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== Character Creation ==
*<b>Step One: Character Concept</b>
Choose Concept, College, and Nature.
*<b>Step Two: Select Attributes</b>
Note that all Attributes start with one dot before you add any. Stamina must begin with two dots, the minimum required to even have survived training.<br>
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (6/4/3)
*<b>Step Three: Select Abilities</b>
Note College Abilities<br>
Select Favored Abilities (2; may note be the same as College Abilities).
Choose Abilities (30 – at least 10 must be from College or Favored Abilities; at least one must be in each Favored Ability; none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points) Amiliki are required to possess a <i>minimum</i> of Brawl or Martial Arts 1, Endurance 1, Melee 1, Lore 2, Occult 2, and Resistance 1.
*<b>Step Four: Select Advantages</b>
Choose Backgrounds (10 – none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points) and Virtues (5 – none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points).
*<b>Step Five: Finishing Touches</b>
Note that all Amiliki functionally begin play with the Essence Mastery merit and do not need to pay for it nor Essence Awareness.<br>
Record Essence (2, 3 for College of Endings), Willpower (add total of two highest Virtues – may not start higher than 8 unless at least two Virtues are 4 or higher), Essence pool (Essence + Willpower + Conviction + (Highest Virtue x 2)), and health levels (7, plus any gained from merits).
*<b>Bonus Points</b>
Bonus points (21) may be spent at any time during character creation.
=== Colleges ===
<b>College of Battles</b><br>
Highly trained commando operatives assigned as strike-teams or bodyguards.<br>
Abilities: Melee and Endurance<br>
<b>College of Secrets</b><br>
The heads of the Amiliki intelligence operations and logistics experts.<br>
Abilities: Bureaucracy and Linguistics<br>
<b>College of Endings</b><br>
Solo operatives who deal in assassination and other dark deeds.<br>
Abilities: Martial Arts and Stealth<br>
<i>Note</i>: Members of the College of Endings are considered to have activated the Root of the Perfected Lotus and possess a number of Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms equal to half of their Occult score in one style. They must complete every Charm in this style before moving on to another. Members of the College of Endings cannot purchace more than one dot in the Thaumaturgy background.
<b>College of Serenity</b><br>
Spies and infiltrators skilled at deception and manipulation.<br>
Abilities: Larceny and Performance<br>
<b>College of Journeys</b><br>
Wandering investigators and couriers between Amiliki Cadres and the Gold Faction.<br>
Abilities: Survival and Investigation<br>
<i>Note</i>: Members of the College of Journeys are considered to have the Celestial Travel Permit merit.
=== Altered Backgrounds ===
The allies of an Amiliki are more often than not simply his own Cadre, who should be purchased through the Cadre background listed bellow. Some can reasonably count on spirit or elemental allies, who often share ties to or are at least sympathetic to the Gold Faction. The vast majority of the Dragon-Blooded in Creation are viewed as “the enemy” to the Amiliki, as most Terrestrials declare allegiance to the Realm, but it is not impossible or even unknown for Outcaste Dragon-Blooded to ally themselves to the Amiliki. Almost any such relationships are strained with distrust however, as the Amiliki hold a policy of assuming any and all Terrestrials to be spies of the Realm. The relationship between the Amiliki and the Celestial Exalted will almost always be one of superior and servant. As an organization, the Amiliki were founded solely to support the Gold Faction Sidereal and the Solars they seek to guide and protect, but the Amilikia were never intended to be equals or peers among either. In rare cases, such a relationship may form between a young Solar and the Amiliki assigned to serve him or between a very experienced operative and a Sidereal who is not immediately her superior, but these are the great exceptions, not the rules.
Though the Gold Faction cannot afford to and is indeed unwilling to fully equip the Amiliki with powerful artifacts, a policy of quantity over quality has come into play on those instances an operative has displayed the need or the prowess which the Gold Faction deems worth the cost of granting them artifacts. The artifacts granted to the Amiliki are almost universally jade. It is the most common of the magic materials and so draws far less attention than those crafted from orchalcum or moonsilver. Without exception, Amiliki artifacts are never starmetal or soulsteel. The former is far too rare and it’s usefulness to the Sidereal themselves far too great to allow even trusted and skilled mortals possession of it. Particularly in the light of the recent events in Thorns, the latter is deemed far too dangerous to allow the Amiliki to attempt to wield, as the Sidereal themselves are hesitant to handle soulsteel. Amiliki artifacts are often the lowest end of the power scale as well. The Gold Faction is in possession of few truly powerful artifacts and feel rightly that such items are far better off under their direct control than in the hands of mortals. Amiliki are also expressly instructed to turn in any artifacts they discover over the course of their work through the proper channels for examination before attempting to employ them, no matter how inconspicuous the item may seem. This serves the two-fold purpose of removing the risk of trapped or defective artifacts slaying highly valuable operatives and of allowing the Gold Faction first pick on the best and most useful magical items for themselves. Denied a high level of power, instead a veritable junk-pile of weaker artifacts has been built up to supply the Amiliki with. While a handful of surprisingly powerful and potent artifacts have filtered into the hands of the Amiliki, most are simple trinkets and bobbles the Gold Faction deems safe enough to part with or which can be purchased cheaply through agents within the Realm.
An Amiliki must have the Magical Attunement merit to purchase this background.
X – You possess no artifacts. Perhaps you simply haven’t displayed the proper motivation and skill to impress your superiors?<br>
1 - A single level 1 artifact<br>
2 - A pair of level 1 artifacts<br>
3 - A single level 2 artifact and two level 1 artifacts.<br>
4 - A single level 2 artifact and three dots worth of artifacts with a maximum individual rating of 2.<br>
5 - A single level 3 artifact and four dots worth of artifacts with a maximum individual rating of 2.
All Amiliki are considered to have Backing 1 (The Amiliki). Further purchases improve their rank within the organization as standard for the background, with the higher ratings implying a great deal of control over regional operations (the work of spymasters or strategists who can assemble large groups of commandos), as well as increased encounters with the Sidereal. Their duties to the organization are always expected to come first, but the Amiliki are not expressly forbidden from working for or achieving rank within other organizations. Some are even encouraged to do so as part of their cover. Amiliki can thus purchase Backing in any organization that befits their cover.
Amiliki generally should not buy the Cult background unless it is part of their cover. Some Amiliki have been installed as tribal shaman or the charismatic leaders of radical religious groups. These Amiliki may very well become the object of worship for those around them, which could be reflected in the Cult background. Amiliki who operate within the Cult of the Illuminated should never take this background, instead taking either Backing or Connections related to the Cult of the Illuminated as they are often posing as religious warriors or simple worshippers and never as the objects of worship themselves. Establishing cults outside of their assigned covers is strictly against the by-laws of the organization and any caught attempting such practices will often find themselves swiftly targeted for elimination by College of Endings assassins.
The Sidereal in either faction tend to keep few manses upon Creation. Their own manses within Yu-Shan are easier to maintain and considerably safer than Terrestrial holdings. There has always remained a need for places of power and safety upon Creation itself, though. This is especially true within the turbulent climate of the Threshold, where a Sidereal might be unable to easily escape to Yu-Shan. It is for this reason that the Gold Faction had long held the practice of maintaining any number of minor, inconspicuous manses upon Creation. Most were places of minor power, just enough to serve as resting points on long journeys or hiding places in times of trouble. The vast majority of these had gone unused for centuries, left in the care of bound elementals, minor spirits, or mortal servants or unattended entirely and gathering dust. With the foundation of the Amiliki, many of these unused and half-forgotten manses are seeing life again. Nearly every Amiliki Cadre is based out of a minor Terrestrial manse. A handful may even possess more than one within their assigned area of operations, though the most powerful almost certainly remains their official headquarters. There are far more Amiliki than manses, making Hearthstones rare and special prizes granted only to top operatives or on the temporary basis of a mission. There is even a great deal of political maneuvering within some Cadres to see who will be granted the honor of carrying their Hearthstone, but this sort of behavior is quickly reprimanded when uncovered by the Sidereal, as the last thing they desire is to see the Amiliki degrade into the same sort of petty in-fighting as many of the Celestial Bureaus have.
An Amiliki must have the Manse Attunement merit to purchase this background. Amiliki trained in the College of Journeys may choose to be attuned to a Celestial Manse in Yu-Shan rather than a Terrestrial holding, but will almost never be granted a Hearthstone from this attunement.
X – You are attuned to no Manses. Are there none in your area of operations or have you simply never mastered the art of attunement?<br>
1 - You have been granted the right to attune to a single manse, though you have not been entrusted with a Hearthstone. This is most likely the base of operations of your Cadre or an important safehouse.<br>
2 - You have been granted the right to attune to two manses, though you have not been entrusted with a Hearthstone. These manses are likely to be within close proximity to one another and could be both your base of operations and an important safehouse. It is also possible that one is a former base of operations now under the control of another Cadre, but you were permitted to keep your attunement.<br>
3 - You have been granted the right to attune to three manses and have been entrusted with a single level 1 Hearthstone. The Hearthstone will almost certainly be from your own base of operations. The manses you are attuned to are still within close proximity to one another, but more widespread. At least one is almost certain to be under the control of a neighboring Cadre.<br>
4 - You have been granted the right to attune to four manses and have been entrusted with a single level 2 Hearthstone or a pair of level 1 Hearthstones. The implications to the far reaching nature of your operations is made clear here. You obvious engage in a great deal of travel within your region of Creation. You are likely the favorite operative of a specific Sidereal or an assistant to a Solar who has been initiated into the Cult of Illumination.<br>
5 - You have been granted the right to attune to five manses and have been entrusted with a single level 3 Hearthstone, a single level 2 Hearthstone and a single level 1 Hearthstone, or three level 1 Hearthstones. If you are not a graduate of the College of Journeys, you clearly should have been. Your operations have taken your across the length and breadth of your Convention and possibly even beyond. You are almost certainly attached directly to a Solar or even a Sidereal and are favored above others even within your own Cadre. At this level, even those who are not graduates of the College of Journeys can choose to have attunement to a Celestial Manse in Yu-Shan, but will not be entrusted with a Celestial Hearthstone.
=== New Backgrounds ===
All beings desire the company of peers and like-minded companions. To this end do the Solars form Circles, Lunar’s congregate in Packs, and Dragon-Blooded come together in Brotherhoods. For the Amiliki, companionship is not simply a desire, it is a requirement of the service. Trained as very focused specialists, each Amiliki is part of a complex network, each a separate limb which ultimately makes up the whole of a body – and just as functionally useless without the rest. Thus, Amiliki not only come together willingly, but are outright assigned into groups known as Cadres. A Cadre is a complicated group, whose form and membership may change constantly over a mater of months or sit unshifting with the same roster for years. Cadres are formed around specific needs in a region, meaning that it can be anything from a den of spies and assassins, to a training camp of faux-partisan rebels, to a great bloated merchant house shifting trade and taking kick-backs to funnel resources into less legitimate operations elsewhere. Sometimes a Cadre is little more than a band of independent operatives who simply share the same ring of safehouses or who all have attunement to the same manse. While a balanced make-up of each College is seen as best over all, only rarely is this possible or even suitable to the needs of the area, and thus balanced Cadres are rare occurrences. Cadre’s rarely exceed ten members at one time, as this places the organization at risk of loosing many valuable operatives at once should they be uncovered by agents of the Realm. Only in desperate need will Cadre’s larger than ten active members, but those Cadre’s who operate within the same area of Creation for long enough will often form a loose fellowship and trade members back and forth between one another. Thus, is it possible for an Amilki to whose “home” Cadre consists of only three or four members to find themselves working beside nine or ten other operatives at one time.
The Cadre background represents the over-all size of the Amilki’s Cadre and generally reflects some of it’s nature as well. A player should consult with their Story-teller before purchasing this background. Solar characters who have backing from the Cult of the Illuminated or the Gold Faction directly may also purchase this background, but in such an instance it represents the number of Amiliki assigned as aides to that Solar rather than the number of peers a Solar is surrounded by. Gold Faction Sidereal are free to purchase this background as well, representing a number of Amiliki who have been placed under their direct authority either on a temporary or permanent basis.
X – No Cadre. You could be an independent operative or simply fresh out of training and unassigned.<br>
1 - Tiny Cadre. Your Cadre consists of only yourself and one other Amiliki. This situation usually implies two independent operatives who simply share a safehouse, often not even a proper manse, and your impromptu room-mate might not always be counted on for aid, though alternatively requests for your own assistance are generally rare.<br>
2 - Small Cadre. With three other members in addition to yourself, your Cadre is likely a bit more organized towards a single goal in an area. A Cadre of this size is almost certainly using a manse as a bare of operations, but a large enough safehouse could also accommodate their needs. This does not necessarily mean you work closely together, but you are at least all striving for the same end in your own way and can count on the others backing you up a bit more often, as well as seeking your aid from time to time.<br>
3 -  Midsized Cadre. Long term operations are often handled by Cadres of six. These are often the most balanced and organized groups, as their goals have need of the skills of each College, but there is usually a relaxed air to them not found in the larger or smaller Cadres. Work is expected to get done and you are expected to help your peers when called upon, but there is rarely the sense of urgency or desperation found elsewhere.<br>
4 - Large Cadre. Eight Amiliki operating out of a single safehouse is almost a surely sign of a highly organized and goal-oriented operation taking place. Be it long or short term, your Cadre was assembled with a very specific purpose in mind and a very clear goal to achieve. You are must to work closely with your fellow Amiliki and support each other towards this goal, often at the expense of most everything else.<br>
5 - Huge Cadre. Only the largest operations or most desperate need will see ten Amiliki assembled into a single group. Your goal is almost certainly a temporary one, but it’s importance is absolute. There is no time for anything but achieving the mission laid out before you and you must work in perfect unity with the rest of the Cadre to ensure that this assignment comes out flawlessly. Remember, the Fate of Creation may be hanging on this.
While most agents possess no small amount of personal resources to call upon, often times this is not nearly enough to complete a task. As much as the Amiliki favor resourcefulness and ingenuity in their operatives, there will always be a need to maintain supply bases to support their actions. The resources of the Amiliki are vast and spread out across the world, managed carefully by logistic-masters and other high ranking members. The majority of these are idle assets, prepared well ahead of time for agents in the field to call upon them and receive them quickly. From money and goods skimmed out of merchant houses to shock troops of mercenaries secretly under their employ to elaborate spy networks; as an organization the Amiliki possesses the mean to suit most any end.
Requisition marks the level of access a character has to these resources. Unlike Backing, this support is not necessarily coupled with increased reasonability or control. It instead represents the level to which the character has been authorized to call upon the array of resources; be it because of trust or necessity. Each dot in Requisition grants the Amiliki Requisition points, which function as additional background dots which may be spent on the following backgrounds: Artifacts, Backing (by non-Amiliki organizations), Command, Connections, Library, Laboratory, Manse, Resources, and Spies.
Requisition points are spent on a one-per-one dot basis and may be used to improve existing backgrounds. Unlike standard background dots, Requisition points do not mark personal resources, but borrowed ones. With the exception of Resources and Connections, it is expected that control of these assets will be returned to the Amiliki in good condition once need of them is over with. Requisition points spent on Resources or Connections are lost, but the character does not have to return the borrowed money later and keeps the Connections.
A character does not have to spend all Requisition points at character creation. They can be saved and called upon later as needed.
X – You have no additional access to Amiliki resources. Have you gone rogue or simply angered the local logistic-master?
1 – You have at least some access to local organizational resources, but not much. You’re likely fresh out of training or have never been assigned to a mission that would require additional support. You gain 3 Requisition points.
2 – You have greater sway to call draw upon local resources. Rare is the time you find yourself lacking for what you need, though at times you might barely scrape by. You gain 6 Requisition points.
3 – You can call upon not simply local resources, but regional ones as well. Assistance can be expected swift and prompt and you rarely find yourself lacking for what you need. You gain 9 Requisition points.
4 – If you do not have something you need, expect to get it without question. You’re either a bane to logistic-masters or the beloved of them, as you command the ability to demand, and expect to get, even the most difficult level of assistance. You gain 12 Requisition points.
5 – You are a top agent or someone’s personal favorite. Nearly anything you ask for, even the outrageous, turns up at your door as quickly as possible and the local logistic-master will bend over backwards to suit your needs. You gain 15 Requisition points.
While the main base of operations in an area is almost certainly a manse, they are far from the only outposts employed by the Amiliki. A chain of safehouses, well stocked and nondescript hideaways, are usually scattered through out the area. Safehouses offer shelter and supplies to operatives on long journeys, those on the lamb, or functioning as a temporary base of operations for smaller Cadres. It is up to the local logistics-master to ensure that safehouses remain well-supplied and well kept, while the local spymasters must ensure that each safehouse remains uncompromised or is abandon should they have reason to suspect the position as been uncovered by agents of the Realm. It is often only these two figures who know the exact number and locations of every safehouse in the area. For the sake of security and ensure numerous safehouses are not compromised in one fell stroke should any operatives turn rogue or be interrogated by agents of the Realm, only a few safehouses will ever be reviled to any one operative. More trusted operatives, particularly those who have undergone training to hold out against interrogation, will have the locations of more safehouses reviled to them but even the most fanatically loyal will ever know each and every Amiliki bolt-hole. Not all safehouses are assembled equally, as well. Just as Cadre’s are often formed for a specific purpose, certain safehouses were designed to suit specific needs as well. While most are simply well stocked with food and simple equipment, others have hidden alchemy labs, caches of wealth, storerooms of weapons, or even a vast array of costumes which can be changed into swiftly for a speedy get-away into a busy street.
The Safehouse background represents the number and general quality of safehouses a character knows of in the area. All Amiliki will know the local base of operations and at least one safehouse they can use while in an area, but any more than this implies either great trust or seniority over the local logistics or spy masters. Characters who are not Amiliki but bare strong enough connections to the organization, such as Solars tied to the Cult of the Illuminated, may purchase a number of dots in this background as equal to their level of Connections to the Amiliki. Gold Faction Sidereal may purchase this background freely. Bronze Faction Sidereal who purchase this background may know about previously uncovered and compromised Amiliki safehouses and are free to brave whatever traps may have been set to loot or use the bolt-hole, but will not know any currently active safehouses.
X – One general purpose safehouse has been reviled to you, in addition to the local base of operations.<br>
1 - At least two general safehouses have been reviled to you. Food and mundane equipment can be found at either of these, but little of real value. No weapons or armor can be found here, beyond simple utility knives of unremarkable quality, but there are sheets and beds and the floors are usually clean.<br>
2 - A single specialty safehouse and two general safehouses have been reviled to you. The specialty safehouse may contain a basic laboratory for working alchemy (add +1 to all Alchemy rolls while working within) or even a small cache of wealth (equal to Resources 2).<br>
3 - Two specialty safehouses and three general safehouses have been reviled to you. At this level, you may have had the location of a hidden weapons depot reviled to you. False-walls or basement doors will open to revile a modest but useful selection of weapons and armor. There are all of decent quality, but otherwise mundane. A character should be able to find anything short of super-heavy armor or articulated plate at such a safehouse.<br>
4 - One important safehouse, three specialty safehouses, and four general safehouses have been reviled to you. The quality of what can be found within an important safehouse climbs dramatically. You have been entrusted with the position of a great store of wealth (equal to Resources 3), to a complex hidden laboratory stocked with the finest equipment (add +2 to all Alchemy rolls while working within), or even a cache of enchanted equipment (Weapons taken receive +1 Accuracy and +1 damage. Armor taken receives +1 lethal and bashing soak). You also may know about a gallery, a safehouse stocked with costumes and alchemical dyes for your hair and make-up for your skin (+2 to Performance or Larceny while wearing. Alchemical make-ups last approximately 2 hours).<br>
5 - Two important safehouses, four specialty safehouses, and five general safehouses have been reviled to you. Nearly every safehouse in an area has been shown to you. Only a small, secret handful known only to the logistics and spy masters remain outside of your knowledge. In addition to all other varieties of safehouses, you may also know the position of secret clinic, staffed by low-ranking Amiliki and slave physicians who can aid greatly in recovering from wounds (no chance of infection and +1L recovery per day of rest while within).
Few, even among the organization itself, realize that the Amiliki represents the single greatest and most skilled gathering of thaumaturges on the face of Creation. Tutored by the keepers of Fate in methods and practices long forgotten by the rest of Creation, the Amiliki have absorbed a life-time of mystical knowledge within the first few months of their training alone. Even the least Amiliki is often a match for most thaumaturges who can be found elsewhere and the greatest among them are outshined only by the Sorcery and Charms of the Chosen. The Thaumaturgy background represents the extent of the Amiliki’s training with mortal magic.
Not every Amiliki is a master thaumaturge and some excel far beyond others, but all are required to hold a certain level of competence in the Sciences of Alchemy and Enchantment. Rituals are mostly considered unimportant, though the Colleges of Secrets, Endings, and Journeys do employ some to a limited extent. For members of these Colleges, free formulas may be traded for rituals instead. Note that the effects of increasing this background supersede the previous levels and do not stack with them. An Amiliki at Thaumaturgy of 2 has only six dots to assign, not eight. The exception is the zero-level requirement of one dot in Alchemy and Enchantment, which all Amiliki gain automatically and stack with the rest.
X – You received only the most basic thaumaturgy training, granting you basic training in both Alchemy and Enchantment and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your Occult score. Clearly, your talents lay strongly elsewhere if you are still breathing.<BR>
1 - The usual level of thaumaturgy possessed by graduates of the College of Endings. You have received basic training in two additional fields of thaumaturgy and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 2).<br>
2 - A promising miracle worker to the rest of Creation, you are an unexceptional one by program standards. You gain basic training in two more fields of thaumaturgy, advanced training in one additional field, and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 2 ½).<br>
3 - This is the level of thaumaturgy possessed by the majority of graduates from every College save the College of Endings, making you an equal to any master thaumaturge you may encounter. You gain basic training in <i>all</i> fields of thaumaturgy, advanced training in one additional field, and know a number of rituals, formulas or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 3)<br>
4 - Your skill and capabilities with thaumaturgy exceed even the exceptionally high standards of the Amiliki. You may have been tutored in smaller, private classes by one of the lesser Sidereal assistants or a spirit of thaumaturgy itself. You advanced training in two additional fields of thaumaturgy and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 4)<br>
5 - A veritable god of mortal magic in your own right, you have mastered in your brief life-time more skill than any mortal practitioner, living or dead, has ever dreamed of. Spirits of thaumaturgy tutored you directly, alone, and came to welcome you as a peer and even your Sidereal masters took a keen interest in your progress. You gain advanced training in <i>all</i> fields of thaumaturgy and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 6)
=== Amiliki Merits ===
By default, these merits may be purchased by any Amiliki, using bonus points or experience. Amiliki may also purchase standard Thaumaturgy merits at a reduced cost (one point less than the listed, to a minimum of 1). These changes in their flow of Essence are permanent and cannot by retracted later. Only the effects of Exaltation can nullify these abilities, as the power of the divine supercedes these crude mortal emulations. Should an Amiliki Exalt, the bonus points spent on these abilities are returned. Ox-Body Technique is the exception to this and the character may choose to carry over however many levels of mortal Ox-body they already possess, but adjust them to match the power level of their Exalted type.
Note: Thanks goes to [[DariusSolluman]] for his concept of a mortal-level Ox-Body and the Iron Body merit, though the Amiliki versions have been adjusted to represent a higher power level.
<b>Ox-Body Technique (7-point Physical Merit)</b><br>
Perquisites: Flow of Essence<br>
Through physical training and making minor alterations in the flow of Essence within their bodies, some Amiliki are able to make themselves far more durable than their mortal peers. Each time this merit is taken, it provides 1 additional -4 Health Level. A player may purchase this merit once per dot of Endurance their character possesses. Each purchace of this merit reduced the characters total Essence pool by -1.
<b>Body of Iron (4-to-13 point Physical Merit)</b><br>
Perquisites: Flow of Essence<br>
The Amiliki has learned how to alter the flow of Essence, allowing them a level of resilience far greater than other mortals. The cost of this merit depends on the level to which the character has adjusted their Essence flow. Higher-cost versions encompass the powers bestowed at lesser levels.
For four points the character may soak lethal damage with half their Stamina. For six points, the characters bleeding rapidly slows, as an Exalt. For eight points, the character resists dieses, poison, and infection as though an Exalt. For thirteen points, the character heals as one of the Exalted, including slow regeneration of mangled bones and limbs. Each purchase of this merit reduces the characters total Essence pool by -1.
<b>Longevity (3-to-6 point Physical Merit)</b><br>
Perquisites: Body of Iron and Steel<br>
By radically altering the flow of Essence within their body, an Amiliki with this merit has slowed the effects of aging at the cost of greatly retarding their Essence flow. This merit may be purchased twice. With the first purchase, the Amiliki’s mortal life-span is increased by half-again at the cost of -2 motes from their total Essence pool. At the second purchase, their life-span is effectively doubled at the cost of -4 motes from their total Essence pool.
<b>Star Sign (3-point Supernatural Merit or Flaw)</b><br>
Perquisites: None<br>
While the Amiliki themselves provide the bulk of their own mundane support, their Sidereal patrons have more subtle ways to aid their agents. Typically either a sign of favor from a particular Gold Faction acquaintance or a sign that the characters presence has been uncovered by the Bronze, the Amiliki with this merit has had an Astrological blessing or curse placed on him by a Sidereal. Standard Astrological blessings or curses as described in Exalted: The Sidereals (pg 209-210), their effects cannot be broken by anything short of removing the Amiliki from Fate itself. A single blessing or curse is assumed to last for a single story. Few, if any, Amiliki ever know they have received such attention, though a successfully cast horoscope can at least determine if the stars have particularly good or ill fate written for the character.
<b>Blurred Fate (1-point Supernatural Merit)</b><br>
Perquisites: None<br>
As mortals, the Amiliki exists within Fate, their lives bound to the Loom and the stars above. Against the skilled the astrologers of the All-Seeing Eye, this can be a deadly disadvantage. An Amiliki with this merit however has had his destiny distorted by the unseen hands of the Sidereal. Add 2 to the Difficulty of any attempt to read the future of characters with this Merit.
<b>Compromised (1- to 5-point Social Flaw)</b><br>
Perquisites: None<br>
Careful as she may have been, the characters allegiance to the Amilki has been discovered none the less. Troubled as they are by the internal struggles of the Realm, the All-Seeing Eye is never blind to threats from without. The Amiliki having been declared enemies of the Realm and carrying with one an known association to them is paramount to a death sentence or, worse, a lengthy session of ‘interrogation’ at the hands of agents of the Eye.
The value of this Flaw depends on where in the world the game takes place, as this determines the strength of Eye presence and the forces they can bring to bare in hunting the character down. Games set largely in the East render the Flaw worth only one point, as the Convent of Wood is the home territory of the Amiliki and hostile ground towards agents of the Realm, making pursuit by the Eye difficult at best. In the West, it is worth two. While Amiliki and Eye operatives have a certain understanding of one another in the West, there are fewer places of safety to hide in should the Amiliki suddenly become a target. For games set in the North, it is worth three points as the shadow war there has begun to blossom slowly and the Amiliki there still suffer from hushed organization in the wake of the Bull’s victory over the Tepet Legions. Games in the South make this flaw worth four points. The shadow war in the south is more war than shadow and agents of both factions in the area hunt each other down with a vengeance once their presence has been uncovered. Finally in the Realm itself, it is worth five points. Stronghold of the enemy, agents of the Eye can be anywhere and the Amiliki have no friends to speak of within the Realm. Compromised characters within the Realm can be expected to be hounded constantly or left to stew in their own paranoia with ever glance they get.
Note that the value of this flaw is determined by where the game primarily takes place. Journeys into other parts of the world do no render the flaw void. There character is known to the Eye no matter where she travels. Traveling from the safety of the East and into the heart of the Realm still places grave danger on the head of the character and those around her.
<b>Rogue or Traitor (2-, 3-, or 5-point Social Flaw)</b><br>
Perquisites: None<br>
Clandestine organizations such as the Amiliki do not look kindly upon those who betray them, nor do they easily let go of those who serve them. Characters with this Flaw are those who have either attempted to cut ties to the Amiliki or those who have been uncovered in an act of treachery against them.
Going rogue is a dangerous business, though not necessarily a lethal one. Rogue agents can carry with them many secrets the Amiliki are willing to kill to keep, but such methods are considered drastic at best. Instead rogue agents are often let free and monitored. In times of need, the Amiliki rarely have any qualms of pressing these former operatives back into the game and will use any means necessary to ensure their cooperation.
Traitors are not treated so leniently. The worst of sins, by betraying the Amiliki (and getting caught), the character has made of herself an enemy which does not forgive. She will be hunted almost constantly by her former comrades and will find no peace in her life no matter where she hides. The Amiliki are willing to pierce into the heart of the Realm itself to bring an end to a traitors life, the better so that her actions do not cost them more than they might have already.
Characters with this Flaw loose access to most backgrounds normally linked to being an Amiliki. Backing, Cadre, and Requisition are all denied to them and they treat the Artifacts background as standard rather than adjusted. Similarly, Merits such as Celestial Travel Permit, are revoked. They may still posses the Safehouse background, though this only implies knowledge of the locations of such places. They are no long welcome there and visiting them is a gamble at best. Being a rogue agent is worth two bonus points, while being a traitor is worth five. For three points, the character may be considered a traitor yet in actually be innocent of her crime. Unlike the five point version, there remains the chance of clearing her name and achieving redemption in the eyes of her superiors.
=== Comments ===

Revision as of 07:11, 24 March 2006

Character Creation

  • Step One: Character Concept

Choose Concept, College, and Nature.

  • Step Two: Select Attributes

Note that all Attributes start with one dot before you add any. Stamina must begin with two dots, the minimum required to even have survived training.
Prioritize the three categories: Physical, Social, Mental (6/4/3)

  • Step Three: Select Abilities

Note College Abilities
Select Favored Abilities (2; may note be the same as College Abilities). Choose Abilities (30 – at least 10 must be from College or Favored Abilities; at least one must be in each Favored Ability; none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points) Amiliki are required to possess a minimum of Brawl or Martial Arts 1, Endurance 1, Melee 1, Lore 2, Occult 2, and Resistance 1.

  • Step Four: Select Advantages

Choose Backgrounds (10 – none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points) and Virtues (5 – none may be higher than 3 without spending bonus points).

  • Step Five: Finishing Touches

Note that all Amiliki functionally begin play with the Essence Mastery merit and do not need to pay for it nor Essence Awareness.
Record Essence (2, 3 for College of Endings), Willpower (add total of two highest Virtues – may not start higher than 8 unless at least two Virtues are 4 or higher), Essence pool (Essence + Willpower + Conviction + (Highest Virtue x 2)), and health levels (7, plus any gained from merits).

  • Bonus Points

Bonus points (21) may be spent at any time during character creation.


College of Battles
Highly trained commando operatives assigned as strike-teams or bodyguards.
Abilities: Melee and Endurance

College of Secrets
The heads of the Amiliki intelligence operations and logistics experts.
Abilities: Bureaucracy and Linguistics

College of Endings
Solo operatives who deal in assassination and other dark deeds.
Abilities: Martial Arts and Stealth
Note: Members of the College of Endings are considered to have activated the Root of the Perfected Lotus and possess a number of Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms equal to half of their Occult score in one style. They must complete every Charm in this style before moving on to another. Members of the College of Endings cannot purchace more than one dot in the Thaumaturgy background.

College of Serenity
Spies and infiltrators skilled at deception and manipulation.
Abilities: Larceny and Performance

College of Journeys
Wandering investigators and couriers between Amiliki Cadres and the Gold Faction.
Abilities: Survival and Investigation
Note: Members of the College of Journeys are considered to have the Celestial Travel Permit merit.

Altered Backgrounds

The allies of an Amiliki are more often than not simply his own Cadre, who should be purchased through the Cadre background listed bellow. Some can reasonably count on spirit or elemental allies, who often share ties to or are at least sympathetic to the Gold Faction. The vast majority of the Dragon-Blooded in Creation are viewed as “the enemy” to the Amiliki, as most Terrestrials declare allegiance to the Realm, but it is not impossible or even unknown for Outcaste Dragon-Blooded to ally themselves to the Amiliki. Almost any such relationships are strained with distrust however, as the Amiliki hold a policy of assuming any and all Terrestrials to be spies of the Realm. The relationship between the Amiliki and the Celestial Exalted will almost always be one of superior and servant. As an organization, the Amiliki were founded solely to support the Gold Faction Sidereal and the Solars they seek to guide and protect, but the Amilikia were never intended to be equals or peers among either. In rare cases, such a relationship may form between a young Solar and the Amiliki assigned to serve him or between a very experienced operative and a Sidereal who is not immediately her superior, but these are the great exceptions, not the rules.

Though the Gold Faction cannot afford to and is indeed unwilling to fully equip the Amiliki with powerful artifacts, a policy of quantity over quality has come into play on those instances an operative has displayed the need or the prowess which the Gold Faction deems worth the cost of granting them artifacts. The artifacts granted to the Amiliki are almost universally jade. It is the most common of the magic materials and so draws far less attention than those crafted from orchalcum or moonsilver. Without exception, Amiliki artifacts are never starmetal or soulsteel. The former is far too rare and it’s usefulness to the Sidereal themselves far too great to allow even trusted and skilled mortals possession of it. Particularly in the light of the recent events in Thorns, the latter is deemed far too dangerous to allow the Amiliki to attempt to wield, as the Sidereal themselves are hesitant to handle soulsteel. Amiliki artifacts are often the lowest end of the power scale as well. The Gold Faction is in possession of few truly powerful artifacts and feel rightly that such items are far better off under their direct control than in the hands of mortals. Amiliki are also expressly instructed to turn in any artifacts they discover over the course of their work through the proper channels for examination before attempting to employ them, no matter how inconspicuous the item may seem. This serves the two-fold purpose of removing the risk of trapped or defective artifacts slaying highly valuable operatives and of allowing the Gold Faction first pick on the best and most useful magical items for themselves. Denied a high level of power, instead a veritable junk-pile of weaker artifacts has been built up to supply the Amiliki with. While a handful of surprisingly powerful and potent artifacts have filtered into the hands of the Amiliki, most are simple trinkets and bobbles the Gold Faction deems safe enough to part with or which can be purchased cheaply through agents within the Realm.

An Amiliki must have the Magical Attunement merit to purchase this background.

X – You possess no artifacts. Perhaps you simply haven’t displayed the proper motivation and skill to impress your superiors?
1 - A single level 1 artifact
2 - A pair of level 1 artifacts
3 - A single level 2 artifact and two level 1 artifacts.
4 - A single level 2 artifact and three dots worth of artifacts with a maximum individual rating of 2.
5 - A single level 3 artifact and four dots worth of artifacts with a maximum individual rating of 2.

All Amiliki are considered to have Backing 1 (The Amiliki). Further purchases improve their rank within the organization as standard for the background, with the higher ratings implying a great deal of control over regional operations (the work of spymasters or strategists who can assemble large groups of commandos), as well as increased encounters with the Sidereal. Their duties to the organization are always expected to come first, but the Amiliki are not expressly forbidden from working for or achieving rank within other organizations. Some are even encouraged to do so as part of their cover. Amiliki can thus purchase Backing in any organization that befits their cover.

Amiliki generally should not buy the Cult background unless it is part of their cover. Some Amiliki have been installed as tribal shaman or the charismatic leaders of radical religious groups. These Amiliki may very well become the object of worship for those around them, which could be reflected in the Cult background. Amiliki who operate within the Cult of the Illuminated should never take this background, instead taking either Backing or Connections related to the Cult of the Illuminated as they are often posing as religious warriors or simple worshippers and never as the objects of worship themselves. Establishing cults outside of their assigned covers is strictly against the by-laws of the organization and any caught attempting such practices will often find themselves swiftly targeted for elimination by College of Endings assassins.

The Sidereal in either faction tend to keep few manses upon Creation. Their own manses within Yu-Shan are easier to maintain and considerably safer than Terrestrial holdings. There has always remained a need for places of power and safety upon Creation itself, though. This is especially true within the turbulent climate of the Threshold, where a Sidereal might be unable to easily escape to Yu-Shan. It is for this reason that the Gold Faction had long held the practice of maintaining any number of minor, inconspicuous manses upon Creation. Most were places of minor power, just enough to serve as resting points on long journeys or hiding places in times of trouble. The vast majority of these had gone unused for centuries, left in the care of bound elementals, minor spirits, or mortal servants or unattended entirely and gathering dust. With the foundation of the Amiliki, many of these unused and half-forgotten manses are seeing life again. Nearly every Amiliki Cadre is based out of a minor Terrestrial manse. A handful may even possess more than one within their assigned area of operations, though the most powerful almost certainly remains their official headquarters. There are far more Amiliki than manses, making Hearthstones rare and special prizes granted only to top operatives or on the temporary basis of a mission. There is even a great deal of political maneuvering within some Cadres to see who will be granted the honor of carrying their Hearthstone, but this sort of behavior is quickly reprimanded when uncovered by the Sidereal, as the last thing they desire is to see the Amiliki degrade into the same sort of petty in-fighting as many of the Celestial Bureaus have.

An Amiliki must have the Manse Attunement merit to purchase this background. Amiliki trained in the College of Journeys may choose to be attuned to a Celestial Manse in Yu-Shan rather than a Terrestrial holding, but will almost never be granted a Hearthstone from this attunement.

X – You are attuned to no Manses. Are there none in your area of operations or have you simply never mastered the art of attunement?
1 - You have been granted the right to attune to a single manse, though you have not been entrusted with a Hearthstone. This is most likely the base of operations of your Cadre or an important safehouse.
2 - You have been granted the right to attune to two manses, though you have not been entrusted with a Hearthstone. These manses are likely to be within close proximity to one another and could be both your base of operations and an important safehouse. It is also possible that one is a former base of operations now under the control of another Cadre, but you were permitted to keep your attunement.
3 - You have been granted the right to attune to three manses and have been entrusted with a single level 1 Hearthstone. The Hearthstone will almost certainly be from your own base of operations. The manses you are attuned to are still within close proximity to one another, but more widespread. At least one is almost certain to be under the control of a neighboring Cadre.
4 - You have been granted the right to attune to four manses and have been entrusted with a single level 2 Hearthstone or a pair of level 1 Hearthstones. The implications to the far reaching nature of your operations is made clear here. You obvious engage in a great deal of travel within your region of Creation. You are likely the favorite operative of a specific Sidereal or an assistant to a Solar who has been initiated into the Cult of Illumination.
5 - You have been granted the right to attune to five manses and have been entrusted with a single level 3 Hearthstone, a single level 2 Hearthstone and a single level 1 Hearthstone, or three level 1 Hearthstones. If you are not a graduate of the College of Journeys, you clearly should have been. Your operations have taken your across the length and breadth of your Convention and possibly even beyond. You are almost certainly attached directly to a Solar or even a Sidereal and are favored above others even within your own Cadre. At this level, even those who are not graduates of the College of Journeys can choose to have attunement to a Celestial Manse in Yu-Shan, but will not be entrusted with a Celestial Hearthstone.

New Backgrounds

All beings desire the company of peers and like-minded companions. To this end do the Solars form Circles, Lunar’s congregate in Packs, and Dragon-Blooded come together in Brotherhoods. For the Amiliki, companionship is not simply a desire, it is a requirement of the service. Trained as very focused specialists, each Amiliki is part of a complex network, each a separate limb which ultimately makes up the whole of a body – and just as functionally useless without the rest. Thus, Amiliki not only come together willingly, but are outright assigned into groups known as Cadres. A Cadre is a complicated group, whose form and membership may change constantly over a mater of months or sit unshifting with the same roster for years. Cadres are formed around specific needs in a region, meaning that it can be anything from a den of spies and assassins, to a training camp of faux-partisan rebels, to a great bloated merchant house shifting trade and taking kick-backs to funnel resources into less legitimate operations elsewhere. Sometimes a Cadre is little more than a band of independent operatives who simply share the same ring of safehouses or who all have attunement to the same manse. While a balanced make-up of each College is seen as best over all, only rarely is this possible or even suitable to the needs of the area, and thus balanced Cadres are rare occurrences. Cadre’s rarely exceed ten members at one time, as this places the organization at risk of loosing many valuable operatives at once should they be uncovered by agents of the Realm. Only in desperate need will Cadre’s larger than ten active members, but those Cadre’s who operate within the same area of Creation for long enough will often form a loose fellowship and trade members back and forth between one another. Thus, is it possible for an Amilki to whose “home” Cadre consists of only three or four members to find themselves working beside nine or ten other operatives at one time.

The Cadre background represents the over-all size of the Amilki’s Cadre and generally reflects some of it’s nature as well. A player should consult with their Story-teller before purchasing this background. Solar characters who have backing from the Cult of the Illuminated or the Gold Faction directly may also purchase this background, but in such an instance it represents the number of Amiliki assigned as aides to that Solar rather than the number of peers a Solar is surrounded by. Gold Faction Sidereal are free to purchase this background as well, representing a number of Amiliki who have been placed under their direct authority either on a temporary or permanent basis.

X – No Cadre. You could be an independent operative or simply fresh out of training and unassigned.
1 - Tiny Cadre. Your Cadre consists of only yourself and one other Amiliki. This situation usually implies two independent operatives who simply share a safehouse, often not even a proper manse, and your impromptu room-mate might not always be counted on for aid, though alternatively requests for your own assistance are generally rare.
2 - Small Cadre. With three other members in addition to yourself, your Cadre is likely a bit more organized towards a single goal in an area. A Cadre of this size is almost certainly using a manse as a bare of operations, but a large enough safehouse could also accommodate their needs. This does not necessarily mean you work closely together, but you are at least all striving for the same end in your own way and can count on the others backing you up a bit more often, as well as seeking your aid from time to time.
3 - Midsized Cadre. Long term operations are often handled by Cadres of six. These are often the most balanced and organized groups, as their goals have need of the skills of each College, but there is usually a relaxed air to them not found in the larger or smaller Cadres. Work is expected to get done and you are expected to help your peers when called upon, but there is rarely the sense of urgency or desperation found elsewhere.
4 - Large Cadre. Eight Amiliki operating out of a single safehouse is almost a surely sign of a highly organized and goal-oriented operation taking place. Be it long or short term, your Cadre was assembled with a very specific purpose in mind and a very clear goal to achieve. You are must to work closely with your fellow Amiliki and support each other towards this goal, often at the expense of most everything else.
5 - Huge Cadre. Only the largest operations or most desperate need will see ten Amiliki assembled into a single group. Your goal is almost certainly a temporary one, but it’s importance is absolute. There is no time for anything but achieving the mission laid out before you and you must work in perfect unity with the rest of the Cadre to ensure that this assignment comes out flawlessly. Remember, the Fate of Creation may be hanging on this.

While most agents possess no small amount of personal resources to call upon, often times this is not nearly enough to complete a task. As much as the Amiliki favor resourcefulness and ingenuity in their operatives, there will always be a need to maintain supply bases to support their actions. The resources of the Amiliki are vast and spread out across the world, managed carefully by logistic-masters and other high ranking members. The majority of these are idle assets, prepared well ahead of time for agents in the field to call upon them and receive them quickly. From money and goods skimmed out of merchant houses to shock troops of mercenaries secretly under their employ to elaborate spy networks; as an organization the Amiliki possesses the mean to suit most any end.

Requisition marks the level of access a character has to these resources. Unlike Backing, this support is not necessarily coupled with increased reasonability or control. It instead represents the level to which the character has been authorized to call upon the array of resources; be it because of trust or necessity. Each dot in Requisition grants the Amiliki Requisition points, which function as additional background dots which may be spent on the following backgrounds: Artifacts, Backing (by non-Amiliki organizations), Command, Connections, Library, Laboratory, Manse, Resources, and Spies.

Requisition points are spent on a one-per-one dot basis and may be used to improve existing backgrounds. Unlike standard background dots, Requisition points do not mark personal resources, but borrowed ones. With the exception of Resources and Connections, it is expected that control of these assets will be returned to the Amiliki in good condition once need of them is over with. Requisition points spent on Resources or Connections are lost, but the character does not have to return the borrowed money later and keeps the Connections.

A character does not have to spend all Requisition points at character creation. They can be saved and called upon later as needed.

X – You have no additional access to Amiliki resources. Have you gone rogue or simply angered the local logistic-master? 1 – You have at least some access to local organizational resources, but not much. You’re likely fresh out of training or have never been assigned to a mission that would require additional support. You gain 3 Requisition points. 2 – You have greater sway to call draw upon local resources. Rare is the time you find yourself lacking for what you need, though at times you might barely scrape by. You gain 6 Requisition points. 3 – You can call upon not simply local resources, but regional ones as well. Assistance can be expected swift and prompt and you rarely find yourself lacking for what you need. You gain 9 Requisition points. 4 – If you do not have something you need, expect to get it without question. You’re either a bane to logistic-masters or the beloved of them, as you command the ability to demand, and expect to get, even the most difficult level of assistance. You gain 12 Requisition points. 5 – You are a top agent or someone’s personal favorite. Nearly anything you ask for, even the outrageous, turns up at your door as quickly as possible and the local logistic-master will bend over backwards to suit your needs. You gain 15 Requisition points.

While the main base of operations in an area is almost certainly a manse, they are far from the only outposts employed by the Amiliki. A chain of safehouses, well stocked and nondescript hideaways, are usually scattered through out the area. Safehouses offer shelter and supplies to operatives on long journeys, those on the lamb, or functioning as a temporary base of operations for smaller Cadres. It is up to the local logistics-master to ensure that safehouses remain well-supplied and well kept, while the local spymasters must ensure that each safehouse remains uncompromised or is abandon should they have reason to suspect the position as been uncovered by agents of the Realm. It is often only these two figures who know the exact number and locations of every safehouse in the area. For the sake of security and ensure numerous safehouses are not compromised in one fell stroke should any operatives turn rogue or be interrogated by agents of the Realm, only a few safehouses will ever be reviled to any one operative. More trusted operatives, particularly those who have undergone training to hold out against interrogation, will have the locations of more safehouses reviled to them but even the most fanatically loyal will ever know each and every Amiliki bolt-hole. Not all safehouses are assembled equally, as well. Just as Cadre’s are often formed for a specific purpose, certain safehouses were designed to suit specific needs as well. While most are simply well stocked with food and simple equipment, others have hidden alchemy labs, caches of wealth, storerooms of weapons, or even a vast array of costumes which can be changed into swiftly for a speedy get-away into a busy street.

The Safehouse background represents the number and general quality of safehouses a character knows of in the area. All Amiliki will know the local base of operations and at least one safehouse they can use while in an area, but any more than this implies either great trust or seniority over the local logistics or spy masters. Characters who are not Amiliki but bare strong enough connections to the organization, such as Solars tied to the Cult of the Illuminated, may purchase a number of dots in this background as equal to their level of Connections to the Amiliki. Gold Faction Sidereal may purchase this background freely. Bronze Faction Sidereal who purchase this background may know about previously uncovered and compromised Amiliki safehouses and are free to brave whatever traps may have been set to loot or use the bolt-hole, but will not know any currently active safehouses.

X – One general purpose safehouse has been reviled to you, in addition to the local base of operations.
1 - At least two general safehouses have been reviled to you. Food and mundane equipment can be found at either of these, but little of real value. No weapons or armor can be found here, beyond simple utility knives of unremarkable quality, but there are sheets and beds and the floors are usually clean.
2 - A single specialty safehouse and two general safehouses have been reviled to you. The specialty safehouse may contain a basic laboratory for working alchemy (add +1 to all Alchemy rolls while working within) or even a small cache of wealth (equal to Resources 2).
3 - Two specialty safehouses and three general safehouses have been reviled to you. At this level, you may have had the location of a hidden weapons depot reviled to you. False-walls or basement doors will open to revile a modest but useful selection of weapons and armor. There are all of decent quality, but otherwise mundane. A character should be able to find anything short of super-heavy armor or articulated plate at such a safehouse.
4 - One important safehouse, three specialty safehouses, and four general safehouses have been reviled to you. The quality of what can be found within an important safehouse climbs dramatically. You have been entrusted with the position of a great store of wealth (equal to Resources 3), to a complex hidden laboratory stocked with the finest equipment (add +2 to all Alchemy rolls while working within), or even a cache of enchanted equipment (Weapons taken receive +1 Accuracy and +1 damage. Armor taken receives +1 lethal and bashing soak). You also may know about a gallery, a safehouse stocked with costumes and alchemical dyes for your hair and make-up for your skin (+2 to Performance or Larceny while wearing. Alchemical make-ups last approximately 2 hours).
5 - Two important safehouses, four specialty safehouses, and five general safehouses have been reviled to you. Nearly every safehouse in an area has been shown to you. Only a small, secret handful known only to the logistics and spy masters remain outside of your knowledge. In addition to all other varieties of safehouses, you may also know the position of secret clinic, staffed by low-ranking Amiliki and slave physicians who can aid greatly in recovering from wounds (no chance of infection and +1L recovery per day of rest while within).

Few, even among the organization itself, realize that the Amiliki represents the single greatest and most skilled gathering of thaumaturges on the face of Creation. Tutored by the keepers of Fate in methods and practices long forgotten by the rest of Creation, the Amiliki have absorbed a life-time of mystical knowledge within the first few months of their training alone. Even the least Amiliki is often a match for most thaumaturges who can be found elsewhere and the greatest among them are outshined only by the Sorcery and Charms of the Chosen. The Thaumaturgy background represents the extent of the Amiliki’s training with mortal magic.

Not every Amiliki is a master thaumaturge and some excel far beyond others, but all are required to hold a certain level of competence in the Sciences of Alchemy and Enchantment. Rituals are mostly considered unimportant, though the Colleges of Secrets, Endings, and Journeys do employ some to a limited extent. For members of these Colleges, free formulas may be traded for rituals instead. Note that the effects of increasing this background supersede the previous levels and do not stack with them. An Amiliki at Thaumaturgy of 2 has only six dots to assign, not eight. The exception is the zero-level requirement of one dot in Alchemy and Enchantment, which all Amiliki gain automatically and stack with the rest.

X – You received only the most basic thaumaturgy training, granting you basic training in both Alchemy and Enchantment and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your Occult score. Clearly, your talents lay strongly elsewhere if you are still breathing.
1 - The usual level of thaumaturgy possessed by graduates of the College of Endings. You have received basic training in two additional fields of thaumaturgy and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 2).
2 - A promising miracle worker to the rest of Creation, you are an unexceptional one by program standards. You gain basic training in two more fields of thaumaturgy, advanced training in one additional field, and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 2 ½).
3 - This is the level of thaumaturgy possessed by the majority of graduates from every College save the College of Endings, making you an equal to any master thaumaturge you may encounter. You gain basic training in all fields of thaumaturgy, advanced training in one additional field, and know a number of rituals, formulas or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 3)
4 - Your skill and capabilities with thaumaturgy exceed even the exceptionally high standards of the Amiliki. You may have been tutored in smaller, private classes by one of the lesser Sidereal assistants or a spirit of thaumaturgy itself. You advanced training in two additional fields of thaumaturgy and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 4)
5 - A veritable god of mortal magic in your own right, you have mastered in your brief life-time more skill than any mortal practitioner, living or dead, has ever dreamed of. Spirits of thaumaturgy tutored you directly, alone, and came to welcome you as a peer and even your Sidereal masters took a keen interest in your progress. You gain advanced training in all fields of thaumaturgy and know a number of rituals, formulas, or specialties in the Arts equal to your (Occult x 6)

Amiliki Merits

By default, these merits may be purchased by any Amiliki, using bonus points or experience. Amiliki may also purchase standard Thaumaturgy merits at a reduced cost (one point less than the listed, to a minimum of 1). These changes in their flow of Essence are permanent and cannot by retracted later. Only the effects of Exaltation can nullify these abilities, as the power of the divine supercedes these crude mortal emulations. Should an Amiliki Exalt, the bonus points spent on these abilities are returned. Ox-Body Technique is the exception to this and the character may choose to carry over however many levels of mortal Ox-body they already possess, but adjust them to match the power level of their Exalted type.

Note: Thanks goes to DariusSolluman for his concept of a mortal-level Ox-Body and the Iron Body merit, though the Amiliki versions have been adjusted to represent a higher power level.

Ox-Body Technique (7-point Physical Merit)
Perquisites: Flow of Essence
Through physical training and making minor alterations in the flow of Essence within their bodies, some Amiliki are able to make themselves far more durable than their mortal peers. Each time this merit is taken, it provides 1 additional -4 Health Level. A player may purchase this merit once per dot of Endurance their character possesses. Each purchace of this merit reduced the characters total Essence pool by -1.

Body of Iron (4-to-13 point Physical Merit)
Perquisites: Flow of Essence
The Amiliki has learned how to alter the flow of Essence, allowing them a level of resilience far greater than other mortals. The cost of this merit depends on the level to which the character has adjusted their Essence flow. Higher-cost versions encompass the powers bestowed at lesser levels. For four points the character may soak lethal damage with half their Stamina. For six points, the characters bleeding rapidly slows, as an Exalt. For eight points, the character resists dieses, poison, and infection as though an Exalt. For thirteen points, the character heals as one of the Exalted, including slow regeneration of mangled bones and limbs. Each purchase of this merit reduces the characters total Essence pool by -1.

Longevity (3-to-6 point Physical Merit)
Perquisites: Body of Iron and Steel
By radically altering the flow of Essence within their body, an Amiliki with this merit has slowed the effects of aging at the cost of greatly retarding their Essence flow. This merit may be purchased twice. With the first purchase, the Amiliki’s mortal life-span is increased by half-again at the cost of -2 motes from their total Essence pool. At the second purchase, their life-span is effectively doubled at the cost of -4 motes from their total Essence pool.

Star Sign (3-point Supernatural Merit or Flaw)
Perquisites: None
While the Amiliki themselves provide the bulk of their own mundane support, their Sidereal patrons have more subtle ways to aid their agents. Typically either a sign of favor from a particular Gold Faction acquaintance or a sign that the characters presence has been uncovered by the Bronze, the Amiliki with this merit has had an Astrological blessing or curse placed on him by a Sidereal. Standard Astrological blessings or curses as described in Exalted: The Sidereals (pg 209-210), their effects cannot be broken by anything short of removing the Amiliki from Fate itself. A single blessing or curse is assumed to last for a single story. Few, if any, Amiliki ever know they have received such attention, though a successfully cast horoscope can at least determine if the stars have particularly good or ill fate written for the character.

Blurred Fate (1-point Supernatural Merit)
Perquisites: None
As mortals, the Amiliki exists within Fate, their lives bound to the Loom and the stars above. Against the skilled the astrologers of the All-Seeing Eye, this can be a deadly disadvantage. An Amiliki with this merit however has had his destiny distorted by the unseen hands of the Sidereal. Add 2 to the Difficulty of any attempt to read the future of characters with this Merit.

Compromised (1- to 5-point Social Flaw)
Perquisites: None
Careful as she may have been, the characters allegiance to the Amilki has been discovered none the less. Troubled as they are by the internal struggles of the Realm, the All-Seeing Eye is never blind to threats from without. The Amiliki having been declared enemies of the Realm and carrying with one an known association to them is paramount to a death sentence or, worse, a lengthy session of ‘interrogation’ at the hands of agents of the Eye.

The value of this Flaw depends on where in the world the game takes place, as this determines the strength of Eye presence and the forces they can bring to bare in hunting the character down. Games set largely in the East render the Flaw worth only one point, as the Convent of Wood is the home territory of the Amiliki and hostile ground towards agents of the Realm, making pursuit by the Eye difficult at best. In the West, it is worth two. While Amiliki and Eye operatives have a certain understanding of one another in the West, there are fewer places of safety to hide in should the Amiliki suddenly become a target. For games set in the North, it is worth three points as the shadow war there has begun to blossom slowly and the Amiliki there still suffer from hushed organization in the wake of the Bull’s victory over the Tepet Legions. Games in the South make this flaw worth four points. The shadow war in the south is more war than shadow and agents of both factions in the area hunt each other down with a vengeance once their presence has been uncovered. Finally in the Realm itself, it is worth five points. Stronghold of the enemy, agents of the Eye can be anywhere and the Amiliki have no friends to speak of within the Realm. Compromised characters within the Realm can be expected to be hounded constantly or left to stew in their own paranoia with ever glance they get.

Note that the value of this flaw is determined by where the game primarily takes place. Journeys into other parts of the world do no render the flaw void. There character is known to the Eye no matter where she travels. Traveling from the safety of the East and into the heart of the Realm still places grave danger on the head of the character and those around her.

Rogue or Traitor (2-, 3-, or 5-point Social Flaw)
Perquisites: None
Clandestine organizations such as the Amiliki do not look kindly upon those who betray them, nor do they easily let go of those who serve them. Characters with this Flaw are those who have either attempted to cut ties to the Amiliki or those who have been uncovered in an act of treachery against them.

Going rogue is a dangerous business, though not necessarily a lethal one. Rogue agents can carry with them many secrets the Amiliki are willing to kill to keep, but such methods are considered drastic at best. Instead rogue agents are often let free and monitored. In times of need, the Amiliki rarely have any qualms of pressing these former operatives back into the game and will use any means necessary to ensure their cooperation.

Traitors are not treated so leniently. The worst of sins, by betraying the Amiliki (and getting caught), the character has made of herself an enemy which does not forgive. She will be hunted almost constantly by her former comrades and will find no peace in her life no matter where she hides. The Amiliki are willing to pierce into the heart of the Realm itself to bring an end to a traitors life, the better so that her actions do not cost them more than they might have already.

Characters with this Flaw loose access to most backgrounds normally linked to being an Amiliki. Backing, Cadre, and Requisition are all denied to them and they treat the Artifacts background as standard rather than adjusted. Similarly, Merits such as Celestial Travel Permit, are revoked. They may still posses the Safehouse background, though this only implies knowledge of the locations of such places. They are no long welcome there and visiting them is a gamble at best. Being a rogue agent is worth two bonus points, while being a traitor is worth five. For three points, the character may be considered a traitor yet in actually be innocent of her crime. Unlike the five point version, there remains the chance of clearing her name and achieving redemption in the eyes of her superiors.
