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=== Shubbuth-Which-Cannot-Walk ===
=== Shubbuth-Which-Cannot-Walk ===

Revision as of 08:08, 5 April 2010

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Shubbuth rolled off of Anapyxi as sapling, and she noticed it. She looked at it and said sadly "Your roots will grow very deep" before she walked on. Shubbuth's roots fastened into the firm depths of Chorifa-Who-Is-Greater, and he has stood there forever since. His roots are deep and he is strong, but his bole is of thick wood as hard as the hardest stone, and he cannot move it. His limbs could lift the greatest beasts and crush mighty citadels to the ground with a stroke, but their sinews are of bark hard like brass over the toughest of wood, and they cannot flex. His roots could suck dry the greatest rivers of creation for his pleasure, but they are deep-set and he cannot move them. Shubbuth knows these things but he cannot change them, and so he does not try.

Shubbuth sits alone, a great tree as an oak tree but powerfully stout, so that five men around it could not link hands. He bears fruit, a sweet thing like a dark purple grape the size of a man's hand. The taste of it drives some men mad, and it addicts others. Shubbuth is nigh on impossible to find to those whom it does not want to encounter; it has been said that it will vanish into a forest without moving, and those who wander into the woods rarely return, and never return right.
Most of all, Shubbuth wants to use the strength that is within it, to stride across the world and make all know its name. It will possess any body that will bear it, but the essence of him is too strong, and none can survive it long before becoming wood themselves. This is Shubbuth's great curse, that he can never know the freedom to move on his own.

Nature: Conniver
Attributes: Strength 20, Dexterity 0, Stamina 24, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 5, Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 2.
Virtues: compassion 2, Conviction 3, temperence 4, Valor 3
Abilities: Athletics 1, Awareness 4, Endurance 8, Lore 3, Occult 2, Presence 3 (to the hungry +2), Resistance 6, Stealth 5
Charms: Banish, Essence Inveigle, Sense Domain, Stoke the Flame, Instill Obedience, Affinity Element Control (wood), Element touch, element kiss, element infusion, Soul Rapt, Details, Host of Spirits
Cost to Materialize: 65
Base Initiative: 2
Attack: NA
Dodge pool: 0 Soak: 44B/42L (Impervious wood body, 20B/30L)
Willpower: 7
Health Levels: -0 x 28 (It has no sense of touch in its own body.)
Essence: 7 Essence pool: 115

Other notes: Shubbuth's instill obedience, soul rapt and essence inveigle are all delivered through tasting his fruit. It can only use Stoke the Flame to promote hunger, and element touch, kiss, and infusion to promote hunger or lust. Its Soul Rapt charm has a special effect - for every hour of posession, its victim will lose a point of dexterity and gain 2B/2L soak. When its dexterity reaches 0, Shubbuth is ejected from the body as it turns to a living tree. Exalts heal this dexterity loss as lethal damage, losing the soak with it, but mortals can not ever be turned back.
If attacked or otherwise annoyed, Shubbuth will use a combination of Host of Spirits, Affinity Element Control, Details and Banish to get any attackers hopelessly lost, until he manages to get them to eat his fruit with Stoke the Flame or the Element Touch tree. Summoned, Shubbuth may be commanded to produce fruit or soul rapt a target, or get them lost in his illusory wood, or may be commanded to drink a small river or water source. He cannot be moved from the spot on which he was summoned.