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Session 12 Exalted Campaign Log

Enter the Predator…

Having escorted the Amabassdor from Paragon to the Palace, the Watch retire to the Dragons Rest Tavern where the wake for the slain Watchman Old Tam and McMurty is being held, coffins at the end of the bar. The PC’s try to cheer up the rest of the now depressed and despondant Watch, but it’s a struggle.

People run errands- Brand goes over the Gate Tower murder scene again, discovering someone climbed it. Ravistsu finds the firedust warehouse is now deserted, that part of the coup preparations over. Orchid hears that there will be a reception for the new Ambassador tomorrow and manages to snag 2 invites with her feminine wiles.

Next morning, the Watch raid the home of Khalid the Slaver on the pretence/charge that he murdered Weyoun the Procurer way back in Session 2. Capturing the fleeing Khalid, the Captain in a fit of cunning gives him five minutes to put his affairs in order. Khalid immediately sends slave runners to his lawyer and also to 15 Opal Street (home of Desert Goat)

Orchid and Ravitsu intercept the runner to the lawyer and Jak follows the other runner to 15 Opal Street. He ninjas to the window but cant hear the conversation inside due to shutters. So he carefully goes to another window, lifts the shutter bar with a thin blade and slides in to a room filled with dust-sheeted furniture.

Inside he hears the conversation in the connecting corridor.

“Yes sir, the Watch arrested Master Khalid. “ gasps the runner

“I see- who did this?!” demands Desert Goat

“That new Captain they’ve got, said it was murder!”

“Damn them!.... Well I suppose…”

“Hey whats tha…URK!?”


There is a thump sound outside

Jak pulls open the door to see the runner racing past, down the corridor. Rolling out, Jak narrowly misses being hit by a ball of blueish-white energy that shoots down the corridor, blasting through the runners back!

To his left Jak sees the body of Desert Goat suspended a few inches up in the air, a great spear head emerginh from his chest. Behind him, holding the spear and corpse is a hazy, larger figure, the light apparently bending around it to leave a blurred silhouette, 7 foot tall!

Knowing trouble when he sees it, Jak immediately rolls back out of corridor, through the room and jumps out the open second story window, grabbing the side to swing himself round and cling to outer wall!

His pursuer following, Jaq takes to the rooftops, racing down the spine of 15 Opal Street (Graceful Crane Stance going like the clappers) he jumps for 17 Opal Street, but barely makes it, grabbing on the the roof edge with both hands while his body dangles below!

Then to his horror, he sees a triangular red light on the wall next to him… moving towards him as the guidance ray acquires its target. He drops, tumbling with the fall into the alley below as a microsecond later, a ball of plasma hits the wall where he had been hanging and burns through!

Meanwhile Ravitsu has been heading to 15 Opal Street to rendevous with Jak. Orchid was with her, but broke a heel and is looking for a sedan chair to bear her there. Rav spots the scene of the hanging Jak and gets a brief glimpse of the optically camoflauged silhouette standing on the eaves of 15 Opal Street. Then it jumps down into the alley, which Ravistsu sneaks towards.

In the alley, Jak makes like a very quiet shadow and crouches behind some pigeon cages and coils of old rope. In the middle of the alley, he sees the blurred silhouette jump down, great footprints forming in the dirt. The hunter (or Solitary Lethal Hunter to give him his correct designation) slowly makes his way down the alley, tracking his prey. Rapid little clicks sound from him quietly, like clockwork unwinding…

Jaq freezes as the figure gets to the other side of the pigeon cages, pausing for a moment… click….click…..click. “Thuwump.” (Thermal vision engaged)

“CRASH!” , the cages and ropes are swept aside by the beings mighty spear, and Jaq starts dodging like buggery. Jak leaps upwards, bouncing off crates and walls Jackie Chan style to get up to the roof. Behind him a low pitched whine suddenly goes screeching up the decibels and a buzz saw blade of the damned screams past his head!

Racing across rooftops, Essence flaring through Reed in the Wind usage, our nimble Night caste, sees to his horror that the Chakram that he’d dodged had spun round in a long arc and was homing in on him again! Another dodge, and totemic Anima banner starts to light up the dawn, subtly surrendered for survival. Around him a golden light spreads, the silhouette of a Black Mouse tip-toeing across the foreground to the sound of the Pink Panther theme! Spotting this, Ravitsu curses, and leaps, transforming into her Eagle warrior Deadly Beastman Form!

As the soulsteel Chakram makes its third pass, Jaq races to a flag pole and spends everything hes got to duck under the whirling blades in Bullet Time. As the chakram hits the flagpole and is slowed as it chews through the metal bar, Jak’s nimble fingers grab it from the air and hits the “Off switch.” (17 successes!)

Then Ravistsu’s mighty pinions sweep Jaq up into the air and a golden comet is seen above the morning skies of Gem as the two make their getaway, leaving the Hunter to find them another day,….

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