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#REDIRECT [[PaincakeArtifacts4]]
<b><i>Gravitational Calcifier (Tentative name)</i></b>
<b>Artifact &bull;&bull;&bull;(incomplete)  &bull;&bull;&bull;&bull; (Complete) </b>
<b>Commitment Cost:</b> 5m
A medium-sized lozenge-shaped device of intricately wound pieces, what remains (the lead-on-white jade central artifact) is a sphere that weighs next to nothing in the attuned user's grip. (Str. 4 required to hold when not attuned, Str 5 required to hold without straining) Easily thrown(Acc + 2) by anyone of sufficient strength or the attuned owner, its weightlessness no longer applies once thrown. (Dmg+2B) It can be activated by the user for 5 motes per turn for a single scene per day. Once activated, it cannot be moved until deactivated.
Ability: When activated, the central artifact accelerates gravity around everyone within a radius of 500 yards. This effectively deals 1B damage (unparryable, other defenses as normal - has 5 successes)upon activation and causes everyone in the area of effect to become immobilized. (Str 5 = Roll Strength to move. - 1 to movement/attack successes. Str 4 = Roll strength to move or act. -3 to all movement/attacks. Str 3 = Willpower roll or Stunt to move, Str 2 = Stunt+ Willpower, Str 1 = NO UNAIDED MOBILITY)
The artifact was originally adorned with 25 white-jade hooks that painlessly slid into the flesh over the heart of 1 individual each. These hooks grant immunity to the artifact's effect to those thus equipped. These hooks have been lost in the Tepet armory and in the battlefield during each use of the item in war, but several are still attatched and a few more are not terribly difficult to acquire. Ugly white-jade hooks with crusty blood on them are hardly common. Furthermore, the artifact is capable of calling for its missing components with an intense attractive force extending up to half a mile. Spending a mote activates the ability on command for a scene, but if used on any given day it will randomly activate at least twice more that day. (Generally when in proximity of another piece) Carrying it down the street where one of its mates lies in a vendor's window could result in broken glass and the serious injury of those between your pocket and the hook. People may take unkindly to losing an ear or their being dragged across the square, or the death by strangulation of a friend who was wearing it on a necklace.  A spell or the modification of a charm to assemble the artifact should not be difficult to research due to this special link between it and its components, but thus far it has fallen into obscurity and no one has bothered.
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Revision as of 07:28, 17 February 2006

Gravitational Calcifier (Tentative name)

Artifact •••(incomplete)  •••• (Complete) 
Commitment Cost: 5m

A medium-sized lozenge-shaped device of intricately wound pieces, what remains (the lead-on-white jade central artifact) is a sphere that weighs next to nothing in the attuned user's grip. (Str. 4 required to hold when not attuned, Str 5 required to hold without straining) Easily thrown(Acc + 2) by anyone of sufficient strength or the attuned owner, its weightlessness no longer applies once thrown. (Dmg+2B) It can be activated by the user for 5 motes per turn for a single scene per day. Once activated, it cannot be moved until deactivated.

Ability: When activated, the central artifact accelerates gravity around everyone within a radius of 500 yards. This effectively deals 1B damage (unparryable, other defenses as normal - has 5 successes)upon activation and causes everyone in the area of effect to become immobilized. (Str 5 = Roll Strength to move. - 1 to movement/attack successes. Str 4 = Roll strength to move or act. -3 to all movement/attacks. Str 3 = Willpower roll or Stunt to move, Str 2 = Stunt+ Willpower, Str 1 = NO UNAIDED MOBILITY)

The artifact was originally adorned with 25 white-jade hooks that painlessly slid into the flesh over the heart of 1 individual each. These hooks grant immunity to the artifact's effect to those thus equipped. These hooks have been lost in the Tepet armory and in the battlefield during each use of the item in war, but several are still attatched and a few more are not terribly difficult to acquire. Ugly white-jade hooks with crusty blood on them are hardly common. Furthermore, the artifact is capable of calling for its missing components with an intense attractive force extending up to half a mile. Spending a mote activates the ability on command for a scene, but if used on any given day it will randomly activate at least twice more that day. (Generally when in proximity of another piece) Carrying it down the street where one of its mates lies in a vendor's window could result in broken glass and the serious injury of those between your pocket and the hook. People may take unkindly to losing an ear or their being dragged across the square, or the death by strangulation of a friend who was wearing it on a necklace. A spell or the modification of a charm to assemble the artifact should not be difficult to research due to this special link between it and its components, but thus far it has fallen into obscurity and no one has bothered.

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