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Bureaucracy ●●●● Awareness ●● Occult (Undead) ●●
Bureaucracy ●●●● Awareness ●● Occult (Undead) ●●
Craft (Glamour) ●●● Dodge ●●●● Medicine (Virtue Charms) ●●●
Craft (Glamour) ●●● Dodge ●●●● Medicine (Virtue Charms) ●●●
Endurance Resistance Performance (GlamourStr) ●●●
Endurance Resistance Performance ([[GlamourStr]]) ●●●
Lore ● Sail Melee (Misfortune) ●●
Lore ● Sail Melee (Misfortune) ●●
Martial Arts Survival Lore (Undead) ●
Martial Arts Survival Lore (Undead) ●
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== Comments ==
== Comments ==
:Wish those dots were a little smaller... Oh well.  Now if I can only play her right... - SlipNine
:Wish those dots were a little smaller... Oh well.  Now if I can only play her right... - [[SlipNine]]

Revision as of 09:05, 3 April 2010

Name: 		Rain of Unspoken Words (♀)		Player:		Rin
Caste: 		Eshu (Cup / Sword)			Concept:	Playful, Scary Young Envoy
Alias:  	Elise Wintermarch			Nature:		Conniver
Alias:  	Misfortune				Demanor:	Bravo


         Rain of Unspoken Words (Eshu) is a relatively young, playful envoy with a wicked streak who likes to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. She really is such a poor Diplomat, one might suspect she sabatoges her own efforts in the name of fun! Any who do accuse her of such, though, rarely have the nerve-- or the chance-- to do it twice, as she tends to flit between courts often enough that many have to ask her just who she is representing this time. Her escapades are not limited to the Raksha courts either; she tends to show up just about anywhere a good faux faux pas might send affairs spiraling into madness.

         One might think that such a... playfull disposition... would attract unwelcome attention, especially in creation, where she can actually be killed, but Rain is, if nothing else, certainly able to protect herself if-- or rather-- when things turn sour. Moreso than combat, however, she is skilled in not needing to defend herself. Rain is, in fact, quite the manipulator when she needs be, whether that involves a subtle turn of another's nature, or the brute force of her terrible, ruinous glare, there are few foes who would willingly challenge her.


         Rain of Unspoken Words actually enjoys several 'looks', which is useful for one who has such a tendency to get on people's bad sides. Most of the time, however, she is a rather puerile, young-looking girl in her early twenties, beautiful and perfect while still cute in her own unqiue way. Almost untanned fair skin contrasts sharply against her soft black hair, which she keeps cut in a short feminine style. Her face is young, cute but bordering boyish, and her eyes are the pale dark green of a moonlit forest.

         Her figure is slight and almost plain-seeming, yet alluring in the subtle way of the hidden, the vague suggestions which speak louder than the over-eager harlots and scant dresses of the mortal world. Traveling, she wears black slacks along with white or sometimes earth-tone blouses, and a rather military-looking heavy olive-colored coat-- all of which are made of impressively smooth, fine, yet tough travel-worthy material.

         In the courts and palaces of the easily impressed (or distracted), her dress and curves are much more feminine and obvious; silken folds eveloping a much paler, near-ivory tone skin along with long wavy black hair-- all of which have a much finer, silken feel that bespeak the pampered living of a princess, rather than the merely noble quality of her other 'outfits'.


         No matter her thoughts, Rain acts... well, she acts. Her outward character is kind, her humor (usually) benign, and though she has a fearsome mean streak here and there, she is for all effects and purposes, an honest girl and capable envoy-- sometimes tomboyish-- with her own likes and dislikes, her own cute eccentricities. She delights in the wild beauty of nature, the endless shades of green upon green, speaking of vibrant life reminiscent of the North Eastern Wyld that was once her home. She enjoys the grand architecture of palaces, the clean intricacy of inlaid designs, be they murals or the arms and armors of Exalts. Cold weather excites her, tells her to move and gives her a child's energy. The serene fields of pure, unblemished snow help her find peace.

         Of Rain's darker emotions however, there is much to say. While she loves nature, it is a clean and ideal love. Sweaty, muggy conditions annoy her, make her anxious and self-conscious, while dry heat is less so, especially if she can find respite in shade. The undead are Unnatural (and ugly besides!) and she cannot abide them to come into creation and kill (Though diplomacy is another matter, especially with the better-looking Abyssals). Rain can be a violent and estranged woman if she feels especially insulted, be the insult true or imagined, and though she does not have any special ideals about her "honor" as a woman she can certainly wing it.

         Even Rain's cover however is at its core manipulative, for that is where her heart lies, and what better place to hide her nature than in the open? Rain is diplomatic when appropriate, and friendly to those who avoid her ire. For those she must deal with, however, she can be threatening and forceful, though generally in a roundabout manner. She tends to be equally aggressive whether they be bartering a price, or arguing a border dispute. Rain rarely hesitates to give insult when it is deserved-- sometimes otherwise-- and can be rather unplesant to deal with should discussions turn especially harsh.

         Though much of her outward appearance is merely a mask, much of it is more though you wouldn't guess it. The old adage is especially true for Raksha: "You are who you pretend to be"


         (Clean) nature, pale greens, white, silver, earthy reds and light browns, snow, snowflakes, cold, delicate designs, salads, eggs (boiled), dairy foods, respect, daiklaves, respect rooted in the ownership of daiklaves, instilling fear, a good brawl once in a while, getting people to see her way, especially if they don't realize it, avoiding responsibility, sabatoge.


         Sweaty / Muggy conditions, mold, oversaturated colors, foul smells, mud, the feel of rust, undead-ish undead, 'crude' behavior (other than her own-- she's cute when she's like that), The Laughing Boy, slavery, raksha courts, raksha in general, unnecessary fights .

Psyche / History

         Rain of Unspoken Words delights in mischief of the cruelest and most cunning sorts. She does it for the fun, to serve her own priorities against creation and the courts, and as a constant game against the better judgement of Mortal, Exalted, and Raksha alike. Hers is a slow torture of need-- for of manipulation, she is an expert, and while things fall appart around her, events seem to always pass her by: blame falls to someone else and she walks away with bemusement on her face and malice in her heart.

         The source of Rain's cruelty is not mere act, though that is certainly part of it. She has what could only be described as a bad childhood-- as much of a childhood as Raksha have. Created by the Opal Court's Laughing Boy, she is a manipulator who has been manipulated. Holding her Heart's Grace, The Laughing Boy banished her to Creation until such a time as iron spilt her heart's blood on shadowland soil-- a command she could do naught but obey with her all her heart. He swore, however, that if she ever returned, he would gift to her her Heart's Grace.

         Exiled to Creation, Rain of Unspoken Words came to hate it as many Raksha do, and while her loyalty to The Laughing Boy was absolute, he had taught her to hate him as well, though she did not know it as such. Her malice grew over time, and as happens, the victim became a mirror of her master. Delighting in the torment of others, ripping Mortals appart in body-- and in soul. Her nature forever shaped into scorpion of deciet and betrayal-- and, as she had turned to resemble her master, so did Creation leave It's Mark on her, making her forever its creature, for if she could ever return to the Wyld, it would not be her home, it would not be the world she knew, and it would give her heart no joy or succor.

         Knowing the rules of her prison however, Rain of Unspoken Words involved herself with the Dead. She came to Know them and their Ways. She traveled their Underworld as one of Them and studied Their secrets until she could make herself truely Dead. With clawed hand of bone, Rain of Unspoken Words tore out her rotting, blackened heart, and rent it with soot-stained iron forged by ghosts and quenched in the rivers of the Dead, whereupon she was free.

         She returned to the Wyld, to the Opal Court, to her Master, to The Laughing Boy, and he did give her her Heart's Grace freely and willingly, delighted with His child. Holding her Heart's Grace, Rain of Unspoken Words was free, but forever His Creature. Wherever she went, she would sow hate and destruction. She would go to those places where the Laughing Boy did not, and she would bring to them His work, and this she did for all her life. Sowing dissent and distrust in the courts of the Raksha; traveling Creation once more and bringing it the Silent Death of the Underworld she knew so well.

         And of the Underworld, the Deathlords and their Dead, of those she had come to Know and whose lore had set her free: They, she hated more than any, for such the nature of the Betrayers Heart.


         (Compassion) Rain of Unspoken Words' forbidden lure is the coup: seeing Masters cast down and stripped of their power and taking an active part in it. She must channel her compassion at least once in a scene where she takes more than an aloof interest in major usurpous activity.


Strength	●●●●●●	Charisma	●●●●●●	Perception	●●●●●
Dexterity	●●●●●●	Manipulation	●●●●●●●	Intelligence	●●●●●
Stamina		●●●●●●	Appearance	●●●●●●	Wits		●●●●●●


	Diplomat			◄◄ Entertainer ►►		◄ Warrior ►
	Staff				◄◄ Cup ►►			◄ Sword ►

Linguistics	●●●		◄ Investigation ►●●		Archery		
Occult		●●		Larceny		●●		◄◄ Athletics ►►	●●●●●●
Ride				◄ Medicine ►	●●●●		◄ Brawl ►	●●●
Socialize	●●●		◄ Performance ►	●●●●●●	◄◄ Melee ►►	●●●●●●●
Thrown				◄ Stealth ►	●●●		◄◄ Presence ►►	●●●●●●
	Worker				Casteless				Specialties
Bureaucracy	●●●●		Awareness	●●		Occult (Undead)			●●
Craft (Glamour)	●●●		Dodge		●●●●		Medicine (Virtue Charms)	●●●
Endurance			Resistance			Performance ([[GlamourStr]])	●●●
Lore		●		Sail				Melee (Misfortune)		●●
Martial Arts			Survival			Lore (Undead)			●


Backgrounds					Merits & Flaws
	Artifacts	●●●●				Acute Sense (Sixth Sense, Emotion)	 ●●
	Birth		●●●●				Secrets					-●●
	Freehold	●●●●
	Gossamer	●●●●●
	Retinue		●●
	Style		●●●

Birth Charms   ●●●●

  • Assumption of Dreams and Passion (10m, 1g) (Reflexive) (Story)
  • Ravishing the Created Form (1w, 0g) (Simple) (Instant)
    • Banquet of Crumbs (0g) (Simple) (Instant)
  • Essence-Forging Art (3m) (Simple) (Instant)
  • Awakened Dream Manufacture (3m) (Instant)
  • Forging the Heart Grace (20m, 1g, 1g+) (Instant)
    • Forging the Cup Grace (10m, 1g) (Instant)
    • Forging the Ring Grace (10m, 1g) (Instant)
    • Forging the Staff Grace (10m, 1g) (Instant)
    • Forging the Sword Grace (10m, 1g) (Instant)


Nirakara, The Mask

  • Elegant Muse Attitude (1g) (1m) (Reflexive) (Story)
    • Emotion Weaving Style (1g) (5m) (Reflexive) (Story)
      • Emotional Invocation (10m, 1g) (Supplemental) (Instant)
  • Unwanted Obsession Provocation Technique (1g) (5m) (Reflexive) (Story)
    • Essence Disrobing Passion (1g) (5m) (Reflexive) (Story)
  • Unveiling Intuition (2m)
    • Dreamsculpting (2m) (2m)

Dharma, The Cup

  • Soul-Carving Artifice (3m, 1w, 0g) (Reflexive) (Story)
  • Oneiromantic Conjuration (10m, 0g) (Simple) (Instant)
  • ◄Gladdening Visage (1g) (Reflexive) (Story)►
  • Unsightly Rigor Approach (5m, 0g) (Simple) (Scene+)
    • Manacles of Virtue (1g) (Simple) (Scene)
      • Chaotic Soul Sledgehammer (3g) (Simple) (Story)

Nirvishesha, The Ring

  • Ordinary Object Conjuration (1g) (Simple) (Permanent)
  • Principle of Worlds (3m) (Simple) (Instant)

Nishkriya, The Sword

  • Inexhaustible (Affliction) (4m, 2g) (Reflexive) (Story)
  • Tough (Affliction) (4m, 2g) (Reflexive) (Story)
  • Gossamer Wing Flight (4m, 1w, 2g) (Simple) (Story)
  • Hiding the Wyld's Touch (10m, 1w, 4g) (Reflexive) (Story)
  • Glut of Passion (1mu) (Simple) (Instant)

Mutation Recap

Inexhaustible (Affliction)   ●● Tough (Affliction)   ●● Glut of Passion   ● Glut of Passion   ● Glut of Passion   ● To Strike the Winds (Anugraha Oath)   ●●


Boundless Palace of the Aether Court (Freehold ●●) (Cyst ●●)

The Boundless Palace of the Aether Court is home to Rain's mock "court", where she holds dominion over her small personal retinue of common Raksha and takes audiences once a year. The palace itself is a castle in the clouds, so to speak-- rather, it is a castle of clouds, drifting high above the wyld. The palace is a gossamer thing of vapor and essence, where small winged fairy servants flit from cloud to cloud to do their work harvesting gossamer and crafting it into things for their Lady.
Hidden somewhere in the pearlescent clouds and shining rays of the boundless palace is a dark underside, a bleak void with but one light: the bonfire of the Boundless Palace. This is the heart of the Freehold, where none but Rain may tresspass, and it is where Rain spends much of her time while visiting Freehold.

Artifacts ●●●●

Misfortune (Heart Grace) (Desire Circle Spell - ●●●)

Rain is an honest and pure girl-- if not an innocent one-- and it shows in her step, in her choice of clothes... but... not her fighting style. She surrounds herself with silken things and ghostlike wisps of gossamer, pearl rings and silver mirrors, angellic fairies and all the beauty of nature-- but when the gauntlet is dropped and Daiklaives are swung, Misfortune appears. Misfortune is a Desire Circle Spell, a large black Grimcleaver lined with golden words and silver crescents. Misfortune is terror, it is the death of subtlety, a tiny mote of Rain's true nature.
While Rain has many artifacts large and small, Misfortune is unlike any other. When Rain returned to the Laughing Boy on the eve of the full moon to claim her Heart's Grace, He looked at her and smiled, proud of His daugher. He took her then to the Freehold that would become the Boundless Palace of the Aether Court, and showed her its bonfire. He took her Heart's Grace in his hand, and plunged it into the bonfire, infusing it with essence and gossamer to bring out its True Shape and casting the Heart of the Boundless Palace into the bleak nothingness of her soul. When he was done, the Laughing Boy handed her then this great black Grimcleaver-- her Heart Grace-- and told her to name it. Taking from him her nature she spoke its name and writ it into her soul: the name of her Heart was Misfortune.
  • 12 Mote Commitment
  • Grimcleaver
    • Spd +5 Acc +2, Dmg +10L, Def +1, Rate 4
  • Cup Shaping Weapon
    • Spd +6, Acc +1, Dmg +8C, Def +1, Rate 5
  • Mad God Mien ●●
  • Assumption of Dreams and Passion (Misfortune) ●
  • Emotional Invocation (Clinging Mists of Misfortune) ●●●
  • Ordinary Object Conjuration (Slivers of Metal) ●●●
  • Preemptive Declaration of Victory ●●●

Sojourn of the Silver Flame (Wyld Artifact ●)

Sojourn of the Silver Flame is a small circular mirror six inches in diameter, with shining pearlescent silver detailing in the shape of flames which seem to shift with life from one moment to the next. With the Sojourn of the Silver Flame on a flat surface, the Raksha takes a piece of herself, wraps it in Gossamer, holds it above the Sojourn, and channels essence into it until it begins to burn in pale, silver light.
By doing this, the Raksha forges a link to a Freehold she carries a Cyst or Carbuncle from. Spending ten motes, one gossamer and one willpower, she creates a miniature copy of the bonfire from her freehold, allowing her to communicate with the Raksha enfleshed within the Freehold and producing Wyld to fill a small room. If the bonfire is created in an enclosed area it is treated as middlemarches/freehold, otherwise, it is treated as bordermarches in calm weather, or tainted lands in windy weather. The bonfire lasts for 6 hours, plus an additional six for each point of the Raksha's permanent essence.

Raiment of the Fervent Winds (Wyld Artifact ●)

Raiment of the Fervent Winds is a collection of fine gossamer strands nearly invisible to the naked eye. Worn loosely around the body, they allow the Raksha to build up burning speeds. The Raksha's momentum carries her forward in long jumping strides, adding 10 yards to her run and horizontal jump, and an additional 10 yards every turn therafter she continues running to a limit of her Stamina x10 yards. Begining after five turns and increasing each turn therafter during which the Raksha's speed increases, wisps of Wyld can be seen in the Raksha's wake and footsteps.

Unfettered Diplomacy (Wyld Artifact ●)

Unfettered Diplomacy, a nearly translucent miniature white pearl set in an ivory ring whose band is etched with symbols of diplomacy in Old Realm, allows for generally not so peaceful physical contact with otherworldly presences of the immaterial sort.

Verve of Shattered Dreams (Wyld Artifact ●)

In its true form, the Verve of Shattered Dreams appears as a spiderweb-crack in the fabric of creation around Rain, visible solely in the way it twists and refracts light. The world on the other side of Verve of Shattered Dreams is madness, not the insane twistings of the Wyld, but a more subtle thing born of personal fears and imagined fantasies-- It is a world which speaks of dreams half-remembered, and best forgotten. Effects are as per Devouring Wings of the Wyld and can be activated or deactivated as a reflexive action.

Verve of Shattered Dreams (Ring Shaping Weapon ●)

Used as a Ring Shaping Weapon, the Verve of Shattered Dreams inverts itself, twisting and perverting the Wyld until it resembles the madness on the other side of the looking glass.
  • Ring Shaping Weapon
    • Acc +2, Dmg +10, Rate 2, Range 10, Piercing, Max Perception: None

To Strike the Winds (Anugraha Oath ●●●)

To Strike the Winds manifests itself as a cool breeze, promising relief with its calming, gentle winds.
"...and with Misfortune in hand, Rain swore to one day destroy the Laughing Boy, after she had brought His work to the world such that He was alone and with none to support his malicious, betrayng heart."
  • Grace of the Infinite Revolving Spheres ●●●●

Retinue Artifacts (Artifact ●●●)

High above the common areas of the Boundless Palace floats the calcified form of Taera, the once-taskmistress of the court. An alabaster angel clothed in the Four Oaths of Aether Bondage.

Servant's Mein (Anugraha Oath ●●●)

Taera's Robes, the Servant's Mein, are the most beautiful ivory folds imbued with intricate writings of magic, trimmed in gossamer-- but they are neglected, ignored, edges frayed and ink faded, gossamer drifts in tiny wisps where once there were brilliant colors. Such is the life of the servant, to be small, to be overlooked, to be ignored and abused, and all the Fairies of the Aether Court swear to take the Servant's Mein upon themselves, such that they fade into the background of the world.
  • Blight (Miniscule) ●●●●

Dreams of the Muse (Samhara Oath ●)

Covering Taera's eyes is a black blindfold, which seems to devour light, it is the Dreams of the Muse, focusing desires inward so they may be centered on the work at hand. All the Faeries of the Aether Court swear to take this blind upon themselves, to feel the tug of the muse and to channel their nature into everything they do-- more than drones, they live true while offering up their whole selves in servitude.
  • Worker's Gift ●
  • Worker's Gift ●

Freedom in Slavery (Samhara Oath ●)

On Taera's back are six wings of ivory and pearl bearing the names Freedom in Slavery. The wings wrap around her shining form, imprisoning her in a cage of her own making. They represent honesty of vision, for to see that every freedom which is granted is another proof of their confinement is the first step on the path of acceptance. All the Fairies of the Aether Court swear to take this to heart, such that their heart may fly free in spite of their restraint.
  • Gossamer Wing Flight ●●

Diligence in Opal Bonds (Samhara Oath ●)

Wraped around Taera, binding her legs, her wings, her dress, binding her to the clouds on which she stands, are opal chains, each link inscribed with silver words of praise. The chains represent the endless hard work of a servant, and all the Fairies of the Aether Court swear to take these bonds upon themselves, to work with tireless fervor, for their magical chains are proof of their importance.
  • Inexhaustable (Affliction) ●●

To Walk With Clouds (Samhara Oath ●)

Twin angels of solid pearl and diamond make up the arch entryway to the Boundless Palace of the Aether court. Those who swear to be civil during their stay are granted wings and near-weightlessness unitl such time as they leave the palace. Taking the oath is required, though the entryway has no gates or guards, any who try to enter otherwise, and those who break their oath during their stay find themselves on a very long trip into the basement of the Boundless Palace-- that being the frozen lake Westwinters, or really, whatever the palace happens to be floating over at the time.
  • Gossamer Wing Flight ●●

Other Items

Fine Gossamer Clothes (Gossamer Forging Art)

These consist, typically of matte black slacks with dark green trim and a milky white opalescent blousse which gives a vague impression of transparency. Also of gossamer are miscellaneous accessories such as belts, shoes, boots, gloves, et cetera. All pieces are made of a travel-worthy, heavy, thick silken material which slides gracefully as she moves and resists creasing. Rain has several versions of these in different colors and some small variations In style, from mundane tan to dazzling silver. (1 dodge autosuccess)

Gossamer Court Dresses (Gossamer Forging Art)

Too wide-ranged to describe in a single passage, these are gossamer dresses, mostly of thin glossy silken material, many multilayered. (1 socialize autosuccess)

Gossamer Reinforced Buff Jacket (Gossamer Forging Art)

Rain's trademark Reinforced Buff Jacket is a long, thick ordeal of the familiar tough silken gossamer material she is so fond of. The armor plates of most Reinforced Jackets are nowhere to be found in Rain's-- though that doesn't mean they aren't there! Between the layers of silken thread are numerous flexible diamond sheets which harden when one tries to do something such as pierce them (and the wearer if the coat) with a sharp object, such as a Daiklaive.
  • 5B/6L Soak, No Mobility Penalty, No Fatigue

Abyssal Anima (Translucent Dream Sheathing Technology) (Fine) (Permanence)

A dark, crackling aura of entropy which seems to dissolve creation around her, similar to a mid-level Abyssal Anima, including the bleeding castemark of a Dusk Caste. Those who know of Abyssals automatically believe it to be real, while others assume it to be a Solar Anima-- unless supported by stunts or charms as per TDST.

Iconic Abyssal Anima (Translucent Dream Sheathing Technology) (Exceptional) (Permanence)

As per the regular Abyssal Anima, but instead of a low, crackling aura of entropy, the Raksha is covered in a brilliant bonfire of necromatic power infused with the image of an elfin figure curled in on herself, skin flaking and torn, endlessly dissolving into the maelstrom of nothingness, staring out at the world with obsidian eyes of malice and hate. The power of her all-consuming eyes is such that no one dares enter the maelstrom willingly, for if they do their lives and souls would surely be forfiet (As per TDST).

Solar Anima (Translucent Dream Sheathing Technology) (Fine) (Permanence)

A warm coruscating light infused with the scent of essence and magic surrounds the Raksha similar to a mid-level Solar Anima, including the shining caste mark of a Dawn Caste. Those seeing the Anima automatically assume it is real unless countered as per TDST.

Iconic Solar Anima (Translucent Dream Sheathing Technology) (Exceptional) (Permanence)

As per the regular Solar Anima, but in addition to the gentle light of magic and essence, is a tall elfin woman standing nude amidst blossoming nature, beautiful golden hair floating around her as magic fills the air. Her eyes revile the wicked, casting judgement and blame upon those who would defile her. "Leave" they say, "This is not your land, these are not your trees, you have no right and no power here.". The power of her commanding gaze is such that people shrink back, feel themselves small, they are unable to tresspass within the sanctity of the anima banner, lest their power leave them and they be crushed under her absolute dominion (As per TDST).


Essence   ●●●●●

Essence					 50
Glut of Passion				 18
Assumption of Dreams and Passion	-10
Misfortune				- 9
To Strike the Winds			- 4

Willpower   ●●●●●●●●●●

Heart   ●●●


◄Compassion►	●●●●		Cup Soak (+Conviction) :: ●●●●●●●
	◄Cup►	●●●●

Conviction	●●●		Staff Soak (+Manipulation) :: ●●●●●●●●●●
	Staff	●●●

Temperance	●●		Ring Soak (+Intelligence) :: ●●●●●
	Ring	●●

◄Valor►		●●●		Sword Soak (+Dexterity) :: ●●●●●●●●●
	◄Sword►	●●●

Health Levels     -0 / -1 / -1 / -1 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -2 / -4 / Inc.


Wish those dots were a little smaller... Oh well. Now if I can only play her right... - SlipNine