on board that you could trade in a symbolic way of showing loss."

Megumi ponders that. "I suppose that makes some more sense." She pulls out the cartographer's map they bought earlier and pitches it overboard.

Orillian suggests, in a whisper, "The maps." Of course, he has them all memorized anyway...

Lady Syn looks worried at that move. Part of her would love to jump overboard and write this off as a loss but wyld around and all that.

Megumi says, "There. We've lost our maps, to tell us where to go, and so not only have we lost something important to us, but we've also lost ourselves. And I'm sure there'll be a great story in this for you to watch unfold. Does that satisfy?"

Orillian whispers, "Ech, 'tis no fae, but perhaps it likes stories anyway."

The wind picks up as the map is tossed over and absorbed into the creature, which somehow manages to keep flowing seawater. It sinks back down under the waves until it completely vanishes. Syn notes that the waters ahead look much safer to sail through now. "Pass."

Megumi motions for the crew to get the ship a-moving.

Orillian taps his stomach, then sends the beetle down to order full speed ahead.

Lady Syn sails onwards.

Big Red pulls his hat lower over his now slightly glowing cast mark and moves back to what he was doing

The Squall heads out full speed ahead and they get the feeling that the Wyld waters are closing behind them. Time and space have no proper meaning here, but Syn continues to sail. But without a proper map, and given where they're at, it's a bit like sailing blind. Then comes the sound of thunder as churning clouds gather in the green sky and the waters turn black and frothy. Looks like a storm is coming. Thunder flashes, lightning booms and the rain begins to fall. Upwards. Ryoujal and Orillian are kept busy as they run all over the place to ensure the rain doesn't affect the Squall.

Megumi grins at the flash of lightning and climbs a bit up the forward rigging, gesturing as needed to direct the crew. Ahh. A storm. This is her element. ...Though it is a little odd, even for Megumi.

Ryoujal holds on to the other crew as they run over the ship, stabilizing it, "My mother bought a clam, in her hand it went bam!" He chants to get everybody running on the same foot so nobody's falling behind.

Lady Syn tries to keep the Squall steady in the storm.

Orillian frowns and thinks that he probably should have mentioned they were at a Waypoint _before_ setting full speed.

Big Red watches the storm with amazed at the sights "Kind of glad I joined up now. Stuff I'd never of seen in the Guild."

The Squall is tossed and turned and the rain becomes heavier. The raindrop leave their mark by blowing a hole through the ship where they pass, but with Orillian and Ryoujal moving such marks are rare and the crew patches it up immediately before any Wyld water seeps in. Thunder continues to flash, and strikes near the ship at some point, and the light is incredible. Lightning booms soon after, the sound rolling over them like the waves are attempting to roll over the ship.

Orillian points out, "Aye, and like you'll never see again, even if ye come back here!"

Ryoujal says, "I ate a squid from Shi-naie, then I had ink to write for 50 days! Your left..."

Megumi cackles and chortles a bit on the rigging, gesturing here and there and peering out into the darkness and storm.

Up in the rigging isn't the smartest place to be in a storm, let alone a Wyld one. But for Megumi, she has missed the storm so much, she's willing to savour it, even if it is a Wyld storm. She's tossed around like the little rag doll she is, but manages to keep hold of some ropes to keep from flying overboard. The others are not so adventurous and just barely keep their footing although Orillian does stumble a few times. Through it all, Syn continues to sail, keeping steady and attempting to keep to a course she doesn't even know. Then the storm stops abruptly and Megumi falls to the deck of the ship without the winds to keep her up there. A thick blue fog rolls in, stopping only at the edges of the protective circle around Ryoujal and Orillian. It's difficult to see where they're heading.

Orillian observes, "Well... we're lost!"

Megumi flops a little lazily on the deck after impact. "Whee! That was fun." She starts to rise. "Now, where's that...ship?" She blinks at the haze and fog. She liked fog well enough, though it lacked the nearly electric charge that sailing through a storm gave her. Still...this was a WEIRD fog. She approaches the bow to look over and see what's going on up front.

Orillian coughs. "Um, captain, perhaps ye should hang back a bit..." he heads foreward to try and keep her in the bubble.

Lady Syn says, "All right, you dogs, I don't want to hit anything so keep an eye out for anything solid."

Ryoujal says, "I don't know, but I don't like the look of this fog..."

Big Red still looks on amazed at the sudden changes "That’s it. I am writing a book."

You paged Megumi with 'As they're sailing, she sees the faint hint of something very solid up ahead and in their path.'

Lady Syn says, "Where the Wyld Things are?"

Big Red shrugs his shoulder to Syn. "Maybe"

Megumi peers into the distance ahead. "There's something up there. An island, or ship perhaps. Something solid."

Lady Syn says, "Towards or away?"

Megumi says, "Dead ahead?"

Orillian says, "Another Waypoint, I hope, where we can drop anchor and proceed ourselves!"

Lady Syn says, "I meant do you want me to head towards it or avoid it"

Megumi says, "Head toward it, I suppose."

Lady Syn nods and brings the ship towards the mass.

As they head carefully towards it, the fog parts just in front of them to reveal a beautiful island. The sand is a soft gold while the skies are a beautiful blue with white, fluffy clouds. There's even a lush forest to complete the picture of an island paradise.

Orillian sees a gleaming orichalcum factory-cathedral with a half-dozen stunning female lab assistants wearing glasses and labcoats. And nothing else.

Big Red looks over the railing and rubs his eyes. "Look at that. It’s perfect. Dare I say a place that could be a......Home. Quick Syn, make land so we can explore it."

Orillian says, "Aye, that could be a home alright..."

Megumi glances at the officers. "It's a pretty enough island, to be sure, but it's nothing compared to Storm Isle, for me at least.." she mutters in confusion.

Lady Syn steers towards the island without need for the others insistence.

Among the crew, some of them just look happy to see a lovely island in the middle of this Wyld madness. Others seem eager to land on the beach wit various mutterings of family, friends and gems.

Big Red says, "Are you kidding. There’s sand and warmth. Looks to be plentiful fruit and fresh water."

Megumi nods. "And there's all that at home, too. Oh, it's a welcome respite from the Wyld..."

Ryoujal looking out at the island he sees a rather tall and lovely woman, though with some scales and a pair of reptillian wings dressed in the finest silk bikini about, "Lady Caritharnas, what are you doing out here?"

The Squall quickly beaches itself nearby. Frankly, it nearly runs aground but Syn is rather eager and so are some of the men to land. Various people jump overboard to land on the soft golden sand and start moving around the island, some speaking to people, others just resting on a beautiful stable piece of land.

Megumi lurches and falls overboard from her perch by the bow, falling into the sand. "...Don't worry, I can get up by myself...ugh."

Orillian is immediately accosted by the female assistants who have no qualms about showing off their looks and intelligence. And they lead him into the beautiful factory cathedral where there are all kinds of wonders, various things that Orillian has heard and dreamed about but has never seen.

Lady Caritharnas smiles when Ryoujal approaches. "I am here to find you Ryoujal. Are you not pleased to see me?"

Big Red leaps over board and starts toward the interior of the island. "Time to see what wonders this places has that could make a fantastic Home."

Megumi dusts herself off and stands upright. "This whole falling thing is getting a little old," she says, wincing as she rubs at the armor over her butt.

Ryoujal jumps off of the ship and lands in the sand, creating a decent sized crater. Without missing a beat he runs over to the god-blooded woman, hugging her, "Yes I am, more happy than I ever was. It's been so long since I saw you, or anybody else from back home..."

Lady Syn stands frozen lost in her fantasy unable to put it into words around her.

Lady Syn leaves the others to their happiness and revelries. Her place is the shadows and there is prey there.

Orillian lets the lovely ladies lead him along and show off their brilliant projects. And half the time, that's even what he's paying attention to.

Red finds that the trees are laden with ripe fruits and there is so much to eat. Clear streams of fresh water flow through the forest to provide water and if he just looks, there is a nice network of caves that could function well as a wonderful home.

Megumi sighs. "Well, I suppose the crew could use a respite...wait. Hey, Orillian! Are we actually in one of those Wayspot thingies?"

Big Red grabs a fruit and starts to munch on it as he wanders into the cave. Loving everything he sees so far.

Caritharnas smiles again and draws Ryoujal closer to her. "And it has been far too long since I have seen you. Do you not think this island makes a beautiful home? Many of us have moved here."

Megumi frowns. This all seems too good to be true. She peers at her crew, and then at the things they're each falling all over. After some examination of that, she starts peering at the foliage, and what's beneath and behind it.

Orillian looks around. "Hmm, I guess so, Captain."

Megumi says, "Don't guess! Do you know?"

Ryoujal is rather surprised at Caritharnas' comment, "So many have moved here? But what about your father?"

The fruit is tender and succulent, extremely juicy and full of flavour. The cave network is a rather cosy place, and there seems to be various hollowed out places and stone furnishings that could function as chairs, tables and even beds.

In the corner of the island, far from where they have landed, Syn sees a base of Lintha scum. But they do not see her. The perfect prey.

Megumi looks around, but really doesn't see anything that wrong. There are people on the island, but it isn't surprising if the place is good enough to support people. So maybe it's weird that there's a factory-cathedral in the area, but perhaps that's what has kept the place stable.

Orillian continues to examine the wondrous technology. "Well, ma'am, the factory-cathedral probably reinforced Creation here..."

Lady Syn silently she draws her blade and leaps towards the closest one cutting him down then turning on the others hoping to remove the stain from this island to make it a true paradise for the crew.

"Father has released us from the islands. We only need to continue to worship him from here. Come now Ryoujal, why do you question so much? I will lead you to meet the others from home." Caritharnas smiles and draws Ryoujal along gently, introducing him to various other people.

Megumi sighs, shakes her head, and looks around the isle a bit, on the off chance that it looks anything like any of the islands on the holographic map artifact.

Syn cuts him down and more lintha emerge to challenge her. But all fall under her sword. There are many of them and they continue to charge at her but she is unstoppable, her sword continue to flash as she attempts to rid this place of the lintha scourge. Ryoujal says, "No reason just... it's..."

Terris follows after Orillian into the factory-cathedral and looks around the whole place in great wonder. The assistants don't ignore him either, perfectly willing to smile and guide him around the place with Orillian.

Big Red smiles "This will do nicely. Some work here and there. Maybe even build a few odds and ends and a person could live a long peaceful life here."

Ryoujal smiling he follows along with his lady, saying hello to her subjects and marvelling that so many of his old friends were there already.

Avery has followed after Red, looking around the cave network. He too has picked up a piece of fruit and is munching away happily. The fruit doesn't appear to have any ill effect on him either. "I'll say. This place is like a big paradise. And this fruit is delicious." He finishes the fruit and takes another one out from his pocket.

Burning Snake is trailing curiously after Ryoujal and finally decides to interrupt Ryoujal in his greeting of other old friends. "Who are these people? How do you know them?"

Gyar is shaking his head, looking at how everyone has simply scattered over the island. "This isn't good Captain. We're so spread out. It'll take some work to drag everyone back to the ship. Although it does look like a good place to resupply." While Megumi racks her brains, she can't really see how this island is similar to the one on the map. There's no docks, and the shape looks different. And it's much too beautiful.

Megumi nods to Gyar. "I know. It feels...off. Let's gather the supplies, give them a couple of hours to have their fun, and then start assembling them."

Ryoujal says, "Oh, Burning Snake, this is Lady Caritharnas, leader of mortal matters on my home islands and... my... girlfriend..."

Ryoujal he blushes quite a bit saying that last bit.

Ryoujal says, "These others are my friends from the island, like Ten Cane, the guy with five arms over there and Ylsabane the lady with four... er... you know... busoms...."

Burning Snake raises an eyebrow but gives a knowing grin. "Ah, fine taste in women Ryoujal. Nice to meet you Lady Caritarnas." He bobs his head politely and the Lady nods politely. "And the rest of you too. I had a great time with Ryoujal. He's a good guy."

Orillian happily lets Terris follow along; after all, six assistants are a lot to handle. "Now, let's see the cathedral!"

Gyar is shaking his head again, and grabs some of the less smitten crew to start collecting fruits and water to resupply the ship. It'll certainly take a few hours.

Terris is still wide-eyed with wonder and when the cathedral shows up, it's simply incredible. The cathedral is as grand as Orillian has ever dared dreamed and it looks like he can accomplish much if he stays here.

Ryoujal says, "Thank you Burning Snake. As you can see Lady Caritharnas, I have kept very good company since I left."

Orillian rubs his hands together eagerly. "Heh heh heh. Who needs to FIND a ship?"

Syn continues to kill the Lintha, and as she fights, she notices that they're getting more desperate. They also seem to want to prevent her from reaching a particular door.

Lady Syn angles towards the door since obviously it holds something of significance.

Megumi gathers the fruits before moving inland to find a good source of fresh water. Big Red says, "Well Avery, we had better start getting things around. We can gather food and water from the area. We can also take a lot of the supplies we need from the ship. Lets get moving."

Orillian starts drawing up the schematics that he can remember from the essence hologram. "Very nice work ladies, but this is the real prize!"

The Lintha pirates are no match for her and she smashes her way through the door. More Lintha swarm over to stop her, but she puts them down casually. There's a strange creature inside the room, circled with some eerie light and surrounded by tougher Lintha pirates. But they're still no match for her.

Lady Syn aims her bloody blade at the strange creature. "And what are you, fiend? The secret leader of these scum?"

Avery grins, chewing away on the fruit. "It's a pretty excellent place to make a home, but I guess you should tell the Captain first." Conveniently, as they leave to gather more fruits and other supplies, they meet Megumi who is gathering some fruits of her own and has found a lovely stream filled with crystal clear freshwater.

Megumi turns to Avery and Red. "Ah, good. Could you help me gather these supplies? We need to resupply the ship."

The creature growls softly. "I was that which gave these demons life, though I am but one of many. If you destroy me and my brothers, that which you call the Lintha may finally be destroyed forever. So do it. I grow weary of my cage."

Big Red says, "Ah. Captain was just about to head back to the ship. We can start moving the cargo in here right away. With in days we could have a palace fit for a king."

Orillian tells Terris to start looking around for the material stockpiles to build the new ship while he regales his assistants with the specifications. Of course, they all swoon.

Lady Syn says, "Did they kill my shadow?"

Terris is delighted to help in any way he can and the assistant is glad to help him, leading the way to a truly large stockpile of various raw materials. "You can make anything you've ever dreamed of from this!" Terris exclaims.

Megumi quirks an eyebrow at Red. "Excuse me?"

Big Red says, "We need to hurry before we lose the light. We can get the basics to the caves tonight and the rest in the next couple of days. In no time we can have a nice settlement built here."

"I know not. But it is likely. The Lintha are your enemy are they not? They will do anything to destroy their enemies." The creature replies, still growling softly. "Now finish it! My brothers lie elsewhere on this island. You must promise to find them and release them as well. As you will release me."

Megumi says, ".....Wait, wait, wait. Who said anything about REMOVING supplies from the Squall? A settlement? A palace? We're not staying here."

Lady Syn spins and cuts the creature down.

Avery is nodding alongside Red. "Why not? It's a beautiful place Captain. Just taste the fruits they have. I could eat them forever."

Big Red says, "Why not. I've seen nothing better in all the South and the bits of the West I've been to. This is paradise"

The creature makes no sound and dies silently. But the Lintha all around are crying in terror. Some continue to fight Syn, but even she can feel the weakness in their intent. Others are fleeing, perhaps to where the brother of the creatures are trapped.

Orillian nods. "Ahh, very good Mr. Terris. Ladies, if ye'd lay out the first components, please..." he directs them around based off his scematics, admiring the view when they have to bend over to set something down or stretch to reach something.

Lady Syn cuts into another Lintha then looks at the fleeing ones. "Lead on, boys. I've got all the time in the world and your treasures will leave your bloody hands before I'm done."

Megumi snorts. "Hardly. This place gives me the creeps. If it looks too good to be true...anyway, I am *NOT* staying here. If you're willing to abandon your agreement to the ship, that's your choice, but you will not remove supplies vital to ship operations to build this fantasy of yours.

Lady Caritharnas smiles. "Indeed. You have wonderful friends. Why don't you invite them all to stay? I am sure we all have much to share."

Ryoujal says, "I think I will, this place seems wonderful..."

Lady Caritharnas easily leads Ryoujal and Burning Snake to where others have gathered and have prepared a feast to welcome him. "Sit. Drink. Let us make merry."

You paged Megumi with 'Megumi realises that there's something very weird on this island. Why is everyone so eager to stay? Even Orillian and Red seem to want to stay.'

Ryoujal says, "Yes that would be best, you wouldn't believe what we have went through just to get here... Though we should probably invite the others, some of them probably could use it a little more than me."

If Syn takes the time to look around, she'll find all kinds of treasure inside their lair. Once she defeats the Lintha scourge, she can become a very rich woman indeed, if she is so inclined. But for now, she chases after the fleeing Lintha, knowing that she may finally destroy the Lintha once and for all.

Big Red says, "Look around there is no fantasy here. This is the most peaceful place in all of creation. No more having to worry about others. A man is free to run his own life here."

"Everyone will be seen to Ryoujal. This feast is in your honour. Come and join us." Someone plays some melodies that Ryoujal remembers from his childhood and the feasting begins. Burning Snake is enjoying everything. "Man, you have some great friends Ryoujal."

Lady Syn notes to return for the gold and keep a few lowly Lintha alive to handle it in case its poisoned again.

Ryoujal stands for a second, loyalty to his capitan nagging at him, but then he gives in sitting down at his rather big seat of honor, "Thank you this is simply perfect..." He says taking a jug of sake and chugging it a few seconds.

Megumi says, "Yeah, and it's all wrong. It's as if it were created specifically to BE some paradise. Who would have done that, and why? There's far too much we don't know about this. And besides, I have other goals. Goals which cannot be accomplished here. Returning to Storm Isle, for one."

Terris eagerly gets to work, and so does the assistants. They make it a point to bend and stretch as much as possible, brushing up against both Orillian and Terris with the slightest excuse. They can certainly enjoy the wonderful view.

Megumi turns with her supplies and heads for the Squall. "If you want to stay here..fine; but I don't recommend it."

Big Red lets her go as he starts work on gathering up supplies

You paged Megumi with 'She can't quite remember what exactly it is, but she seems to have heard of some kind of paradise islands in the Wyld. Which would probably be a bad thing.'

Orillian continues working on the ship, oblivious to anything else going on, except of course for his assistants. Of course, the Captain will be happy when he finishes it.

Megumi frowns. Maybe...sigh. Orillian knows far more about the esoteric than she. After making HASTE to get her current armload of supplies to the Squall (and instructing Gyar not to let anyone pull stuff off of it), she heads to this factory-cathedral to look for Orillian.

Ryoujal continues to drink with his companions, regaling them with tales of his adventures since leaving the island, and giving demonstrations of his strength, lifting a whole side of barbaqued yeddim to impress his islander, more importnatly Lady Caritharnas.

Gyar nods and sends Berane back to ensure that the supplies will be well looked after. Besides, the island seems to be able to provide for most things that they could imagine. Orillian is in the factory-cathedral with his scandalous assistants and Terris looking along and trying not to stare too hard and do what he has been asked to.

Orillian is working away eagerly, occasionally stepping in behind one of his 'assistants' to guide her work directly.

Megumi approaches Orillian. "Hey."

Megumi says, "Something is...strange, here. It's all too perfect. Wasn't there some sort of legend about an island in the Wyld that was supposed to be like a false paradise?"

Orillian twirls one of his fantasy assistants around with him when he hears the captain. "Aye, cap'n?" Come to think of it, Megumi may notice a slight resemblance between herself and the labcoated woman.

Megumi eyes the woman briefly. ...Huh...wasn't...naaah, couldn't be.

Lady Syn continues stalking the Lintha heedless to the irony of her killing people that usually kill those fleeing in terror.

Orillian looks around. "It seem to be quite real, Cap'n, though perhaps being out in the Wyld's affected the cathedral and it's producing..."

Ryoujal's performance is well received, and the people clap and cheer and soak up his tales bravado. Caritharnas smiles as well and looks at him in such a way that he knows he will be having company tonight. Burning Snake is joining along and flirting with a few of the ladies present as well.

Avery is perfectly willing to help Red, but when they get to the ship, they realise that Berane is keeping a close watch on the ship's supplies. "Captain's orders. No one gets to take out any supplies. You can harvest from the island though." He tells the two of them.

Ryoujal says, "It's good to be home! You are the best!"

Big Red reluctantly leaves the ships supplies be for now and moves back to getting things from the land.

Orillian says, "And besides, cap'n, I'm building us a ship."

Megumi eyes the ship Orillian is building. "At least you DO intend to leave with me when you're done with that, right? The ship is being built to be used? Not going to change your mind and decide to keep the Factory instead of the ship?"

Lady Syn chases after the fleeing Lintha, and it's rather exhilarating to know that she has them fleeing in terror and could quite possibly defeat them once and for all. The Lintha are much too stupid to try and hide their tracks, and soon she has followed them to yet another lair on another part of the island. They're practically screaming in terror when Syn comes and throw themselves against her uselessly.

Red works on building his new home, Orillian works on his many wonders, Ryoujal continues his feast while Syn continues her hunt. Meanwhile, Megumi is left to wonder what exactly is going on, as the island tightens its grip on the Solars.

On to Session Nine