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<b><i>Strain Resistant Chassis Modification</i></b>
<b><i>Strain Resistant Chassis Modification</i></b>
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This charm cannot be comboed with Type I Haze Shield Generator, nor can it be active the same time as the Type I Haze Shield Generator.  Activating the Type I Haze Shield Generator while the Type II Haze Shield Generator is active (or vice versa) will immediately turn off the Type II Haze Shield Generator's effect.
This charm cannot be comboed with Type I Haze Shield Generator, nor can it be active the same time as the Type I Haze Shield Generator.  Activating the Type I Haze Shield Generator while the Type II Haze Shield Generator is active (or vice versa) will immediately turn off the Type II Haze Shield Generator's effect.
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Latest revision as of 17:19, 8 June 2010

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Strain Resistant Chassis Modification

As per Time of Tumult page 168.

Dynamic Durability Altering Apparatus

Author: Darzoni
Cost: 1 mote per 1B/(1/2)L soak.
Installation Cost: 1 mote.
Duration: One scene.
Type: Simple.
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Stamina Enhancement Device, Strain Resistant Chassis Modification

This charm allows the Alchemical to increase his ability to take damage via using essence to strengthen his chassis. For every 1 mote spent, he adds 1 bashing and (1/2) lethal to his soak for the scene. However, he cannot spend more motes on this charm in a scene than his Stamina rating. Round down for fractions of soak.

Resilient Magical Material Function

Cost: 2 motes per round.
Installation Cost: 2 motes.
Duration: Special
Type: Reflexive.
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Dynamic Durability Altering Apparatus

By having a series of internal devices that reshape the magical materials in the Alchemicals' body, they are able to effectively armor themselves on command. This charm provides bashing and lethal soak equal to the Essence rating of the user. This extra soak counts as armor. It lasts for as long as the Alchemical is able to pay for the cost or is willing to pay the cost.

The alternate use of this charm allows the Exalt to regenerate one health level of bashing damage per round or one health level of lethal damage every two rounds. Like the first function, it lasts for as many rounds as the Alchemical is able to pay for the cost or is willing to pay the cost.

Flickering Essence Shield Implant</b>

Author: Darzoni
Cost: 2 motes per defense.
Installation Cost: 1 mote.
Duration: Instant.
Type: Reflexive.
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Dynamic Durability Altering Apparatus

The charm is visible as translucent veins in the forearms that flow with Essence. When activated, it allows the character to parry lethal attacks using Brawl or Martial Arts with a field of Essence. It also allows them to parry arrows and thrown weapons. This Charm can only be used against attacks the Alchemical is aware of.

<b>Perfected Defense Mechanism

Author: Darzoni
Cost: 5 motes per round, 1 willpower
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Special
Type: Special
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Essence Shield Implant, Resilient Magical Material Function

Perfected Defense Mechanism unites the mechanisms of Flickering Essence Shield Implant and Resilient Magical Material Function and augments them. It has two different functions. The first function is activated as a Simple Charm, but maintained each round as a Reflexive Charm. It creates a suit of armor made from the same magical material as the Alchemical's caste (apply Magical Material Modifiers) with a lethal and bashing soak equal to the Exalt's Essence x 3 ([Essence]*3). In addition, the Exalt regenerates 2 health levels of bashing damage and 1 health level of lethal damage per round.

The second function generates a mighty Essence barrier around the Alchemical, and is activated and maintained each round as a Simple Charm. This use is considered a perfect defense. However, the price for this ultimate defense is immobility. The Exalted cannot split his dice pool or move while he has the barrier up, the only actions he can take while he has it up is to maintain the barrier, or drop the barrier.

Type I Haze Shield Generator

Author: Darzoni
Cost: 1 mote per 50 yards of haze shielding.
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Flickering Essence Shield Implant

This charm allows the Alchemical to generate a haze shield (Exalted: The Outcaste, page 58), but only to utilize the first setting of the haze shield. This creates a spherical haze shield with a diameter equal to the number of yards the shield is supposed to cover, centered on the Exalt who activated it (spending 4 motes would create a 200 yard diameter sphere around the Alchemical). Alternatively, it can be used to create 'walls' of haze shielding, each section being 50 yards long and 10 yards high. The shielding sections need not be contiguous. The Alchemical cannot spend more motes than his Stamina rating in a single scene on this charm.

This charm cannot be comboed with Type II Haze Shield Generator, nor can it be active the same time as the Type II Haze Shield Generator. Activating the Type II Haze Shield Generator while the Type I Haze Shield Generator is active (or vice versa) will immediately turn off the Type I Haze Shield Generator's effect.

Type II Haze Shield Generator

Author: Darzoni
Cost: 1 mote per 25 yards of haze shielding.
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Special
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Type I Haze Shield Generator

A more potent kind of haze shield generator, this Charm allows the Alchemical to generate haze shielding equivalent to the second function of haze shields (Exalted: the Outcaste, page 58). As with Type I Haze Shield Generator, it can create a sphere that is centered on the Alchemical using it (spending 2 motes would create a 50 yard diameter sphere around the Alchemical). The alternate use creates 25 yard long by 5 yard tall sections of haze shielding. However the duration is far less than its less potent form; it lasts a number of minutes equal to the Exalt's Essence + Stamina.

This charm cannot be comboed with Type I Haze Shield Generator, nor can it be active the same time as the Type I Haze Shield Generator. Activating the Type I Haze Shield Generator while the Type II Haze Shield Generator is active (or vice versa) will immediately turn off the Type II Haze Shield Generator's effect.

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