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== Exalted Session 38 ==
== Exalted Session 38 ==
<b>Session 38 - A Fistful Of Chakrams</b>
<b>Session 38 - A Fistful Of Chakram</b>
<br><b>2 Ascending Air</b>
<br><b>2 Ascending Air</b>
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A rough circle, 100 yards across, has been outlined in the sand before the fallen gate of Gem. On on side, the monks of the Immaculate Order have lined up, resplendent in their blue and orange robes, prayer flags fluttering in the breeze. On the other side are Shizu and her Circle-mates, talking tactics and muttering darkly about Master Tanaka. A little further out, a host of citizens have gathered at what they hope is a safe distance, eager for free entertainment.
A rough circle, 100 yards across, has been outlined in the sand before the fallen gate of Gem. On on side, the monks of the Immaculate Order have lined up, resplendent in their blue and orange robes, prayer flags fluttering in the breeze. On the other side are Shizu and her Circle-mates, talking tactics and muttering darkly about Master Tanaka. A little further out, a host of citizens have gathered at what they hope is a safe distance, eager for free entertainment.
Shizu - stepping lightly in a Graceful Crane Stance - and Tanaka advance into the circle and, with a bow, begin their duel. Tanaka, performing one of the ethereal katas of Air Dragon Style, hurls a storm of jade chakrams at Shizu. Shizu invokes her Flitting Shadow Strike combo. She begins with Seven Shadow Evasion, using the flying chakrams as stepping stones to climb up into the air, seeking the advantage of height over Tanaka, then returns his attack with a Cascade of Cutting Terror & Precision of the Striking Raptor. As Shizu's anima banner blazes across the battleground, dazzling every spectator, her avalanche of Charm-conjured golden slingstones engulfs Tanaka. Almost inconceivably, he wields his Infinite Jade Chakram in one hand to cut a path for himself through the torrent, barely suffering a scratch as he runs up the whirlwind that his Charms have conjured into place around him.
Shizu - stepping lightly in a Graceful Crane Stance - and Tanaka advance into the circle and, with a bow, begin their duel. Tanaka, performing one of the ethereal katas of Air Dragon Style, hurls a storm of jade chakrams at Shizu. Shizu invokes her Seven Shadow Evasion, using the flying chakrams as stepping stones to climb up into the air, seeking the advantage of height over Tanaka. She counters his attack with a deadly combo of Cascade of Cutting Terror & Precision of the Striking Raptor. As Shizu's anima banner blazes across the battleground, dazzling every spectator, her avalanche of Charm-conjured golden slingstones engulfs Tanaka. Almost inconceivably, he wields his Infinite Jade Chakram in one hand to cut a path for himself through the torrent, barely suffering a scratch as he runs up the whirlwind that his Charms have conjured into place around him.
Reaching the same dizzy altitude as Shizu, Tanaka launches a fistful of chakrams at her. Low on Essence, after having launched her most potent attack, she is hard pressed to deflect them with her sword and can give no thought to attacking for the moment as, tumbling back to the ground, she scrambles for her life.
Reaching the same dizzy altitude as Shizu, Tanaka launches a fistful of chakrams at her. Low on Essence, after having launched her most potent attack, she is hard pressed to deflect them with her sword and can give no thought to attacking for the moment as, tumbling back to the ground, she scrambles for her life.

Revision as of 19:04, 7 February 2006

Exalted Session 38

Session 38 - A Fistful Of Chakram

2 Ascending Air

After the early meeting with the Despot, there is time to kill before elevenses with Auntie and Master Tanaka. Ravitsu busies himself with his new command, quickly identifying an urgent need for retraining. Shizu archly enquires whether this will begin with an ethics course...

Brand is inspired by the building work on the Granite Watchtower. He pores over the builders' plans then, seeing something within them waiting to emerge, begins to draw a modified version in his notebook, covering page after page with arcane designs.

The Captain, on the other hand, muses briefly about how he might combat the silent menace then - with no command duties to perform - takes the chance of a few quiet drinks at the Dragon's Rest.

At 11:00, our heroes find themselves in Auntie's parlour, being offered tea, macaroons and ginger nuts and making rather jittery small talk. When a servant announces the arrival of Master Tanaka, there is a long moment of watchful silence. How will he deal with the Circle? Tanaka pauses for a moment at the threshold, clearly surprised to see the 'anathema' here, but quickly composes his wrinkled face into an expression of pious benevolence.

The fragile peace holds as Auntie offers round the macaroons once more, but it cannot last. Master Tanaka is the one who breaks the silence, advising Auntie that he wishes to discuss some small points of theological doctrine with the Circle. This would be an ecumenical matter, which might be rather boring for Auntie. Perhaps she would prefer to leave them to it? Auntie declines and looks on fondly as the debate begins.

Tanaka announces that it is his duty to see the Circle destroyed. It is the only course of action that will save the innocent people of Gem from the demonic fury of the anathema and free the Circle's souls from the demons that Tanaka believes have enslaved them. Orchid retorts, pointing out that the Circle was instrumental in defeating the demon army before Gem. Why would they have done this if they, too, were demons? For all his talk of danger from the Solars, without their help, the city would surely have fallen.

Tanaka is dismissive, asserting that: "We have always muddled along in the past." Orchid is unimpressed and begins to list the threats that she knows face Gem - the Autochthonians, the new Balorian Crusade, the desert nomads... She contends that Gem needs the Circle's help, no matter what Tanaka believes about them. Tanaka blusters about the power of the Realm's armed forces and sorcerous defences. Ravitsu treats this line of argument with scorn - even before the Empress disappeared, the Realm's defences barely held back the last Balorian Crusade. What chance do they stand now, with a worthless Regent on the throne, the armies weaker than they were then and the Realm's noble houses plotting against each other?

Orchid tells Tanaka of the filing error at the Celestial Bureau of Destiny which has led to the fates of Gem and of Creation as a whole becoming entangled. She tells him of the Circle's oath, empowered with the Mandate of Heaven, to defend Gem with their lives. Tanaka is scornful, dismissing Orchid's belief that the Solars hold any heavenly mandate as "demonic lies". Orchid protests that, if he would check with the office of the Mouth of Peace, he would find that it was they who told the Circle of the current dangers to Gem. Tanaka denounces this as yet more falsehood:

"Not for nothing are your kind known as the Deceivers!" He spits.

Orchid insists that she is not trying to deceive Tanaka. She assures him that the defence of the city, and Creation as a whole, is a sacred duty for them. She pretends that this has reminded her of something: "Speaking of our duty, Master Tanaka, we must return this to you." Orchid produces the Fire Ruby of the Dragons and hands it over. Tanaka, surprised, glances sidelong at Shizu - who he knows to be the Black Mouse, the daring thief popularly supposed to have stolen the Fire Ruby. Is this, he wonders, some sort of bribe? Orchid laughs off the possibility: "A bribe? That would be awfully crass, Master Tanaka. We are merely doing our duty. In earnest of our good intentions, however, we shall be pleased to waive the customary 10% finder's fee..."

Ravitsu eases some of Master Tanaka's suspicions by explaining the story of how Dashing Hare posed as the Black Mouse and was apprehended yesterday. He wisely 'forgets' to tell Tanaka of Dashing Hare's escape from the Granite Watchtower.

Shizu, perhaps keen to change the subject away from the Black Mouse, intervenes here, wondering if Master Tanaka couldn't leave us alone as long as we don't actually do anything demonic. The Immaculate Master is in no mood for compromise, however, the only way he can be convinced of the true nature of the Circle is to have it put to the test. He offers a trial by combat - monks versus Anathema! If the Circle is defeated, it proves that they do not enjoy the mandate of Heaven and must be destroyed. If they win the trial, as long as they show restraint in victory, Tanaka will take it as proof of their good intentions. There can be no compromise on this issue. Shizu, impetuous as ever, challenges Tanaka to single combat.

This is the last straw for Brand! He and the Captain have mostly kept out of the argument. The Captain being happy to eat his way through Auntie's lavish selection of biscuits, and Brand keen to continue sketching the fantastical plans and designs that his imagination - or is it half-remembered memory of the First Age? - is conjuring for him. He demands to know why Tanaka won't just fight the Circle now, if he's enough of a short-sighted fool not to see that they're Gem's best and only chance of survival. Orchid is scandalised by his tempestuous outburst.

ORCHID: "Brand, please refrain from calling Master Tanaka a short-sighted fool!"
BRAND: "But that's what he is!"
ORCHID: "That doesn't matter. Drawing attention to it is most impolite."

Brand, infuriated as even Ravitsu chips in with a comment about 'impetuous' Solars, storms out to work off some energy with the renovation work for the Granite Watchtower. Tanaka is smugly self-righteous in the face of Brand's rage: "You see? The demon shows itself!" An awkward silence follows before Shizu and Tanaka set about arranging the details of their duel. It is to take place at 3pm. At Rav's suggestion, the plain before the fallen city gates is to be the venue, to minimise property damage and the danger to bystanders.

As the conversation continues, both the Captain and Master Tanaka have their eyes on the last ginger nut. Seeing Tanaka reach for it, the Captain 'accidentally' spills his own tea, hoping to scald Tanaka's hand so he can snatch the biscuit for himself. With uncanny reflexes, Tanaka catches the teacup, rights it before even a drop can spill and returns it safely to its saucer. But the distraction has still cost him the chance for the biscuit, as the Captain snatches it up, dunks it in his tea and breezily thanks Tanaka through a mouthful of biscuit crumbs.

Orchid cringes at the Captain's appalling bad manners - imagine, dunking a biscuit in tea in polite company! Auntie deftly eases the tension crackling around the room by bringing in fresh tea and cakes. The marble cake is particularly delicious...

After the meeting, the Captain goes down to the marketplace, where gossip and rumour about the upcoming duel is rife. He talks up Shizu's chances, then starts a book on the duel, publicly backing Shizu, but sneakily hedging by placing secret bets on Master Tanaka to win.

Shizu familiarises herself with the designated battleground, while Ravitsu - in eagle form - scouts the area, not trusting the Immaculate Order to fight fairly with no ambush. He finds nothing amiss.

Orchid tries to sort out her finances but, with her bank manager having died in the demon attack, she is directed to take the matter up with Lord Trasti. Trasti, however, is her father-in-law. He hasalways been suspicious about his son's death and despises Orchid as a 'gold-digging whore'. His office refuses to make an appointment with the "busy" Lord Trasti. An openly-contemptuous secretary suggests that Orchid take up any matters relating to war damage with the government. Unwillng to spend the time on this now, Orchid goes to speak to Mother Sahlak about the city's defensive wards. They arrange to work on them this evening, Orchid suggesting that she brings Brand along to help. Mother Sahlak has no fondness for Brand and is clearly unenthused by the prospect, but she gives her assent.

By the time Orchid returns to the watchtower to speak to Brand - still hard at work on his occult rebuilding programme - it is almost time for the duel...

Duel In The Sun

A rough circle, 100 yards across, has been outlined in the sand before the fallen gate of Gem. On on side, the monks of the Immaculate Order have lined up, resplendent in their blue and orange robes, prayer flags fluttering in the breeze. On the other side are Shizu and her Circle-mates, talking tactics and muttering darkly about Master Tanaka. A little further out, a host of citizens have gathered at what they hope is a safe distance, eager for free entertainment.

Shizu - stepping lightly in a Graceful Crane Stance - and Tanaka advance into the circle and, with a bow, begin their duel. Tanaka, performing one of the ethereal katas of Air Dragon Style, hurls a storm of jade chakrams at Shizu. Shizu invokes her Seven Shadow Evasion, using the flying chakrams as stepping stones to climb up into the air, seeking the advantage of height over Tanaka. She counters his attack with a deadly combo of Cascade of Cutting Terror & Precision of the Striking Raptor. As Shizu's anima banner blazes across the battleground, dazzling every spectator, her avalanche of Charm-conjured golden slingstones engulfs Tanaka. Almost inconceivably, he wields his Infinite Jade Chakram in one hand to cut a path for himself through the torrent, barely suffering a scratch as he runs up the whirlwind that his Charms have conjured into place around him.

Reaching the same dizzy altitude as Shizu, Tanaka launches a fistful of chakrams at her. Low on Essence, after having launched her most potent attack, she is hard pressed to deflect them with her sword and can give no thought to attacking for the moment as, tumbling back to the ground, she scrambles for her life.

Shizu's friends, watching the battle, are only too aware that she can expect no mercy from the Immaculate Master if she loses. They can also imagine how low her Essence supplies must have become. Glancing to one another, unwilling to watch their friend die, they all ready themselves to step into the fight if necessary. Honour be damned! Brand invokes his Fivefold Bulwark Stance and Orchid's robe begins to writhe about her in the characteristic manner of Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style.

Meanwhile, Shizu conceives a cunning plan... She springs to her feet, leaping toward Tanaka, her feet somehow finding purchase on the miniscule sand grains flung up by his whirlwind. Climbing, she rushes past his hastily-flung chakrams and, reaching the top of the collumn of air, lets herself fall back past Tanaka. She does not strike him, though, just whispers "Missed me!" to him as she passes by. Angered by her taunt, Tanaka reaches for his Infinite Jade Chakram to teach her a lesson, only to find it gone - Shizu, using almost the last of her Essence, has snatched it away with Flawless Pickpocketing Technique!

Tanaka plummets down through the whirlwind after her, pummelling her with the striking fist of the Air Dragon style! His first blow barely grazes her and his second goes awry as the Captain momentarily blinds him by using his Orichalcum smashfist to reflect the blazing light of Shizu's anima into the Master's eyes. But Tanaka's third blow - that strikes home, winding Shizu as the two fighters, locked in combat, tumble earthward...


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