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Here goes with some Solar ride Charms. I find these to add to the drama of the Ride tree, which I have always felt was disappointingly lacking.

Wind-Swift Steed

  Cost: 2 motes
  Duration: 1 Turn
  Type: Reflexive
  Min. Ride: 2
  Min. Essence: 1
  Prerequisite Charms: None

Bending low over his steed's back, the Exalt infuses his mount's body with blazing Essence. The mount's sprinting distance is doubled for the turn, and the animal has no chance of becoming winded from the exertion as it is the Essence which powers its strides, and not its fragile mortal muscle and bone.

Galloping Evasion Method

  Cost: 4 motes
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Reflexive
  Min. Ride: 3
  Min. Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Swift Steed

Guided by the flows of Essence, the character's mount becomes able to instinctually anticipate attacks. The mount gains a free dodge action against an incoming attack, even one the rider is not aware of. The dice pool for these dodge actions is equal to the mount's Dexterity + the Exalt's Ride Ability. A successful dodge will protect both the rider and the mount. The animal must be running at a considerable speed -- at least a brisk trot -- for this Charm to take effect.

Wrathful Deadly Charge

  Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Supplemental
  Min. Ride: 3
  Min. Essence: 2
  Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Swift Steed

Infusing his mount with blazing flows of pure Solar Essence, the beast charges forward with a mighty burst of speed. The mount may move up to double it's normal sprinting distance, and the rider may make a normal attack. The character makes an attack as normal, but the amount of damage he inflicts is doubled after it is rolled. This Charm is explicity permitted to be part of a Combo with Charms of other Abilities. If Comboed with Thunderbolt Attack Prana, the damage is tripled after it is rolled, not quadrupled.

Cloud-Spanning Leap

  Cost: 5 motes
  Duration: Instant
  Type: Reflexive
  Min. Ride: 4
  Min. Essence: 3
  Prerequisite Charms: Galloping Evasion Method

Steadying and strengthening a mount's leap with the sure flows of Essence, this Charm allows the steed to leap up to a distance equal to the Exalt's (permanent Essence x 10) meters. As long as the jump takes the mount to a solid, reasonably flat surface which can sustain its weight, it will land without a problem.

Blazing Flight of the Divine Steed

  Cost: 8 motes
  Duration: Until the sun next rises over the horizon
  Type: Simple
  Min. Ride: 5
  Min. Essence: 4
  Prerequisite Charms: Cloud-Spanning Leap, Wrathful Deadly Charge

Infusing his mount with great pulses of his Essence, the character's steed transforms from a mortal beast of bone and blood to a beast formed of purest Essence. It runs with a speed unhindered by the bonds of mere physicality -- the steed may easily reach speeds of up to 200 miles per hour (or double its normal speed, whichever is faster), and also becomes preternaturally sure-footed; even at such speeds, the steed will never falter, trip, run into an obstacle, fall off a cliff, or fall prey to any similar hazard.

Unfortunately, the intense power of this Charm is too much for any mortal beast to bare. When the duration of this Charm elapses, the beast crumbles into a fine gray ash -- nothing short of the direct intervention of a Celestial Incarna can save it from this fate.

Mounts that are not mortal beasts of flesh (such as spirits, demons, and elementals) are not destroyed by this Charm -- istead they automatically take a number of levels of unSoakable Lethal damage sufficient to put them at their first -4 Health Level. A second usage of the Charm (or any usage when the being in question is already thusly wounded) will kill the being in question. An intelligent being must consent to the usage of this Charm for it to have any effect.

The Essence constructs created by other Solar Charms (such as Solar steed) are also consumed by this Charm; their Essence matrices are overloaded by the extreme power of this ability, and they fade out of existence sooner than they otherwise would have.


Certainly wouldn't be adverse to a few. ;)

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