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<i>Drowning-in-Blood Technique:</i> 4 motes- If attack is successful, roll Str+MA, opposed by victims Sta+Res.  If successful, then the victim's stamina acts at 1 less than normal for a number of turns equal to the extra successes of the roll.<br>
<i>Drowning-in-Blood Technique:</i> 4 motes- If attack is successful, roll Str+MA, opposed by victims Sta+Res.  If successful, then the victim's stamina acts at 1 less than normal for a number of turns equal to the extra successes of the roll.<br>
<i>Shrugging Water Dragon Escape:</i> 3 motes- Cast aside anything binding user.  Magical or artifact means are delayed for a number of turns equal to the user's Martial Arts score.<br>
<i>Shrugging Water Dragon Escape:</i> 3 motes- Cast aside anything binding user.  Magical or artifact means are delayed for a number of turns equal to the user's Martial Arts score.<br>
<i>Water Dragon Form:[[Labes/Lith/I]]> 5 motes- User adds Martial Arts Score onto Soak scores.  In addition to this, the user may soak lethal damage with her stamina, or spent 1 mote to soak 2 dice of damage.  A roll of Dex+MA is needed to activate this form.<br>
<i>Water Dragon Form:</I> 5 motes- User adds Martial Arts Score onto Soak scores.  In addition to this, the user may soak lethal damage with her stamina, or spent 1 mote to soak 2 dice of damage.  A roll of Dex+MA is needed to activate this form.<br>
<i>Theft-of-Essence Method:</i> 4 motes, 1 WP- Roll MA+Essence on a successful attack.  For each success, user gains and victim loses 3 motes of essence.  This deals no damage, and the stolen essence fades at a rate of 1 mote/minute.  This essence may only be spent on charms of the Water Dragon Path.<br>
<i>Theft-of-Essence Method:</i> 4 motes, 1 WP- Roll MA+Essence on a successful attack.  For each success, user gains and victim loses 3 motes of essence.  This deals no damage, and the stolen essence fades at a rate of 1 mote/minute.  This essence may only be spent on charms of the Water Dragon Path.<br>

Latest revision as of 22:42, 8 June 2010


Name: Lith Faire
Concept: Criminal (Con artist) Nature: Explorer
Caste: Eclipse


Strength: 3 Dexterity: 4 Stamina: 4
Charisma: 3 Manipulation: 3 Appearance: 3
Perception: 3 Intelligence: 2 Wits: 3


Atheletics: 3, Dodge: 3, Endurance: 1, Larceny: 3, Linguistics: 2, Martial Arts: 5, Medicine: 5, Resistance: 1, Ride: 2, Socialize: 2, Survival: 2


Virtues: Compassion 3, Temperance 2, Conviction 2, Valor 2
Willpower: 5
Essence: 3
Personal: 14
Peripheral: 35


Ox Body Technique: Two extra -1 health levels
Graceful Crane Stance: 3 motes- A character may balance on anything without the need for a roll.
Lightning Speed: 1 mote- Double sprinting speed for a turn.
Spider-foot Style: 3 motes- User may run up walls, trees, etc. Rolls only needed for most extreme situtations.
Martial Arts
Flowing Water Defense: 1 mote- For a number of turns equal to the users permanent essence, reduce your attack dice by 1, and any attacks against you recieve a -3 penalty.
Rippling Water Strike: 2 motes- Deal bashing damage to anyone withing 10 feet of the attacked.
Drowning-in-Blood Technique: 4 motes- If attack is successful, roll Str+MA, opposed by victims Sta+Res. If successful, then the victim's stamina acts at 1 less than normal for a number of turns equal to the extra successes of the roll.
Shrugging Water Dragon Escape: 3 motes- Cast aside anything binding user. Magical or artifact means are delayed for a number of turns equal to the user's Martial Arts score.
Water Dragon Form: 5 motes- User adds Martial Arts Score onto Soak scores. In addition to this, the user may soak lethal damage with her stamina, or spent 1 mote to soak 2 dice of damage. A roll of Dex+MA is needed to activate this form.
Theft-of-Essence Method: 4 motes, 1 WP- Roll MA+Essence on a successful attack. For each success, user gains and victim loses 3 motes of essence. This deals no damage, and the stolen essence fades at a rate of 1 mote/minute. This essence may only be spent on charms of the Water Dragon Path.


Soak: 4B/2L/0A
Attacks (PC):
Fist- Speed: +0 (9), Accuracy: +1 (10), Damage: +0B (3B), Defence: +2 (11), Rate: 5
Kick- Speed: -3 (6), Accuracy: +1 (10), Damage: +3B (6B), Defence: -3 (6), Rate: 3
Tiger Claw- Speed: -3 (6), Accuracy: +1 (11), Damage: +3L (6L), Defence: +0 (9) , Rate: 3