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Prince of Poisoned Dreams

Concept: Smuggler, slaver, agent in creation, master of assassins

Also known as the Voice of the Festering Wound or The Hidden Beast, the death knight Prince of Poison Dreams is an abyssal of the Moonshadow Caste and one of the primary agents of Deathlord Widow of the Red Path in creation. Although he has only recently joined the ranks of the deathlords' servants and have yet to truly develop his dark powers, he has already served his master well. Tasked with creating a network of agents among the living and weakening the defenders of creation in anticipation of his master's inevitable attack, he has already caused much damage among the living. Posing as a nomad trade lord he travels several of the Hundred Kingdoms, especially in the northern part of that area. Here he plies his wares and is well-known and liked for his friendly being and excellent merchandize.


The Prince is a large heavyset man and obviously a member of one of the many nomadic tribes that travel the North east of creation. His long dark hair is kept in a tail and he sports the long dropping mustache traditionally worn by the nomads of the open land. His pale weathered skin suggest a life spend traveling the unwelcome wilderness, yet his rough exterior is softened by his dark eyes and wide smile. Larger than both his fellow nomads or the citizens of the Realm, he stands more than a head taller than most people with wide shoulders and muscular arms. Age and the success of his trade has marked him, gifting him with a large pot belly, the target of some ridicule, especially by the prince himself. Many refer to him, simply as the "Fat Trader" and few can remember his name, logically since he has successfully avoided giving one. Although he dresses in the fashion of the nomads, practical clothes in dark colors, his appearance displays his wealth with delicate fur rims and precious stones on his ears and fingers.

Most of the people of the Hundred Kingdoms, who know the prince consider him a friendly if slightly foolish merchant, a primitive who is star struck with the wonders and customs of creation and especially the Realm. Always behaving in a accommodating and servile manner, when dealing with citizens or allies of the realm, the Prince pretends to be a humble merchant who is avidly interested in everything to do with the Realm. When meeting citizens of the realm, he will affect an almost childish glee and offer them special deals while asking al sorts of questions about the realm. The few time, and the number is growing, he has been invited to social functions, he has dressed the part of a wealthy patrician, always making sure to miss some detail or getting some crucial bit wrong, ensuring that most people consider him friendly and, most important of all, harmless, a barbarian who can be dazzled with a few gestures. This, course, is not true however, it is par of an ingenious deception, the Prince of Poison Dreams is playing upon the citizens of the Hundred Kingdoms, allowing almost total freedom of movement.

Sometimes, especially when he returns to his hunting lodge in the wilderness, the Prince dispenses with the charades and


Already a successful trader and shady character before his dark exaltation, the man who would become the Prince of Poisoned Dreams once had a succesful trade in beautiful and hot blooded Nomad girls and boys as well as certain substances from the far east. Several bored or restless noblemen became regular customers and soon the traer


Due to his recent exaltion, the traits of the Prince of Poision are still fairly human. Exceptions are his Stamina, his Charisma and particularily his Manipulation which is borderline superhuman (4+). Apart from these, most of the Prince's attributes are slightly above average (3+).

Like all members of the Moonshadow caste, the Prince of Poison Dreams has an affinity for the abilities Bureaucracy, Linguistics, Ride, Sail and Socialize. In addition, the large nomad has an additional affinity for Medicine(for creating and administering drugs and poisons), Performance for lulling his customers and enemies into a false sense of security, Survival and Resistance for his long jurneys through the wilderness and Larceny for handling the more sinister parts of his busines empire.

As a newly exalted Deathknight, the Prince of Poison Dreams has yet to develop his essence, and has been ordered to refrain from any further spritiual development by his mistress as a high essence would mark him as one of the abyssal exalted and ruin his efficciency as an agent among the living. So far he has learned a handful of Socialize and Larceny charms to help him keeps his true dark nature a secret. When it comes to combat, the Prince relies on a group of elite ghostly assassins, hiding among the employees of his trading company.


  • Nomad Trading Company (Resources 4+)
  • Rashang (Familiar3+) appears to be a large ferocious dog, the kind that the prince's nomad people often use to guard their camps. Slightly larger than most of its kind, the dog has a menacing air about it that scares most animals and weak mortals and not without reason. Alhough the prince broke the massive animal himself, his master forced one of her most vicious nemesaries into the animal to act as the Prince's guide and protector.
  • The Hidden Brothers (Abyssal Command 2+) are a group of Nemesaries, all of which are highly trained assassins, who have attached themselves to innocent members of the Price's trading company and his various caravans. Most of the time, they remain hidden, but will quickly take control of their intended vessels and spring i nto action, defending the prince form any external threat.

Story Ideas

Other Notes