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The Eye and the Fang

Artifact Level ~ 5
Commitment ~ 14 motes for the pair.

The Eye and The Fang were forged from the Orichalcum pieces of a broken First Age weapon known as Coaltion's Wrath. For more of that story, please see The Legacy of Coalition's Wrath.

The Eye is a target shield of superlative weight and balance. In the deep south there is a variety of jewled lizard which absorbs the Sun's rays and wields them in self defense. These lizards never stop growing as they age, and the hides of three of the oldest that could be found were used to construct the Eye. The skins were tanned and layered with thin sheets of Orichalcum to create the shield's core, then the entire affair was plated with another layer of Orichalcum. The jewels from the creatures' hides were removed and used to create a scintillating mosaic on the shield's face of an unblinking eye. The Fang is a four foot long daiklave of simple build. The blade is unadorned, slightly curved, and double edged. It bears a quillioned crossguard, and the handle is wrapped with lizard hide. Instead of the usual shining brillance attributed to Orichalcum, the Fang has a ruddy, greasy patina, as if covered in a fine film of blood, which no amount of polishing is capable of removing. The blade vibrates at all times save when it has pierced the flesh of a living creature. It is said the metal was changed by the death of the Primordial it was used to slay.

In addition to cover, the Eye provides a surprising defense: Upon being struck it releases a brilliant flash, blinding and disorienting its wielder's opponents. If the wielder successfully blocks an attack with his PDV his attacker must make a stamina + resistance roll with a difficulty equal to the character's essence. Success inflicts a -2 internal penalty to all of their actions while failure inflicts a -4 internal penalty. This effect lasts until their DV refreshes twice, during which time they are immune to further bursts. The difficulty for foes making ranged attacks from further than 5 yards is always 1. This effect is considered an environmental penalty.

The Fang possesses what some may call a sinister tenor and strives to take advantage of the disadvantaged. Increase its base damage by 2 against opponents suffering from any sort of internal or external penalty. If they are afflicted by the blinding affect of the Eye, increase this boost to 5. The Fang also craves violence and opportunities to prove its own superiority. Whenever its wielder is engaged in close range combat with more than one opponent, increase the accuracy and defense traits of the Fang by the number of opponents, to a maximum bonus of +5.

If the wielder does not attune to both items he may not benefit from any of the above mentioned special effects and instead treats the Eye as a standard Thunderbolt Shield and the Fang as a standard Daiklave. The Eye has a single hearthstone setting in the pupil of the mosaic, and the Fang has a single hearthstone setting in its pommel. Like all of the weapons forged from the pieces of Coaltion's Wrath, The Fang does aggravated damage against the Fair Folk and creatures of the Wyld.

The Eye
||DV Bonus||Mobility||Fatigue|| ||+3(ranged and melee)||-0||1|| Statistics include the Orichalcum MM bonus.

The Fang
|| ||Spd||Acc||Damage||Defense||Rate||Tag|| ||1E ||-||-||-||-||-||-|| ||1E PC ||-||-||-||-||-||-|| ||2E ||5||+4||+9L/3||+3||5||O|| Statistics include the Orichalcum MM bonus.


Performed some slight re-balancing based on suggestions from FrivYeti-Ambisinister