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The Twenty-Second Theme is "Dull Simplicity

…or "We'll Finish This One"

This is a Second Edition Terrestrial Martial Art based around boredom, dullness and simplicity, using the least creativity possible. Unlike sidereal styles, the charms should be easy to invent and should not tax the reader's (or writer's) mind in the slightest. There are four pre-form charms, three post, for a total of eight. Armor is allowed. Form weapon is the mace. - Wordman

Dull Approach - DeathBySurfeit

Cost: None
Duration: Instant
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Minima: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1
Prereq. Charms: None

With the acquisition of this Charm, the martial artist's lack of style becomes their style. All of their unstunted actions benefit from the full benefits of a +1 stunt.

Hitting Harder Technique - Wordman

Cost: 1m
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Minima: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1
Prereq. Charms: Dull Approach

The martial artist makes an attack just like normal, but harder. Add Essence to base damage.

Hitting Even Harder Stance - IanPrice

Cost: 5m
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple (Speed 3, DV -3)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Minima: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2
Prereq. Charms: Hitting Harder Technique

While fighting in this stance, the martial artist does not block attacks, he just hits people hard. Treat his Parry DV as inapplicable against all attacks. Double the base damage of all the martial artist's attacks, including enhancements from other charms, but not including attack successes.

Repetitive Hitting Method - Talion

Cost: 6m
Duration: 5 Actions
Type: Simple (Speed 4, DV -3)
Keywords: None
Minima: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2
Prereq. Charms: Dull Approach

The martial artist commits himself to repeating the same attack over and over again. The martial artist makes an attack, adding his essence to accuracy. His next four actions must be exactly the same attack (for a total of 5 attacks), using the same result as was rolled for the first attack. Even should he have nothing to attack, he must still spend his actions pointlessly continuing to attack the air.

Slack And Hashed Form - DeathBySurfeit

Cost: 5m
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Minima: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2
Prereq. Charms: Hitting Even Harder Stance, Repetitive Hitting Method

Adopting the attitude and posture of a tired adventurer with a dungeon full of work ahead of him, the martial artist doesn't really bother much, but still gets the job done. Whilst the Form is active, the martial artist need not roll any attack where his dicepool is more than double his opponent's DV, after modification by Charms. Instead, he may count the dice as having rolled one net success.

As an additional benefit, attacks enhanced by Charms of this style deal Aggravated damage to Raksha.

Getting On With It Tactic - Talion

Cost: 2m
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Minima: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3
Prereq. Charms: Slack And Hashed Form

The martial artist empowers himself with the attitude of one who just needs to get to the end as soon as possible. As part of an attack enhanced by this charm, he may move instantaneously to his foe. Normal barriers and other impediments to motion are no obstacle, although those enhanced by charms or sorcery must be overcome by other means. The martial artist cannot move more than (Essence x 10) yards this way.

The Hell With It Tactic - Wordman

Cost: 2m
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Minima: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3
Prereq. Charms: Slack And Hashed Form

The martial artist empowers himself with the attitude of one who could no longer care less, resigning himself so completely that opponents have a hard time attacking him. For the rest of the scene, the martial artist does not add Dexterity to any combat pools when attacking and cuts Dexterity in half (round down) for the purposes of calculating movement; however, attacks against the martial artist suffer an external penalty equal to his Martial Arts.

Level Playing Field Advantage

Cost: 3m, 1w
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None
Minima: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3
Prereq. Charms: The Hell With It Tactic, Getting On With It Tactic

A bulwark of normality, the martial artist's every strike and parry re-inforces regularity. Those attempting to use crazy-ass antics against his regimented and solid tactics find themselves falling flat.

Any character stunting an attack or defence against the martial artist is considered a heroic mortal whilst doing so. Any Charms used in the process cost one more mote than usual. Unless they spend a single point of Willpower, they may not apply Charms from an active Combo.

Any stunt bonus granted by Dull Approach is ignored for the purposes of this charm, and an opponent with a stunt bonus of zero gets no benefits from their stunt.


Your starter for ten! I hope this is an appropriate starter Charm. Incidentally, I strongly believe the Style's form weapon should be the mace, so that its practitioners can say "I hit him with my mace"...DeathBySurfeit

So let it be done! - Wordman

Hey look! Already 25% done. - Wordman

Now 37.5% - IanPrice

Might want to alter Dull Approach to prevent other stunting, otherwise, it is a bit powerful. - Wordman

Relative to what? ...DeathBySurfeit
I'd simply change the wording to say explicitly that any bonus from actual stunt rewards replaces the bonus of the charm, rather than adding on top of it. - IanPrice
It presently states that only unstunted actions receive the benefit of the Charm. Is this too vague? ...DeathBySurfeit
That's good enough for me. - IanPrice
I'll leave it as it was, then...DeathBySurfeit

...too lazy to come up with a Charm for even this style, but I think the fourth pre-form Charm should be "Dull Offensive" or something like that which adds a certain amount of dice to your accuracy if the attack has been used the last action. - sssssz

Implemented somewhat as suggested. Not sure the duration is ideally labeled. Also changed Striking to Hitting in keeping with the theme. - Talion
Two quibbles. 1) the action counts don't match. Text says make an attack, then repeat for next five actions. That would make the duration 6 actions, not five. So, either duration needs changed or text should say "next four actions". 2) The tree is looking very straight, which disturbs my calm, though is not necessarily out of style. Might be better requiring Hitting Harder or Dull Approach, instead. - Wordman
Modified text to "next four actions", but I've left prereq charms as is. Change it if it really bothers you. - Talion

Hmmph, I'm gonna be a back seat driver and keep commenting without actually contributing. Perhaps, the Form of this style should discourage others in the martial artist's vicinity from being unique and stylish, thus mechanically subtracting a fixed amount or one half of the MAist's Essence, rounded down, from their stunt bonus. And... maaaaybe... the pinnacle charm inflicts aggravated damage against Raksha as the sheer boringness and dullness of the strike drains their reason to exist. But I can't really sure if such things are suitable for a Terrestrial level style. - sssssz, who will probably have hard time describing this Style being used in action.

I like the pinnacle Charm idea! I was wary about including a dampener on others' stunts, though, because that makes the entire combat boring, as opposed to just this one participant. As a post-form effect, though, I see negating stunt benefits against him as being perfectly in-style. With regards describing the Style, the Quote of Goodness always comes to mind:
PC: "I swing at him with my Axe."
Me: "Anything you want to add?."
PC: "Uh, not really. Should I?"
Me: "Well how do you swing at him?"
PC: "Hard. With my axe. What are you, retarded?"
Besides, if you're describing it, I think you've missed the point (:p). Feedback on the form Charm always appreciated! ...DeathBySurfeit
For a dampener on other people's stunts, I wouldn't put it at more than 1 die. That reduces people to the level of Heroic Mortals, who are supposed to get less benefit for their stunts. That in itself is a phenomenal level of power, though, and I would put it at the pinnacle charm. Do always remember, though: stunts are more about bending the rules with your awesome description than they are about dice bonuses. This only would affect the latter, and the mote/willpower regen, not the most important thing. That's why I'd even consider it. Personally, I think agg to Raksha could be an aspect of the form. - IanPrice
Sounds a good idea to me - it's now replaced the D&Desque wound penalty reduction...DeathBySurfeit

Defeat Raksha shaping by 'Getting On With It'. Possibly another charm that should be balanced by someone else. If it is going to be anti-Raksha it might as well provide benefits that will really piss one off. I suggest that if there is going to be an agg to Raksha charm, it should do so by providing a cold-iron mace to attack with. - Talion

Balanced by someone else! The definition of a 'room' is kinda vague, and perfect effects don't mesh well with Terrestrial martial arts. See if you like the tweaks I've made, and reverse them if you think they run counter to your vision....DeathBySurfeit

87.5% done - Wordman

Whee. Although not sure about costing and I will request someone else come up with next theme ~Capric

Don'tcha think getting rid of all stunts is a bit much for a Terrestrial charm, even the pinnacle of a style? - IanPrice
Perhaps you could nerf it somewhat to the -1 die that IanPrice suggested earlier, and add a secondary effect to compensate? Removing not only the bonuses, but also the regen, stunts as insurance, and achieving-the-impossible qualities of stunts mangles people up proper...DeathBySurfeit, who has a theme in mind, unless anyone else was keen on one?
Go nuts =D Games I've played in tended to ignore the mechanical benefits from stunts anyway, so I still see it as no great loss. My mileage varies greatly, apparently. ~Capric
Try that for size? In my experience, stunting or the lack of is a deciding factor in the flow of combat. Revisions still welcome, however! ...DeathBySurfeit
I motion that the next theme be "many weapons." You know, the spear guy from Kung Fu Hustle (I mean, that dude was so goddamned Terrestrial.) Well, though, if you have a better theme, eh. - sssssz, who is architecturally incapable of actually doing anything