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-Roman gladiatorial salutation.
-Roman gladiatorial salutation.

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The Apostate Armies of Elakhan

Morituri te salutant!</i>

-Roman gladiatorial salutation.

Sizes and Magnitudes

I'll be using Realm standard unit sizes for the purposes of magnitude, but the forces of Elakhan measure things a little differently. Basically, they measure legions the way Rome and the Realm do- sure, the core of it is 5000 fighting men, but they are attached to all manner of auxiliaries that can up to double their number.

One brigade = 5000 men (Mag 8, General)
One division = 500 men (Mag 5, Colonel)
One corps = 250 men (Mag 4, Major)
One company = 125 men (Mag 3, Captain)
One platoon = 25 men (Mag 2, Leftenant)
One squad = 5 men (Mag 1, Sergeant)

In general, all officers above the rank of Captain are assumed to have one subaltern attached to him/her as a second, as well as an adjutant and a small command staff of his/her own.

Troop Quality, Type, and Outfit

I'll be referring to troops according to basic divisions below. For the sake of brevity, assume that any listing of soldiers adheres to the basic quality and outfit listed here. Individual units that vary from the basic divisions listed here will be noted in their respective descriptions.

- Some troops have no real combat experience and were thrown together as an object lesson to their kingdoms. They use the template on page 279 of the 2E Core. Green troops default to Drill 2 and Might 0 unless otherwise noted.
Regular - All troops are assumed to be of regular quality unless otherwise noted. Regular troops use the template on page 279 of the 2E Core. They default to Drill 3 and Might 0 unless otherwise noted.
Elite - Troops listed as Elite use the template on page 280 of the 2E Core. They default to Drill 4 and Might 0 unless otherwise noted.
Superior - Very, very rare. Superior troops use the Elite template on page 280 of the 2E Core. They default to Drill 5 and Might 0. Superior quality troops always have improved Attributes and Abilities noted in their descriptions and are often outfitted with exceptional gear.

Infantry - Infantry troops use the standard templates given.
Cavalry - Cavalry troops have a Ride score equal to their highest combat Ability.

Heavy Infantry - Reinforced breastplate, target shield, chopping sword.
Medium Infantry - Buff jacket, target shield, chopping sword.
Light Infantry - Buff jacket, buckler, short sword.
Heavy Cavalry - Reinforced buff jacket, target shield, lance, mace.
Light Cavalry - Buff jacket, brace of javelins, slashing sword.
Archers - Buff jacket, short sword, self bow.
Marines - Breastplate, buckler, chopping sword, throwing knives, dagger. Always Drill 5, +1 to Valor and Conviction, -1 to Compassion.
Sailors - Buff jacket, short sword.
Technicians - Buff jacket, short sword, hatchet.

Troop Count

Organized by Armed Force, thence by city-state, thence by Legion.

The Ever-Advancing Army

Fist of War, commanding

The Apostate Armies of Elakhan
(called "rabbits" as a pejorative for the cowardly act of betraying humanity by the soldiers of Kolan)

Lacrimae: 25,500 men

Legion Faithful
1 brigade Medium Infantry
4 divisions Archers
4 divisions Light Cavalry

Legion Coercive
1 brigade Light Infantry (GREEN)
6 divisions Medium Infantry
2 divisions Archers

Legion Inevitable
1 brigade Heavy Infantry
5 divisions Heavy Cavalry

Tull: 12,000 men

Legion Tenacious
1 brigade Medium Infantry
4 divisions Light Ingantry
1 division Archers

Legion Mercenary
1 brigade Medium Infantry
3 divisions Light Cavalry
2 divisions Heavy Cavalry

Valen: 6,000 men

Legion Compulsory
1 brigade Light Infantry (GREEN)
2 divisions Archers

Jagan: 7,000 men

Legion Cunning
1 brigade Medium Infantry
2 divisions Heavy Cavalry
2 divisions Light Cavalry

Daronim: 24,000 men

Legion Cooperative
1 brigade Medium Infantry
4 divisions Heavy Infantry
2 divisions Heavy Cavalry

Legion Voluntary
1 brigade Light Infantry
2 divisions Heavy Infantry
1 division Heavy Cavalry
1 division Archers

Legion Instructive
1 brigade Medium Infantry
4 divisions Light Innfantry (GREEN)
2 divisions Archers
2 divisions Light Cavalry (GREEN)

Na'ar: 7,000 men

Legion Irrefusable
1 brigade Heavy Infantry
4 divisions Heavy Infantry (ELITE; the Irrefusables, armor = articulated plate; weapons = greatsword, mace, shortsword)

Clearspring and Palelily: 6,000 men

Legion Monastic
1 brigade Medium Infantry
2 divisions Archers

The Inexhaustible Legion: about 20,000 zombies and 5,000 hungry ghosts at a time

These numbers can fluctuate wildly, depending on freshness and availability of corpses, the presence of necromancers (up to and including the Evangelist).

Organized by division, each platoon is lead by a nemissary.

Hungry Ghosts
Handled by one skilled war ghost per squad. Organized into divisions.

The Arisen Wrathful Ancestors: 20,750 ghosts

The Shaderunners
6 divisions Heavy War Ghost Cavalry (ELITE; Might 1)

The Joyous Workmen
10 divisions Nemissary Heavy Infantry (Might 2)

The Pale Skirmishers
20 divisions War Ghost Heavy Infantry (Might 1)

The Harbingers of Dread

Laughter's Unexpected Shadow, commanding

10 corps of experienced Nemissaries (ELITE; Might 2)
1 corps, "The Motley Devourers," Honor Guard (SUPERIOR, Might 2)

The Crimson Sky Fleet

Hammer of World Breaking Thunders, commanding.

2,000 Sailors (organized by vessel)
10,000 Marines (organized by vessel)
1,000 Technicians (organized by vessel)

Unique Units

The World Breakers
Sanguine Devil, commanding
1 division Nemissary Marines (SUPERIOR; Soulsteel Articulated Plate, Soulsteel Daiklaives, Might 4)
-is the Hammer of World Breaking Thunders' Honor Guard

The Grim Stalwarts
Artless Grin, commanding
1 division Nemissary Heavy Infantry (SUPERIOR; Soulsteel Daiklaives, plain steel Articulated Plate, Might 3)
-is Fist of War's Honor Guard

Oblivion's Anointed Guard
The Sackcloth Evangelist of the Ebon Spiral, commanding
1 platoon Nephwrack Heavy Infantry (SUPERIOR; Soulsteel Panoply, Might 5)

Sacred Handlers of Occult Arsenals
4 divisions of field engineers

TOTAL TROOP COMPLEMENT: 149,000 troops (89,000 men, 60,000 dead)

Technological Resources

Including only magitech/necromagitech stuff here for now

Aerial Forces

What follows is what is deployable. Assume about 50% again of this force is held in reserve at the Chrysalis and at Za'Ha'Dum and will NOT be deployed unless those locations are somehow attacked.

The Blackfire Ascension, Flagship of the Crimson Sky Fleet
4 Heavy Entropic Implosion Bows (3 fore, 1 aft)
12 Black Lightning Ballistae (6 per side)
10 Medium Entropic Implosion Bows (facing down for land bombardments)
12 Defiler Orbs (bombs)
Complement of 6 Dart-class light assault craft
Crew: 300 Marines, 200 Sailors, 40 Technicians, 12 Dart Pilots

14 Inexorable-class Warships
2 Medium Entropic Implosion Bows (paired at the fore)
1 Black Lightning Ballista (top-mounted, 360 degree arc of fire)
4 Light Entropic Implosion Bows (for land bombardment)
1 Defiler Orb
1 Dart-class light assault craft
Crew: 50 Marines, 25 Sailors, 10 Technicians, 2 Dart Pilots

40 Stormrunner-class Transports
1 Light Entropic Implosion Bow (fore-mounted, angled down, for clearing a LZ)
Lots of places to fire personal weapons from
Crew: 10 Sailors, 500 Marines, 5 Technicians
Cargo Hold: Up to 10 tons additional material can be raided or transported
Marines deploy vertically along zip lines, ascend on rope ladders

6 Ominous-class Aerial Carriers
3 Black Lightning Ballistae (two on top, one below, all have 360 degree arcs of fire)
Complement of 4 Dart-class light assault craft
Crew: 120 Sailors, 100 Marines, 20 Technicians, 12 Dart Pilots

62 Dart-class light assault craft
1 Light Entropic Implosion Bow each (faces forward)
Range of about 40 miles (total) before essence is depleted
Only 44 can be deployed in the Crimson Sky Fleet at present. The others are basically spares.

Ground Armor

Similar deployability disclaimer as under Aerial Forces

20 Bonestriders (weapons = Daiklaives)
6 Noble Warstriders
-Thunder of Bitterness (weapon = Goremaul)
-Glorious Obsidian Hulk (piloted by Utopian Ashes, weapons = God-Kicking Boots, Smashfists)
-Scornful Killer Divergent (piloted by Markham, weapon = Grand Grimscythe)
-Eleventh Dawning Wrath (weapon = Grand Daiklaive)
-Blossom of a Forsaken Dirge (weapon = Light Necrotic Essence Cannon)
-Funerary Ivory Willow (weapon = Grimcleaver)
3 Royal Warstriders
-Final Misery Sundering (AERIAL; piloted by Sestmir the Unrepentant, weapon = Pyreflame Lance)
-Devouring Starfall (piloted by Baleful Auspice Regnant, weapons = Medium Necrotic Essence Cannon, Daiklaive)
-Blissful Lovers' Ruin (piloted by Justicar of the Bloodied Thorn, weapon = Smashfists)
12 Spine Chains
6 Thousand-Corpse War Frames (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 106)
8 Dread Brachial Sapping Arrays (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 107)
3 The Web is the Spider (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 107)
4 Weapons of Mephitic Desolation (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 108)
20 Bone Spider Lotuses (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 110) carrying Light to Medium Artillery as well as being outfitted with The Touch That Calls Them Home (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 109) which causes all wounds within 100 yards to become infected if a STA + RES roll vs. difficulty 5 is failed.
10 Loathsome Ctenid Desolators
1 Medium Entropic Implosion Bow
1 Coaxial Black Lighting Ballista
Six Legs for ambulation, Two more terminate in barbed soulsteel so also serve as weapon-limbs
Crew: 2 Gunners (Experienced Nemissaries), 2 Pilots (Experienced Nemissaries), One Commander (Heroic and Experienced Nemissary)
Outiftted with The Wailing Engine of Fear (Book of Bone and Ebony, pg. 109) which causes all who approach within fifty yards to make a valor check at minus two dice. If a unit fails this check, it must flee to the limits of the effect. If botched, it flees and keeps going. The engine emits a keening that seems to carry hideous revelations, causing an aversion in all living beings, but also tends to weaken ghosts' fetters. It has no effect upon animate dead.


25 Light Entropic Implosion Bows
15 Medium Entropic Implosion Bows
50 Medium Necrotic Essence Cannons
20 Heavy Necrotic Essence Cannons
20 Cataclysm Charge Mortars
60 Trebuchets (zombie-chuckers)

Infantry Outfit

1,000 Maggot Casters: assigned to Nemissary officers and spec-ops-types
1,000 suits of Soulsteel Reinforced Breastplate: assigned to elite guards
500 suits of Ashigaru-equivalent non-stealthed powered armor: assigned to Marine Sergeants

Champions of the Void

The Sackcloth Evangelist of the Ebon Spiral*
The Hammer of World-Breaking Thunders*
Laughter's Unexpected Shadow*

Compromised Abyssals
Scarlet Saint of the Forgotten*
Justicar of the Bloodied Thorn*

New or "On Loan" Abyssals
Baleful Auspice Regnant*
Jeering Sable Legate*

Nephwracks and Nemissaries
Sanguine Devil
Artless Grin
Weeping Gardener
Utopian Ashes
Cosimir the Butcher
Obsidian Lotus
Blood Upon the Basalt
Falling Cinder Monsoon
Eyeless Gelid Rose

Infamous Necrothaumaturges
Edelmar the Wintry
Cairhedwyn Grieving Iron
Licentious Haven
Duchess Iseule

Heroic Mortals imbued with Abyssal Power
Sestmir the Unrepentant*
Ladislav the Bold

  • - included in the Labrynth-Carried Whispers network

If I've made some kind of mistake in my math or if you suspect something is out of whack, please comment on it here. - Punslinger