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= CrownedSun's Solar Ride Tree =
== Ride I (Saddlemaster) ==
<b><i>Bareback Horsemans Bond</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b>  1 mote per die
<b>Duration:</b>  Instant
<b>Type:</b>  Supplemental
<b>Min. Ride:</b>  1
<b>Min Essence:</b>  1
<b>Prereqs:</b>  None
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The Exalt draws on the wordless bond that exists between Rider and Mount, communicating in a way that is much more efficient and intense than any other method and draws more impressive and lightning-fast results. It is almost, in a way, a temporary hive-mind that allows a perfect symbiosis of thought and action on the part of rider and mount.  With this charm an Exalt can add one die per mote spent to any Ride roll that involves riding a horse, moving one through challenging terrain, performing stunts, or otherwise actually riding.  The Exalt can no more than double his Charisma + Ride pool, and only heroic riders can enjoy the benefits of this charm.  Alternate versions of this charm exist for riders who prefer other riding strategies (pg. 258), but these are otherwise idenitical in mechanics.
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<b><i>Spirit-Steadying Assurances</i></b> (Revised)
  <b>Cost:</b>  2 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  One day
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Ride:</b>  2
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  1
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Bareback Horsemans Bond
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The Exalt masters his mounts natural instincts, calming the beast with his presence and command. A Rider with this charm active does not have to make any Ride rolls to retain control of his mount in any situation, and the beast does not display any of its normal fear of fire, blood, or the sounds of conflict.  In addition the beast moves easily and fearlessly through any manuevers his rider runs him through, and it's extra confidence lowers the difficulty of any Ride roll by one to a minimum of 1.
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<b><i>Steady Reins Technique</i></b>
  <b>Cost:</b>  4 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  Essence in minutes
  <b>Type:</b>  Supplemental
  <b>Minimum Ride:</b>  3
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  2
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Bareback Horsemans Bond
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Through a mixture of cunning mastery of the reins, essence-enhanced agility, and pure gall, the Exalt and his Mount can easily find their way through even the most uneven and dangerous of terrain. When used, this charm allows the rider to ignore all difficulty penalities imposed by terrain or obstacles, including people or lack of room to manuever, enabling him to gallop his horse through a crowded street of the Imperial City or easily slice his way through any alleyway or opening large enough for his mount to fit.  The effects of this charm last for a one minute per dot of permanent Essence, and usually the character does not have to make another Ride roll during that time unless he enters another enviroment or some other new circumstance requires one.
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<b><i>Flawless Partnership Meditation</i></b> (Revised)
  <b>Cost:</b> 4 motes, 1 willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  One scene
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Ride:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Steady Reins Technique
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Rider and mount join together in spirit, each bleeding into the other, adopting a perfect hive mind that allows them to react to the wishes and needs of the others instinctively. Though the Exalt is dominant in this relationship, the bond is quite intense, and typically uncomfortable for those who have not maintained a good relationship with their mount. Regardless, the Exalt gains the following effects for the rest of the scene: First, the rider cannot be thrown or fall from his mount in any way. Second, the rider can act without penality while his horse is at a full gallop and freely use his Mounts movement allowance at any point during a turn, including to move away from multiple attacks as a hopping dodge. Third, the rider gains his Essence in extra dice on all Ride rolls for the rest of the scene. Lastly, he can freely mount and dismount his bonded animal as a free reflexive action.
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<b><i>Wind-Racing Method</i></b>
  <b>Cost:</b>  6 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  One scene
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Ride:</b>  4
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  2
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Steady Reins Technique
An Exalt who uses this charm fills his mount with boundless energy and exhuberance, puhsing him faster and faster, until he breaks the limits of his own form and instead moves with the speed of the sun.  In tactical (combat) situations, the mounts movement per turn is doubled.  In more long-term movement, the Mount can gallop at (It's Stamina + the Exalt's Essence) x10 miles per hour.  This charm in no way gives the mount any stamina or endurance beyond the norm, and without more potent magics (<i>such as Flashing Thunderbolt Steed</i>) it will not be able to maintain this gallop any longer than it would normally be able to gallop at its maximum speed.  If used with Spirit-Steadying Assurances, an Exalt can usually ride his mount to death without a roll, though this usually requires he fail a Compassion roll (and possibly gain Limit).
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<b>Other Charms</b>
* <b>Steed-Sustaining Method</b> still requires Spirit-Steadying Assurances, but its Ride requirement is now 4.  <b>Exalted</b> corebook, Page 208.
** <b>Horse-Healing Method</b> still requires Steed-Sustaining Method.  <b>Exalted</b> corebook, Page 209.
** <b>Flashing Thunderbolt Steed</b> still requires Steed-Sustaining Method.  <b>Exalted</b> corebook, Page 209.
== Ride II (Loyal Companion) ==
<b><i>Horse Summoning Whistle</i></b> Revised)
  <b>Cost:</b>  2 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Reflexive
  <b>Minimum Ride:</b>  3
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  2
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  None
The bond forged between a man and a horse he's ridden is deep and essential, and a Solar with this charm can benefit from that bond, letting out a sharp whistle that reaches deep into his mounts soul and calls it to him.  Once this charm has been invoked, the horse immediately begins to head toward its master at the best possible speed.  This charm has a range of (Essence x 10) miles.  This charm only works on an animal that the Solar has ridden for at least a day, and a Solar can only bond with one horse sufficiently for this charm to function.
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<b><i>Rekindled Horselords Spirit</b></i>
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<b>Cost:</b> None
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<b>Duration:</b> Permanent
<b>Type:</b> Special
<b>Min. Ride:</b> 4
<b>Min Essence:</b> 2
<b>Prereqs:</b> Horse-Summoning Whistle
A Solar with this charm is deeply comfortable with one particular type of animal that he knows how to ride and that is commonly used as a riding beast.  He can instantly calm such animals with a touch of his hand and comforting whispers, and any mount with the proper training will accept the mount as a rider, while those without it will consent to such training.  The reflexive expenditure of a mote allows the Solar to gauge the feelings and emotions of his mount, or communicate empathically with any animal of the proper type.  Finally, the Solar gains a phantom speciality in the appropriate type of Animal (<i>"Horses", for example</i>).  This speciality stacks with any other specialities he might have, and does not count against his maximum number of specialities in the Ride ability.  This die counts as a bonus die from a Charm.
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<b><i>Warlords Noble Mount</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> None
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent
<b>Type:</b> Special
<b>Min. Ride:</b> 5
<b>Min Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prereqs:</b> Rekindled Horselords Spirit
Many Solars become quite attached to their Mounts, and this Charm allows them to share some of their own prowess with their beast of burden.  All Noble Mounts gain three of the Advantages listed below the first time the charm is taken, and two Advantages for any additional purchases of the charm.  This charm can be purchased a number oof times equal to your Ride rating.
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* <b>Physically Fit</b> mounts gain a +1 to their Strength and Stamina scores. This ability can only be taken three times, total.
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* <b>Agile</b> mounts gain +1 to their Dexterity scores, and a corresponding 1-die bonus to most Ride checks. This ability can only be taken twice.
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* <b>Rugged</b> mounts gains the ability to soak Lethal damage equal to half it’s Stamina, if it did not already have it. In addition, the Mount gains an additional Health Level. This can be taken three times, the first time the mount gains a –2 level. The second he gains a –1 level, and the final time he gains a –0 level.
* <b>Fast</b> mounts can travel slightly faster than other mounts, gaining a +2 bonus to their Athletics for the purposes of determining speed. This ability can be taken a maximum of three times.
* <b>Loyal</b> mounts are exceedingly loyal to their Masters, and cannot be made to accept another rider unless their Master gives permission. They also cannot be affected by Sorcery or Charms that would cause similar effects or wear away at this loyalty.
* <b>Intelligent</b> mounts gain an Intelligence score of 2, and though they cannot communicate normally they are as smart as the average human.
* <b>Skilled</b> mounts gain 9xp or so of skills. New skills cost 3xp, while raising old skills costs the Current Rating x2. Unused points are retained, but can only be used for skills bought with this Charm.
Players are invited to make up new abilities, if the above do not suit them.  Higher Essence charms might exist further down this branch, granting even more impressive Advantages to a Noble Horse, if the Player wishes to design them.  A character can only have one Noble Mount at a time, and the charm can only be used on the characters specialize breed purchased with Rekindled Horselords Spirit.  This charm CAN be used on Familiars, and any benefits gained stack with the normal benefits gained from being a Familiar.  Noble Mounts also automatically have an expanded lifespan.  If the original mount is slain or dies of old age, one of its descendants can take its place as a Noble Mount, and gains all it's ancestors advantages and Familiar (if possessed) status after a week.
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<b><i>Phantom Steed</i></b> (Revised)
  <b>Cost:</b>  8 motes, 1 willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  One day
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Ride:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Rekindled Horselords Spirit
This charm allows the Solar to summon up an animal of the breed he purchased with Rekindled Horselords Spirit from the raw Essence of the world, a glorious white vision of his chosen animal, colored here and there with burning gold. The Solar can choose to ride this animal himself, or present it to another, who must be present when the charm is invoked. If the Solar chooses to ride the animal himself, he may choose to mount the animal as part of invoking the charm. Another rider must use a dice action to mount the animal. The Phantom Steed uses the normal statistics of an exceptional version of it's breed, and also benefits from three Advantages from those offered to Noble Horses (<i>see above</i>).
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Revision as of 02:10, 27 February 2005

CrownedSun's Solar Ride Tree

Ride I (Saddlemaster)

Bareback Horsemans Bond</b>

<b>Cost:  1 mote per die
Duration:  Instant
Type:  Supplemental
Min. Ride:  1
Min Essence:  1
Prereqs:  None

The Exalt draws on the wordless bond that exists between Rider and Mount, communicating in a way that is much more efficient and intense than any other method and draws more impressive and lightning-fast results. It is almost, in a way, a temporary hive-mind that allows a perfect symbiosis of thought and action on the part of rider and mount. With this charm an Exalt can add one die per mote spent to any Ride roll that involves riding a horse, moving one through challenging terrain, performing stunts, or otherwise actually riding. The Exalt can no more than double his Charisma + Ride pool, and only heroic riders can enjoy the benefits of this charm. Alternate versions of this charm exist for riders who prefer other riding strategies (pg. 258), but these are otherwise idenitical in mechanics.

Spirit-Steadying Assurances (Revised)

 Cost:  2 motes
 Duration:  One day
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Ride:  2
 Minimum Essence:  1
 Prerequisite Charms:  Bareback Horsemans Bond

The Exalt masters his mounts natural instincts, calming the beast with his presence and command. A Rider with this charm active does not have to make any Ride rolls to retain control of his mount in any situation, and the beast does not display any of its normal fear of fire, blood, or the sounds of conflict. In addition the beast moves easily and fearlessly through any manuevers his rider runs him through, and it's extra confidence lowers the difficulty of any Ride roll by one to a minimum of 1.

Steady Reins Technique

 Cost:  4 motes
 Duration:  Essence in minutes
 Type:  Supplemental
 Minimum Ride:  3
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms:  Bareback Horsemans Bond

Through a mixture of cunning mastery of the reins, essence-enhanced agility, and pure gall, the Exalt and his Mount can easily find their way through even the most uneven and dangerous of terrain. When used, this charm allows the rider to ignore all difficulty penalities imposed by terrain or obstacles, including people or lack of room to manuever, enabling him to gallop his horse through a crowded street of the Imperial City or easily slice his way through any alleyway or opening large enough for his mount to fit. The effects of this charm last for a one minute per dot of permanent Essence, and usually the character does not have to make another Ride roll during that time unless he enters another enviroment or some other new circumstance requires one.

Flawless Partnership Meditation (Revised)

 Cost: 4 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration:  One scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Ride:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Steady Reins Technique

Rider and mount join together in spirit, each bleeding into the other, adopting a perfect hive mind that allows them to react to the wishes and needs of the others instinctively. Though the Exalt is dominant in this relationship, the bond is quite intense, and typically uncomfortable for those who have not maintained a good relationship with their mount. Regardless, the Exalt gains the following effects for the rest of the scene: First, the rider cannot be thrown or fall from his mount in any way. Second, the rider can act without penality while his horse is at a full gallop and freely use his Mounts movement allowance at any point during a turn, including to move away from multiple attacks as a hopping dodge. Third, the rider gains his Essence in extra dice on all Ride rolls for the rest of the scene. Lastly, he can freely mount and dismount his bonded animal as a free reflexive action.

Wind-Racing Method

 Cost:  6 motes
 Duration:  One scene
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Ride:  4
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms:  Steady Reins Technique

An Exalt who uses this charm fills his mount with boundless energy and exhuberance, puhsing him faster and faster, until he breaks the limits of his own form and instead moves with the speed of the sun. In tactical (combat) situations, the mounts movement per turn is doubled. In more long-term movement, the Mount can gallop at (It's Stamina + the Exalt's Essence) x10 miles per hour. This charm in no way gives the mount any stamina or endurance beyond the norm, and without more potent magics (such as Flashing Thunderbolt Steed) it will not be able to maintain this gallop any longer than it would normally be able to gallop at its maximum speed. If used with Spirit-Steadying Assurances, an Exalt can usually ride his mount to death without a roll, though this usually requires he fail a Compassion roll (and possibly gain Limit).

Other Charms

  • Steed-Sustaining Method still requires Spirit-Steadying Assurances, but its Ride requirement is now 4. Exalted corebook, Page 208.
    • Horse-Healing Method still requires Steed-Sustaining Method. Exalted corebook, Page 209.
    • Flashing Thunderbolt Steed still requires Steed-Sustaining Method. Exalted corebook, Page 209.

Ride II (Loyal Companion)

Horse Summoning Whistle Revised)

 Cost:  2 motes
 Duration:  Instant
 Type:  Reflexive
 Minimum Ride:  3
 Minimum Essence:  2
 Prerequisite Charms:  None

The bond forged between a man and a horse he's ridden is deep and essential, and a Solar with this charm can benefit from that bond, letting out a sharp whistle that reaches deep into his mounts soul and calls it to him. Once this charm has been invoked, the horse immediately begins to head toward its master at the best possible speed. This charm has a range of (Essence x 10) miles. This charm only works on an animal that the Solar has ridden for at least a day, and a Solar can only bond with one horse sufficiently for this charm to function.

Rekindled Horselords Spirit</b>

<b>Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Min. Ride: 4
Min Essence: 2
Prereqs: Horse-Summoning Whistle

A Solar with this charm is deeply comfortable with one particular type of animal that he knows how to ride and that is commonly used as a riding beast. He can instantly calm such animals with a touch of his hand and comforting whispers, and any mount with the proper training will accept the mount as a rider, while those without it will consent to such training. The reflexive expenditure of a mote allows the Solar to gauge the feelings and emotions of his mount, or communicate empathically with any animal of the proper type. Finally, the Solar gains a phantom speciality in the appropriate type of Animal ("Horses", for example). This speciality stacks with any other specialities he might have, and does not count against his maximum number of specialities in the Ride ability. This die counts as a bonus die from a Charm.

Warlords Noble Mount</b>

<b>Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Min. Ride: 5
Min Essence: 3
Prereqs: Rekindled Horselords Spirit

Many Solars become quite attached to their Mounts, and this Charm allows them to share some of their own prowess with their beast of burden. All Noble Mounts gain three of the Advantages listed below the first time the charm is taken, and two Advantages for any additional purchases of the charm. This charm can be purchased a number oof times equal to your Ride rating.

  • Physically Fit mounts gain a +1 to their Strength and Stamina scores. This ability can only be taken three times, total.
  • Agile mounts gain +1 to their Dexterity scores, and a corresponding 1-die bonus to most Ride checks. This ability can only be taken twice.
  • Rugged mounts gains the ability to soak Lethal damage equal to half it’s Stamina, if it did not already have it. In addition, the Mount gains an additional Health Level. This can be taken three times, the first time the mount gains a –2 level. The second he gains a –1 level, and the final time he gains a –0 level.
  • Fast mounts can travel slightly faster than other mounts, gaining a +2 bonus to their Athletics for the purposes of determining speed. This ability can be taken a maximum of three times.
  • Loyal mounts are exceedingly loyal to their Masters, and cannot be made to accept another rider unless their Master gives permission. They also cannot be affected by Sorcery or Charms that would cause similar effects or wear away at this loyalty.
  • Intelligent mounts gain an Intelligence score of 2, and though they cannot communicate normally they are as smart as the average human.
  • Skilled mounts gain 9xp or so of skills. New skills cost 3xp, while raising old skills costs the Current Rating x2. Unused points are retained, but can only be used for skills bought with this Charm.

Players are invited to make up new abilities, if the above do not suit them. Higher Essence charms might exist further down this branch, granting even more impressive Advantages to a Noble Horse, if the Player wishes to design them. A character can only have one Noble Mount at a time, and the charm can only be used on the characters specialize breed purchased with Rekindled Horselords Spirit. This charm CAN be used on Familiars, and any benefits gained stack with the normal benefits gained from being a Familiar. Noble Mounts also automatically have an expanded lifespan. If the original mount is slain or dies of old age, one of its descendants can take its place as a Noble Mount, and gains all it's ancestors advantages and Familiar (if possessed) status after a week.

Phantom Steed (Revised)

 Cost:  8 motes, 1 willpower
 Duration:  One day
 Type:  Simple
 Minimum Ride:  5
 Minimum Essence:  3
 Prerequisite Charms:  Rekindled Horselords Spirit

This charm allows the Solar to summon up an animal of the breed he purchased with Rekindled Horselords Spirit from the raw Essence of the world, a glorious white vision of his chosen animal, colored here and there with burning gold. The Solar can choose to ride this animal himself, or present it to another, who must be present when the charm is invoked. If the Solar chooses to ride the animal himself, he may choose to mount the animal as part of invoking the charm. Another rider must use a dice action to mount the animal. The Phantom Steed uses the normal statistics of an exceptional version of it's breed, and also benefits from three Advantages from those offered to Noble Horses (see above).