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= Iol Carratok, Jarl of Jarls =
= Iol Carratok, Jarl of Jarls =

Latest revision as of 16:48, 8 June 2010

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Iol Carratok, Jarl of Jarls


Iol Carratok was the only surviving son of the previous Jarl of Jarls, Barso Marlti, raised in the city of Northgale from his birth to be the next war-leader of the Lanji people. Of his brothers, two died in their youth and the other was deemed unworthy by the Lunar God-Heroes and exiled onto the glacier there to perish. Iol himself was not raised in luxury however.

He learned the art of war and battle from Barolo himself, and the Great Walrus had no mercy. No weakling or coward would ever lead the people of Raventalon, and so Iol was forged as cold and hard as the ice. Balea taught him lore and lessons, filling his mind with the knowledge that a warrior-king and leader of the Lanji would require -- seldom did she repeat herself, and while her lessons were somewhat more forgiving than the Great Walrus' they were no less difficult. He learned the art of sweet talk and diplomacy, trickery and cunning, from Shadow Stalker himself -- whom he views more as a friend than a teacher, but none the less he knew that he was being tested and what his fate would be if he was found wanting...

By the time Iol was 15, he was the greatest warrior of his generation and surpassed by far many beyond his own age and experience. Thus he left Northgale, as all future Jarl of Jarls do, to explore the rest of the Nation at his leisure and lead the battles against the enemies of the Nation such as he would. Always he was watched carefully by the Elder Lunars, but they lifted no hand to assist him when he ran into trouble. Many were the battles that he fought in those days of his youth -- scars grace his bodies that he recieved from feral beastmen, Kuniktik raiders, and even Hobgoblins. In his private quarters rest some of the trophies of his battles, the tusks from a Mountain Giant and the blade of a great Kuniktik Warrior who he bested in single combat upon the Glacier. He's tasted the Hearth's Blood of one of the Great Cave Spiders, and stood against legions to defend his homeland.

Then, after his 10 years of journeys were gone, he returned to Northgale and began the process of seeking a clan.

One of the brightest and greatest future Jarltan's in recent memory, he was not without eager young women of the most powerful clans of the Lanji seeking him out. Yet, in a surprisingly quick amount of time, the matter came down to two women. Ludmi Carratok, whose beauty was like the snow, and Matacha Boros, who was as strong of will and graceful of words. One a powerful woman of a powerful clan, the other a well-beloved priestess of Raventalon. One, Matacha, he was hopelessly in love with. The other, Ludmi, he could not resist and after a year of indecision she was found with child. Honor demanded that they wed, and so it would be. Of Matacha? She fled, into the far North, to perish in the cold...or worse.

Ludmi and Iol were married in a beautiful ceremony attended by most of Northgale, attended by the God-Lunars itself and presided over by the God Raventalon. No small amount of rumor was milled about, for Ludmi was obviously VERY pregnant, but such things are not as damning in the lands of the Lanji as they are in other places -- far more dubious was the absence of Matacha, whom every suspected would be the woman standing before Raventalon...

None the less, Iol went on to become a great hero of his people. He served the Lanji loyally, having several children, the best of which were taken by the Elder Lunars to be watched over and prepared. He fought in many battles, earning himself much glory and driving back the enemies of his people.

In his 34th year, his father perished of a wasting disease and Iol stepped up to take the position he had been raised to prepared and that he had overcome so many obstacles to ascend toward. So far, for the 10 years of his command, the lands of the Nation have remained safe and few threats have rose up. Even so, all know, if dark times are to come...Iol Carratok is strong enough to see them through, and the lands of the Lanji are safe in his hands.


Iol Carratok; Jarl of Jarls			Bravo
War-Leader of the Lanji				the Lanji Nation; Northgale

Strength	4		Charisma	3		Perception	3
Dexterity	4		Manipulation	2		Intelligence	3
Stamina		4		Appearance	3		Wits		3

Archery		*		Endurance	*		Craft		
Brawl		**		Performance	**		Investigation	
Martial Arts			Presence	****		Lore		**
Melee		*****		Resistance	**		Medicine	**
Thrown		***		Survival	**		Occult		*

Athletics	***		Bureaucracy	*		Melee/  Greatsword:  Acc +1, Def +2
Awareness	**		Linguistics	***		Thrown/  Hatchet:  Acc +2
Dodge		*		Ride		**		Presence:  Battlefield (x3)
Larceny				Sail				Resistance:  Cold
Stealth		*		Socialize	**		Socialize:  Clan Politics (x2)

Linguistics:	Skytongue; Old Realm, Barbarian Tongues, High Realm
Willpower	7					Compassion	**
x x x x x | x x - - -					Conviction	***

HEROIC?							Temperance	**
Yes							Valor		****

Inituative:	7 <5>			Soak (L/B):	(0/4)	Mobility:	-2
ARMOR:	Excp. Earth-encht. Chain Hauberk <9/9>	w/Armor	(9/13)	Fatigue:	2

HEALTH LEVELS	0	1		2		4	Incapacitated
  ((/*xX))	/	//		//		/	/
Varan's Grace		11L (+7L)	+4 (13)	+3 (12)		2 / +7 (14 <12>)

Hatchet, thrown		7L (+3L)	+1 (8)	10 yards	2

Heroic Ability			cost (notes/description)
Heroic Defense: Melee (4pts)	1 commited willpower (one scene); abort to a parry and split action; action at normal init.
Daredevil (3pts)		1 willpower

Lucky (3pts)			Pool of 3
Signature Stunt (2pts)		"Savage Efficency".
Driving Passion (3pts)		"Fighting the enemies of the Lanji".

BACKGROUNDS		value	notes
Allies			**	Raventalon and He Who Walks in Shadows both stand as allies of the Jarl of Jarls.  Both of these are
				somewhat prescribed relationships -- Raventalon always has a close relationship with the Jarl, and the
				Elder Lunars /require/ one of their number to keep a close relationship with whomever the Jarl is.
				If they all hate the proposed Jarl, they order him exiled.  Shadow Stalker actually does like Iol,
				however, regardless of any obligation.
Artifact		*	"Varan's Grace", a weapon of ages past, crafted by one of the ancient Solar Kings of the North
				for the mortal bloodline that stood as kings.  How it ended up in the possessions of the Lanji Leaders
				is unclear, but they possessed it BEFORE Balea, Barolo and He Who Walks in Shadows found them.
Backing			****	(Lanji Nation)  You are the Jarl of Jarls, the war-leader of the clans and the first of the Lanji. 
				Your wife has more actual authority than you, but you are hardly an unimportant figure.
Contacts		****	Warriors and Leaders of the Lanji, some from your period of wandering and others from your time as
				a war-leader and some that you've only met since your ascension as Jarl.
Followers		*****	Your Personal Guard, and the Elite Lanji Warriors that fight under your personal banner.
Influence		*****	You are the Jarl of Jarls, the leader of your people and all Lanji.  This is a level of influence held
				only by yourself, the Elder Lunars, and Raventalon.
Resources		****	While quite poor by comparison to some civilized states, the leader of the Lanji is a veritable
				fount of wealth to the Lanji.

EQUIPMENT and OTHER GEAR\\ Iol typically dresses in an exceptional chain hauberk, lined with furs and tokens of past victories. This armor has been enchanted with the essence of Earth by Balea to be especially strong and durable. He hefts the great sword of his ancestors, "Varan's Grace", a sublime and perfect weapon that has passed through the line of the Jarltan since the days of lore before the coming of the Elder Lunars and wields it as if it was born in his hands.

Hierloom (1pt merit); you have a almost amazingly rare and legendary family heirloom.
Destiny (3pt merit); you are destined to be a good and honorable Jarltan of the Lanji, if not a great or epic one.

Rival (2pt flaw); you are somewhat disliked by Clan Boros, which blames you for the flight of Matacha.
Dark Fate (2pt flaw); you will be separated from your love, forced to live a life you cannot countenance, and ultimately watch those
	that you truly care about suffer death, exile, corruption, or worse.

Varan's Grace\\ Artifact \\ Perfect Great Sword\\ (statistics) +7 speed, +3 accuracy, +7L damage, +1 defense, rate 2. Min. Strength ***\\ Commitment: n/a