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----<B><I>Sunlight Energy Mastery</B></I>
----<B><I>Sunlight Energy Mastery[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]>[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/I]]>
   <B>Cost:</B> 30 motes, 3 Willpower, 1 Experience  
   <B>Cost:[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]> 30 motes, 3 Willpower, 1 Experience  
   <B>Duration:</B>  Instant
   <B>Duration:[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]>  Instant
   <B>Type:</B>  Simple
   <B>Type:[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]>  Simple
   <B>Minimum Lore:</B>  6
   <B>Minimum Lore:[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]>  6
   <B>Minimum Essence:</B>  6
   <B>Minimum Essence:[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]>  6
   <B>Prerequisite Charms:</B> [[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreOrder|Luminous Walls of Creation]]
   <B>Prerequisite Charms:[[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B]]> [[IsawaBrian/SolarLoreOrder|Luminous Walls of Creation]]
The secrets of Creation are open to Solars of great power- including that of the great Engines which drive reality and Existence.  Through means of this terrifyingly powerful Charm, the character can redirect the local forces of Existence for a small moment.  The character makes a single Essence roll and gets a result as per Wyld-Shaping Technique- including that of a botch.  This is NOT an extended action; Sunlight Energy Mastery can be used only once per day in an area of Creation equal to the Solar’s Essence in miles.  This Charm can only be used in direct sunlight.
The secrets of Creation are open to Solars of great power- including that of the great Engines which drive reality and Existence.  Through means of this terrifyingly powerful Charm, the character can redirect the local forces of Existence for a small moment.  The character makes a single Essence roll and gets a result as per Wyld-Shaping Technique- including that of a botch.  This is NOT an extended action; Sunlight Energy Mastery can be used only once per day in an area of Creation equal to the Solar’s Essence in miles.  This Charm can only be used in direct sunlight.

Revision as of 00:36, 6 April 2010

Sunlight Energy MasteryIsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B>IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/I>
 <B>Cost:IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B> 30 motes, 3 Willpower, 1 Experience 
 <B>Duration:IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B>  Instant
 <B>Type:IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B>  Simple
 <B>Minimum Lore:IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B>  6
 <B>Minimum Essence:IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B>  6
 <B>Prerequisite Charms:IsawaBrian/SolarLoreEnergy/B> Luminous Walls of Creation

The secrets of Creation are open to Solars of great power- including that of the great Engines which drive reality and Existence. Through means of this terrifyingly powerful Charm, the character can redirect the local forces of Existence for a small moment. The character makes a single Essence roll and gets a result as per Wyld-Shaping Technique- including that of a botch. This is NOT an extended action; Sunlight Energy Mastery can be used only once per day in an area of Creation equal to the Solar’s Essence in miles. This Charm can only be used in direct sunlight.

The force of this creation will be felt by all little gods, elementals, demons, and wyld beings within that radius, and the matter will be reported both to the Commission of Celestial Concern and Abstract Matters (and almost certainly go directly to Ryzala) and to the Bureau of Destiny. While this is a perfectly legal use of a Solar’s prerogatives, it is one that will be noticed at all levels, and is almost certain to gain the attention of every faction in Heaven. In effect, it is the equivalent of announcing one’s self to the entire world as a Prince of the Earth. You have been warned.

<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is rather different:

 <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Lore: 6, Essence 6; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
 <b>Keywords:</b> None
 <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Wyld Cauldron Technology

The secrets of Creation are open to Solars of great power- including that of the great Engines which drive reality and Existence. Through means of this terrifyingly powerful Charm, the character can redirect the local forces of Existence for a small moment. For an additional 10 motes, 2 willpower, and one aggravated health level of damage, the character may make a single, non-extended roll as per Wyld-Shaping Technique anywhere in Creation. The base difficulty of this roll is 5.

The force of this creation will be felt by all little gods, elementals, demons, and wyld beings within that radius, and the matter will be reported both to the Commission of Celestial Concern and Abstract Matters (and almost certainly go directly to Ryzala) and to the Bureau of Destiny. While this is a perfectly legal use of a Solar’s prerogatives, it is one that will be noticed at all levels, and is almost certain to gain the attention of every faction in Heaven. In effect, it is the equivalent of announcing one’s self to the entire world as a Prince of the Earth. You have been warned.

<b>Celestial Bolstering of Essence.
 Cost: --; Mins: Lore: 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Power-Awarding Prana

Solar control of Essence is phenomenal. Like the Lawgiver he is named for, a Solar may impose his will upon constructions of essence, locking them into existence longer than they might otherwise do. By investing additional 5 motes, 1 willpower when a Charm is used, the Solar may substantially increase the duration of any non-Instant Charm. The motes used remain committed with the motes committed to the Charm modified, and are uncommitted when that Charm is ended. The duration of the target charm is multiplied by the Solar's Essence.

Well-Prepared Lawgiver's Cache</i>
 Cost: --; Mins: Lore: 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Bolstering of Essence

Continuing the Solar's intuitive command of Essence, the character gains the ability to 'hold' a Charm of a non-Instant duration for later use by ensheathing the basic Essence matrix in a solid shell of motes that holds that matrix on the very edge of realization. Doing so means that Solar may access the Charm at any time, but it requires immense concentration and power. The Solar triggers Well-Prepared Lawgiver's Cache when activating a Charm of a non-Instant Duration by paying an additional 10 motes, 2 willpower. All motes from both the Charm and from this additional surcharge are held committed, and the Charm does not take effect. Instead, the Solar may, as a reflexive non-Charm action, trigger the "held" Charm at any point; the Charm will be held so long as the motes remain committed. When the Charm is committed, the surcharge motes become uncommitted. The Solar may only hold one Charm in this manner at any time until she reaches Essence 5, at which point she may hold up to her Lore in Charms, presuming she somehow has the Essence and Willpower to pay for them all. As usual, Willpower spent is not committed. Well-Prepared Lawgiver's Cache may only be used on Charms that target the Solar herself.

<i>Lesser Ambrosia Mandate</i>
 Cost: --; Mins: Lore: 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Well-Prepared Lawgiver's Cache

Although Solars are not usually permitted direct, personal access to the solidified Essence known as Ambrosia that Heaven uses as the basis of its material goods and power, their transcendent mastery of Essence allows them to forge, via great will and effort, their own Charms into Ambrosia-like constructs, granting incredible lifespans to those Charms and shielding them from spiritual attacks.

By expending twice the usual amount of time (typically, two actions) and an additional 15 motes of essence and 3 willpower, the Solar may fix a single non-Instant, non-Permanent Charm into a Lesser Ambrosia construct. The Charm used cannot grant, modify, discount, or otherwise be directly involved in any effect that allows the character to perfectly defend. This construct may appear as a bracelet, an amulet, a hovering disc, a halo, or virtually any other small but obvious form. Individual manifestations are consistent for each of an individual Solar's Charms but vary between Charms, and the manifestation of a Charm for one Solar may be very, very different from the manifestation of that same Charm for another Solar. These constructs are indestructible so long as the Solar lives and maintains the altered Charm.

Once a Lesser Ambrosia Mandate Charm has been activated, it remains in effect so long as all motes spent in activating the Charm remain committed. Indeed, not only is the duration of the modified Charm effectively indefinite, but it becomes substantially harder to dispel, redirect, stifle, or otherwise directly attack or modify that Charm-- attempts to do so have an external penalty equal to the Solar's Essence. Only one Charm at a time may be fixed with a Lesser Ambrosia Mandate. Only Charms which target the Solar himself may be used with Lesser Ambrosia Mandate.

Once the Solar reaches Essence 6, however, his expression of the Lesser Ambrosia Mandate begins to approach the perfection of Heaven. Any Charm that does not produce or directly counter a perfect effect is perfectly defended against any attempt to dispel, redirect, stifle, or otherwise directly attack or modify that Charm. Perfect-effect producing or countering Charms retain the protection as per a normal Lesser Ambrosia Mandate. The Solar may also fix multiple Charms in a Lesser Ambrosia Mandate, up to his Lore in Charms in the unlikely event that he has the Essence to pay for them all.

<i>Blazing Soul Discipline</i>
 Cost: --; Mins: Lore: 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms:  Immanent Solar Glory

Tying her Essence to that of her patron, the Solar gains the ability to regenerate additional Essence by acting as a conduit for the Unconquered Sun. Every day at dawn, noon, and sunset, provided that the character is not in the Underworld, Malfeas, Autochthonia, or another realm outside the dominion of Creation, the Solar regenerates a number of motes of Essence equal to her permanent Essence in addition to any ordinary effect. This counts as an Essence-recovery Charm for the purposes of Charms like Immanent Solar Glory.

<i>Energy Seclusion Shield</i>
 Cost: 6m, 1 wp; Mins: Lore: 4, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
 Keywords: Combo-OK
 Duration: One Scene
 Prerequisite Charms: Chaos-Repelling Pattern  

There are many beings and entities in existence who can drain others of their essence and will, but a Solar may utilize the strength of his Exaltation to block out such effects. Once activated, the Solar's motes and mind are surrounded by an invisible, burning shield that flares up against any attempts to drain power from the Solar. Any attacker who wishes to drain the Solar of motes of Essence or points of Willpower must make a reflexive Essence + Relevant ability roll against the Solar's highest MDV. This MDV is applicable even if the attack itself would ordinarily have rendered it inapplicable, although all current penalties to the Solar's MDV apply. If the roll succeeds, the Solar loses the motes and/or Willpower as normal. If it fails, the attacker will instead receive lethal damage equal to the motes that would have been drained, plus five for every point of willpower, that can only be soaked by natural soak.

<i>Heavenly Potency Reserve</i>
 Cost: --; Mins: Lore: 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
 Keywords: None
 Prerequisite Charms: Immanent Solar Glory

The mind of a Lawgiver is sustained by effort towards the central purpose of her life. By turning herself towards the task or cause that drives her, the Solar may go without sleep or cease and yet still have a mighty reserve of will to sustain her being. Whenever the character regains Willpower via her Motivation, she regains 2 willpower points instead of 1. The Solar also develops an additional reserve of temporary Willpower that may only be refueled by Motivation or Charms, once per purchase of this Charm. This Charm may be purchased once per dot of Permanent Essence the character has, and each iteration past the first only increases the character's temporary willpower reserve.

== Comments ==