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=== Peleps Saratti, Reluctant Solar ===
=== Peleps Saratti, Reluctant Solar ===

Revision as of 08:08, 5 April 2010

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Peleps Saratti, Reluctant Solar

Name: Peleps Saratti
Caste: Eclipse
Motivation: Defend the Realm
Anima: Shimmering image of the imperial mountain
Concept: Loyal patrician on the run

Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 2

Dawn: Archery 5, Martial arts 1, Melee 0, Thrown 0, War 0
Zenith: Integrity 1, Performance 0, Presence 2, Resistance 5, Survival 1
Twilight: Craft 0, Investigation 2, Lore 1, Medicine 0, Occult 0
Night: Athletics 1, Awareness 1, Dodge 3, Larceny 0, Stealth 0
Eclipse: Bureaucracy 2, Linguistics 1, Ride 1, Sail 2, Socialize 3

Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (orichalcum hearthstone bracers), resources 5, contacts 1, manse 1

Compassion 2, Conviction 4, Temperance 4, Valor 1

Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint (conviction)

Willpower: 8
Health: -0,-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-2,-4,Incap
Essence: 2
Essence pool: 14/29 (33)


  • Archery

First Archery Excellency
There is no Wind
Forceful Arrow
Trance of Unhestitating Speed
Flashing Vengeance Draw

  • Athletics

Monkey Leap Technique

  • Resistance

Durability of Oak Meditation
Iron Skin Concentration
Ox-Body Technique

  • Sail

Salty Dog Method

Equipment: Various clothes, mostly low quality. Perfect long bow (speed 6, accuracy +3, damage +1, rate 4), exceptional breastplate (5l/3b soak, mobility -0, fatigue 1), various ropes, boots, sea travel equipment, Crystal of seawalking

Soak: 7B/7L/5A (breastplate, 3B/5L/5A)
Dodge DV: 7
Parry DV: 4
Perfect bow: Spd 6, Acc 13, Dmg 7L (with broadhead arrows), Def na
Bare Hands: Spd 5, Acc 7, Dmg 4B

Bonus point expenditure:
2 dots virtues (6bp)
4 dots favoured abilities (4bp)
resources 4,5 (4 bp)

History and personality

Peleps Saratti has recently found himself in an extremely awkward position. Saratti has grown up all of his life in the realm's schools. A favoured son of a Peleps admiral, he has never wanted for anything and has always believed faithfully in a few things - the rightness of the rule of the Realm, the Immaculate faith, and his own future as a pampered son who could spend all of his time relaxing, hunting the most expensive game that he could find. Leading a safari from his father's hunting manse near the lap, an imported raptor cat got the drop on him and his companions. As it sank claws into his companion, he drew his bow; the arrow glowed incandescent golden as he fired, and he felt the power of the Unconquered Sun fill his body as he exalted. He killed the cat, but too late to save his friend. Returning to his father's manse, Saratti has had a crisis of faith - he is now instinctually aware that he is not the monster he had always been taught that Solars were. He sent a letter to his father saying he would be travelling for a short time after the hunting disaster, and immediately set to sea, hoping to remain undercover to elude the Wild Hunt. He has taken jobs as an able seaman on various ships, using the bits of sail lore that his father had imparted over the years. He hopes that he can use his new abilities for good, to protect the realm from the creatures that would tear it down - but is well aware that they will not welcome his aid.

Expanded Backgrounds

Orichalcum hearthstone bracers - a trophy from an old Wyld Hunt his father had kept, the bracers are a family heirloom. Saratti stole them when he left, knowing that they might be useful; and possibly, also giving his father a hint to who he has become. The bracers add three dice to Peleps Saratti's dodge DV calculations. It also increases his damage by 2. He keeps the bracers wrapped in cloth whenever he is wearing them, but more often leaves them in his cabin, handling them before he goes to sleep to keep his attunement.
The bracers hold the crystal of seawalking from his father's manse. This hearthstone allows him to walk on the surface of liquids and allows him to regain 2 extra motes per hour.

Playing Tips

Peleps Saratti is a very talented archer. He can use Flashing Vengeance Draw when a fight starts to get the drop on his opponents and fire before they close to melee range. Monkey Leap Technique gives him excellent mobility, which allows him to stay away from close range combatants. On the Archipelago Conundrum, he will usually use There is no Wind to remove penalties to his shots at range, or Trance of Unhesitating Speed to fire up to three arrows per action. None of these charms are obvious, so he can use his whole personal essence pool without anyone realizing he's using magic. If the situation is dire enough to allow him to display more obvious powers, he will use Forceful Arrow to knock enemies off the ship, and Iron Skin Concentration to avoid taking damage if anyone gets too close. With his excellent mobility, it is often worth taking the time to take an aim action to add extra dice to his attacks. Salty Dog Method will allow him to pass as a better sailor than he is, as well as reducing the DVs of his enemies while fighting at sea.
Given his devotion to the Realm, Saratti should switch to non-lethal fowling arrows when fighting their forces, or use Forceful Arrows to remove them from combat without killing them.
