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Fair and Just

It did not take long for raksha who made his freehold their home to learn that Artaxis the Fair and Just was only fair and just when it suited him. In most cases, he was brooding, menacing, quiet and notoriously fickle, even for one of the Fair Ones. He, however, had an astoundingly beautiful 'wife' by the name of Dew Takes Wing, an Ornamental who had entered the relationship mainly because she had heard Artaxis was a fierce man beneath the sheets. When she had found this to be true, the two entered into an arrangement where they would act as husband and wife, in the manner of the Creation-born.

This was not to say that such a relationship was closed and pristene. Dew was a notorious slut, and she'd drawn a fair number of others into her embrace. New Day's Blood was no exception. He was a randy buck, a Xia of great flair and daring, and one of Artaxis' own retainers. Dew had started on him weeks ago... a teasing smile here, a casual bending-over there, and it was not long before they were fornicating quite frequently. She had to admit, he was an eager one... if a bit too quick about it. Of course, his speed meant that Artaxis never interrupted them.

Until today.

"Morning, Dew." He stood at the foot of the bed, a statue of stone skin with a mane of horns and armor of the finest glass and dreams. He stood there, watching the two as they reacted with a mix of surprise and mild fear. The Just One's eyebrows rose, and he shrugged, turning away. "You may continue. I simply wished to check on you."

"Sir... most glorious... and excellent sir... I can explain everything." Blood was many things; stupid was not one of them. He was a bit of a groveler, though.

"You need not do so. The matter is well in hand." Pausing, he looked over his shoulder. "Although... there is the matter of my children. I'm sure you remember what I told you, hm?" Blood nodded dumbly. "Grand. Go and take care of that. I need to speak with my wife."

Before Dew could protest, New Day's Blood had spirited himself out of his master's abode in the shape of a red-and-gold wolf, tail tucked between his legs. That left Dew Takes Wing alone with her so-called husband. She reached out to him, pleadingly, even as he drew something from his cloak. "My... my lord..."

In the blink of an eye, a single red rose, made from glass no mortal hand could spin, rested lightly at her throat. Naturally, she flinched... then relaxed, exhaling angrily. "Must you always do that?!"

Artaxis simply smirked. "Now then. Shall we?"

New Day's Blood, dressed and decked out in his battle gear, flinched as he beheld his master taking his position on his throne. In his hand was the cleanly-severed head of Dew Takes Flight, that glass rose clenched tightly between her teeth in rigor mortis. Blood looked between master and slain mistress, and paled. "Did... something go wrong, sir?"

"She said she had a headache."

"... ah."

New Day's Blood wisely left it at that, and another day in the freehold of the Just One began. A shame, really, he thought to himself. That's the sixth one so far...