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The first vault is devoid of life.

An oak table lays on its side at the far end of the room, the bloodstained splinters of a chair scattered around it.

Dried blood mars the stone floor and a nearby wall, crude marks outlining a shape.

The shape is reminiscent of a doorway.

The second vault is filled with light and music.

A haze of smoke drifts joyously through the room, eddies and whorls forming and skittering through it as if in a dance, the smoke's every move highlighted by the gleam of its oily iridescence.

Amidst it all, two figures sit passing an ornate brass and crystal hookah back and forth. One is a Southern sophisticate who moves with the languorous efficiency of motion reserved for the truly idle; the other carries a vortex of passionate intensity within his eyes. There is blood on his hands, and his sapphire raiment shimmers and ripples like liquid as it twists in and out of the world, seemingly both whole and shattered between the passing of each moment.

The Southerner speaks at length; of the inevitability of consequence, of significance in past and future. His companion simply waits with the fierce calm of a brewing storm, while his aura of coiling ink and scripture becomes a shadow of his being and begins to sing for him.


While I find these facinating- what in the hell are they? Floras? Or is there a deeper significance I fail to grasp? - DS

Mainly I wrote this because it was burning a hole in my brain, and partly to fascinate (or just confuse) anyone passing by. But still, here's the dark of the deal:

It's something from my FTF campaign, in the basement of the ruined First Age tower the PCs have been exploring. There are three vaults 'pressed beyond the veil of time' with Solar sorcery to store things best kept outside the world.

The first vault was for Sapphire Lament, an Infernal Chosen of Thari (in the FWW Infernal style) who'd been captured by the Circle of Solars who once resided there. Of course, once they were killed in the Usurpation, he found this increasingly tiresome.

The second vault contains Gobasi, a 2nd Circle demon I wrote into the Taxonomy of Madness a while back, and a bunch of his children; he was bound into the room because being placed outside of time allowed him access to even more lost lore, and has opted to stay on despite the faltering of the magics that bind him. The man sharing the smoke of a thousand lost stories but saying nothing is Sapphire Lament.

The third vault is on the [[[BrokenCircles/HorizonVaults/Storylines]] | previous page to this]], and contains all the story it needs to explain it. - Translucidity