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Exalted Session 78

22-28th Descending Water RY 769

So, with the Roseblacks offer that if they surrender, Gem will be safe there is some discussion amongst the group as to what to do. The consensus seems to be that saving Gem with the minimum of bloodshed from not one but 2 armies would best be served by surrendering. The Watch are also intrigued at the Roseblacks strange instructions- why do the Realm want them alive and not dead? Brand in particular is very curious about this.

But surrendering to the Roseblack and being led to the Realm to face an unknown fate isnt on anybodies list of things to go through with. So, the Watch begin to plan their eventual escape from the Realm, Prison Break-style (though nobody wants to get the full body tattoo done)

Amongst their preparations-

Alanas Tiger Warriors are sent off to disguise themselves as mendicants and itinerants- they will shadow the Realm Legion to the Lap & Blessed Isle
Ayesha Ura is prayer-messaged to make their escape attempts auspicious.
Rav Far-Speaks with his City Lunar friends, arranging to meet Ratty and Nine Lives Falling in the Blessed Isle.
Brand summons 3 elementals - an Earth Elemental - the "Keeper of the Treasures of the Deep" is given most of their Daiklaives, Smashfists, Powerbows and weaponry to secure and carry. When they need their weapons (and have 4 hours to spend) then Brand will resummon him.
The air spirit - the green-plumed Thunderbird 2 is ordered to follow the army overhead and keep out of sight.
The Water Elemental is told to manifest in the Lap harbour and watch for Brand.
Nascent, a master if Celestial Monkey and Lightning Hoof styles, decides to keep at least one MA weapon on him- he takes his lassoo and winds it around his waist like an eleborate belt.

Brand also imagines what concessions he can extract from the Realm. "And we'll tell them we want 16 bottles of pure, distilled, chilled water, a fruit selection and a bowl of M&M's, but to take all the blue ones out"

"But they'll think we are baby-eating Anathaema!" protests Shizu

GM -"So you'll also want a bowl of a dozen babies, but take all the blue ones out!?"

The Watch Exalts line up to meet the Roseblack. Behind her, the mass of the Vermillion Legions fill the horizon, banners flying. A deal is struck

The Circle will surrender to the Roseblack with the following conditions

Their surrender is to the Roseblack- once she releases custody of them, the oath is over
the Realm will guarantee the safety of Gem and the lives of the Circle. Paragon will not be permitted to invade
The Legion will be a good host to the Solars and Lunar, treating them as honoured guests. The Circle will be good guests and not seek to escape from the Legion.
Neither side can use Charms or Sorcery on each other
The Anathaema will surrender any weapons carried and all but the lightest of armour to the legions safekeeping.
Because they are travelling through the Blessed Isle, there may be some occasions where the Circle may be publically displayed as prisoners. (Shizu agrees on the condition they can be sarcastic prisoners)

Linking hands with Nascent, the Circle on the right, the Roseblack, her officer Corp and the Legion on the right, the Eclipse sanctifies the oath. 4 great peals of thunder from the sky marks Heavens seal.

Cutscene to Yu Shan in the scroll-cluttered Office of Celestial Oaths, Covenants and Binding Agreements, where Pedantic Oratory, the God of Eclipse Caste Oaths sighs in despair. He's been busier in the last 6 months than the whole of the last 1,000 years! Rushed so off his feet that he hasnt even had time to attend Plentimons weekly YasalQuest tournament. And how much the thunderbirds are charging for peals of thunder these days! Its an outrage, he might have to start diverting his budget back from his gambling fund! His exasperation soon disapears as an ominous shadow falls across his desk.

The frightened Pedantic Oratory stammers "Y - y- -y-es, the paperwork you wanted is here Secretary Kejak" proffering the text of Nascents oath....End Cutscene

Back on Creation's Southern Direction, the Watch settle in to their new role as Realm prisoners/tourists. At first the Realm Legionnaires are nervous of the demon-possessed Anathaema in their presence, but Rav spots a feww familiar faces from Ledaal Takeis men who fought with them at the Battle of Solaria Magnus and starts telling tales of their heroism on that day. Shizu and Nascent chat with the DB officers and sense they are glad they didnt have to break out the weapons in the wooden wagons at the back. (Brand takes a peek at the wagons with All-Encompassing Sorceror Sight and sees the Essence flows bending around them like light into a black hole. Certainly weapons of magical destruction)

And the Watch are invited to dine with the Roseblack most nights- a gracious host she and Brand and Rav begin a dialogue

"We are misunderstood" says Brand "Really, all we want is a safe and stable Creation, free from the threats its people face"

"And does that safety and stability include a place for the Realm?"

"Perhaps. It depends on the freedoms the Realm allows and if it leaves the Threshold nations to live their own lives"

"But dont you agree some freedoms shouldnt be allowed. The freedom for some Gods to demand human sacrifices for example?"

"Depends on the god"'

"Or states such as Paragon. I mean slavery is one thing, but the magical slavery to the Perfect worries even Dragonbloods such as myself"

"Well Paragons always been weird. Miming in the streets? You wouldnt see that in Gem"

"And then theres the opposite of Paragonese order- the barely controlled anarchy of Gem! Some people see it as wrong that the strong are permitted to take from the weak, for criminality to rule over the populace!"

"Ah, but thats the way of life for Gem. Besides, its not anarchy- the Despot organises it and makes sure everyone gets their cut."

"Well thats our real enemy- chaos- in all its forms. Thats what the Realm needs to unite against. We need a strong leader to lead the fight against chaos."

"But the reason I mention Paragon" continues the Roseblack "is that we will be going there on the way to the Lap. Our vassal, the Perfect has requested a parade of triumph, and we are escorting his army back after all. There will be a march through the streets of Paragon- you'll have a strong escor around yout and if you could look a bit defeated I'd appreciate it, and then a reception at the Perfects Palace."

"A reception? Will there be Ferrero Roche?"

"But of course!"

So Ends Session 78

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