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Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 April 2010

The providence of this style is… blurry, at best. It is clearly the result of intense and focused study, and truly its existence is a testament to the dedication of the Sidereal Exalted in their quest to explore and emulate all aspects of Creation. Its authors choose to remain unknown, and we can only suppose at their reasons for doing so.

This is a Sidereal Martial Art. Using this style while on duty in the name of Heaven is technically a Severity 1 offence, but it is generally only enforced in cases of profound and unmitigated failure.

This style regards attacks using improvised weapons that might be found at a bar and flask-daiklaves as unarmed.

Student's Sutra of Intoxication: Onesh, there was a maidennn…

Just One Tonight, Thanks

  • Cost: 3M
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Martial Arts: 3
  • Minimum Essence: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
  • Keywords: Combo-OK
…who got sooooooo drunk…

The character takes a nice big swig of whatever she's drinking, and lets the warm, soothing essence suffuce her body. For the duration of the Charm, she is immune to any negative effects of alcohol, and indeed, benefits from its consumption. For the duration of the Charm, she has an alcohol pool, with a maximum size equal to her Willpower + Essence + Martial Arts + Resistance. This pool is measured in shots; every shot of alcohol she consumes while under the effects of this Charm is added to the pool. Adding to the pool by taking a swig from her flask (or other appropriate container) is considered a reflexive action. A character may generally only consume her Willpower + Resistance in shots in any one go, but appropriate stunts can increase this limit.

While under the effects of this Charm, the character's balance is precarious, but never-failing. She never suffers knockdown (though the slightest blow will almost knock her over), and stumble around though she may, she need never make an Athletics check to avoid falling down, no matter how precarious her position.

Sorry, Totally Didn't See Where I Was Going

  • Cost: 3 motes + 1 shot / attack
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Type: Reflexive
  • Minimum Martial Arts: 4
  • Minimum Essence: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
  • Keywords: Combo-OK
…she stumbled into a few things…

The character wobbles forward, flailing ineffectually to avoid running into something. The nature of intoxication, however, thwarts her attempts, guaranteeing that her awkward thrusts land somewhere. After a failed attack, a character may invoke this Charm. Doing so allows her to retry the attack against the same target at her full dice pool. The target's DV is affected by onslaught penalties, as if the attacks were in a flurry (alternate: the target must dodge or parry each attempt as a new attack). She may continue to make attacks until one hits, so long as her alcohol supply holds out.

Whoa, Watch it With That

  • Cost: 3 motes + 1 Willpower + 1 shot / defense
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Type: Reflexive
  • Minimum Martial Arts: 4
  • Minimum Essence: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
  • Keywords: Combo-OK
…and fell down a lot lot lot…

The character topples backwards, trying to stay standing while incidentally avoiding her enemy's sword. After a failed defense, a character may invoke this Charm. Every shot spent adds one to her DV, retroactively.


Obviously, this isn't done. I welcome additions, suggestions, and such. I have a few ideas I'd like to actualize here. I haven't fully written the Sutras, but the bits that are posted should give you the basic idea. In the Student's Sutra, the Maiden stumbles around and gets snockered and incidentally kicks the crap out of everyone, and that's pretty much what the Charms are about. In the Elder Sutra, she offers drinks to others, and they get shitfaced, hungover, and pretty much die. I'm thinking that the Student's Sutra ends with the Maiden beginning a drunken ramble, which is itself the Elder Sutra.

I don't know what Crystalline Shots of Inebriation Form does yet, but whatever its benefits, its user should take bashing damage from a Dawn caste's anima—possibly any Solar anima.

Contributions are very welcome! A few ideas I have: an independent action Charm where the user forgets what she's been doing and does other things too, an attack which causes the target to not consider her a threat (and thus not defend), a defense of some sort which lets the user recover from being killed (possibly called, “It's Okay, I'm Fine, Really”).

The Charm naming scheme should be obvious to anyone who's been to a party. Ever.

~ VioletCrazyGirl

As a side note.

I'm… not sober right now.

It would be fitting if that were the state of all posters who contributed to this style.

Not that such is a requirement—I'm just… sayin'.

(Balancing this stuff, on the other hand, would probably be best handled while sober.)

~ VioletCrazyGirl

Just wanted to say I like it. I'm to sober to add anything, but very cool. I would add a few social charms (Your my bestests friend and I luuuvvv yous guys). Anyway, very nice. -FlowsLikeBits, Who actually likes something that isn't a Drunken Master style