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[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame | Back to Performer's Game]]<br>
[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame|Back to Performer's Game]]<br>
[[Shorlixa/PGSessionTwo | To Session Two]]
[[Shorlixa/PGSessionTwo|To Session Two]]
Storyteller says:<br>
Storyteller says:<br>
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All hell proceeds to break lose.
All hell proceeds to break lose.
[[Shorlixa/PGSessionFour | Session Four]]<br>
[[Shorlixa/PGSessionFour|Session Four]]<br>
[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame | Back to Performer's Game]]
[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame|Back to Performer's Game]]

Latest revision as of 01:54, 9 June 2010

Back to Performer's Game
To Session Two

Storyteller says:
We now return to our Solar heroes. Where last we left them, Hana had just killed a child they know was either fae or fae-blooded. The screams filling the air indicate a commotion that will likely spread throughout the town and bring some very angry people to their doorstep. While they might not be able to pin the murders on the troupe, it’s still true that the kid was killed moments after leaving the performance. Running through the streets back to the troupe takes Hana a relatively short amount of time.

Storyteller says:
No one spots Hana sneaking back to the caravan. Or so she hopes.

Okihana says:
"Um, hello again, people. I was able to, ah, track that boy and pin him down, except it seems that I have pinned him down permanently."

Needles says:
Needles blinks.

Needles says:
Then heads off in the directions where the screams are loudest.

Gelderon says:
"So you killed him? Does this end the problem?" Gelderon looks from Needles retreating form to Hana.

Storyteller says:
The screams are far far away at the moment.

Bell says:
"Oh. Oh damn. That was not a good idea Hana."

Okihana says:
"Well, it eliminates one threat but it brings up yet another..."

Okihana says:
"I didn't MEAN to kill him- just cripple him!"

Okihana says:
Hana fiddles with another cold iron dagger uncertainly.

Gelderon says:
"Not a good idea? That thing was a demon. You made the right choice"

Gelderon says:
Gelderon pats her on the back in support.

Okihana says:
"Maybe the forest spirit can intercede in our favour or something..."

Bell says:
"We didn't have any CONCLUSIVE proof... killing was premature. Trailing it back to it's lair... that would have been good. But what's done is done. Time for damage control

Storyteller says:
There's still the people outside watching the show. They haven't heard of any commotion. Yet.

Gelderon says:
Gelderon tugs at his beard, contemplating the next move. Was that the source of the evil that Hana had killed? Probably not.

Storyteller says:
Needles walks through the streets. Hana really trailed the kid pretty far. It's quite a distance to where the commotion is as people start flooding the streets, wondering what's going on. As he reaches the crowd, he hears a voice speak. "The troupe killed him." He hears the sincerity and truth in these words and so do the people around him. The confused murmurs soon become anger.

Storyteller says:
The people are now shouting for justice, and are quite ready to mob the performers and prepare to march right over there to do so. Needles will have to move quickly.

Needles says:
Needles flees the mob. And hopefully gets back to the troupe alive.

Needles says:
Needles winces. Oh dear, this is going to be really bad. He recalls the happy, joy-filled days of his youth, hiding from the large intimidating people in the village...and the occasional god sent over to terrorise the workshops...and the foreman who wanted a promotion...all excellent practice in appearing inconspicuous, harmless, and generally drawing as little attention as possible. He hides the medical kit away, ducks into the shadow of a building, and slips into a long-familiar position signalling 'don't look at me, there's no need to'. From what he remembers of the town on his first trip through, an optimal route would be...aha. Not too much of a detour, yet no one seems to use these alleys...

Storyteller says:
Needles runs, and runs fast. He manages to avoid the dead ends and many other pitfalls of using the less savoury routes. And so he gets back to the troupe before the mob gets there. He estimates it'll be maybe fifteen minutes before the mob gathers enough people to charge right in yelling for blood.

Gelderon says:
"Well what exactly is going on down there?"

Needles says:
"They want to kill us."

Gelderon says:
"Do they?"

Okihana says:
Hana buries her head in her hands.

Gelderon says:
"I've got to say that is not great news. Couldn't you calm them down?"

Needles says:
Needles turns his most intimidating glare at Gelderon. That is to say, very little.

Okihana says:
"Fleeing would be simple enough, but packing up the entire troupe is quite a different issue altogether. There's not much time, so I'm in favour of just slipping away for now to buy us a little more of it."

Needles says:
"They're disturbingly fast to try to lynch us. I suspect another faerie."

Bell says:
Bell gives her a hard look, "I am most certainly not abandoning my stage and set! Nor my actors and crew."

Needles says:
"...also, someone said 'the troupe killed him', and it sounded like that person actually believed it. Now, given that no one would suspect us, unless they possess various interesting Charms..."

Gelderon says:
"How big a mob do you imagine they can gather? Wait a charm? another demon fae maybe?"

Bell says:
"It sounded like they believed it? Someone shouting something out of a mob, and it sounded like it was 'true'? That definately feels like a charm to me."

Gelderon says:
"Well if its another demon I have a responsibility to kill it. I swore an oath to the nature spirit that I would protect or at the very least avenge its lifeforce"

Needles says:
"If it's alright with you in the future, I think I'm not going to do scoutwork again. That was, to put it mildly, a slightly disturbing experience."

Okihana says:
Hana raises an eyebrow, though her face is still in her palms.

Bell says:
"I don't think we'll be getting out of here alive if we don't kill it eventually. It knows we're onto it, and it won't be likely to rest until we're dead."

Gelderon says:
"So how many will the mob consist of?"

Okihana says:
Hana estimates the time remaining.

Storyteller says:
Needles remembers a huge crowd. More will likely join them as the anger spreads. Ten minutes and counting as the time ticks down.

Needles says:
"...too many. They'll be here in about ten minutes."

Bell says:
"I don't suppose anyone could lend me any essence? I'm out. And I need some very badly."

Needles says:
"...um. I'll learn a Charm to do that. Though, not quite...now, I don't have the time to bother Lotus."

Gelderon says:
"Well we need a plan of action. What are we going to do?"

Bell says:
"I'll try to talk to them, while you try to pinpoint the fairy. If that doesn't work, we'll put on a sufficiently impressive show that they'll be intimidated into backing off. If that doesn't work, I guess we fight."

Okihana says:
"I'll keep on the lookout with Needles, in that case."

Storyteller says:
When Needles and Hana go outside, they hear the sounds of shouts and angry cries. The flame from torches dot the town as the citizens prepare to go down to confront the troupe. They have five minutes left.

Gelderon says:
"Point out the faery I will keep my eye on it after you do"

Bell says:
Bell begins pacing back and forth backstage, rehearsing what he will say to the mob when they arrive.

Bell says:
Bell has a sudden brainstorm, and scrounges up as much flashpaper as he can.

Okihana says:
Hana opts for a vantage point somewhere on the outskirts of the forest, where they connect with the clearing.

Bell says:
He hides beneath the trapdoor in the middle of the stage.

Gelderon says:
Gelderon keeps a hand on his axe and stays to the shadows.

Needles says:
Needles finds a spot hidden by curtains that gives him a good view of the mob, in particular any people who look like they might be subtly edging them on. Then he goes to talk to Lotus until they actually show up.

Storyteller says:
And now everyone can hear the mob. They march through the streets in no particular order, merely shouting for blood and justice. Several carry torches, and many carry weapons of some sort, whether they are axes, bows, knives or wooden clubs. There are a lot of them, and while they are exalts, even this many people will wear them down.

"Come out!" Someone roars. "Face justice for the murder of a child!" There are resounding cries of approval at that. "Kill them!" Some shouts. "Murderers!" Come other shouts.

Storyteller says:
The audience they had is quickly merged into the mob as they find out what has happened.

Bell says:
There is a sudden crash of thunder and flash of light from the middle of the stage, and smoke billows up. When it clears, bell is seen standing perfectly still. He gives a low bow.

Bell says:
“Ladies and gentlemen, if I might have your attention before you begin lynching us! Ladies and gentlemen, what happened today was a tragedy. But before you point fingers of blame, I would like you to look at yourselves. How were you behaving before the performance tonight? How have you been behaving these past few days, before we arrived?

Needles says:
Needles takes out one of the daggers he made earlier, cuts his palm, and starts tracing on a convenient flat surface with blood, performing various rituals to appease the natural gods of an area and to expel the unnatural ones...except modified to be anti-faerie.

Bell says:
Look deep within your hearts and see the truth. When I first came into the city today, we saw brawling like we had never seen before. Fighting. We saved a man from being beaten to death. Look at your forest! A dying forest spirit is surviving on human sacrifice! Try to think back to weeks or months ago, and think how your lives were. Now look at them now.”

Bell says:
His voice, which was pitched to carry before, now drops to a near stage whisper.

Bell says:
Softly. “You have become monsters, all of you, giving into every temptation that crosses your path. But, believe it or not, it is not your fault. There is an even greater monster amongst you. Think of your legends. Think of your folklore. What fiends feed on chaos and pain, on lust and rage and delight? What could have transformed your village so completely, before we even arrived? THINK!"

Bell says:
"Raksha!” He hisses out the word like an obscenity. "You who were here, you know we invited the boy backstage and he became anxious and hysterical. But you also know we meant him no harm. Why, then, would we kill him now? Who blamed us for his death first? And why?"

Storyteller says:
Bell gives his speech with great fervour, complete with all the flourishes of a performer.

Storyteller says:
Some people consider his words. Others seem confused. Some might even be convinced. But not all are. "What proof do you have!? How are we to know you are not the monsters!?" A few cry, though now they seem less inclined to lynch the whole lot of them.

Bell says:
"Hand me a piece of cold iron, and I'll demonstrate right here," grins Bell cockily.

Gelderon says:
Gelderon looks for the fae wildly, but sees nothing.

Storyteller says:
Needles scans the crowd with his use of blood and other sigils to focus his gaze as he searches the crowd. But his search comes up with no one that seems tangibly fae.

Storyteller says:
Hana looks at the big groups before them and sees five people who seem to be the ringleaders, shouting out at Bell and crying for justice. Or maybe just vengeance.

Bell says:
While waiting for someone to offer a chunk of metal, Bell scans the crowd with eyes used to singling out hecklers and targets.

Storyteller says:
"Cold iron is not so easily available. And you may not be one of the Fair Folk, simply a monster." One of them spits.

Storyteller says:
Hana notes that it's one of the ringleaders.

Bell says:
"Might I point out that the trouble here started well before we arrived? And that we have eyewitnesses who can verify we were dozens of miles away when it did begin?"

Storyteller says:
"There are so many of you. How do we know you did not send your people into the town?" The man scowls angrily. "You were backstage. None of us saw all of your troupe." Another person mentions.

Storyteller says:
Some people seem convinced, but not many. It's an argument to convince the people as the ringleaders and Bell debate.

Okihana says:
The convenient belt-pouch always on Hana's person soon yields a smooth, round object to her urgently searching fingers, which she draws out only after checking carefully around her to note no one is watching. She determines to focus on the surface thoughts of the hecklers, beginning with the most dangerous one according to her instinct - and grasps the hearthstone as she focuses on him, and then the other four - one by one.

Bell says:
"Shall I call our entire group out for you to see, that you may verify for yourselves that we weren't here before? Would that be a reasonable way to resolve this?"

Storyteller says:
"Like any of us can remember all the people in your troupe." The man snaps. "You have so many people." There is agreement at these words, but some also like the fact that he is willing to do so.

Bell says:
"I am trying to be reasonable here. You don't seem to be willing to negotiate at all. How about this. You tell me what we can do to satisfy your concerns. Simply saying 'No you might be monsters' and 'no, I have a poor memory' is hardly going to get us anywhere."

Storyteller says:
As Hana focuses, there's a lot of confusing fragments of thoughts as she reads all their minds. There's anger mainly. Certainty that they're murderers. One or two have doubts, but feel they are responsible for problems in town. One or two have the not so nice motivation of wanting to stir up trouble, but most are simply angry at the troupe and feel they are responsible.

Storyteller says:
At this point, Bell fouls up a little. The people's reaction at being basically told they're being stupid is anger, and it is not a good way to get their agreement. But some others are nodding, and listening.

Bell says:
"I'm quite serious here. We aren't going to resolve this issue unless you tell us how we can. The more important issue is what to do about the raksha. I don’t suppose any of you remember who first accused us of murder, do you?"

Storyteller says:
"We remember that. The children did. We're inclined to believe them." Comes the quick retort.

Okihana says:
Using the forest as cover, Hana briskly makes her way over to where Needles is, and conveys the information she has learnt, in a whisper barely loud enough to reach Bell's ears but difficult enough to detect from the fairly noisy crowd below.

Bell says:
"Well, I have a little challenge. We actually had heard rumours of fair folk up here, and we came prepared. I have cold iron on my arrow-heads. I don't suppose anyone would like to inspect them, then hand it around the crowd, would you? And as for the children... they are children. Excitable. Hysterical. They are easily swayed by peers and have overactive imaginations."

Needles says:
Needles nods, grabs Hana's hand, and adds her blood into the mix, modifying the ritual to check for unnatural influence of any sort on the ones who want to stir up trouble.

Needles says:
And the children, too.

Okihana says:
Hana winces slightly, but peers over at the mix, interested.

Storyteller says:
There's a derisive sound, but not from the same person. "Right. So what if you have cold iron, like was mentioned, you could be some other demon"

Storyteller says:
But then, there are others who do see the reason in his words. Just a bit more and he might have them.

Needles says:
The symbols are very pretty.

Bell says:
"It's true. I could be some other type of demon. But what I believe is there is a raksha in the audience. Of course, if you aren't one, you have nothing to fear from holding the arrow. And the only reason for anyone to object to this little experiment is if they have something to fear from holding the arrows."

Storyteller says:
Ril tries to look, but the strong emotions of the audience gets in the way of looking. Hana looks, and sees that there are no children in the crowd.

Storyteller says:
The second heckler goes up to grab the arrows off of him. "I'm not afraid." She snaps.

Needles says:
Needles winces. "There's a lot of emotions flying around. I can't spot anything. ...sorry about your hand, it'll heal by tomorrow."

Bell says:
"Excellent. You might want to have the children touch the iron to be sure too."

Okihana says:
"Good to hear," Hana grins. In a slightly raised volume loud enough for Bell and maybe the front row to hear, she continues - "Did you notice there are no children in that crowd?"

Storyteller says:
"You think we'll subject our children to this? You've already killed one. We won't let you kill another. There, take the arrows! Show him we have no Fair Folk in our midst!" She shouts and tosses the arrows into the crowd, blatantly touching the iron tip so everyone sees that she's no fae.

Okihana says:
Hana watches intently for signs of sleight-of-hand involved in avoiding the arrows.

Bell says:
"How would touching cold iron harm the children if they are not changelings?"

Gelderon says:
Gelderon decides to move to the right flank of the crowd, he wants to make sure he can strike when the faerie is revealed, but makes sure he isn't too obvious in his intent.

Storyteller says:
"They are not here to be subjected to your wiles." The woman answers. "You think we would bring them here so you might prey upon them again? Never!" The arrows make their way through the crowd, each person holding the arrow head, some obviously showing themselves holding it, others just grabbing it before passing around. But Hana sees no one that seems to have avoided the arrows. The mob is pretty big though.

Storyteller says:
As Gelderon watches, he sees someone with a torch who seems prepared to just toss the thing on the stage.

Bell says:
"Then we stand at an impasse. The fae have been known to kidnap children and substitute changelings for them. Unless you are willing to test everyone, and I mean everyone in your community, you'll never know if there is a chaotic monster sleeping in your child's bed or not. Wouldn't you rather know?"

Storyteller says:
"We'll test them away from your eyes." The arrows continue to pass among the crowd. But with three arrowheads and over a hundred people it's going to be slow going.

Gelderon says:
Gelderon leaps in front of him(torch thrower) drawing his axe and towering over the perpetrator, "Throw that torch my friend and it will be the last thing you ever do" His manner speaks to his danger and ability to kill with lethality.

Bell says:
"Then do so. Have we any further business, my friends?"

Storyteller says:
And then Gelderon proceeds to threaten the torch bearer, who promptly drops the torch and the people near him scatter.

"See! See how his friend seeks to attack us, while he confuses us with his words!" The woman screeches, pointing at Gelderon.

Bell says:
"My friends, if Gelderon wished you dead, you would be already. This was merely a friendly warning."

Gelderon says:
"I have little time to deal with weak snivelling townsfolk. There is a demon in this town and I am going to kill it. If you stand in the way of me and my blood oath, very very bad things will happen to you. I am a man of honor, and I give you my word that no child was killed in this village by us. If that isn't good enough then me......and my polar bear.....are going to have to become very angry...something none of you want to see"

Needles says:
Needles sighs. "If we get out of this alive, remind me to make Gelderon take classes from Bell in public speaking?"

Needles says:
Needles draws on his gloves and moves his hands in a complicated pattern, hanging the essence-patterns for Whirlpool Guardian Style on the tips of his fingers.

Storyteller says:
Gelderon scares a number of them into submission. But it is true that people find strength in numbers. "No more talk! Get them!" The woman shouts and launches herself at Bell.

All hell proceeds to break lose.

Session Four
Back to Performer's Game