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Tool-Hand Style

 Cost: 2 motes per set of hands
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Craft: 2
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: None

The Lunar congeals Essence in his hands, granting them the ability to soften, bend, yield, and otherwise mutate, using this newfound flexibility of shape to replicate the tools of civilization with his own two - or, as the case may be, more - hands. The Lunar may essentially 'configure' his hands to various tools, once per turn per hand as a reflexive action, allowing him to use one hand as, for example, a saw, while the other serves as a vise to hold the wood in place. When working in this fashion, the Lunar can make most Craft checks as if he had the requisite mundane dools, with a 2-die bonus because of the fluidity with which the Lunar can control his own limbs. If the Lunar has, for some reason, more than two hands - whether due to mutation or a Charm - he may pay additional motes to make those limbs applicable as tools, increasing his production speed if materials allow (A Lunar with 5 extra sets of limbs could not, for example, forge 6 swords at once in a small peasant forge - but he might be able to do so in a proper Guild forge). These modifications generally cannot aid the Lunar in combat but may supplement his attacks by making for inventive stunts.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Mysteries Totem.

Hundred-Handed Artisan

Cost: 4 motes per set of limbs, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Craft: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Tool-Hand Style

The Lunar sprouts additional limbs - usually from his back or underneath exisitng limbs - which allow him to multitask and act with far greater efficiency. The Lunar must expend 3 motes per set of limbs to grow, and may not grow more additional sets of limbs than his Essence. He reduces all multiple-action penalties by the number of additional pairs of limbs he has, to a minimum of -0 (So a Lunar taking three actions with three additional limb-sets acts at -0, -1, -2, not -3, -4, -5.). Most Lunars use this Charm to facilitate mundane chores such as forging, building, or climbing, but its applications in combat are also to be feared.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Mysteries Totem.

Shaping the Ideal Form

 Cost: 1 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Craft: 2
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Tool-Hand Style

Allows the Lunar to subtly alter his appearance as per E: the Lunars. Additionally, can be used to negate the training time to increase Appearance, Strength, or Dexterity through a day-long program of 'betterment exercise', but the subject suffers a +2 difficulty increase to all social interaction until the normal training time elapses - he need not focus on training his limbs to grow stronger, but the odd shape and tone of his Shaped muscles will be off-putting to most individuals, until enough time has elapsed that the Lunar's body accepts the new structure. This has no effect on experience costs - it is merely a convenience measure. Some Societies eschew this application of the Charm as vain and hasty, but in others - particularly in the employ of Raksi - it is seen as the only reasonable method of personal betterment that does not detract from one's daily duties too much.

Blood and Flesh Handiwork

 Cost: 3 motes, 1 health level, 1 Willpower (willpower can be paid for by the subject)
 Duration: One day
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Craft: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Shaping the Ideal Form

By applying a thin layer of his own blood to a willing subject, the Lunar can recreate the effects of Shaping the Ideal form on them. This Charm does not work on unwilling subjects, the undead, non-humans, Lunars, or fae-bloods. It effects fade after a day, but it can also be used in a two-day 'exercise program' to negate training times, as under Shaping the Ideal Form, with the standard drawbacks.

Wrack and Ruin Mutation Method

 Cost: 15 motes, 1 health level, 1 Willpower (Possibly, 1 permanent willpower)
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Craft: 5
 Minimum Essence: 5
 Prerequisite Charms: Blood and Flesh Handiwork

The Lunar touches a target with a hand coated in a layer of the Lunar's own blood (this may require an attack roll in combat situations or against unwilling subjects), and unleashes the full flow of mutable, untamed Lunar Essence into them. The Lunar must roll Manipulation + Craft against a difficulty of the subject's Stamina - if successful, the subject begins to gain mutations, as if from Wyld exposure.
The Lunar's extra successes are totalled, and the subject gains that many Mutation points worth of mutations and taints, with the Lunar assigning up to his Craft in points and the rest randomly determined by the ST. These 'faux mutations' are painful - the subject suffers a -2 die penalty to all actions for the Charm's duration - but not truly of the Wyld, so they do not lead to Wyld addiction or a cap on Essence.
This Charm does not work on Lunars, raksha, undead, or nonmaterialized spirits. Exalts may shake its effects off with a successful Stamina + Endurance roll against a difficulty of the Lunar's Craft + Essence - successes may be 'banked' over time, each attempt requiring one day of effort. Mortals have no recourse to remove these mutations save the intervention of Medicine Charms. If the Lunar choses, he may expend one permanent Willpower upon activating this Charm - if he does so, its changes become permanent and the motes are not committed. In such a case, an Exalt affected changes the required time for a Stamina + Endurance roll to a month of effort - it could take a year or more to shake off the effects of a particularly skilled Lunar. Medicine Charms used to allay the damage caused by this Charm must be activated by a user with higher Essence than the Lunar.
Example: Raksi, on one of her occasional forays, is attacked by an insolent band of three Immaculate Monks. Her First Age battle techniques fell two of them, and the last, an Earth Aspect, charges her in a corona of Essence. Snaking a hand easily past his inelegant guard, Raksi strikes him in the chest and, in lieu of damaging him (she does so hate to break her toys), unleashes this Charm. She rolls 13 successes with her improbable Lunar dice pool, against the Immaculate's Stamina of 4 - 9 successes, or 9 mutation points. Of those, Raksi - with a Craft of 7 - may assign 7, and does so - she deigns to add the Hideous, Diet, and Lame Deformities, and the Allergy Deficiency. When asked what form the Diet and Allergy restrictions take, she decides on an allergy to Jade and a Diet of solely Red Meat. The ST assigns the last two dots of Mutations - he decides to give the poor Immaculate the Thick Skin Affliction.

Shaping the Once-Living Form

 Minimum Craft: 3
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Tool-Hand Style

Otherwise as in E: the Lunars.
