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  Towering Beast Form                           
  Towering Beast Form                           
   allows forms up to [[YeddimKetrus/Reacher_In_The_Depths/Tyrant]] lizard size
   allows forms up to [[YeddimKetrus/Tyrant]] lizard size
  Deadly Beastman Transformation  (12 pts)             
  Deadly Beastman Transformation  (12 pts)             

Latest revision as of 22:36, 8 June 2010

Name: Reacher in the Depths   Concept: Tentacled speed freak stealth guy    
Player: Zeke                  Anima: a Kraken
Caste:  Full Moon             XP left/total:  6/54
Motivation:  Preventing interference in the destiny of mortals, fulfilling a favor 
Tell:  Front teeth are fused, smells like the ocean 
(Physical)              (Social)                (Mental)
Strength      [XXXX.]   Charisma      [XXX..]   Perception    [XXX..]
Dexterity     [XXX..]   Manipulation  [XXX..]   Intelligence  [XX...]
Stamina       [XXXX.]   Appearance    [XXXX.]   Wits          [XX...]
(Dawn)                  (Zenith)                (Twilight)
Archery       [.....]   Integrity     [X....]   Craft         [.....]
Martial Arts  [XXX..]   Perform       [.....]   Investigation [X....]
Melee         [.....]   Presence      [.....]   Lore          [X....]
Thrown        [.....]   Resistance    [XXX..]   Medicine      [.....]
War           [.....]   *Survival     [XX...]   Occult        [.....]
(Night)                 (Eclipse)               (Specialties)
Athletics     [XXX..]   Bureaucracy   [.....]   Stealth (camoflage)  [XX...]
Awareness     [XXX..]   Linguistics   [X....]   
Dodge         [XXX..]   Ride          [.....]
Larceny       [.....]   Sail          [.....]
*Stealth      [XXXXX]   Socialize     [X....]
   (=Backgrounds=)                        (=Virtues=)
Heart's Blood  [XX...]        Compassion [XXXX.]    Temperance  [XXX..]
Resources      [X....]        Conviction [X....]    Valor       [X....]
Manse          [XX...]        Virtue Flaw:  Red Rage of Compassion
Artifact Tat   [XX...]        Condition: Unable to directly assist suffering innocents
Cult           [X....]           
Essence        [XXXX......]   Name:   spd,  acc,  dam,  def,  rate, 
Willpower      [XXXXXXX...]   Punch:  5,    +1,   +0B,  +2,   2
Limit          [.........!]   kick:   5,    +0,   +3B,  -2,   3
                              Claws:  5,    +4,   +7L/5,+2,   2

                              DV:7 , Soak: 21/18/4, Join: 7, MDV: 
Health Levels:                Personal Ess   18/18
-0:  [ ]                      Periph Ess     46/46
-1:  [ ] [ ]                  Committed       0/4 (bracers)
-2:  [ ] [ ]
-4:  [ ]
Incap[ ]

Towering Beast Form                           
  allows forms up to YeddimKetrus/Tyrant lizard size
Deadly Beastman Transformation   (12 pts)            
   +1 all physical stats
   Spider Legs (adds 10 yards per action to running speed and 2 dice to resist knockback, knockdown, and grappling maneuvers. can climb any surface that is not frictionless without a roll, can hang upside down from a ceiling. +4 to strength/ath for how high/far he can jump and can fall double vert jumping distance without injury (6 points)
   Chameleon (+1 to survival rolls, +2 to stealth rolls involving sight) 2 points
   Gazelle's Pace (+4 dex for combat movement, +4st for jumping. +2 die for competetive running, runs as fast as a horse) 2 points
   Thick Skin (+2L/+2B soak) 2 points

Terrifying Beastman Transformation
   Essx2+4 mutation instead of ess+4
   base for MDV discovering tell is now 8


First Strength Excellency
Essence overwhelming                         (1m per die, instant, reflexive)
  up to (strength) dice added to str based rolls

Instinctive Strength unity                   (2m per m +1WP, scene, simple)
  for every 2 motes spent, free 1m for first excellency for entire scene. minimum 0

Claws of the Silver Moon                      (4M+1WP, scene, simple (speed 4)
  unarmed attacks do +2L damage

at 3 ess: can add two more motes for +dex acc at 4 ess: can add two more motes for damage: (str+2)L/(essence+1) overwhelming while in War Form, 3 motes for best combination (7L/5Overwhelming, +3acc)


First Dexterity Excellency
Essence overwhelming                         (1m per die, instant, reflexive)
  up to (dexterity) dice added to dex based rolls
First Stamina Excellency
Essence overwhelming                         (1m per die, instant, reflexive)
  up to (Stamina) dice added to Stamina based rolls
Western Mastery Technique                     (6M, indefinite, reflexive)
  is comfortable and can breathe at all depths
Armour-Forming Technique                       (1 per 3 soak, scene, reflexive [step 7])
  3 points of BKetrus/Reacher_In_The_Depths/L and 1 point of A soak per mote spent, up to Essence. cannot wear armour except moonsilver/moon-faced mail. counts as armour for charms/piercing weapons.

Name                                          (cost)
Merits: none
Flaws: none

Heart's Blood (4-10): Giant Squid (spirit shape), Octopus, Nautilus, Blue Shark, Monkey, Lobster,

Notable Equipment: Moonsilver Hearthstone Bracer tattoo (+2L soak) Monkey Stone (reduces difficulty of climbing, leaping, balance by two, double climbing speed and jumping distance)

XP expenditures:

from 50: 27: ess 4!!!! 11: terrifying beastman transformation 10: first stamina excellency

2 remaining +4 June 8/9