Difference between revisions of "CrownedSun/Hecate"
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--------------------------------ATTRIBUTES--------------------------------------- | --------------------------------ATTRIBUTES--------------------------------------- | ||
− | [[CrownedSun | + | [[CrownedSun/Strength]]/ 5 Charisma 4 Perception 4 |
− | [[CrownedSun | + | [[CrownedSun/Dexterity]]/ 5 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 4 |
− | [[CrownedSun | + | [[CrownedSun/Stamina]]/ 5 Appearance 3 Wits 3 |
--------------------------------ABILITIES 25 --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------ABILITIES 25 --------------------------------------- | ||
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Athletics 3 Larceny Investigation | Athletics 3 Larceny Investigation | ||
Awareness 3 Linguistics 3 Lore | Awareness 3 Linguistics 3 Lore | ||
− | [[CrownedSun | + | [[CrownedSun/Brawl]]/ 5 Performance Medicine 5 |
− | [[CrownedSun | + | [[CrownedSun/Dodge]]/ 5 [[CrownedSun/Presence]]/ 3 Occult 2 |
Endurance 3 Ride | Endurance 3 Ride | ||
Martial Arts Sail 3 SPECIALITIES | Martial Arts Sail 3 SPECIALITIES | ||
− | [[CrownedSun | + | [[CrownedSun/Melee]]/ Socialize Brawl: Clinches |
Resistance 3 Stealth 3 Performance: Manipulation | Resistance 3 Stealth 3 Performance: Manipulation | ||
− | Thrown [[CrownedSun | + | Thrown [[CrownedSun/Survival]]/ 2 |
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Latest revision as of 16:48, 8 June 2010
Hecate, as of Jan 13, 2004
NAME NATURE CASTE Hecate Bravo Full Moon CONCEPT HOMELAND ANIMA Pirate Buttkicker the waters of the West Double running/jumping TOTEM FACE/RANK TELL Giant Squid Tentacle Hair --------------------------------ATTRIBUTES--------------------------------------- FULL MOON 9 CHANGING MOON 5 NO MOON 7 [[CrownedSun/Strength]]/ 5 Charisma 4 Perception 4 [[CrownedSun/Dexterity]]/ 5 Manipulation 3 Intelligence 4 [[CrownedSun/Stamina]]/ 5 Appearance 3 Wits 3 --------------------------------ABILITIES 25 --------------------------------------- WAR LIFE WISDOM Archery Craft Bureaucracy Athletics 3 Larceny Investigation Awareness 3 Linguistics 3 Lore [[CrownedSun/Brawl]]/ 5 Performance Medicine 5 [[CrownedSun/Dodge]]/ 5 [[CrownedSun/Presence]]/ 3 Occult 2 Endurance 3 Ride Martial Arts Sail 3 SPECIALITIES [[CrownedSun/Melee]]/ Socialize Brawl: Clinches Resistance 3 Stealth 3 Performance: Manipulation Thrown [[CrownedSun/Survival]]/ 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEMPERS ESSENCE ***** VIRTUES 5 RENOWN 20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willpower 8 Personal: 21 Compassion 2 (succor: ) x x x x x | x x x - - Conviction 3 (mettle: ) Periphereal: 51(56) Temperance 2 (cunning: ) Limit Break Committed: Valor 5 (glory: ) - - - - - | - - - - - 0/21 Pers; 5/56 Peri EXPERIENCE: 6 Virtue Flaw: the Curse of the Raging Bull -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT STATISTICS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initiative: 8+weapon Soak (L/B): (0/1) Mobility: -0 ARMOR: self w/Armor (0/1) Fatigue: 0 HEALTH LEVELS 0 1 2 5 Incapacitated ((/*xX)) / // /////////// / / /////////// BACKGROUNDS 7 value notes Artifact 3 Lightning Bracelet. See below. Cult 2 Heart's Blood 3 Your palate is cultured and experianced, having roamed the entirity of your Direction. Your library contains all non-predators and nearly all predators from your region, most non-predators from your Direction, and a variety of predators and rare species from your Direction. Plus, your prowess as a hunter has been proven, as you have managed to kill and consume one of the mightiest beasts of Creation. Your Library includes a single super-predator, such as a tyrant lizard, pelagic dragon, or giant squid. Manse 5(7) An underwater city populated by merpeople. Stone of Emerald and Sapphire Mentor 2 Renown 1 Resources -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL WEAPONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON DAMAGE ACC DEFENSE SPEED Lightning Bracelet +5L/B +0 +4 +4 Moonsilver Lightning Bracelet commit 5 ess This bracelet of moonsilver wires turns into a whip upon spending 2m which can vary in length from 6" to 20'. In addition to striking, the 'whip' may be wrapped around an opponent. entangle: +1 diff vs normal opponents. normal difficulty vs inanimate once wrapped, can knockdown Str+Brawl vs Dex+Resist target's diff is +1 if mounted or on unstable surface entangle weapon:Diff 3. Imposes +2 penalty on its use, and allows disarm leg limits movement to 10'/turn, +2 penalty on avoiding knockdown arm +2 penalty for all actions using that arm The chain can be commanded to lock itself around a victim. If not locked, the target can free himself via Dex+Ath diff 3. This takes a full turn. if locked, the bracelet must be broken to get free. Str+Ath dif 6, or attack by any magical weapon that does at least 7L. (soak 7L) Lightning Bracelets also make it exceedingly easy to climb. Reduce all climbing penalties to 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARM DESCRIPTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charms page # type cost CM Finding the Spirit's Shape pg.124 Reflexive 1 mote CM x5 Deadly Beastman Transformation pg.124 Instant 5 motes 19 att, 6 gifts Attributes: +6 Str (12) +3 Dex (8) +7 Sta (13) Gifts: Horrifying Might +2 Att Gift of Hands I have 4 hands! -1 to multiple-action penalties Arm-Array No, I have 10 tentacles! -3 to multiple action penalties Fearsome Appearance beings w/WP less than Ess+2 (7) are at -1 when attacking or defending, and intimidation is +3 Poison Bite when bitten, Sta+End diff my Sta, or suffer extra 3L Armor does not apply Deadly Breath breathe acidic ink Range 30 Acc +2 Dam (essx4)+extra sux. use Athletics/Archery to attack. OR 1 mote, +3 to intimidation CM Calling Luna's Favor Use DBT gift in Human form CM Towering Beast Form Be huge! CM Humble Mouse Shape pg.128 Special None Be small! CM Shaping the Ideal Form pg.129 adjust features CM Many-Faced Moon Transformation Swap Gender CM Prey's Skin Disguise be a people FM x5 Ox Body Technique 20x -2 HL FM Predator Grace Method FM Body Weapon Technique bashing to lethal FM Bear Embrace Method Supp 1m per die buy Dex in wrestling MA or Brawl FM Spine-Breaking Technique Supp 3 m make clinch, then do lethal damage. add Str in auto-sux to resist breaking free FM Mighty Bear Crush Reflexive 2m per die in clinch, after soak applied, buy autosux up to Str or Ess. Works against any percieved foe, incl spirits. CM Cunning Porcupine Defense pg.145 Simple 5m 1wp grow spines! str+5L damage to any clinchers/clinchees/unarmed attackers FM Door-Breaking Method break inanimate shit CM Hunter's Eye Technique Find the weak points, reduce soak for single attack CM Armor-Rending Claw Fist Attack armor, reducing soak permanently FM Deadly Claw Blow pg.137 Reflexive 2 motes per success Buy up to Dexterity successes, roll the rest of the damage normally. You can attack even dematerialized spirits this way. FM Claws of the Silver Moon pg.138 Simple 4 motes Turn fangs and claws into moonsilver. Yay! Unarmed attacks at: Claw: Spd +6 Acc +1 Dmg +3L Pry +1 14 11 8 DBT- 14 Fang: Spd +0 Acc +2 Dmg +5L Pry +0 Moonsilver enhancing charms work on these. FM Scimitar Claw Technique pg.138 Simple 4m Scenelong fangs and claws Claw: Spd +6 Acc +4 Dmg +5L Pry +4 Fang: Spd +3 Acc +2 Dmg +8L Pry +0 FM Hide-Toughening Essence pg. 166 Simple 1m per 2 pts Buy bashing soak FM Armor-Forming Technique pg. 166 Simple 1m per pt Buy Lethal Soak for scene FM Scales of the Dragon Pg. 166 Simple 6m 1wp Grow moonsilver armor/scales +9L/+9B soak. Natural armor, only counts as armor against agg damage. not compatible with armor (add (1/2) Stamina) FM Infection-Resisting Method pg. 172 Reflexive 1m per die Resist infection/disease auto sux FM Bruise-Relief Technique pg. 173 Reflex 1m per HL heal bashing damage FM Halting the Scarlet Flow pg. 173 Reflex 2m per HL heal up to Sta Lethal damage NM Lick Wound help others resist disease NM Mother's Touch pg. 173 Simple 2 or 3m per HL or 3m 1WP per HL 2m per HL Bashing damage healed 3m per HL Lethal damage turned bashing 3m 1wp per HL Agg damage turned lethal limit of Stamina per turn NM Sense-Sharpening Change pg. 174 Simple 1m per die buy up to per extra dice on per rolls for a scene NM Ever-Wary Fox Technique pg. 174 Reflexive 1m add Per dice to Per+awareness to avoid ambush CM Foe-Taunting Utterance pg. 187 Simple 3m Manip+Presence, diff opponent's Temperence 1-2 = -1 to attacks, dodges, parries 3-4 = ", and -3 to inits on next turn 5+ - target may not parry/dodge, nor attack others. NM Brotherhood of Lake and River pg. 190 Simple 5m 1wp per person bond with your brothers. Always aware of where they are, can read surface thoughts w/in 100 yds NM Spirit Scenting Technique pg. 191 Simple 2m see spirits for a scene
When I was young, maybe 18 years old, the Sickness came. A trader entered the tribe, and was welcomed, for he brought exotic foods and spices, cloth and many other things for which we hungered. Soon, however, it became apparant that he was unwell. He would sweat even in the cool breeze from the ocean, his face red. He was taken by chills, and wracked by fits of shivering. Soon, he collapsed beneath his wagon. Within two days, the trader began to scream, as blood ran from every orifice in his body. His eyes, ears, nose, soon his very pores leaked blood, soaking between the cracks of his wagon to the ground below.
Soon, the panic began to spread. Fevers broke out among the members of the tribe, and any who even began to feel warm were forced into the hall. To my horror, I felt the warmth take hold of my body, followed by the shaking chills. I tried to hide it, but the paranoia rampant in my people made them quick to see the signs.
I was cursed and sent to be with the other sick. That night, the chieftain called to us. We were to take ourselves, dragging those who could not walk on their own, to our largest ship, there to set sail to rid the tribe of the sickness. I looked around me, in the hall were over a hundred sick and dying - over half of the tribe. As much as I hated it, I saw the wisdom in the Chieftain's words.. we were already lost, but leaving could save the rest of the tribe.
The Ocean called to me as I stumbled toward it, dragging my father and sister with me - my mother had left long ago, just two years after I was born. I ached, but worse than the pain was the fear, and the smell of death that traveled with us. As I slumped onto the boat, near my dying family I suddenly smelled oil. In shock, I said nothing, and nobody else seemed to notice. Last onto the boat was the Chieftain, himself already starting to bleed.
After the boat left the harbor and had sailed beneath the cool white moon for some time, the Chieftain struggled to his feet, and took the lit torch from its sconce, once there to guide us through the darkness. "We must not let this disease spread any further" he said grimly, and gently laid the torch into a puddle of oil that had not yet seeped into the wood. He took a small knife - one that we all carried, and slit his own throat as he collapsed into the roar of flames, his last words a prayer to the gods. Others, in the face of the fire did likewise, but many just screamed and tried to run... but there was nowhere to run, and they were caught in the living flame. We were at one end of the boat, being nearly trampled by the others trying to get away from the fire in the center. My father begged me to kill him and my sisters, as I was the only one strong enough to even lift the knife by that time. I gave them mercy, along with the prayers to send their souls to rest. Just as I was about to use the knife on myself, the boat screamed, and cracked, splitting in half. The water enveloped the flames with a hiss and a gout of steam that mingled with the smoke and ash already in the air.
I spied a chunk of the deck floating where it had landed, several yards away from the boat, and threw myself into the ice-cold waters. As the blessed cold numbed my limbs, I realized that fire was not the only element that could kill. Still, I struggled onward, and with my last conscious thought, clung to the floating wood with my waning strength.
When I awoke, it was night, but there was no sign of what had happened, save a thin coating of ash on the water, and a few pieces of bobbing wood. My upper body was coated with dried blood, and there was a sticky pool beneath my face that had not yet dried. As I pulled my face away from the bloody wood and looked into the sky I saw a beautiful woman descending a staircase made of moonlight. She hovered above the piece of deck, and leaned forward, giving me a single kiss on my forehead. In that moment, I felt the power fill me with renewed strength and power beyond all reckoning. Luna -for that was who it was - laughed, and danced away. I breathed in the dirty air, and felt the life within me. I had survived, and this gift was mine.
I slid into the water, feeling it wash away the blood and pus, and found my second True Form. When the sun was high, and I, as the Giant Squid stretched my tentacles onto the land, my people were afraid. When I, shifting midway between Squid and Human, into my battleform drew myself from the sea, my people were terrified. And when I struck down and crushed those that had reviled me in my sickness, my people sought to flee.
I did not let them.
I declared myself the new chieftain, and none dared challenge my might. In return, I became human once more, and breathed my fortitude into the mouths of those who came to me, and none who came to me sickened. I laid my hands upon the sick and dying, and healed those who had not yet begun to bleed. I called for a great sacrifice to Luna, of those who had already succumbed to bleeding and death, and to each I gave a quick death, so they did not suffer long. The bodies were burned in a great pyre, mirroring the conflagration that had almost taken my own life, but done without secrecy and betrayal, as the silvery pyre of Luna's blessing rose above me.
I ruled for long years, over my people. All who came before me with grievances were judged fairly, and if found guilty, I broke their bodies with my tentacles, and consumed them whole. If found innocent, they were sent home with my blessing, and gifts. So it was that my people loved, and feared me.
So it was, that my people worshipped me, and made me their Goddess, for I did not perish at the end of a mortal lifetime, and the children soon knew only a time where I was their Ruler. It was my custom to take lovers as both male and female, and none dared protest, for it was a blessing to lay with me. To the favored, I came in my glorious melded form, and gave them children who bore my mark, and were stronger and faster than the others.
Each year, I took a moon's cycle to travel the lands around me. In my fifth year as the Blessed of Luna, I found another of my kind. She called herself a No-Moon, and showed me that she could fix my Caste so my true nature could hold sway at all times. Thus, during the height of the Full Moon, she carved my skin with Moonsilver Tattoos, and the light on my brow stayed forever Full.
In time, my rule over my people became tedious, and I longed for adventure. I held a festival to mark the day, and declared that I would come back once every ten years to make sure that the tribe was following the customs I had laid out for them. I gave the rulership to my strongest child, to hold in my absence.
I spent the first of those years on a pilgrimmage to find my mother, Akuma, who I had known of only through tales told in hushed voices. She also was blessed by Luna, thus my journey was spent seeking the mark of her footsteps upon those she met, tales of her passing, her deeds great and terrible.
I have traveled the vast oceans, and walked upon the many islands of the West in my three true forms. I have consumed creatures great and small, and become them. I have battled many, but few know of me, for they do not live to spread the tale. I am a rumor, a shadow to all but my people.
I am Hecate, and I bow to no man.