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First Internet Session

Storyteller: What Pathian sees inside the Temple of the Sunset is a whole lot of dark
Pathian: no light at all?
Storyteller: None
Storyteller: Well, enough to tell that there's a door behind you
Storyteller: But that crack doesn't illumate anything
Zenleigha: ((i bet it's only lit up at sunset...)) 
Maylin: *she approaches the others* need further proof we shouldn't be here?
Pathian: *shifts back and uses sensory accuity prana*
Zenleigha: *makes her way up the temple stairs* 
Storyteller: ((And Ruby went off looking for Elder Violet))
Endless Chase: Don't be afraid, Maylin.  We can handle anything we might find here.
Pathian: *that help me to see things?*
Storyteller: Not much
Zenleigha: ((since he had her sword...)) 
Storyteller: You can tell you're in a large room, but that's about it
Maylin: Jakari....have what happened to me happen to you and you'll be eager to get out too
Zenleigha: *grins over her shoulder at May* it wasn't that bad 
Maylin: *glares at Zen*
Endless Chase: The NAme is Endless Chase.  Get it right, May.
Maylin: The name your mother gave you is Jakari.
Zenleigha: *walks over to the door entrance, next to pathian* 
Storyteller: ((Pathian is inside))
Endless Chase: ((Jekari, actually))
Maylin: ((sorry))
Zenleigha: *where pathian went in 
Zenleigha: *peers into darkness* Pathian?
Endless Chase: The name I have now is not the same.  My name was Jekari.
Maylin: *sits on the steps, looking out over the city* WHy did you change what you wanted to 
be called? 
DIdn't scare enough people at arena?
Pathian: *flares anima banner at weak level*
Zenleigha: ((can i see him flare his banner??)) 
Storyteller: The room is in much worse condition than the other one.  The bones of dead Dragon 
Kings lie scattered around the room and about the altar in the front.  Like the other altar, 
it has ancient bloodstains on it
Maylin: ((the doors are open?))
Pathian: *no*
Zenleigha: ((he opened them)) 
Pathian: *no*
Zenleigha: ((oops )) 
Endless Chase: *Sits down several feet away from her, one step higher*  Because, I am not the 
same person that I was.  Jekari was the cheif hinter of the village.  Endless Chase is a humter 
in Luna's Name now.  I am not in the same roll that I was
Pathian: *not yet at least*
Storyteller: The ubiquitous carvings are still present, but any other decorations are long since 
fallen to dust
Zenleigha: ((hehe ;-) )) 
Zenleigha: *calls out* Pathian? Can you hear me?
Maylin: *laughs lightly* it's ironic, isn't, how much you and I are alike...we both hate 
ourselves...only you hate the past and I hate the present
Pathian: YES?
Zenleigha: What does it look like? 
Zenleigha: Can i help? 
Pathian: bones
Zenleigha: Fun 
Pathian: lots of bones
Zenleigha: *feels along the edges of the door* 
Pathian: *searches the room*
Zenleigha: Any sort of panel like at your tomb? 
Endless Chase: I do not truely hate who I was.  I am ashamed, now, because I let myself be controlled 
by others so easily then.  All it took then to win me over was a word of thanks or praise durring 
ritual from one of the elders.
Pathian: not that ive found yet
Storyteller: Nothing major you can find, though there is a stairway behind the altar, just like the 
other temple
Storyteller: No hidden panels or anything
Zenleigha: okay,  do you mind if i try something? 
Endless Chase: Now I am so much more than that, as are we all, and the fact that they thought they 
could still control me in the same manner was not acceptable.
Pathian: im going to see if there is anythignin here, ill be back *goes down the stairs*
Maylin: this fear of control is intresting to me. 
Pathian: *anything*
Zenleigha: Ok! 
Zenleigha: ((can i see any symbols on the outside??) 
Zenleigha: ) 
Endless Chase: I'm sure it is.
Maylin: we aren't better than anyone, if anything we're worse.But I seem to be the only one that 
feels that way *shrugs*
Zenleigha: *flares her anima banner* 
Zenleigha: *GLOWY*
Storyteller: Downstairs are more priest quarters, etc.  Much like the last temple, though down 
here's it's kind of hard to breath
Zenleigha: *Crimson and Copper glowy* 
Maylin: *looks over her shoulder at Zen* we are not going through anymore rings, Zen!
Endless Chase: Maylin, we are meant for something grand.  We may not yet know what that is, but 
we must live to our potentials.  We can not do so in hiding, or in the bondage of others.
Zenleigha: No... but i would like to get into the door....
Storyteller: There are several mummified dragon kings down here
Pathian: *hard to breath how?  lack of o2? *
Storyteller: Judging by the dust, no one has been down here in a long time
Pathian: *or just stuffy*
Storyteller: The air is musty
Pathian: *ok
Pathian: *
Storyteller: It's not dangerous, just annoying
Maylin: something grand...*chuckles* grand...*begins laughing harder, soon it sounds almost mad*
Zenleigha: *reaches out and touches an image of the sun on the horizon on the door* 
Storyteller: ...and nothing happens
Zenleigha: Damn 
Pathian: *anything interesting down here?*
Zenleigha: so much for that theory 
Zenleigha: hmmm 
Zenleigha: *thinks, pacing infront of the door, glowing* 
Storyteller has left the room.
Storyteller has entered the room.
Storyteller: Pathian: Not that you can see.  A quick search doesn't reveal anything, and a 
large search would take hours with all the rooms
Endless Chase: *Raises an eyebrow at maylin for a sec, then starts moving, searching the building 
for any flaws or other such smallish openings.*
Storyteller: ((if I get the boot, DON'T SAY ANYTHING UNTIL I GET BACK, please))
Zenleigha: ((we wont)) 
Pathian: :-P
Maylin: *jumps up suddenly and shouts at the top of her lungs* CITIZENS OF RATHUSS! KING ENDLESS 
Pathian: *... ... ...*
Zenleigha: *speaks in a low, but firm voice* By the power of the unconcored sun, i bid these 
doors open! *puts her hands back against the door... infusing some essance into her words* 
Storyteller: Nothing continues to happen
Endless Chase: Stupid doors.
Zenleigha: *sighs* 
Pathian: *so from a quick search nothing cool?*
Zenleigha: so muc hfor that 
Storyteller: Pathian: nothing
Maylin: *sits back down, still giggling to herself*
Endless Chase: ((Do I find any cracks or major flaws in the building anywhere?
Storyteller: EC: No.  It seems pretty damn solid
Pathian: *is there a room that corresponds to the shiny ring room in the other one?*
Storyteller: Pathian: there is not
Endless Chase: ((No cat sixed holes?))
Pathian: *well crappy*
Zenleigha: ((how do we get in??)) 
Storyteller: EC:  No
Endless Chase: ((About what time is it?
Storyteller: The outside looks like it's in mint condition
Storyteller: It will be sunset soon
Zenleigha: ((oooo)) 
Zenleigha: ((*smacks her own hand* bad Jill... no meta gaming..)) 
Endless Chase: Well, people.  If this is really the temple of sus set or something, maybe we 
can get it to open then.
Pathian: *ummm... sunset should have already occured*
Endless Chase: *Sits down to wait*
Storyteller: (O?))
Pathian: *yeah
Zenleigha: You think? 
Pathian: *me in shadow form*
Zenleigha: *puts her hands on her hips* 
Pathian: *sun has set*
Storyteller: ((...right.  It's an hour after sunset :-[))
Pathian: *:-P*
Zenleigha: ((oops)) 
Maylin: *is finally calm again. She removes her tiara and finger combs her hair*
Zenleigha: ((so were the doors suppose to swing open at sun set??)) 
Storyteller: ((Good question))
Pathian: *goes to the opposite end of the hall from the staricase and does a thurough search 
Endless Chase: *yells at the door*  Oi!  Pathian!  Anything in there of note?
Pathian: *if nothing then he does one more thurough search ar the stair end of the hall*
Zenleigha: He haddn't found anything the last i checked other than skulls and bones 
Zenleigha: *pats EC on the shoulder* 
Maylin: well Endless chase has dinner then
Storyteller: Pathian: Nothing.  Just bones and a lot of dust
Endless Chase: Pathian!  When you come out, bring out a few of the bones!  I want to get a 
look at them!
Zenleigha: *rolls her eyes at may* play nice with the other kids, especially if we're going 
to bother to save their asses 
Maylin: You can save people that are useful to you, but you don't have to be nice to them
Pathian: *anything that looks unnatural about the way the bones are arranged?  like a predator 
ate them or are they just skeletons?*
Zenleigha: I like to be nice to the ones that can tie me up and hang me from the  tops of 
temples..... *lets her voice teasingly trail* 
Endless Chase: *Pats Zen on the shoulder*  At least she hasn't cut me up pretty good with razor 
sharp bits of black stone THREE TIMES!!!
Storyteller: It looks like they're just lying where they fell
Storyteller: [[ThThey]] aren't disturbed at all
Maylin: Zen, it's happened so often all I get from it now is a headache
Maylin: *replaces her tiara, her curls looking a little neater now*
Zenleigha: *rolls her eyes in his direction* Well, oh buddy oh pal... if you weren't such a 
gung-ho glory hog it wouldn't be a problem 
Zenleigha: *grins innocently* 
Storyteller: *Foam starts laughing quietly to himself*
Endless Chase: Well, if it makes you feel any better, May, I don't plan to do that any more.
Pathian: *gives up and goes back upstarirs*
Maylin: only slightly...there are worse things you could do
Zenleigha: *turns to the Fae* Do you know how to get into this place? 
Storyteller: *he shrugs* "I haven't a clue."
Zenleigha: well then... hmm 
Endless Chase: Well, it's not like razor cuts hurt for more than a few seconds.  And it's not 
called Glory Hogging, it's called Valor.
Pathian: *how are the bones arranged up here?*
Zenleigha: *raspberries him* it's not Valor if you don't have the common sense to stand back 
a moment and let me do my thing
Maylin: I would think Valor would also constitite recognizing your fellow's strengths
Zenleigha: *nods decisively* 
Storyteller: It looks like they died in the middle of some ceremony.  They're roughly in a semi 
circle around the altar, with a small circle closer in
Endless Chase: Getting double teamed is hardly fair.
Storyteller: *Foam continues laughing*
Zenleigha: Sure it is... you've handled both of us at the same time before 
Zenleigha: *grins wickedly* 
Endless Chase: But then again, I've allready proven once that I'm man enough to take both of you 
at the same time  *Seductive wink*
Zenleigha: ((haha beat you to it)) 
Maylin: oh, don't make me sick
Endless Chase: ((Mine was longer in a smaller font.  I feel justified))
Zenleigha: ((hehe whatever :-) )) 
Endless Chase: True, May.  At least you didn't jump back in.
Pathian: *anythign about the altar thats significant?* *aside from being an altar?*
Pathian: :-
Pathian: :-P
Maylin: had it been my choice I would not have at all
Zenleigha: *shrugs* what? last time i checked it was an acceptable way to pass the time 
Zenleigha: and May... i need not remind you of that summer i walked in on you two.... 
Storyteller: It has an image of a man, dressed in golden armor, with four arms on it. He is 
carven in such a manner that the blood would pool over his mouth
Maylin: *keeps her comment to herself*
Zenleigha: *smiles, satisfied* 
Endless Chase: Well, thankfully all I got from you was the sex.  From Zen I got a daughter.
Zenleigha: thankfully?!
Maylin: *gives Zen a rude gesture*
Zenleigha: *hufs*
Pathian: *takes a knife and cuts his hand, allows the blood to pool in the altar*
Maylin: well yes, a child from us would have killed everyone else
Zenleigha: *turns her back and looks out into the night* 
Storyteller: Pathian: Nothing happens.  Judging by the murals, it might take more than 
blood to constitute a proper sacrifice
Zenleigha: *strokes oynx's hair* 
Zenleigha: you shouldn't say things like that in front of your daughter 
Maylin: Zen, he was happy the child was yours, not mine...that's all he was saying
Storyteller: Onyx: Mama!
Maylin: *looks at EC hintingly*
Endless Chase: ...
Storyteller: Onyx grabs Zen's hair
Zenleigha: *smiles down at her, kissing her lightly on her forhead* 
Endless Chase: Hmm...I don't think I can dig myself out of this one...
Zenleigha: Gentile,dearest 
Storyteller: Onyx: Mama!
Storyteller: *tug tug*
Maylin: of course you can, you would have hated a child from me, right *screws up her face 
in frustration*
Pathian: *rock* *uses the last of his rapidly dwindling essence pool to pour more blood 
into the altar*
Zenleigha: Is something wrong dear? what is it? 
Endless Chase: I don't hate any of my daughters.
Maylin: but you would have hated a child from me, isn't that right, Endless Chase
Endless Chase: I don't hate Zen, and I most definitly don't hate Ruby.
Zenleigha: *wrinkles her brow* 
Storyteller: "Mama!" *smiles*
Zenleigha: *Smiles* 
Storyteller: "Wuv!"
Endless Chase: No, I wouldn't have.  I just may not have loved her mother.
Storyteller: *tug tug*
Zenleigha: *hugs her child close to her * 
Zenleigha: I love you too 
Maylin: *gives up with a groan*
Storyteller: Pathian: The blood pools in the hollow, and it slowly starts to vanish.  
Pathian: *... and...*
Storyteller: ...and nothing happens. 
Pathian: *... well fuck*
Maylin: do you think he's all right in there?
Pathian: *and now im stuck here*
Zenleigha: ((damnit all) 
Endless Chase: ((Must...have...gemstone...of...enterance...))
Zenleigha: good question 
Endless Chase: ((No you're not.  You just need to wait three minutes to change into a 
shadow again, not a full night.))
Endless Chase: ((Break out your night castebook))
Pathian: *im out of essence*
Zenleigha: ((that would do it)) 
Pathian: *so im stuck for a while*
Endless Chase: Well, then you're stuck for another hour
Pathian: *yep*
Maylin: *shouts to the door* Pathien! Are you dead?
Zenleigha: So how do you think mama should open the big bad door sweetie? 
Pathian: im fine!
Zenleigha: *strokes Oynx's deep black hair* 
Maylin: Just checking! Anything good?
Endless Chase: If Ember was here she'd find a way in.
Pathian: not that ive found
Zenleigha: Obviously 
Maylin: no she wouldn't *grins wickedly*
Zenleigha: but she's with her mother, where she belongs 
Maylin: that would be using her powers in public....
Zenleigha: *looks to may* 
Zenleigha: do you see anyone else around? 
Endless Chase: That was not a good thing you did.
Storyteller: Onyx: wuv! *points to door*
Endless Chase: She'll recover, I assume.
Maylin: according you there aren't many good things I do, what's one more?
Zenleigha: *walks over to the door, facing it* 
Zenleigha: love? 
Pathian: *so since ive got some time on my hands, i go back downstairs and check the 
other rooms down there
Zenleigha: what are you trying to show mama? 
Endless Chase: One too many. *Stern face*
Storyteller: Onyx: "dat!" *points to door*
Zenleigha: *puts onyx close to the door* touch where you want to show mama
Maylin: *sighs* lecture on. *looks at him expectingly*
Pathian: *anything in the rooms?*
Storyteller: Pathian: A more thorough search of the room reveals some old food containers, 
and a lot of decayed plant matter
Storyteller: Onyx: *pokes a picture of a Dragon King* Dat!
Endless Chase: *He walks up to her*
Zenleigha: *looks at the picture* 
Pathian: *... oh boy*
Zenleigha: ((can i get a description??)) 
Endless Chase: Just be nice, Maylin.
Zenleigha: what do you think that is? *holding her daughter close to her again 
Zenleigha: *
Maylin: [insert suspensful string music here as the CHILD gets close to the temple 
Storyteller: It's a picture of a Dragon King, his arms raised in homage to the setting sun.  
Around him several other acolytes bow as one
Maylin: be nice? Why?
Storyteller: Onyx screws up her face.  She's obviously concentrating very hard
Maylin: I don't recall a fond greeting when you meet up with me again
Zenleigha: *waits paitiently* 
Storyteller: Onys: "Dagwon!"
Zenleigha: Dragon? 
Endless Chase: You know what, Maylin?  I'm done.  Just done.  Once more, and that will 
be the last.  *walks off*
Zenleigha: *sighs* I told you to play nice  with the other kids 
Maylin: welcome to my world, Endless Chase!
Storyteller: *Onyx curls her fingers into claws and starts poking the door*
Maylin: I did play nice, I just asked why
Maylin: he did the same thing and we gave him a city
Zenleigha: *shrugs* 
Zenleigha: it's alright. it's not like he's a father to Oynx anyway 
Endless Chase: *Walks up to Zen and Onyx*  What's this now?  What do you think, little one?
Zenleigha: i suppose if he leaves we'll get along like before 
Zenleigha: *turns abruptly* 
Zenleigha: I thought you were leaving? 
Maylin: here is where I make my exit....*heads down the stairs*
Storyteller: Onyx: *poke poke*
Endless Chase: ((Away from Maylin))
Zenleigha: *pokes where her daughter poked* 
Storyteller: Onyx: *click*
Pathian: *nothing else in the basement level?
Zenleigha: like this? 
Storyteller: Onyx: eep!
Zenleigha: oh! 
Zenleigha: i think you found something dearest! 
Storyteller: A small panel in the front of the door opens up, revealing a spherical depression
Endless Chase: What the...
Zenleigha: *kisses her head* Well done 
Storyteller: Pathian: Nothing else that you can find
Zenleigha: *looks closely at the depression* 
Pathian: *back up the stairs*
Maylin: *is about halfway down the stairs by now*
Zenleigha: May! 
Storyteller: ((The doors aren't open...))
Zenleigha: I think we found a way in! 
Storyteller: ((oh, I see))
Storyteller: As near as you can tell, it's a perfectly smooth, hemispherical depression
Endless Chase: What is it?
Maylin: *stops, sighs and makes her way back up* now? HOw long have we been looking at 
that damn door?
Zenleigha: *looks back at the picture* 
Zenleigha: *looks at the depression* 
Zenleigha: It looks like a recepticle 
Maylin: here, let me take Onyx so you can focus on that
Zenleigha: *nods* She did wonderfully, didn't you my little love? 
Storyteller: Onyx: Wuv!
Zenleigha: *kisses her on the cheek before handing her to May* 
Maylin: *smiels as she takes her* that was very good of you...such a smart girl...that 
must be your mother's doing
Zenleigha: *feels along the depression, using sensory acuity prana* 
Storyteller: As near as you can tell, it is perfectly smooth
Zenleigha: ((do  i smell anything, or sense anything??)) 
Storyteller: ((You do not))
Zenleigha: hmm 
Maylin: *to anyone watching, while she's watching onyx Maylin looks more human suddenly...
more like she did before she Exalted*
Zenleigha: It looks like they worshiped here 
Zenleigha: May, i need my dagger 
Storyteller: Onyx: *tubs Maylin's hair*
Storyteller: *tugs
Maylin: *giggles* good grip *hands Zen the weapon*
Endless Chase: ((Currenlty looking at the depression in the pannel))
Pathian: *drops into a meditative position ammongst the bones of the DK's*
Pathian: *meditates to regen essence quicker*
Zenleigha: *takes it, slicing gently across her hand, infuses about 5 motes of essance 
into her blood and chants* By the Setting sun, I bid these  doors open
Zenleigha: *lets her glowy-infused blood drip into the depression* 
Storyteller: Onyx: Wuv!
Storyteller: ...nothing happens
Zenleigha: damn...
Zenleigha: *licks at the wound* 
Endless Chase: I think I hate these damn doors.
Zenleigha: we're getting somewhere at least 
Maylin: *smiles again, ignoring what's going on behind her*
Storyteller: *tug tug*
Endless Chase: *Yells* Pathian!  Hurry up and get back out here!  We're sick of this place!
Zenleigha: *turns around, wrapping a piece of gause over her hand* 
Maylin: ow...okay enough of pulling Auntie May's hair, thank you *dislodges her little grip 
Zenleigha: Oynx, Darling come to mommy *holds out her arms* 
Maylin: okay go on! *gives her to Zen*
Endless Chase: Next time you think you need some blood, Zen, let me know.  I heal up alot 
faster than you do.
Zenleigha: I'm a big girl 
Storyteller: *Onyx stares up at Maylin with huge black eyes for a moment before she is placed 
back in Zen's arms*
Zenleigha: *holds her child on her hip, heading back over to the depression* 
Zenleigha: so little bitty one, what do you think? 
Maylin: *shakes her head, recovering her cold exterior and turns her back again to look at the 
Storyteller: Onyx is silent now.  She closes her eyes and goes a little limp
Endless Chase: Oi! Pathian!  you there?
Zenleigha: *panics* 
Zenleigha: Oynx?!?
Storyteller: Onyx: *snore*
Zenleigha: *sighs* oh, just sleeping 
Maylin: *whips back around at hearing the little girl's name, then relaxes*
Zenleigha: *smiles* 
Maylin: don't panic like that, Zen *steps back quickly so no one sees she might have actually 
been worried*
Zenleigha: I think she might have the right idea,* lowers herself against the temple door and 
begins to meditate with her child in her lap* 
Storyteller: Time passes...
Pathian: *essence regens*
Maylin: *stays up, watching out for more hobgoblins*
Zenleigha: ((Brb)) 
Endless Chase: *Lays down on a stair and closes eyes*  Wake me up if there's trouble.
Maylin: yes my lord
Storyteller: Some of the glass towers in the city are glowing slightly, faint shades of red 
and orange.  It's quite pretty
Pathian: *regens enough to go shadow* *packs up a few bones(a femur a humerous and a skull)* 
wibbles *and goes out*
Storyteller: You get out
Zenleigha: ((back)) 
Pathian: wibble
Maylin: *is looking out over the city, the others asleep on the stairs*
Pathian: well that was a pretty large waste of time
Zenleigha: *blinks awake* 
Zenleigha: hi there 
Maylin: ::looks over her shoulder to him:: nothing?
Pathian: bones
Pathian: mummies
Maylin: *shudders* no thank you
Pathian: remains of dinner that havent been touched in centuries
Zenleigha: eww
Pathian: another altar
Maylin: *wrinkles her nose*
Zenleigha: *nods* 
Pathian: no ring
Zenleigha: *nods* 
Maylin: I thought you said there was treasure here
Pathian: i didnt
Storyteller: Foam: "You aren't the first ones here.  All the easy pickings have been picked."
Zenleigha: True 
Maylin: *said as a general statement*
Pathian: i barely know anything about this place
Zenleigha: me either 
Endless Chase: *speaks*  My memories of it are limited to Ruby's bedroom.  It's where Sun's 
Setting Proposed.
Zenleigha: aha 
Pathian: speeking of ruby where is she?
Maylin: she's looking for Elderviolet
Zenleigha: Went looking for her sword and the man carring it 
Zenleigha: before he had gone too far with it *grins* 
Pathian: :-P
Pathian: ok
Maylin: *barely covers a yawn*
Pathian: i hear you there
Zenleigha: we should rest longer 
Zenleigha: *rocks the sleeping child* 
Maylin: we don't know of a safe place to rest...
Zenleigha: i'm not climbing down those stairs...
Zenleigha: why dont we take turns on watch?? 
Endless Chase: I could get us to the roof of this temple.
Endless Chase: It's probably alot safer than ground level.
Zenleigha: *nods* 
Endless Chase: Well, stair level.
Zenleigha: why don't we do that? 
Maylin: *shrugs* if you're up to it
Zenleigha: *Stands* 
Pathian: *collapses*
Zenleigha: or not...
Endless Chase: *Uses finding the spirit's shape to take spider form, and climbs up, letting 
silk trail behind*
Maylin: *offers a hand to Pathian* come on
Pathian: *oi!* *hork* *and stands up*
Zenleigha: *grins* thats the spirit *begins climbing up the spider silk* 
Maylin: oh no....
Maylin: *gestures for Pathian to go next*
Pathian: *goes*
Endless Chase: *Ties the silk off*
Zenleigha: may you can do it 
Endless Chase: *Climbs back down to help everyone up*
Zenleigha: *gets herself onto the roof* 
Maylin: last time I fell into zombie arms!
Zenleigha: ((living in the trees would make her good at climbing)) 
Maylin: *begins climbing up*
Maylin: ((trees and ropes are different things to climb. I can scramble up a tree no issues, 
but I'm useless on a rope))
Zenleigha: ((we probably had rope ladders)) 
Endless Chase: *Makes sure nobody falls*
Maylin: *at the top she sighs* does anyone want first watch?
Storyteller: Everyone gets on the roof
Zenleigha: Not Pathian *grins* 
Pathian: *yar*
Endless Chase: *Nods his spidery head*
Maylin: I'll keep going on my watch then.
Zenleigha: alright, i'll go after you may 
Zenleigha: *lies down, spreading a shawl under her* 
Zenleigha: *cuddles oynx close* 
Pathian: *collapses*
Endless Chase: *Shrugs, lays down for sleep*
Maylin: *paces, glad she doesn't have to sleep after the bad dreams recently*
Storyteller: The others go to sleep, and Maylin stands watch.  
Endless Chase: ((Does anything happen this night?))
Maylin: ((may doesn't wake Zen for her watch...she stays up all night))
Zenleigha: ((.....rachie..... i wanted to do something! wahh)) 
Storyteller: She occasionally sees shapes in the glow of the buildings, but nothing 
that approaches the group
Zenleigha: ((i suppose it will have to wait)) 
Maylin: ((then you should have taken first watch :P))
Zenleigha: ((ahh))