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= Cael Pattona =
'''Caste:''' Eclipse<br>
'''Nature:''' Architect (Of A Brighter Tomorrow)<br>
'''Deameanor:''' Thrillseeker<br>
'''Concept:''' Skypirate<br>
'''Aliases:''' The windwraith, Skypirate<br>
Cael dresses only in the finest clothes, typically blacks and other dark colours, with a long white reinforced buff jacket over the top, always a pristine white thanks to the magic of his collar. He has a finely crafted sword at his side, and his fingers are typically covered in a smattering of jewelled rings, finely wroght of course. The bracers he usually weas, and the necklace of his caste are typically hidden below this clothing, though they can be shown easily enough.
As Cael spends more peripheral essence, a pair of brilliant white quills, from some exotic bird more suited to the rainforests of the Southeast. As they swirl around him, they write characters upon the air, tales of glories from this age and the last, until Cael is entire surrounded by his history.
== Attributes ==
Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2<br>
Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4<br>
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
== Abilities ==
'''Athletics''' 3, Awareness 3, '''Bureaucracy''' 4, '''Dodge''' 5, Endurance 2, '''Larceny''' 4, '''Linguistics''' 3, Lore 4, Medicine 1, Melee 3, '''Occult''' 5 (Spirits +1), Performance 2, '''Presence''' 5, Resistance 1, '''Sail''' 4 (Skyships +1), '''Socialize''' 5, Stealth 1, '''Thrown''' 5
Icetongue: Old Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak<br>
== Tempers ==
'''Essence:''' 4<br>
'''Willpower:''' 8
'''Compassion:''' 2, '''Conviction:''' 3, '''Temperance:''' 3, '''Valor''' 2.
'''Virtue Flaw:''' Deliberate Cruelty<br>
'''Essence pool:'''<br>
20 Personal | 35 Peripheral | Committed 11
'''Health Levels:'''<br>
= Advantages =
== Charms ==
**Graceful Crane Stance
**Monkey Leap Technique
**Deft Official's Way
**Reed In The Wind
**Shadow Over Water
**Reflex Sidestep Technique
**Seven Shadows Evasion
**Flow Like Blood
**Seasoned Criminal Method
**Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise
**Whirling Brush Method
**''Intregrity Protecting Prana''
**Body Mending Meditation
**Harmonious Presence Meditation
**Rose Lipped Seduction Style
**Spirit-Detecting Glance
**Spirit-Cutting Attack
**Ghost Eating Technique
**Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
***Infalliable Messenger
***Shadow Peacock Eyes
***Burning Eyes Of The Offender
**Mastery of Small Manners
**Wise-Eyed Courtier
**Motive Discerning Technique
**Welcome Guest Method
**Know The Soul's Price
**Precision of the Striking Raptor
**Joint Wounding Attack
**Triple Distance Attack Technique
== Backgrounds ==
*Manse 4 A mountain of transparent ice, that serves to focus the light of the sun into a Hearthstone
*Artifact 1 Collar of Dawn's Cleaning Light
*Artifact 3 The Empyrean Binds
*Artifact 4 The Quicksilver Zephyr
*Artifact 2 Sun's Fire
*Artifact         1 Solar Seal
*Resources 4 The Zephyr did have a full cargo when it was stolen...the goods have since been distrubuted over the North.
*Allies 2 Calisara, the spirit of the Zephyr. She can be a handful at times, but she keeps the ship in tiptop condition.
*Backing 3 The seven sage's court.
*Sorcery 3 Cael knows some magics, mostly related to his sometime job as a diplomat
*Contacts 2 Cael knows people, too.
=== Artifact ===
'' '''Collar Of Dawn's Cleansing Light''' Artifact 1''
This simple collar protects Cael from the cold, cold north, and the far more grevious problem of looking mused or otherwise untidy. It's form is that of a fine golden chain, hanging from which is a medallion in the shape of the eclipse castemark. The centre hangs in the ring without apparent support.
+2 Res/End rolls to resist poision/cold
No social penalties for bad appearance.
'' '''The Empyrean Binds''' Artifact 3''
Cael doesn't know for sure how he got the orichalcum tattoos that dance up his arms and across his chest, only remembering the shocked awakening almost a year ago when they were engraved in his skin.  The tattoos have a mostly abstract design, though various people have said they see birds of prey, people's faces, and other, stranger things. This bothers Cael, as he himself has seen nothing. The Binds have a simple function, allowing Cael to write on the air with brilliant white-gold letters, sparks racing over the orichalcum channels before forming into the letters he desires.
What is less commonly known is that the letters themselves can plucked from the air, and thrown with a lethal accuracy, the characters slicing to the core of the target's being.
Spd: +0
Acc: +Ess
Damage: +4L (P)
Range: 50 yards
Rate: 5
'' '''Sun's Fire''' Artifact 2''
These bracers are made of sunlight, frozen in the ultimate cold of the north, the strands then woven together. They guide Cael in battle, letting him strike with surity and dodge with grace, dancing like a sunbeam. In addition, they have the socket for a single hearthstone.
Dam: +2L
Dodge: +3
'' '''The Quicksilver Zephyr''' Artifact 4''
In the first age, the Quicksilver Zephyr was a luxury cruiser, designed to carry a solar and his entourage anywhere in Creation that they might desire. It has a sleek design, flowing silver curves and graceful lines, the appearance designed to awe as well as to allow great speeds to be reached.  Despite it's size, the ship itself can be piloted by just one person from the cabin in the nose of the vessel. There is a small lounge on the top deck, brilliant crystal windows letting the light in, and several luxury cabins. The back of the ship is taken up by the red jade engines that power the ship, and a large volume of reconfigurable space, that either makes a cargo bay or cabins suitable for mortal retainers.  The ship was designed with low maintenance in mind, though it does of course require some.
'' '''Solar Seal''' Artifact 1''
This simple ring of orichalcum is a useful arguement, and can form on demand any seal Cael is entitled too ... currently the Eclipse Caste Symbol, his own personal seal which is a complex and highly stylised ''C'' in icetongue superimposed over the eclipse symbol, and the seal of the Seven Sages court, indentifing him as one of their diplomats. If anyone but the intended recipient attempts to read the missive so sealed, then the paper it is written upon blanks instantly 
=== Manse ===
'' '''The Eagle's Eye''' (Hearthstone 4) - Set into the Sun Fire''
A bright yellow mote of light twinkles in the heart of this amber orb. It grants its bearer unsurpassed vision; anything within a hundred miles can be seen just as clearly as if it were a yard away. This magic sight obeys normal line-of-sight restrictions; it can't look through walls, mountains, or other obstacles. It does not allow the character to see invisible things, or to ignore environmental conditions that would normally impair his vision (such as darkness, fog, smoke, and so forth) (This is an [[HearthStones/IkselamSolar|Ikselam]] stone)
The manse that grows this stone is an immense mountain of perfectly transparent ice, expertly shaped in the very distant past to focus the light of the sun in the sky into the Hearthstone.
=== Connections ===
(To be done)
=== Resources ===
(To be done)
=== Merits And Flaws ===
Selective Conception 1pt
Wanted 3pts - The Quicksilver Zephyr was stolen from the docks in docks in Iceholm, a simple disguise, some forged papers and some very smooth talking got him aboard the ship. The rest, as they say, is history. Or would be, if only the Haslanti League would leave him alone...
Known Anathema 2pts - Unfortunately, since he ''did'' exalt in the middle of Iceholm while 'borrowing' their pride and joy, the Realm has heard of Cael, and some time, they will come for him.
=== History ===
In this more recent age, the ship was uncovered crashed into the slopes of a mountain some distance from Iceholm by a team of Haslanti league explorers, acting on reports of something glinting below the snow and went to investigate.  What they found was the Zephyr, half-submerged in the snow, and long since abandoned. There were no apparent signs of what caused the ship to crash, and there were no bodies found aboard.  The ships engines were dead however, and it took the largest cargoships of the League to carry the vessal back to IceHolme. It was as it was lowered into it's berth that Cael decided he ''must'' have it. As the sorcerer-technicians and the savants tried to bring it to life, Cael plotted and planed.  Palms were greased, papers stolen, people watched.
Soon, the ship was ready for its maiden voyage, and Cael swung into action. A disguise got him onto the docks, smooth talking got him to the entrance of the berth.
And then everything went very very right, or very very wrong. Cael still hasnt really decided which. He Exalted. Brilliant white-gold light filled the docks, though such was his skill at talking the guards on duty didnt notice until he was past them, aboard the ship and frantically taking to the air.
He flew at random, the reflections he saw in the glass terrifying him, especially the mark on his forehead. It was was only with pure luck he avoided crashing into the Ice Spear...instead he landed at its base..and tumbled out of the airship and fell into a deep sleep.
=== Experience ===
Earned: 180xp<br>
Spent: 81xp<br>
Free: 99xp<br>
*Rose Lipped Seduction Style (8xp)
*Ghost Eating Technique (8xp)
*Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise (8xp)
*Know The Soul's Price (8xp)
*Integrity Protecting Prana (10xp)
*Presence 4->5 (7xp)
*Drops of Sunlit Wisdom (10xp)
*Lore 3->4 (6xp)
*Emerald Countermagic
== Comments ==

Revision as of 00:18, 18 January 2006

Cael Pattona

Caste: Eclipse
Nature: Architect (Of A Brighter Tomorrow)
Deameanor: Thrillseeker
Concept: Skypirate
Aliases: The windwraith, Skypirate

Cael dresses only in the finest clothes, typically blacks and other dark colours, with a long white reinforced buff jacket over the top, always a pristine white thanks to the magic of his collar. He has a finely crafted sword at his side, and his fingers are typically covered in a smattering of jewelled rings, finely wroght of course. The bracers he usually weas, and the necklace of his caste are typically hidden below this clothing, though they can be shown easily enough.

As Cael spends more peripheral essence, a pair of brilliant white quills, from some exotic bird more suited to the rainforests of the Southeast. As they swirl around him, they write characters upon the air, tales of glories from this age and the last, until Cael is entire surrounded by his history.


Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2
Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 4
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 4, Dodge 5, Endurance 2, Larceny 4, Linguistics 3, Lore 4, Medicine 1, Melee 3, Occult 5 (Spirits +1), Performance 2, Presence 5, Resistance 1, Sail 4 (Skyships +1), Socialize 5, Stealth 1, Thrown 5

Icetongue: Old Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak


Essence: 4
Willpower: 8

Compassion: 2, Conviction: 3, Temperance: 3, Valor 2.

Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty

Essence pool:
20 Personal | 35 Peripheral | Committed 11

Health Levels:



  • Athletics
    • Graceful Crane Stance
    • Monkey Leap Technique
  • Bureaucracy
    • Deft Official's Way
  • Dodge
    • Reed In The Wind
    • Shadow Over Water
    • Reflex Sidestep Technique
    • Seven Shadows Evasion
    • Flow Like Blood
  • Larceny
    • Seasoned Criminal Method
    • Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise
  • Linguistics
    • Whirling Brush Method
  • Lore
    • Intregrity Protecting Prana
  • Medicine
    • Body Mending Meditation
  • Presence
    • Harmonious Presence Meditation
    • Rose Lipped Seduction Style
  • Occult
    • Spirit-Detecting Glance
    • Spirit-Cutting Attack
    • Ghost Eating Technique
    • Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
      • Infalliable Messenger
      • Shadow Peacock Eyes
      • Burning Eyes Of The Offender
  • Socialise
    • Mastery of Small Manners
    • Wise-Eyed Courtier
    • Motive Discerning Technique
    • Welcome Guest Method
    • Know The Soul's Price
  • Thrown
    • Precision of the Striking Raptor
    • Joint Wounding Attack
    • Triple Distance Attack Technique


  • Manse 4 A mountain of transparent ice, that serves to focus the light of the sun into a Hearthstone
  • Artifact 1 Collar of Dawn's Cleaning Light
  • Artifact 3 The Empyrean Binds
  • Artifact 4 The Quicksilver Zephyr
  • Artifact 2 Sun's Fire
  • Artifact 1 Solar Seal
  • Resources 4 The Zephyr did have a full cargo when it was stolen...the goods have since been distrubuted over the North.
  • Allies 2 Calisara, the spirit of the Zephyr. She can be a handful at times, but she keeps the ship in tiptop condition.
  • Backing 3 The seven sage's court.
  • Sorcery 3 Cael knows some magics, mostly related to his sometime job as a diplomat
  • Contacts 2 Cael knows people, too.


Collar Of Dawn's Cleansing Light Artifact 1 This simple collar protects Cael from the cold, cold north, and the far more grevious problem of looking mused or otherwise untidy. It's form is that of a fine golden chain, hanging from which is a medallion in the shape of the eclipse castemark. The centre hangs in the ring without apparent support. +2 Res/End rolls to resist poision/cold No social penalties for bad appearance.

The Empyrean Binds Artifact 3 Cael doesn't know for sure how he got the orichalcum tattoos that dance up his arms and across his chest, only remembering the shocked awakening almost a year ago when they were engraved in his skin. The tattoos have a mostly abstract design, though various people have said they see birds of prey, people's faces, and other, stranger things. This bothers Cael, as he himself has seen nothing. The Binds have a simple function, allowing Cael to write on the air with brilliant white-gold letters, sparks racing over the orichalcum channels before forming into the letters he desires. What is less commonly known is that the letters themselves can plucked from the air, and thrown with a lethal accuracy, the characters slicing to the core of the target's being.

Spd: +0 Acc: +Ess Damage: +4L (P) Range: 50 yards Rate: 5

Sun's Fire Artifact 2 These bracers are made of sunlight, frozen in the ultimate cold of the north, the strands then woven together. They guide Cael in battle, letting him strike with surity and dodge with grace, dancing like a sunbeam. In addition, they have the socket for a single hearthstone.

Dam: +2L Dodge: +3

The Quicksilver Zephyr Artifact 4

In the first age, the Quicksilver Zephyr was a luxury cruiser, designed to carry a solar and his entourage anywhere in Creation that they might desire. It has a sleek design, flowing silver curves and graceful lines, the appearance designed to awe as well as to allow great speeds to be reached. Despite it's size, the ship itself can be piloted by just one person from the cabin in the nose of the vessel. There is a small lounge on the top deck, brilliant crystal windows letting the light in, and several luxury cabins. The back of the ship is taken up by the red jade engines that power the ship, and a large volume of reconfigurable space, that either makes a cargo bay or cabins suitable for mortal retainers. The ship was designed with low maintenance in mind, though it does of course require some.

Solar Seal Artifact 1 This simple ring of orichalcum is a useful arguement, and can form on demand any seal Cael is entitled too ... currently the Eclipse Caste Symbol, his own personal seal which is a complex and highly stylised C in icetongue superimposed over the eclipse symbol, and the seal of the Seven Sages court, indentifing him as one of their diplomats. If anyone but the intended recipient attempts to read the missive so sealed, then the paper it is written upon blanks instantly


The Eagle's Eye (Hearthstone 4) - Set into the Sun Fire

A bright yellow mote of light twinkles in the heart of this amber orb. It grants its bearer unsurpassed vision; anything within a hundred miles can be seen just as clearly as if it were a yard away. This magic sight obeys normal line-of-sight restrictions; it can't look through walls, mountains, or other obstacles. It does not allow the character to see invisible things, or to ignore environmental conditions that would normally impair his vision (such as darkness, fog, smoke, and so forth) (This is an Ikselam stone)

The manse that grows this stone is an immense mountain of perfectly transparent ice, expertly shaped in the very distant past to focus the light of the sun in the sky into the Hearthstone.


(To be done)


(To be done)

Merits And Flaws

Selective Conception 1pt

Wanted 3pts - The Quicksilver Zephyr was stolen from the docks in docks in Iceholm, a simple disguise, some forged papers and some very smooth talking got him aboard the ship. The rest, as they say, is history. Or would be, if only the Haslanti League would leave him alone...

Known Anathema 2pts - Unfortunately, since he did exalt in the middle of Iceholm while 'borrowing' their pride and joy, the Realm has heard of Cael, and some time, they will come for him.


In this more recent age, the ship was uncovered crashed into the slopes of a mountain some distance from Iceholm by a team of Haslanti league explorers, acting on reports of something glinting below the snow and went to investigate. What they found was the Zephyr, half-submerged in the snow, and long since abandoned. There were no apparent signs of what caused the ship to crash, and there were no bodies found aboard. The ships engines were dead however, and it took the largest cargoships of the League to carry the vessal back to IceHolme. It was as it was lowered into it's berth that Cael decided he must have it. As the sorcerer-technicians and the savants tried to bring it to life, Cael plotted and planed. Palms were greased, papers stolen, people watched.

Soon, the ship was ready for its maiden voyage, and Cael swung into action. A disguise got him onto the docks, smooth talking got him to the entrance of the berth. And then everything went very very right, or very very wrong. Cael still hasnt really decided which. He Exalted. Brilliant white-gold light filled the docks, though such was his skill at talking the guards on duty didnt notice until he was past them, aboard the ship and frantically taking to the air. He flew at random, the reflections he saw in the glass terrifying him, especially the mark on his forehead. It was was only with pure luck he avoided crashing into the Ice Spear...instead he landed at its base..and tumbled out of the airship and fell into a deep sleep.


Earned: 180xp
Spent: 81xp
Free: 99xp

  • Rose Lipped Seduction Style (8xp)
  • Ghost Eating Technique (8xp)
  • Flawlessly Impenetrable Disguise (8xp)
  • Know The Soul's Price (8xp)
  • Integrity Protecting Prana (10xp)
  • Presence 4->5 (7xp)
  • Drops of Sunlit Wisdom (10xp)
  • Lore 3->4 (6xp)
  • Emerald Countermagic
