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Something about serpents
Your boat moves faster and under its own power.
Leviathan Prow
Your ship can fit twice as many passengers and gains an attack it can use autonomously.
Kraken Captain Spirit
You can act as though you are 5*Ess crewmembers.

Other ideas:

  • Your ship becomes a monster so loathsome the water rejects it, letting the ship travel underwater in a bubble of air -- NatalieD
Or that it sails in the air, above the water and soil which reject it. DS
  • Your ship becomes a monster so terrifying that arrows and other missile weapons turn away from it in terror. -- Charlequin
  • If a Kraken has eight tentacles, maybe Kraken Captain Spirit should be 8xEss in crew? Just a ho hum thought... nikink
  • Ooh, another thought Song of Sirens Deception : causes another ship to veer off course. Perhaps it needs to be applied to ships that are following the Infernal's craft, and causes the enemy ship to believe it is heading in a different direction, say onto some rocks? Maybe simpler to make the Infernal's ship appear somewhere else at another facing and speed. Yeah... That sounds decent. nikink
  • And another, Setting Sun Affliction : cause the enemy ship to sink. Either bursting into flames (like the sun sinking beneath the western ocean); or, just becoming leaky and uncaulked leaving an oily residue on the sruface of the water (thus causing the oily corona of colour like the dusk sky). nikink