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* [[Charms/Telgar|/Telgar]]
* [[Charms/Telgar[[DragonBloodedStealth/Telgar/Telgar]]]]

Revision as of 00:35, 6 April 2010

Eye-Fooling Ice Lens</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes
 Type: Reflexive
 Duration: Five minutes
 Min Stealth: 2
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: None

The ripples of water freeze in motion, becoming distorted waves and curves in ice. Glass produced in the modern age is often foggy and warped, even that of the First is less clear then pure air. Images seen through anything but the clear air are unreliable, a principle this Charm takes to an extreme. By touching his target, the Dragon-Blood warps the flows of essence that allow him to see, distorting his vision so that any attempt to discern what he sees through any medium other then clear air is at a +2 difficulty.

Frozen, Shattered Reflections</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes per image
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Until released
 Min Stealth: 2
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Eye-Fooling Ice Lens

The various reflections of a single shattered block of ice can bewilder the eye and distract the mind. By expending a tiny amount of essence to coallese a visible form, the Terrestrial can create a reflection of any object who's reflection he can see. These reflections must appear in reflective surfaces, though dense fog and clouds can be considered reflective for this Charm.

Ever-Clinging Mist Cloak</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One scene
 Min Stealth: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Distracting Breeze Meditation

Condensing the air around his body with the heat of his flesh and essence, an Air Dragon can shroud his form in mists that obscure the outline of his features and muffle his voice. All attempts to recognize the character from physical description or by voice have a difficulty of the character's Stealth. Non-visual and non-auditory methods of recognition apply normally. This Charm can be used to replace Soundless Action Prana as a pre-requisite for Dragon Shroud Techniqu.

Beyond The Edge of Sight</b>

 <b>Cost: 5 motes
 Type: Simple
 Duration: One scene
 Min Stealth: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Ever-Clinging Mist Cloak

Expanding his control of mists, an entire fog bank may be raised from moist air. Drier air produces dust clouds or sand whirls in the desert, but the result is the same. Within the cloud it becomes nearly impossible to find anyone or anything unless they are just beyond the tip of your nose. The difficulty to spot any other being in the cloud is increased by 1 for every five yards between the searcher and his target. For every dot of the Terrestrial's Essence, the cloud covers 100 cubic meters.

Unmoving Lightning Location Shift</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes per shift
 Type: Simple
 Duration: Instant
 Min Stealth: 4
 Min Essence: 3
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Wind-Walking Technique

In the dark of the storm, the only way to see is to await the flash of lightning. Between flashes, anything can happen. This Charm can only be used in the dark. For every four motes spent, one flash of lightning is created. In the space before the flash, the Dragon-Blood may move up to his normal movement distance without penalty. These moves take place without actually crossing the intervening space. From one flash to the next, the Dragon-Blood simply moves. This ability does not, however, enable the Exalted to pass through solid matter.

Sight-Burning Corona Storm</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes per penalty
 Type: Reflexive
 Duration: One turn
 Min Stealth: 4
 Min Essence: 4
 Pre-Requisite Charms: Unmoving Lightning Location Shift

The mighty power of lightning is harnessed only by a few First Age devices and the Charms of the Sapphire Dragons. Summoning a mighty blast of lightning the Dragon-Blood can blind his opponents and make himself nearly impossible to catch. For every 2 motes spent on this Charm, apply a stackable -1 penalty to every person within the area of this Charm's effects. The Charm extends out to 15 X Essence yards. At twice that distance, bystanders are defeaned by a horrendous clap of thunder. The blindness lasts for as many turns as the victim has dots of Awareness, the deafness lasts only two turns. Also, all characters in the blinding range take the Dragon-Blooded's Stealth in dice of bashing damage which is considered piercing. No more motes then the Terrestrial's Stealth can be spent on this Charm
