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One way to look at Creation is that it is a bubble of stability within the Wyld's vast chaos and limitless possibility. Because anything and everything is possible in the Wyld, the primordials--static concepts--arose out of it and formed creation. However, some primordials were only half-formed and decided to stay behind within the Wyld, rather than help forge Creation. One such half-formed Primordial is the Sea of Chaos, who embodies both a static concept (the ocean) and the limitless chaos of the Wyld.

After the Primordials--the Sea's brothers and sisters--formed Creation, the Sea became lonely and confused. She yearned to contact the Primordials but Creation was literally millions of miles away from where the Endless Sea existed, and because the Sea was only half formed, she was bound to her place, in a sort of mini-creation within the Wyld.

One day the Sea of Chaos beckoned to a wandering fae cataphract. The fae was amazed by her serene, lonely, chaotic beauty and entranced by her endless black waves, serene one moment, stormy the next. He dove into the Sea of Chaos and emerged Exalted, so to speak (if it is possible for a fae to become exalted by a half-primordial.) The cataphract's name was Qingu and he became the ambassador-general of the Sea of Chaos.

The Sea charged Qingu to travel across the expanse of the Wyld until he reached the borders of Creation and tries to contact the Primordials. His duty was to try to beseech some of them to come back into the Wyld and give comfort and companionship to his lonely master. Qingu was told that he would need to find a powerful artifact, the TabletOfDestinies in order to accomplish his mission. All Qingu knows about the Tablet of Destinies is that it contains the 33 original and true names of the Primordials who created Creation, as well as 1/3 of the Sea of Chaos’ name.

Qingu’s journey has taken more than 10,000 years, as he embarked only several hundred years after Creation was formed. But the Sea of Chaos granted him amazing powers and artifacts and helped him raise an army to cut a swath across the Wyld energies that are so anathema to static creation.

The Sea of Chaos gave Qingu a pearl flask containing her black, swirling waters. With this flask, Qingu has baptized 5 of his fae cataphractoi and diplomats, “exalting” them and granting them the power to use charms. He has enough water in the flask to exalt perhaps 7 or 8 more fae; however, he intends to use the rest as a conduit for the Sea of Chaos’ identity when he beseeches the Primordials to join him.

In addition to a band of cataphractoi he recruited, a small army of fae foot soldiers and even a few diplomats, Qingu also commands the 11 Terrible Monsters of the Sea of Chaos (ChaosMonsters). The Lonely Sea formed these monsters out of the glittering sand at her beaches, which exist between her world and the limitless Wyld. Each monster is contained in a single grain of crystal sand, which is encased in a pearl, and can be summoned by a fae who was exalted by the Sea of Chaos. Qingu wears these 11 pearls on a necklace but occasionally he will give them to his fae exalted to use on their missions.

At the start of the campaign, Qingu and his retinue have recently emerged from Creation. Since Qingu and five others are “exalted,” they act as no other fae have acted before. They still must feed on dreams or the energy from manses to survive, but Qingu and his 5 exalts are not capricious or hedonistic. The static element of the Sea, even if it only a part of her existence, has formed these fae into creatures with a purpose. Qingu’s army takes what it needs of mortals and moves on.

With the help of their glamour magic and superhuman abilities and attributes, the fae will soon learn the fate of Creation’s Primordials and will eventually try to contact either the Yozis or the Neverborn. In this way, Qingu can be used as a primary adversary with the potential to mess up Creation by breaking the seals on Malfeas, etc. Or, he can be used as a secondary adversary, whose plans of contacting the Primordials are used to the advantage of the main villain of the campaign such as the Ebon Dragon or a Deathlord.

In Babylonian mythology, Tiamat (aka the Sea of Chaos) -- one of the two first entities -- wages war on the gods and exalts the god Qingu and takes him as her consort. When Marduk, the hero of the gods, defeats Tiamat, he fashions the sky and earth out of Tiamat's body and he uses the body or blood of Qingu to create mankind. So you might want to consider that mythological angle if you're stuck for an ending to your Qingu campaign. 'Praps if Qingu succeeds in releasing the Yozi and most of Creation is destroyed, the characters can always hack up his body and cast a Solar spell to create more humans.

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