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<willows> ... In The Bell Garden ...

Arkadi grinds out his cigarette and leans against the pillar, either he's early or they're late and frankly...he hates waiting

willows is now known as Emissary

Malic meanders up to the Red, smiling all friendly-like. "Nice to meet you, Arkadi. I'd guess that the Magnate's servant will be here in a while, they're generally late."

<Arkadi> "Typical."

Emissary rushes through the southern gate. He appears to be a child with fine red-orange feathers in the place of hair. "Here you are."

<Malic> "We are here. Traffic problems?"

<Emissary> "Someone fell into a canal."

<Emissary> "So, hoe are you gentlemen?" The boy is playing with a cup-and-ball toy.

<Emissary> (how)

Arkadi looks up as he lights up a fresh smoke "Just peachy."

<Malic> "Decent, you know. Making ends meet, struggling to survive. Only one feast a day, might have to sell my Jade shower curtain next month. All that."

<Arkadi> "*Howeverwill you manage?"

<Emissary> 'Really? You should get that boss of yours to give you a raise. I hear that you do a lot of work for her *coughafter hours."

Arkadi fights to keep the smirk off his face

Malic shrugs. "I'll survive, somehow. Perserverence and all that. I'd rather talk about the tangled Red down in the East at the moment."

<Emissary> "Fair enough." He sits down in the grass.

<Emissary> (DT, how much do you know, OOC, of this situation?)

<Arkadi> ((Absolutely *dick*)

<Emissary> (Awesome. Quick summary: Red failed to Exalt because he chose worldly attachments over a Battles destiny, and in the process got captured by an enemy. The Circle is working to set him free and set up a new critical choice.)

<Emissary> (Also there was an Underworld astrological effect on him, that might have something to do with his failed Exaltation.)

<Emissary> (is.)

<Arkadi> "The way I get it, some kid had an attack of smarts and deicded to stay out of this whole mess, and the Underworld's got some mojo going on him."

<Arkadi> "And now we have to spring him from someone."

Emissary nods and waits for Malic to reply.

<Malic> "I knew that already. And the kid isn't going to be *aroundunless he gets his priorities straight and gets himself Exalted. There's no time to wait for him to die naturally, not with a Shard on the line."

Arkadi bites back an acid-etched reply to that

<Emissary> "As I understand it, Malic, you wanted to learn who is turning these Underworld stars?"

<Malic> "That'd be the general idea, yeah. Does the magnate know anything? Or can he point me at someone?"

<Emissary> "As you know, the Magnate hears all things spoken in blasphemy."

<Emissary> "Among you Chosen, this tends to be precious little, but I sense some darkness growing in the Violet Bier."

<Arkadi> "Isn't there always..."

Emissary chuckles. "Of course you're right, there always is. At the moment, I can tell you this much: someone has been heartily cursing Black Ice Shadow's name, and someone else -wants- it."

<Emissary> (sorry, strike that "else")

<Arkadi> "So I take it you want us to track them down, and find out why?"

Malic nods, slightly. "It'd be useful. Might save this Red kid, if we do it in time and figure out a proper plan."

Arkadi shrugs "Fine, sure..."

<Arkadi> "Got any leads?"

<Emissary> "We would prefer not to become too deeply involved in this, but if you have urgent need, you know how to call."

Emissary chews on a blade of grass.

Malic nods to the Emissary. "Sure I know how to call. Tell the Magnate I said thanks, when you get back."

Emissary nods and spits.

<Malic> "As for leads..well, the Spiders say to check the Green Lady, Ten Thousand Virtues, Descending Starmetal Scholar and Candavira Bereaved, since they're the ones the Spiders know can do this underworld crap."

<Arkadi> "Right, I'll start pounding the pavement."

<Arkadi> (gyah, dinner, bb in a bit)

Arkadi is now known as DarthMeal

<Malic> "You might want to talk to your boss, get an offical transfer to Scroll and Sword. It'd be easier on the reports and easier to coordinate teamwork, when it comes down to field work. It will, too."

haren is now known as haren`work

<Emissary> (afk for a bit. if we're all lucky, darth will be back before i am.)

<DarthMeal> (back)

<Emissary> (in that case.)

<DarthMeal> "Funny thing about that...I get bounced around so goddamne dmuch that I'm not sure *whomy boss is."

<DarthMeal> "I'm a walking talking political favour..."

DarthMeal spits

DarthMeal is now known as Arkadi

Emissary has produced a tea ceremony kit, and is busily stirring steaming water into tiny bowls of powdered tea.

<Arkadi> "So as soon as I find who who specifically is my boss...the one in the Panapoly, or my assignment of the month, I'll be glad to do so."

Emissary slaps Emissary around a bit with a large trout

<Emissary> (arg i hate it when i click in the nicklist by accident)

<Malic> "Sounds interesting. Well, a little good work in a tough case and you might find a real boss."

<Arkadi> "It's a regular thrill-a-minute."

Emissary splashes his sleeve with green-tinted water and swears. Regaining his composure, he asks, "Would either of you like some tea? It seems my business is done here, so I'm taking the opportunity to refresh myself."

Arkadi shakes his head "No thanks."

<Malic> "Don't think so, I should get back to work. Finish your tea and make sure you dont leave trash lying around or Balfer will eat you."

Emissary makes an odd gesture and the kit contracts into a little jade sphere. He pockets it and sips from his cup.

<Arkadi> "Right, I've got the oh-so-important duty of trackign down a Wine thief..."

Arkadi rolls his eyes

<Arkadi> "someone remind me why I do this crap again?"

<Emissary> "Good question." The emissary ties a prayer strip to a tree in thanks for the lion's hospitality and moves to depart.

<Malic> "Because its part of the Red

<Malic> job."

<Malic> "you just need to get some better assignments, it'll improve your temper."

<Arkadi> "Whatever you say."

<Arkadi> "Anyways, I'll be in touch, gotta get the blal rolling and all."

<Emissary> (alrighty. let's call that the end of that scene. anything else you guys want to play out?)

<Emissary> ...

Malic nod "Good luck."
