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#REDIRECT [[SRNissen/SrN_Bigeshu01]]
05-10-2005 14:10:01 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Hey
05-10-2005 14:10:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I need to fix something real quick, be back in 2
05-10-2005 14:10:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no prob
05-10-2005 14:11:42 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Back again
05-10-2005 14:11:55 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune k
05-10-2005 14:12:07 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So how do you want to start?
05-10-2005 14:12:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin By both of us entering #prelude on .magicstar.net?
05-10-2005 14:12:35 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok gimme a sec
05-10-2005 14:14:05 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok I'm there
05-10-2005 14:14:10 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:14:31 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I'd be much happy if you change your nick to PC
05-10-2005 14:14:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Just so it takes up less room
05-10-2005 14:15:21 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or Crimson Mane. That works too.
05-10-2005 14:15:36 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Either or, it's IC for me
05-10-2005 14:15:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Did you have time to read the prelude+
05-10-2005 14:15:59 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin ?
05-10-2005 14:16:28 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune yeah
05-10-2005 14:16:45 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Fantastico
05-10-2005 14:17:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This isn't going to be run exactly like I'd usually do it for a PC, because I'll be keeping a running commentary in MSN
05-10-2005 14:17:22 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So you know why I'm doing what I'm doing
05-10-2005 14:17:31 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune sounds cool to me
05-10-2005 14:18:36 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK, here's a short run-down of why the prelude you've already read was, for me as a player, a good prelude
05-10-2005 14:19:16 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin First of all, it fleshed out some things that were hinted at in my characters back story.
05-10-2005 14:19:36 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Like, this line <PC> Said: Name your price, priest. If I can fulfill it, you may have it. Never have I known such joy as this day. <GM>m'Lord, I demand nothing for myself but the people of this region suffer at the hands of the Dragon-Blooded. They need to be free, and you have the resources to give them that freedom, or at least the resources to fight for it.
05-10-2005 14:20:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It was known before the game started that my father was a member of the white wolves (don'tlaughorI'llhityou), but never why
05-10-2005 14:20:31 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I promise I won't :D
05-10-2005 14:21:09 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin When I used the line Said: Name your price, priest. If I can fulfill it, you may have it. Never have I known such joy as this day. I had absolutely no idea that my ST would remember that whole thing. [i]I[/i] didn't remember it!
05-10-2005 14:21:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So it fleshed out why my PC's father was in the resistance
05-10-2005 14:22:21 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So a surprise hook/explanation. Nice touch
05-10-2005 14:22:46 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yeah, I love my ST (L)
05-10-2005 14:23:14 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune lol
05-10-2005 14:23:53 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Anyway, my character back story already established that, at some point, I'd leave my fathers house, return, get to know about the White wolves, start working for them, leave again, have my family attacked and then Exalt.
05-10-2005 14:24:14 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune nice
05-10-2005 14:24:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Oh, and that NPC teacher, Kato, was also established in the back story, along with a teacher who did't get mentioned in the prelude
05-10-2005 14:24:35 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So we had a sort-of-framework for how the prelude should run already in place
05-10-2005 14:24:54 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (That sentence lacks a comma somewhere...)
05-10-2005 14:25:18 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune It's 8~ish in the morning I'm too tired to grade it
05-10-2005 14:25:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin HEhe
05-10-2005 14:26:51 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So, anyway, since we already knew what events were going to shape my character, it was simply a question of playing those out properly.
05-10-2005 14:26:56 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That lead to some fun things
05-10-2005 14:27:32 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So that's basically what a good prelude is to your group/ST
05-10-2005 14:27:34 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Like, the trip to "blacksilver" where my character hooked up with the guild? Totally unplanned. I had no idea what my character would be doing when he was away
05-10-2005 14:27:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Well, not necessarily
05-10-2005 14:27:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin But a lot of it, yeah.
05-10-2005 14:28:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Players state what their characters backstory is, and then we roleplay the most important parts of it to find out exactly what happened
05-10-2005 14:28:22 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Like, say
05-10-2005 14:28:23 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin well ok, he's originally from the Delzahn Horde and was part of a failed raid against Chiaroscuro. This encounter ended up with him becoming a slave and eventually finding himself in Nexus where the campaign started
05-10-2005 14:29:31 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That means we're probably going to visit the Delzahn Horde before you leave it, take a look that the failed raid and maybe at the lead-up to the raid, some scenes from life as a slave including why you got to go to Nexus where slavery is illegal, and possibly something more.
05-10-2005 14:29:58 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune sounds good
05-10-2005 14:30:32 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I'm going to type something up to start the mIRC game with
05-10-2005 14:30:39 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It might take a few minutes...
05-10-2005 14:31:02 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no rush
05-10-2005 14:31:13 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I'll just get some coffee before we start (brb)
05-10-2005 14:31:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:37:23 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok back
05-10-2005 14:37:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:37:44 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune should I just wait in Mirc
05-10-2005 14:37:48 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yerh
05-10-2005 14:37:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin *yeah
05-10-2005 14:39:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin What position do you have in that group?
05-10-2005 14:39:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin High status? Best warrior? Servant?
05-10-2005 14:40:02 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I just became a best warrior on the day of the failed raid
05-10-2005 14:40:10 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune *looking up Lunars*
05-10-2005 14:40:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This is earlier
05-10-2005 14:40:19 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This is, like, way earlier
05-10-2005 14:40:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I figured just gimme a sec
05-10-2005 14:40:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin that's fine
05-10-2005 14:41:08 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune *gack* I forgot that the Delzahn ruled Chiaroscuro
05-10-2005 14:41:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I dunno too much about the Delzahns, couldn't find a lot about them in Scavenger Sons or the Core. Didn't think to look in Lunars, so I'm doing it now
05-10-2005 14:41:17 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Tha's okay
05-10-2005 14:41:29 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin There's a lot of them on the plains, too.
05-10-2005 14:41:51 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune fair
05-10-2005 14:42:29 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Ok at the time I was a common warrior. Strangely born with flowing Red hair (think a Sonja crosses Conan)
05-10-2005 14:42:39 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:43:19 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Then Swift Arrow is the groups leader. He's a bit of a bastard, growing old and afraid that he'll lose status.
05-10-2005 14:43:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Right. Let's see if Crimson would like him or not
05-10-2005 14:44:45 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Hm...what would be a good form of adress for a barbarian superior?
05-10-2005 14:44:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin His name? "Arrow" for short, I think.
05-10-2005 14:45:05 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Definitely not "sir"
05-10-2005 14:45:29 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That's a sign of the weaker ones, who have taken to ruling Chiaroscuro
05-10-2005 14:45:40 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune check.
05-10-2005 14:46:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Say, what are Crimson Manes virtues, anyway? And once he Exalts, what's his Virtue Flaw going to be?
05-10-2005 14:48:19 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Virtue 3, Compassion 2, Temperance 1, Conviction 3
05-10-2005 14:48:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:49:04 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune His virtue flaw is Heart of Flint. Crimson Mane was always expedient, and when he exalted that part of him became far worst
05-10-2005 14:49:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:51:19 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Try rolling Perception + Awareness
05-10-2005 14:51:38 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Crap! 2 successes
05-10-2005 14:51:43 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin More than enough
05-10-2005 14:51:47 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune k
05-10-2005 14:51:51 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin We're still at the mortal level :P
05-10-2005 14:52:09 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune That's true
05-10-2005 14:52:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or is that Bronze? I never know...
05-10-2005 14:53:09 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Bronze, but no matter
05-10-2005 14:53:26 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I was thinking Bronce stood for some wicked Klingon looking thing
05-10-2005 14:53:32 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Heh
05-10-2005 14:53:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It's spiked and serrated for his displeasure
05-10-2005 14:53:53 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune lol
05-10-2005 14:55:36 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok noticing Swift, I'd like to look around the area, seeing if anything is watching or if I see the morning vulture ascending in the distance (or some other bad luck sign)
05-10-2005 14:56:40 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 14:56:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Will try to work omens in ;)
05-10-2005 14:57:16 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok
05-10-2005 14:58:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Hmm...well Crimson was never one to not follow a bad superstition/feeling.
05-10-2005 14:58:46 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Indeed
05-10-2005 14:58:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That's what I were getting at
05-10-2005 14:59:51 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I am, in fact, setting you up for a fight scene
05-10-2005 14:59:54 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin NOTICE that!
05-10-2005 15:00:02 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune figured that
05-10-2005 15:00:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin In a regular session, that's not happening
05-10-2005 15:00:13 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (That is, me saying I'm setting you up for a fight)
05-10-2005 15:01:03 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It's something I say because it's a prelude, and I don't, as ST, feel like I have to surprise you. Since this is basically "Extended backstory"
05-10-2005 15:01:23 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So here's what's happening:
05-10-2005 15:01:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin The inn you're going to sleep in tonight is getting thrashed because the proprietor is late with his protection money
05-10-2005 15:02:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Although Crimson Mane doesn't know that, yet, the purpose of the back story is to establish what he's doing in a situation like this
05-10-2005 15:02:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin *replace "back story" with "prelude"
05-10-2005 15:02:37 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok
05-10-2005 15:02:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So:
05-10-2005 15:03:09 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Maybe he's just going to hang out here, because he doesn't notice that the stable boy isn't appearing
05-10-2005 15:03:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That would be fine, it's not like CM knows about stable boys, what with having lived with the Horde
05-10-2005 15:03:26 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Oh I thought he was
05-10-2005 15:03:43 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune let me rescind my last Mirc comment
05-10-2005 15:03:47 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or yet, maybe he's going to investigate
05-10-2005 15:03:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin ...
05-10-2005 15:03:57 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yeah
05-10-2005 15:04:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It all depends on whether you want to portray CM as curious
05-10-2005 15:04:43 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So *is* he going to investigate, or is he going to hang out until Swift Arrow returns?
05-10-2005 15:05:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune He's going to investigate
05-10-2005 15:05:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 15:05:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Why?
05-10-2005 15:06:30 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune He is duty bound, but the silence and still is too great for him. Something's not right, and in Mane's overconfidence, he thinks that he receives these "feelings" because he is the only one who can do something to prevent it
05-10-2005 15:06:34 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (That's a question I don't need an answer to, because I'm not actually your ST, but it's a question you're going to want to ask your players, because you'll be playing more sessions than one)
05-10-2005 15:06:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 15:07:03 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune fair, but if I do this as if I were a player then I can see how well I'm doing when I flip the script and do this for mine
05-10-2005 15:07:03 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So now we've established that Crimson Mane does as he feels is his duty, then.
05-10-2005 15:07:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Which is the purpose of the prelude, finding out stuff like that so the ST can use it in-game
05-10-2005 15:08:24 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune cool it works for me
05-10-2005 15:08:59 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Now *I'm* confused.
05-10-2005 15:09:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Maybe I didn't describe the scenery adequately, but why run for Arrow?
05-10-2005 15:09:36 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I imagined that tieing and calming the horses to Mane's satisfaction would have taken some time
05-10-2005 15:09:42 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yes
05-10-2005 15:09:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I mean, why Arrow? Why not into the inn?
05-10-2005 15:09:50 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune If you'd prefer he could walk briskly :)
05-10-2005 15:10:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Ah, I've just read what I've written earlier
05-10-2005 15:10:35 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Swift Arrow has walked down the street, towards the market
05-10-2005 15:11:13 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune He's not concerned with city folk. So he translates the vision as affecting his clan, his family, the only people he cares about for now. To hell with drunken brawlers he rationalizes
05-10-2005 15:11:21 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 15:11:32 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So he feels something is wrong and want to tell S. Arrow?
05-10-2005 15:11:35 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That's fine
05-10-2005 15:15:47 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Doh. Agry = Angry, obviously
05-10-2005 15:16:01 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no worries
05-10-2005 15:21:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin And you've just made friend, BTW. Not in this encounter, obviously, but maybe in the fight where you won your right to be a warrior?
05-10-2005 15:21:43 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (I just need a friend-type NPC right now=
05-10-2005 15:22:00 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Name?
05-10-2005 15:22:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune hmm.......
05-10-2005 15:22:47 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Copper Falcon
05-10-2005 15:22:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Okay
05-10-2005 15:27:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Let's end the scene here, shall we?
05-10-2005 15:28:01 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or do you have something to add to it?
05-10-2005 15:28:15 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Not at all
05-10-2005 15:28:20 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 15:28:38 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Right, so we've established a few things
05-10-2005 15:29:36 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin 1) You're not without friends in the Horde 2) You take omens seriously 3) You're willing to give in to a higher authority 4) You do your duty
05-10-2005 15:29:44 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Now, any of these can change during play
05-10-2005 15:29:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (If you were going to play him, that is :P)
05-10-2005 15:30:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin But this is sort-of a baseline
05-10-2005 15:30:03 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune But it's a good start if I was going to play him
05-10-2005 15:30:06 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Exactly
05-10-2005 15:30:07 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune exactly
05-10-2005 15:30:10 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune GAH!
05-10-2005 15:30:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin LOL
05-10-2005 15:30:49 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I take it your ST did the same thing with the scene wrap-up
05-10-2005 15:31:01 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin What, the "Ask if it's fade to black time" thing?
05-10-2005 15:31:14 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or tell me what was established?
05-10-2005 15:31:21 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune "We've learned these things about your character...."
05-10-2005 15:31:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin No, he didn't.
05-10-2005 15:31:41 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ah
05-10-2005 15:31:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This is for you, so you can see what the benefits of a prelude are
05-10-2005 15:32:18 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok
05-10-2005 15:32:37 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Well, I think I've got the hang of preluding. Thanks for the help
05-10-2005 15:32:44 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 15:32:53 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune One question though, do you normally do just one scene or 2~4
05-10-2005 15:32:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Depends
05-10-2005 15:34:05 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin If it's for people who've never RP'ed before, only 1
05-10-2005 15:34:12 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok
05-10-2005 15:34:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin But because you've RP'ed before, if this was an actual prelude to a game, I'd probably at LEAST go through the scene where you were capture, and the scene of your Exaltation
05-10-2005 15:35:05 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune fewer scenes for newer players to not overwhelm them I suppose
05-10-2005 15:35:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Especially the capture scene, because I'm just dying to have Swift Arrow cut your legs or something so you can't come with them back from the failed raid, and can establish an enemy
05-10-2005 15:35:31 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yeah
05-10-2005 15:36:06 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I wish the ST did do that scene. I'd love to meet him Post Dawn Caste~ification
05-10-2005 15:36:10 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune er.. Zenith
05-10-2005 15:36:30 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin To not overwhelm them, and so they can see what RP'ing is like with other players before they make commitments with their characters they're not going to follow up on in actual play
05-10-2005 15:36:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Heh, yes
05-10-2005 15:36:54 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin If I could set that up as ST, I'd probably Exalt him as a Dragonblooded or something
05-10-2005 15:37:06 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or make him an important servant of a Lunar trying to take over the horde
05-10-2005 15:37:16 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin You know, get some proper character-driven conflict
05-10-2005 15:37:38 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That cannot be solved with "Hah! Daiklave to FACE prana!"
05-10-2005 15:37:49 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune lol
05-10-2005 15:38:05 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune or worst HGD
05-10-2005 15:38:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin yeah
05-10-2005 15:38:21 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Would you mind if I put this up on the WIKI
05-10-2005 15:38:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no go ahead
05-10-2005 15:38:37 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune just email/PM me the link
05-10-2005 15:38:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK
05-10-2005 15:38:40 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I will
05-10-2005 15:38:46 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune arigato
05-10-2005 15:38:59 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I'll probably edit the mIRC log so the dialogue errors are fixed :-O
05-10-2005 15:39:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Arigato
05-10-2005 15:39:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune thanks
05-10-2005 15:39:57 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I'm studying Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish right now
05-10-2005 15:40:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Man what?
05-10-2005 15:40:39 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune since I have a mostly lazy semester I'm trying to ground myself in three languages. The first because I was born there (my folks were military), the second because I'm taking a class right now, the third because it's my dad's native language
05-10-2005 15:40:53 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So sometimes I mix in a phrase here and there
05-10-2005 15:41:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Heh.
05-10-2005 15:41:29 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin The OoC log for the other game is in, like, english, german, danish
05-10-2005 15:41:38 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Unfortunately, it's also deleted :(
05-10-2005 15:42:12 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ah
Back to my main page - [[SRNissen]]
== '''Comments''' ==

Revision as of 14:34, 5 October 2005

05-10-2005 14:10:01 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Hey 05-10-2005 14:10:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I need to fix something real quick, be back in 2 05-10-2005 14:10:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no prob 05-10-2005 14:11:42 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Back again 05-10-2005 14:11:55 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune k 05-10-2005 14:12:07 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So how do you want to start? 05-10-2005 14:12:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin By both of us entering #prelude on .magicstar.net? 05-10-2005 14:12:35 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok gimme a sec 05-10-2005 14:14:05 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok I'm there 05-10-2005 14:14:10 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:14:31 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I'd be much happy if you change your nick to PC 05-10-2005 14:14:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Just so it takes up less room 05-10-2005 14:15:21 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or Crimson Mane. That works too. 05-10-2005 14:15:36 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Either or, it's IC for me 05-10-2005 14:15:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Did you have time to read the prelude+ 05-10-2005 14:15:59 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin ? 05-10-2005 14:16:28 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune yeah 05-10-2005 14:16:45 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Fantastico 05-10-2005 14:17:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This isn't going to be run exactly like I'd usually do it for a PC, because I'll be keeping a running commentary in MSN 05-10-2005 14:17:22 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So you know why I'm doing what I'm doing 05-10-2005 14:17:31 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune sounds cool to me 05-10-2005 14:18:36 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK, here's a short run-down of why the prelude you've already read was, for me as a player, a good prelude 05-10-2005 14:19:16 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin First of all, it fleshed out some things that were hinted at in my characters back story. 05-10-2005 14:19:36 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Like, this line <PC> Said: Name your price, priest. If I can fulfill it, you may have it. Never have I known such joy as this day. <GM>m'Lord, I demand nothing for myself but the people of this region suffer at the hands of the Dragon-Blooded. They need to be free, and you have the resources to give them that freedom, or at least the resources to fight for it. 05-10-2005 14:20:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It was known before the game started that my father was a member of the white wolves (don'tlaughorI'llhityou), but never why 05-10-2005 14:20:31 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I promise I won't :D 05-10-2005 14:21:09 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin When I used the line Said: Name your price, priest. If I can fulfill it, you may have it. Never have I known such joy as this day. I had absolutely no idea that my ST would remember that whole thing. [i]I[/i] didn't remember it! 05-10-2005 14:21:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So it fleshed out why my PC's father was in the resistance 05-10-2005 14:22:21 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So a surprise hook/explanation. Nice touch 05-10-2005 14:22:46 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yeah, I love my ST (L) 05-10-2005 14:23:14 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune lol 05-10-2005 14:23:53 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Anyway, my character back story already established that, at some point, I'd leave my fathers house, return, get to know about the White wolves, start working for them, leave again, have my family attacked and then Exalt. 05-10-2005 14:24:14 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune nice 05-10-2005 14:24:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Oh, and that NPC teacher, Kato, was also established in the back story, along with a teacher who did't get mentioned in the prelude 05-10-2005 14:24:35 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So we had a sort-of-framework for how the prelude should run already in place 05-10-2005 14:24:54 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (That sentence lacks a comma somewhere...) 05-10-2005 14:25:18 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune It's 8~ish in the morning I'm too tired to grade it 05-10-2005 14:25:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin HEhe 05-10-2005 14:26:51 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So, anyway, since we already knew what events were going to shape my character, it was simply a question of playing those out properly. 05-10-2005 14:26:56 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That lead to some fun things 05-10-2005 14:27:32 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So that's basically what a good prelude is to your group/ST 05-10-2005 14:27:34 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Like, the trip to "blacksilver" where my character hooked up with the guild? Totally unplanned. I had no idea what my character would be doing when he was away 05-10-2005 14:27:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Well, not necessarily 05-10-2005 14:27:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin But a lot of it, yeah. 05-10-2005 14:28:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Players state what their characters backstory is, and then we roleplay the most important parts of it to find out exactly what happened 05-10-2005 14:28:22 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Like, say 05-10-2005 14:28:23 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin well ok, he's originally from the Delzahn Horde and was part of a failed raid against Chiaroscuro. This encounter ended up with him becoming a slave and eventually finding himself in Nexus where the campaign started 05-10-2005 14:29:31 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That means we're probably going to visit the Delzahn Horde before you leave it, take a look that the failed raid and maybe at the lead-up to the raid, some scenes from life as a slave including why you got to go to Nexus where slavery is illegal, and possibly something more. 05-10-2005 14:29:58 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune sounds good 05-10-2005 14:30:32 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I'm going to type something up to start the mIRC game with 05-10-2005 14:30:39 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It might take a few minutes... 05-10-2005 14:31:02 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no rush 05-10-2005 14:31:13 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I'll just get some coffee before we start (brb) 05-10-2005 14:31:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:37:23 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok back 05-10-2005 14:37:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:37:44 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune should I just wait in Mirc 05-10-2005 14:37:48 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yerh 05-10-2005 14:37:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin *yeah 05-10-2005 14:39:18 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin What position do you have in that group? 05-10-2005 14:39:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin High status? Best warrior? Servant? 05-10-2005 14:40:02 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I just became a best warrior on the day of the failed raid 05-10-2005 14:40:10 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune *looking up Lunars* 05-10-2005 14:40:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This is earlier 05-10-2005 14:40:19 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This is, like, way earlier 05-10-2005 14:40:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I figured just gimme a sec 05-10-2005 14:40:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin that's fine 05-10-2005 14:41:08 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune *gack* I forgot that the Delzahn ruled Chiaroscuro 05-10-2005 14:41:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I dunno too much about the Delzahns, couldn't find a lot about them in Scavenger Sons or the Core. Didn't think to look in Lunars, so I'm doing it now 05-10-2005 14:41:17 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Tha's okay 05-10-2005 14:41:29 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin There's a lot of them on the plains, too. 05-10-2005 14:41:51 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune fair 05-10-2005 14:42:29 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Ok at the time I was a common warrior. Strangely born with flowing Red hair (think a Sonja crosses Conan) 05-10-2005 14:42:39 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:43:19 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Then Swift Arrow is the groups leader. He's a bit of a bastard, growing old and afraid that he'll lose status. 05-10-2005 14:43:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Right. Let's see if Crimson would like him or not 05-10-2005 14:44:45 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Hm...what would be a good form of adress for a barbarian superior? 05-10-2005 14:44:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin His name? "Arrow" for short, I think. 05-10-2005 14:45:05 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Definitely not "sir" 05-10-2005 14:45:29 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That's a sign of the weaker ones, who have taken to ruling Chiaroscuro 05-10-2005 14:45:40 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune check. 05-10-2005 14:46:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Say, what are Crimson Manes virtues, anyway? And once he Exalts, what's his Virtue Flaw going to be? 05-10-2005 14:48:19 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Virtue 3, Compassion 2, Temperance 1, Conviction 3 05-10-2005 14:48:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:49:04 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune His virtue flaw is Heart of Flint. Crimson Mane was always expedient, and when he exalted that part of him became far worst 05-10-2005 14:49:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:51:19 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Try rolling Perception + Awareness 05-10-2005 14:51:38 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Crap! 2 successes 05-10-2005 14:51:43 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin More than enough 05-10-2005 14:51:47 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune k 05-10-2005 14:51:51 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin We're still at the mortal level :P 05-10-2005 14:52:09 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune That's true 05-10-2005 14:52:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or is that Bronze? I never know... 05-10-2005 14:53:09 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Bronze, but no matter 05-10-2005 14:53:26 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I was thinking Bronce stood for some wicked Klingon looking thing 05-10-2005 14:53:32 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Heh 05-10-2005 14:53:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It's spiked and serrated for his displeasure 05-10-2005 14:53:53 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune lol 05-10-2005 14:55:36 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok noticing Swift, I'd like to look around the area, seeing if anything is watching or if I see the morning vulture ascending in the distance (or some other bad luck sign) 05-10-2005 14:56:40 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 14:56:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Will try to work omens in ;) 05-10-2005 14:57:16 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok 05-10-2005 14:58:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Hmm...well Crimson was never one to not follow a bad superstition/feeling. 05-10-2005 14:58:46 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Indeed 05-10-2005 14:58:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That's what I were getting at 05-10-2005 14:59:51 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I am, in fact, setting you up for a fight scene 05-10-2005 14:59:54 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin NOTICE that! 05-10-2005 15:00:02 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune figured that 05-10-2005 15:00:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin In a regular session, that's not happening 05-10-2005 15:00:13 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (That is, me saying I'm setting you up for a fight) 05-10-2005 15:01:03 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It's something I say because it's a prelude, and I don't, as ST, feel like I have to surprise you. Since this is basically "Extended backstory" 05-10-2005 15:01:23 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So here's what's happening: 05-10-2005 15:01:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin The inn you're going to sleep in tonight is getting thrashed because the proprietor is late with his protection money 05-10-2005 15:02:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Although Crimson Mane doesn't know that, yet, the purpose of the back story is to establish what he's doing in a situation like this 05-10-2005 15:02:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin *replace "back story" with "prelude" 05-10-2005 15:02:37 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok 05-10-2005 15:02:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So: 05-10-2005 15:03:09 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Maybe he's just going to hang out here, because he doesn't notice that the stable boy isn't appearing 05-10-2005 15:03:24 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That would be fine, it's not like CM knows about stable boys, what with having lived with the Horde 05-10-2005 15:03:26 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Oh I thought he was 05-10-2005 15:03:43 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune let me rescind my last Mirc comment 05-10-2005 15:03:47 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or yet, maybe he's going to investigate 05-10-2005 15:03:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin ... 05-10-2005 15:03:57 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yeah 05-10-2005 15:04:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin It all depends on whether you want to portray CM as curious 05-10-2005 15:04:43 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So *is* he going to investigate, or is he going to hang out until Swift Arrow returns? 05-10-2005 15:05:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune He's going to investigate 05-10-2005 15:05:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 15:05:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Why? 05-10-2005 15:06:30 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune He is duty bound, but the silence and still is too great for him. Something's not right, and in Mane's overconfidence, he thinks that he receives these "feelings" because he is the only one who can do something to prevent it 05-10-2005 15:06:34 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (That's a question I don't need an answer to, because I'm not actually your ST, but it's a question you're going to want to ask your players, because you'll be playing more sessions than one) 05-10-2005 15:06:41 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 15:07:03 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune fair, but if I do this as if I were a player then I can see how well I'm doing when I flip the script and do this for mine 05-10-2005 15:07:03 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So now we've established that Crimson Mane does as he feels is his duty, then. 05-10-2005 15:07:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Which is the purpose of the prelude, finding out stuff like that so the ST can use it in-game 05-10-2005 15:08:24 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune cool it works for me 05-10-2005 15:08:59 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Now *I'm* confused. 05-10-2005 15:09:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Maybe I didn't describe the scenery adequately, but why run for Arrow? 05-10-2005 15:09:36 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I imagined that tieing and calming the horses to Mane's satisfaction would have taken some time 05-10-2005 15:09:42 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yes 05-10-2005 15:09:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I mean, why Arrow? Why not into the inn? 05-10-2005 15:09:50 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune If you'd prefer he could walk briskly :) 05-10-2005 15:10:25 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Ah, I've just read what I've written earlier 05-10-2005 15:10:35 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Swift Arrow has walked down the street, towards the market 05-10-2005 15:11:13 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune He's not concerned with city folk. So he translates the vision as affecting his clan, his family, the only people he cares about for now. To hell with drunken brawlers he rationalizes 05-10-2005 15:11:21 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 15:11:32 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin So he feels something is wrong and want to tell S. Arrow? 05-10-2005 15:11:35 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That's fine 05-10-2005 15:15:47 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Doh. Agry = Angry, obviously 05-10-2005 15:16:01 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no worries 05-10-2005 15:21:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin And you've just made friend, BTW. Not in this encounter, obviously, but maybe in the fight where you won your right to be a warrior? 05-10-2005 15:21:43 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (I just need a friend-type NPC right now= 05-10-2005 15:22:00 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Name? 05-10-2005 15:22:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune hmm....... 05-10-2005 15:22:47 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Copper Falcon 05-10-2005 15:22:50 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Okay 05-10-2005 15:27:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Let's end the scene here, shall we? 05-10-2005 15:28:01 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or do you have something to add to it? 05-10-2005 15:28:15 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Not at all 05-10-2005 15:28:20 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 15:28:38 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Right, so we've established a few things 05-10-2005 15:29:36 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin 1) You're not without friends in the Horde 2) You take omens seriously 3) You're willing to give in to a higher authority 4) You do your duty 05-10-2005 15:29:44 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Now, any of these can change during play 05-10-2005 15:29:55 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin (If you were going to play him, that is :P) 05-10-2005 15:30:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin But this is sort-of a baseline 05-10-2005 15:30:03 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune But it's a good start if I was going to play him 05-10-2005 15:30:06 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Exactly 05-10-2005 15:30:07 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune exactly 05-10-2005 15:30:10 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune GAH! 05-10-2005 15:30:11 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin LOL 05-10-2005 15:30:49 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I take it your ST did the same thing with the scene wrap-up 05-10-2005 15:31:01 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin What, the "Ask if it's fade to black time" thing? 05-10-2005 15:31:14 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or tell me what was established? 05-10-2005 15:31:21 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune "We've learned these things about your character...." 05-10-2005 15:31:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin No, he didn't. 05-10-2005 15:31:41 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ah 05-10-2005 15:31:49 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin This is for you, so you can see what the benefits of a prelude are 05-10-2005 15:32:18 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok 05-10-2005 15:32:37 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune Well, I think I've got the hang of preluding. Thanks for the help 05-10-2005 15:32:44 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 15:32:53 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune One question though, do you normally do just one scene or 2~4 05-10-2005 15:32:58 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Depends 05-10-2005 15:34:05 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin If it's for people who've never RP'ed before, only 1 05-10-2005 15:34:12 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ok 05-10-2005 15:34:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin But because you've RP'ed before, if this was an actual prelude to a game, I'd probably at LEAST go through the scene where you were capture, and the scene of your Exaltation 05-10-2005 15:35:05 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune fewer scenes for newer players to not overwhelm them I suppose 05-10-2005 15:35:26 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Especially the capture scene, because I'm just dying to have Swift Arrow cut your legs or something so you can't come with them back from the failed raid, and can establish an enemy 05-10-2005 15:35:31 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Yeah 05-10-2005 15:36:06 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I wish the ST did do that scene. I'd love to meet him Post Dawn Caste~ification 05-10-2005 15:36:10 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune er.. Zenith 05-10-2005 15:36:30 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin To not overwhelm them, and so they can see what RP'ing is like with other players before they make commitments with their characters they're not going to follow up on in actual play 05-10-2005 15:36:33 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Heh, yes 05-10-2005 15:36:54 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin If I could set that up as ST, I'd probably Exalt him as a Dragonblooded or something 05-10-2005 15:37:06 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Or make him an important servant of a Lunar trying to take over the horde 05-10-2005 15:37:16 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin You know, get some proper character-driven conflict 05-10-2005 15:37:38 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin That cannot be solved with "Hah! Daiklave to FACE prana!" 05-10-2005 15:37:49 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune lol 05-10-2005 15:38:05 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune or worst HGD 05-10-2005 15:38:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin yeah 05-10-2005 15:38:21 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Would you mind if I put this up on the WIKI 05-10-2005 15:38:27 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune no go ahead 05-10-2005 15:38:37 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune just email/PM me the link 05-10-2005 15:38:37 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin OK 05-10-2005 15:38:40 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I will 05-10-2005 15:38:46 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune arigato 05-10-2005 15:38:59 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin I'll probably edit the mIRC log so the dialogue errors are fixed :-O 05-10-2005 15:39:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Arigato 05-10-2005 15:39:42 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune thanks 05-10-2005 15:39:57 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune I'm studying Japanese, Chinese, and Spanish right now 05-10-2005 15:40:02 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Man what? 05-10-2005 15:40:39 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune since I have a mostly lazy semester I'm trying to ground myself in three languages. The first because I was born there (my folks were military), the second because I'm taking a class right now, the third because it's my dad's native language 05-10-2005 15:40:53 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune So sometimes I mix in a phrase here and there 05-10-2005 15:41:12 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Heh. 05-10-2005 15:41:29 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin The OoC log for the other game is in, like, english, german, danish 05-10-2005 15:41:38 Nissen, Søren Rune Razputin Unfortunately, it's also deleted :( 05-10-2005 15:42:12 Razputin Nissen, Søren Rune ah

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