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We'll go back in time just a tad - to the conclusion of the meeting with Vorn.

The Solars agree to retire for the evening. Pyhrra and Callidora each strike off on their separate agendas before going to bed.
Callidora is still searching for information on the Immaculates, and Pyhrra, of course, has her lost brother to track down.
<Zeleny> (slightly out of order recap, because I was almost finished):
<Zeleny> Last time: Upon arriving in Hoark, Irisa lead the Solars straight to a man she was sure could give her information on who attacked her, and why; he asks for a couple days to find the information. In the interim, Zeleny throws from his ship a guild flunky who attempts to buy them off. At the meeting with Vorn, he reveals Irisa's enemy...a group of corrupt businessman known as the Black Snake Brotherhood...
(Cool, thanks.)
(Verdant, Zeleny, what do you do after evening's meeting with Vorn? Irisa intends to retire at the inn.)
Zeleny walks slowly back to his ship, troubled in his mind. "Will you stay at the inn?" he asks Verdant.
<Verdant> "I was planning on it. Why not?"
Irisa, not wanting to be left alone, has to jog a bit to catch up with the two remaining Solars.
Zeleny shrugs uncomfortably. "It leaves us seperated. This is not a friendly port. Though no doubt there is little enough to fear, here..."
<Zeleny> He seems not to have noticed Irisa's disinclination for letting her 'bodyguards' wander too far ahead.
<Verdant> "You suspect this 'Arturo' intends something untoward?"
<Zeleny> "Very possibly."
Irisa clears her throat. "May I remind you, irrespective of our Captain's infamy, I at least am a hunted woman?"
Verdant chuckles ruefully. "Point taken. All right, Irisa. Are you staying in the Inn or the...boat?"
<Zeleny> "Ship. A boat is..." Zeleny sighs. "Nevermind."
Irisa: "Well, at this point I'm not sure which is more dangerous - the inn, with only Vorn's protection to guard us, or the ship full of wanted criminals."
<Zeleny> "The inn, I would assume; a ship full of wanted criminals has a least several criminals to shield you."
Irisa: "You'll forgive me, Captain, if I place more faith in Vorn's connections than your men."
<Zeleny> "If you wish," Zeleny replies courteously, but cooly. "You will be staying at the inn, then?"
Irisa: "For now, I think, yes. But thank you for the hospitality."
Irisa bows daintily to Verdant Waves. "Sir, will I have the pleasure of your company, at least, this evening?"
Verdant bows elegantly. "Gladly. Though I cannot promise the most interesting of conversations, I have some reading to do..."
Irisa's smile is warmer than usual. "Your presence alone will put me at ease."
She bows goodbye to Zeleny. "Captain, good evening. We will see you in the morn."
Zeleny gives a nod to her and Verdant. "Farewell..."
(Flashing forward...)
Irisa has given up on waiting for Pyhrra or Callidora to return. With a warm thank-you, she nods goodnight to Verdant and retires to her room.
Verdant nods in reply, studying the paper in front of him.
Verdant rubs his eyes, murmuring. "Still need to sleep. Have to work on that."
Verdant stands and heads for his own room.
On the Brilliance, the watch is on full alert, tensely scanning the inky darkness of the docks.
Zeleny sleeps lightly on his bunk, ready to awaken at the slightest sound...
(Ha... nice try, Zel.)
Give me Per+Awareness
(Just the avg. successes, rounding down.)
<Zeleny> (2 suxx)
The first Zeleny is aware that anything is wrong is as his eyes snap open, assailant poised directly over him, dagger ready to plunge into his throat.
("Roll" Init.)
(Assassin gets a bonus, of course.)
<Zeleny> (11)
(Sorry, my bad. Reflexive Wits+Awareness roll.)
<Zeleny> (2 suxx)
(Okay, so you can move, dodge, or parry, but not attack first.)
(This should be a good stunt...)
(Err... Init will be 5+base Initiative, just for future reference.)
Zeleny reacts instinctively, adrenaline surging. He strikes instantly, grabbing the assassin's wrist and twisting it aside, pull the man in to a bear hug, the assailant's own blade pressed against his throat.
(Dammit, Zel, that's a grapple.)
<Zeleny> (Argh, pronoun confusion. Plus, my block accidentally turned into a counterattack.)
(*grin I understand.)
(Want to rewrite it? Or shall I just stab you?)
Zeleny strikes instantly, grabbing the assassin's wrist and forcing it aside. He rolls from his bunk, landing on his feet.
<Zeleny> (better? It's a block/ Shadow Over Water dodge)
(Works for me. Take an extra sux and give me the result.)
<Zeleny> (block: 5 suxx. Dodge : 5 suxx.)
The assassin is stunned by his prey's escape.
(NOW you can counterattack.)
His knife slices the pillow where Zeleny had lain not a breath before.
Immaculate (Immaculate@ip70-186-49-208.ma.dl.cox.net) has joined #Exalted1220
Zeleny takes advantage of his confusion to lash out, pulling the man forward and then twisting his arm painfully behind his back. Zeleny tosses him to the floor and plants a foot on the assassin's shoulder to keep him there.
<Zeleny> (You wouldn't happen to have a dice bot, would you?)
<Immaculate> (Who me?)
<Zeleny> "Who...sent you...." he hisses.
<Zeleny> (yeah.)
<Immaculate> (Not yet, why?)
<Zeleny> (we are bereft)
<Immaculate> (Gryphons is down?)
<Zeleny> (Gryphon has a dicebot?)
<Immaculate> (I thought they did.)
The assassin on the floor only chuckles darkly through the mask covering his face. More dark shapes move beyond the doorway, steel glinting menacingly amongst the shadows.
Zeleny stomps down, hard, on the man's head; his neck twists and breaks.
(Ouch. How am I supposed to handle that? Eh, I'll let you have it - plenty more where that came from.)
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Immaculate [6d10]: 40>
<Zeleny> He pulls his khatars from the band around his waist and stalks to the desk, gold gathering from his forehead to linger along his chest and arms, the glow pushing back the darkness...
(...he sleeps with his khatars on?)
<Zeleny> (around his waist, when he's expecting an attack, yeah)
<Zeleny> (I'll note that you think it's silly for the future :) )
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Immaculate [6[1d10]]: 8 9 1 6 4 2 >
In the rising light, the attacker's eyes grow wide, standing out stark white against the pitch black of their garb.
<Verdant> (So, how are you doing that?)
<Immaculate> (Ok, here's how it works. Type /roll x[xdy] #channel for dice rolls, example: /roll 6[1d10] #exalted1220)
<Immaculate> (There. Dice problem solved. Server wide dice bot)
<Zeleny> (Any sign of a a struggle on deck?)
<Zeleny> (Thanks!)
<Immaculate> (If you don't put the channel name, then nobody will see it.)
<Zeleny> (Beyond, you know, the black-robed assassins)
(On deck? You're still in your cabin, with armed men standing outside your doorway - between you and any escape to abovedecks, might I add.)
<Zeleny> (yeah, you're right. Sorry. I feel slightly off today)
(Ohhh, you meant "deck" and not "desk." Sorry.)
(Anyways, shall we continue from inside the cabin?)
Zeleny , burning golden, roars, and dives forward through the door. He is a radient tiger amongst the tangle of his black-robed- striking almost before they have a chance to react, sending his khatars plunging into deeply into chests and limbs.
<Zeleny> (splitting action three ways)
(Go for it. You've got Init, as I'm sure you know.)
(*grumbleStupid mortal NPCs...)
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [7[1d10]]: 9 4 9 4 9 8 1 >
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [6[1d10]]: 7 6 5 5 3 8 >
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [5[1d10]]: 2 2 8 7 5 >
<Zeleny> (4/2/2)
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 7 8 9 3 4 10 >
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 1 3 6 3 8 10 >
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 2 2 9 5 10 6 >
In a shower of sparks, the assassins are driven back by the fury of Zeleny's assault - but each manages to raise their weapons in time to block the onslaught.
(There were three, and each aborted to full parry.)
<Zeleny> "Crew!" Zeleny shouts. "We are attacked! To arms!" He falls back into a crouch, khatars held warily before him, as he regards his attackers through eyes become narrowed slits.
Roused by the sounds of combat, crewmen hurry down the stairs into the hallway where Zeleny faces his assailants.
Crewman: "For the Brilliance! For the Captain!"
The overzealous crewman launches himself onto the back of one assassin.
(Roll away - but the third ninja can't be struck without risking hitting your man, too.)
Zeleny exploit the other assassins' momentary bafflement to dart forward suddenly, hooking one's leg with his foot, and yanking the unfortunate to the planks, and then leans forward to neatly slit the man's throat.
The other crew seem to be occupied with more opponents at the top of the stairs - Zeleny can hear men fighting and dying up on deck.
(Ooo, nice - two bonus dice.)
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [8[1d10]]: 1 2 9 3 8 2 1 7 >
-RPGServ:#Exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [7[1d10]]: 8 3 10 9 6 6 1 >
<Zeleny> (3 to hook, 4 to slit)
-RPGServ- <Roll [5[1d10]]: 2 10 10 1 2 >
-RPGServ- <Roll [4[1d10]]: 6 9 4 4 >
...and execution!
The man doesn't even have time to scream - but his comrade is prepared to strike at the prone Zeleny.
(...I think you'll be at -2 to your defense, if you have one, for being prone.)
(Ah, heck, I won't do that.)
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 3 3 4 3 9 7 >
(2 sux.)
-RPGServ:#Exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [10[1d10]]: 3 6 5 5 4 7 4 2 3 10 >
Zeleny rolls easily away from the blade and to his feet.
(Holy moley!)
<Zeleny> (Shadow Over Water)
The blade tastes only wood, as it plunges into the deck.
<Zeleny> <Zeleny> (Shadow Over Water)
<Zeleny> (Yeah...)
<Zeleny> The blade tastes only wood, as it plunges into the deck.
Zeleny looks up, panting, and stares at the remaining assassins. Fury glints from his eyes and his bared teeth. Blood from the fallen man has splashed across his cheek, painting his face into savage mask. "You...attack my ship, my crew..." he snarls, and leaps forward.
The assassin looks up at the captain, confusion and fear clearly visible in his eyes.
<Zeleny> As he lunges between the two assassins, his arms punch out to both sides- skewering each neatly in the heart.
(Ha ha ha! Awesome! Two dice!)
-RPGServ:#Exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [10[1d10]]: 4 4 3 7 4 5 10 2 6 4 >
<Zeleny> (and spending a wp on the other, the guy tangling with the crewmen)
-RPGServ:#exalted1220- <Roll for Zeleny [9[1d10]]: 6 6 1 9 2 8 7 2 9 >
<Zeleny> (4/5)
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 7 4 3 3 6 9 >
The first assassin is neatly holed, and the second - held by the faithful crewman - has no chance, as Zeleny's blade snakes in deftly to steal his life's blood.
<Zeleny> As the two assassins fall, Zeleny orders his crewmen. "To deck. We will chase these rats from our holds and send them to the depths." The cool of his voice is belied by the rage still dancing in his eyes, and the gore which drips from his fingers.
(You don't mind if I assume you do enough damage to kill/disable with one hit, right? They're not really armored.)
<Zeleny> (naw. They're extras, right?)
(*grin My reasoning exactly.)
The crewman standing beside Zeleny lets his dead foe drop, admiration shining in his eyes.
Crewman: "Right on! Let's get 'em, sir!"
He races up the stairs, yelling, to plow through the unseen assailants on deck.
Zeleny follows after him, striding up the stairs, khatars stained red held tight in his grip.
A horrible sight greets his eyes - the watch was killed to a man, expertly dispatched with gruesome efficiency.
The crewmen who fight now were only moments before roused by the sounds of their captain in combat.
At least six more of the assassins are visible to the Captain, and more may be moving in the shadows at the far ends of the ship's deck.
<Zeleny> Shadows dissipate as Zeleny's anger boils up in him to ignite his anima. A tempest seems loose on deck, shaking the sails, as Zeleny calls his light, burning bright as the noonday day.
<Zeleny> The deck shakes beneath his feet as he lunges into the action, tossing assassins overboard and sinking his twin blades into their empty hearts.
(Ooo, nice.)
<Zeleny> (Now that I've got the dice out of my system, mind if we abstract this?)
(*grin Naw.)
Callidora (~MeiRen@ip68-4-105-191.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #exalted1220
Two assassins, their opposition dispatched, circle around the raging Solar, trying to peer through the maelstrom of his anima.
Synchronized like two hands of a single murderer, they lunge for Zeleny...
Zeleny circles easily away from their attack, slaying one almost contemptuously, with a kick that shatters his back and sends a shattered rib-bone to pierce his heart. He smashes the other's lungs with a punch, and leaves the man to drown in the blood that floods his lungs...
Zeleny rallies his crew with shouts and promises of vengenace, as he slays their attackers with ease. A long shallow slash jags from his shoulder across his heart- the only wound he has taaken.
<Zeleny> (*taken)
A undecipherable shout rises from the remaining killers. Seeing the monstrosity of the Solar in combat, they break off from their opponents and simultaneously leap for their target - the captain of the Brilliance...
Zeleny slides from under some blows with the grace and fluidity of an eel; others, he blocks blows with his bare forearms. And he rages and smashes and pulps.
(Pulps? Ew.)
<Zeleny> (Brawlers aren't pretty fighters. That's what men with pretty hair and swords are for.)
When it's all over, assassins lie dying at the feet of a raging storm...
<Zeleny> Bones break and men scream as they die. As he steps over the corpses of his men, Zeleny's anger is little assuaged by the murderers' deaths. At length, he has the last cornered against the main mast. "Who. Sent. You." Zeleny's eyes are golden and horrible with his anger.
<Zeleny> (Judge's Ear!)
Callidora has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
The assassin's face is unreadable. All that can be seen are his hate-filled eyes through the mask of black cloth.
His grip tightens on the hilt of his sword...
And before anyone can stop him, he plunges it into his own chest, dying silently and swiftly.
<Zeleny> "Curse you." Zeleny stares down at the corpse. He strips the man's mask from him.
A plain face. Hardly the face of a hardened criminal. Young - 20 at the outside.
Locked in a rictus of spite and agony.
Zeleny sees the face of his enemy, and turns away with a sigh of disgust. His eyes trail over the heaps of dead and dying men, as he takes in what has been done to his people...
<Zeleny> He spies the twisted body of Lane, a youth that had sworn, grinning, that there wasn't any ship he'd rather be than the Brilliance, and Zeleny closes his eyes for a moment.
<Zeleny> He walks across the deck, leaving red tracks behind him, to kneel beside the boy's body. He touches the wound that had killed Lane; a wicked blow to his chest that had cloven the young sailor nearly in two.
<Zeleny> His fist clenches, as he vows silently to himself that he would have vengeance for this.
A hand on Zeleny's shoulder.
Zeleny turns his head to look behind him. His face is terribly blank.
Salas looks down. He says nothing, can say nothing, but he squeezes Zeleny's shoulder in sympathy.
Zeleny nods. At last, with a sigh that seems to come from deep, barren place, Zeleny touches Lane one last time....and consigns the sailor's soul to licks of golden flame that ignite to consume the mortal remains.
<Zeleny> He says farewell to each of his men in turn, sending them to whatever future the gods reserved for dead sailors.
<Zeleny> At length, there are only the corpses of assassins left still strewn across death.
Zeleny turns to Salas, and rage suddenly reigniting in his eyes, he orders coldly "Toss them overboar-." No. Wait. It was the custom of the West, that those who died in violence and were buried at sea without proper rites were consigned forevermore to an unlife as one of Siakal's sharks.
<Zeleny> (*death)
<Zeleny> (aaargh. death = deck. Sigh.)
<Zeleny> "No. Do not. I will tend to them." Zeleny closes his eyes, and stands there for a moment, wrestling with the hatred in his heart. "I will tend to them," he whispers finally. And for these dead too he creates golden pires.

Meanwhile, at the inn...

Verdant awakes to a strangled shout outside his closed door.
Verdant grabs his staff, and opens the door while in a defensive posture.
An unfamiliar figure is sprawled on the doorstep, blood quickly pooling from a slit throat.
A man garbed in black, head to toe, stands over the corpse, knife in hand.
Several more figures are breaking into Irisa's room.
(Err... Init will be 5+base Initiative, just for future reference.)
<Verdant> (Base is Dex+Wits+Weapon speed right?)
<Verdant> 20
<Verdant> (Sorry had to look up the speed on a staff)
(No prob. Verdant moves first.)
<Verdant> "Welcome. Goodnight."
Verdant rams the end of his staff into the would-be assassin's forehead.
(Hee hee... take an extra sux and give me the result.)
<Verdant> 5 succ...make that 6
The assassin raises his knife to block, but the staff's strike is unnerring.
(Err... base damage?)
<Verdant> 11 + successes, so that'd be 17B - whatever parry sux he got
(11? Geez...)
<Verdant> Let's hear it for orihalcum hearthstone bracers.
(So that's 14 damage dice, and every three equals a HL...)
The assassin's skull cracks with the force of the impact, and he joins his victim on the floor with a crunch.
Immaculate (Immaculate@ip70-186-49-208.ma.dl.cox.net) has joined #komondorsrule
<Verdant> (Quick question: Irisa's room is right next to Verdant's yes? Wooden wall between the two?)
(Pyhrra's is on the other side, and Callidora's is across the hall from Irisa's.)
Verdant slams his staff against the wall between him and Irisa's room, making a loud BAM. "Assassins! To arms!"
A muffled yell - Irisa's voice - is the only answer.
<Verdant> (So, we using that dicebot now?)
(If you want. Looks kinda complicated to me.)
<Immaculate> (Nonsense!)
(Quiet, you.)
<Immaculate> (Yes sir...)
Verdant calmly walks into the hallway. "Check out isn't until the morning boys. But for you..." A twirl of the staff has he drops into a combat ready stance. "...we'll make an exception."
The black-clothed figures coming out of Callidora's and Pyhrra's rooms narrow their eyes at Verdant, knives held ready.
<Verdant> (So how many of them are there? Or just "a bunch"?)
A third blocks the way to Irisa's room, as two more carry her limp body between them.
(Sorry, one to each room.)
Verdant lashes out like a viper, the staff slamming into the windpipe of the assassin blocking Verdant's way to Irisa. A twist of the wrist, a change of grip, and the other end is sent rocketing into the gut of the black cloaked figure stepping out of Pyhrra's room.
<Verdant> (Splitting 3 ways)
<Verdant> 1/4, last action reserved for a dodge...
(Oh, right - nice stunt. Take two dice.)
<Verdant> (Thanks. And that brings things up to 2 and 5 )
(Sorry, sorry - I thought we were going ahead with the rolling. It's not as cumbersome as I'd feared.)
(Want to roll 'em?)
<Verdant> What, you didn't see the rolls?
<Verdant> Gonna take that as a no
<Verdant> Did you see that one just now, in this channel?
<Immaculate> (No.)
-RPGServ:#komondorsrule- <Roll for Immaculate [2[1d10]]: 5 4 >
(I can just take your word for it, Verdant.)
<Verdant> (scratching my head. I'm copying and pasting immaculate's command but it's not working)
(Too weird...)
(Oh well, give me the sux if just you can see them, average sux if it's not working for you either.)
<Verdant> (The 2 and 5 were the sux I saw)
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 4 6 8 8 10 1 >
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 3 3 7 7 4 8 >
The first assassin manages to neatly deflect the hurtling staff, but the second...
Air leaves his lungs in a rush, sternum cracked, as he slumps to his knees.
The third assassin moves with deadly efficiency, short sword raised to puncture Verdant...
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 6 5 4 1 5 3 >
(Fuck. Well, he fumbled. I'll let you do something nasty to him as part of that dodge you held onto.)
Verdant looks at the assassin with disdain as he steps backwards, stomping his foot down on a loose floorboard whose other end abruptly swings upwards into the man's family jewels.
<Verdant> (testing again...)
<Verdant> roll 2#1d10
<Immaculate> Verdant rolled : 2#1d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=9 ]{9}
<Immaculate> (Since you couldn't get the server-side to work, here's mine)
(Ha ha ha!)
With a stifled groan, the assassin stumbles backwards, clutching himself.
The final assassin stands between Verdant Waves and the unconscious Irisa, who is being lifted out the window by her kidnappers.
He centers his blade, warily stepping backwards towards his fellow villains.
Verdant sees Irisa being dragged out. His eyes narrow and he moves forward, staff swinging with deadly speed. "Out of my way, MORTAL!"
<Verdant> (splitting 3 ways again, first the attack on the roadblock...)
<Verdant> roll 7#1d10
<Immaculate> Verdant rolled : 7#1d10 --> [ 1d10=4 ]{4}, [ 1d10=6 ]{6}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=2 ]{2}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}, [ 1d10=3 ]{3}, [ 1d10=10 ]{10}
<Verdant> That's 4 sux
-RPGServ- <Roll [6[1d10]]: 9 10 7 3 6 4 >
The assassin tries to block, but the staff hits home.
<Immaculate> (Not bad.)
-RPGServ:#komondorsrule- <Roll for Verdant [5[1d10]]: 10 9 7 3 5 >
<Verdant> Whoa. Did you see that last one?
The fiend is lifted from his feet by the force of the impact, hurtling backwards to land face-up and silent.
(Yeah, we saw it.)
<Verdant> (Cool!)
Callidora (~MeiRen@ip68-4-105-191.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #komondorsrule
(What was that second roll?)
<Callidora> yo
(Hey, Call - we're doing a combat in each channel. You're out gallivanting around town, as is Pyhrra.)
<Callidora> k
<Callidora> when do you think I should come back?
(Well, both fights are almost done.)
Verdant bolts forward, asserting his nature as a "Solar Lightning", as he charges the kidnappers. There is death in his eyes. As he reaches them, he plants one foot, and lets his entire body spin, both arms swinging the staff whistling through the air...and into a would-be kidnapper.
-RPGServ:#komondorsrule- <Roll for Verdant [6[1d10]]: 5 8 9 9 8 4 >
<Callidora> cool, I'll hang then
<Verdant> (4 sux)
Hal1999 (~MeiRen@ip68-4-105-191.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #komondorsrule
The assassin manages to drop Irisa's feet just in time to duck...
<Callidora> (Hal should be up and running now)
-RPGServ- <Roll [5[1d10]]: 2 10 7 10 3 >
<Immaculate> Ah.
<Immaculate> (Opps. I meant, Ah. I see now.)
...to no avail - his head is driven into the windowsill by Verdant's weapon, a clipping blow that still manages to put him down hard.
(The final assassin is outside the window, just so you know, V.)
(Holding onto Irisa's head, too.)
<Verdant> (So Irisa's half-in,half-out?)
(Probably really uncomfortable.)
Hal1999 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Callidora has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
(V? Buddy?)
Verdant leans out the window, placing a hand on Irisa's shoulder. He smiles at the remaining kidnapper, a predatory grin that calls the image of a cat playing with its prey to mind. The air is thick with malice. "Let. Go."
<Verdant> (Don't have enough rate on the staff to just beat the last guy anyhow)
There is a momentary pause, as the assassin and the rescuer lock eyes. There is no emotion in the attacker's gaze - it is cold as a reptile's.
With a sudden motion, he hurls something into Verdant's face.
<Verdant> (Dodge?)
(Ehhh - I'm gonna say it spreads out enough as it flies, and since you're leaning out a window... no. *grin*)
The agony of some horrible powder consumes the world of Verdant Waves.
<Verdant> (Awww...I was going to use Reed in the Wind)
(I know, I hate to punish you for going for being cool, but just let me have this one ninja-trick.)
<Verdant> (Yeah, ok. How bad is it?)
(If it hadn't been blinding powder, it woulda been a smoke bomb.)
Verdant can feel Irisa being pulled out the window, hear the sounds of more men on the rooftop.
<Verdant> (Burn a willpower to keep a hold of her shoulder?)
<Verdant> (Argument: reflexive tightening of his hand coupled with determination)
(I'll let you have it without the WP.)
Verdant roars in pain, his hand clamping down on Irisa's shoulder, blindly lashing out at the remembered location of the attacker's head with his staff, doggedly pulling on Irisa as he does so...
Verdant clings to his charge with a determination given only to the Sun-Blessed, but an unseen kick lands solidly in his chest, pushing him back into the hallway as Irisa is torn away... vanished into the cold, dark night.
(Don't worry, you'll get first dibs on the bastards - I promise.)
<Verdant> (Lemme follow up on that...)
Verdant growls, jumping upright, barreling towards the window....only to have the shutter slammed in his blinded face.
<Verdant> (Because I thought it'd be funny, at least from the outside looking in)
(Hee hee hee! Okay, I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not.)
(Call, now would be a dramatically-acceptable time for you to burst in.)
("What the hell happened here?")
Verdant staggers back, agony recompounded. "Callidora! Pyhrra! Where in Malfeas are you two!"
Blinking in pain, tears running uncontrollably, sight begins to return to Verdant - just blurry colors, at first, but this is a good sign.
(Oh, wait - he left, didn't he?)
(Son of a- ...)
<Verdant> (Who left?)
<Verdant> (Oh, right)
<Verdant> (Sorry, thought you were talking about ME for some wierd reason)
Verdant flails about blindly, murmuring. "More of em in here? Don't know." He tries to wipe his eyes on his sleeve, but to little effect.
A blur comes into view, down at the staircase-end of the hall. The innkeep's voice sounds out, "My gods! Wh- hu-..."
He staggers, then disappears back down the stairs.
<Verdant> "Got to see..."
<Verdant> "Got to see...something...anything..."
<Verdant> (AESS?)
(The place will be crowded with 'police' or the local equivalent soon. I dunno what you want to do.)
(Heh... sure. I'm game.)
Verdant shuts his eyes tightly, letting a quiet prayer to the Unconquered Sun that his eyes will recover soon, as he turns his focus to the world of Essence, seeing the pulses and flows of Creation's lifeblood around him.
<Verdant> "Check on the inkeep..."
Verdant moves towards the staircase, listening, sensing...
The hallway is hard to perceive, lacking much Essence of its own, but the snuffed essences of the corpses, at least, are visible enough to avoid tripping on them.
Verdant uses his staff as a cane, attempting to feel out what his Sight will not let him see...
With only the clomping of heavy boots on wooden stairs as warning, the stairway is filled with self-important men. They restrain Verdant, some pushing past him to survey the damage of the hallway.
Their questions come fast and inarticulately, several of them shouting at once. The inn is in an uproar, the innkeep fretting at everyone and everything.
Verdant silently thanks the Sun above that his Caste Mark isn't visible.
Someone tends to Verdant's eyes, which consists mostly of dabbing ineffectually with a wet cloth.
Verdant winces and grunts, but holds firm.
By the time his sight has returned, the constabulary has apparently settled on detaining Verdant until 'this matter can be examined in more detail.'
<Verdant> (How many of this "constabulary" are there?)
(You wanna take 'em?)
<Verdant> (Don't have a choice. Can't let them get any further away with Irisa, and SOMEONE has to get word to the others....)
(Gosh, I'd say at least seven. Armed with truncheons.)
<Verdant> (Ok, what's a truncheon?)
(Erm, like a nightstick. But meaner.)
(I had figured maybe one of the others could post bail for you... *grin*)
<Verdant> "How long will that take? My friend has been kidnapped..."
Constable: "Hurff, well, there are a lot of questions that have to be answered before we can let you go - for all we know, you were in cahoots with these kidnappers!"
Constable: "And you did kill several men with this-" he gestures to the staff in his hand, "thing."
<Verdant> "Well, when men in black clothing come after YOU with blades in the middle of the night, you do what you have to to see the sunrise."
The constable "huff"s and turns his back on Verdant to confer with a few of his fellow men.
Callidora (~MeiRen@ip68-4-105-191.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #komondorsrule
Verdant rubs his still-stinging eyes. "Great. Some bodyguard I turned out to be."
The man standing guard over Verdant's shoulder makes a point of ignoring Verdant's comment.

Aboard the Brilliance...

The smoke of the dissolved bodies fills the air around the Brilliance's masts. A few dutiful sailors clean up spilled blood, mopping in a kind of stupor.
There was a palpable sense of numbness after the battle aboard the Brilliance, the kind that asks 'what now?'
<Zeleny> The last of the corpses is ignited and vanishes to golden motes that seem to linger in the air for a long while. Zeleny calls the rest of the crew to the deck.
(Sorry, didn't mean to step on your toes. Take it away.)
<Zeleny> They are simple words, but sincere for all that, and eloquent in their sincerity. Then he doubles the watch, and sends those not on duty to gather whatever rest they can.
<Zeleny> (Argh. strike that.)
<Zeleny> As the shocked and silent crew is gathered, Zeleny speaks to them. He speaks of the dead first. They are simple words, but sincere for all that, and eloquent in their sincerity. When it comes to speak of the attack, his voice thickens with anger.
<Zeleny> "We have enemies. And these enemies, not content to battle us in the honest light of the day, have send their men forth in a cowardly attempt to destroy us as we sleep. But we are not destroyed," Zeleny's voice becomes loud with his rage and his passion, "and we *will notbe destroyed. We will have vengeance for our fallen, and strike these slavers and murderers from the Earth. In the deeds we create in our friends' names...they will live forever."Zeleny bows his head for a moment. Then he orders watch doubled and the ship moored away from shore. They would come and go on smallboats now. As their tasks are finished, he sends them to gather what rest they may.
(Very nice.)
<Zeleny> When these tasks are finally finished, Zeleny, along with Monk, Niehan, and a couple others known for their guile more than their strength, take a smallboat back to Hoark port.
<Zeleny> To Monk and Niehan, he assigns the task of information; for himself, he would pursue a similar course...and check on the well-beng of his fellow-Solars still ashore.
The crewmen silently nod their assent. No one feels much like talking on the boat ride over.
<Zeleny> (Dammit, what happened to Robin's bank of merry men? Laugh, damn you! Laugh! Amuse your Solar master!)
Zeleny is equally silent- staring out across sea, wondering where his enemies lurked...and where he could go to crush the life from them.
(Ha ha ha!)
<Zeleny> As they arrive ashore, Zeleny nods farewell to his brave men. "Discover what you can. But be cautious."
<Zeleny> His anima has died by this time, and the captain joins the shadows as he fades away to find the inn at which his comrades rested.
The inn is abuzz - all the lights are on, which is most unusual for this late hour, and the sound of many men can be heard from inside.
Someone taps Zeleny on his shoulder.
<Zeleny> He turns.
Callidora (~MeiRen@ip68-4-105-191.oc.oc.cox.net) has joined #exalted1220
Pyhrra: "Whoa, Cap, what happened to you? You look like the hells."
She grins lopsidedly, head tilted to one side.
<Zeleny> Indeed, he is tacky with drying blood. "Assassins attacked." In the darkness, his bared teeth shine white. "Slaughtered several of my crew."
(Call, care to jump in? You can be with Pyhrra, just meeting Zel, outside the Barking Dog, which is abuzz with activity at ~3 a.m.)
<Zeleny> "And by the sound of it...the same may have happened to the others here."
Pyhrra: "Wow. Er... sorry."
Pyhrra: "Well, what are we waiting for? Nothing getting done with us out here."
The blonde-haired warrior strides across the street towards the light pouring out of the inn.
Zeleny follows her into the inn.
Verdant is seated at one of the dining room's tables, a broad-shouldered man standing guard over him.
There are several other men, all in uniform, standing around trying to look like they're conducting a criminal investigation.
The innkeep putters around uselessly, wringing his hands.
Verdant is grumbling and rubbing his eyes.
Zeleny is sticky with dried blood. He strides over to where Verdant sits. "What happened here?" he asks, cool and authoritative again.
Pyhrra lets out a low whistle. "Geez... heck of a night for me to miss."
Verdant blinks and looks at the captain. "Same thing that happened to you, I suspect." He turns the Pyhrra. "And where in blazes were you?"
The uniformed men try to hustle Zeleny and Pyhrra out the door before they can ask Verdant any more questions - and they seem especially adamant that no one is to go upstairs.
Pyhrra forcibly brushes off the hands trying to herd her out.
Zeleny ignores these pitiful attempts to get rid of him.
<Zeleny> Instead, he turns to the magistrate who seems to be in charge. "What do you intend to do?"
Verdant half smiles as the constabulary attempt to remove two Solars, both more adept in combat than he. Oh yeah, THAT's gonna work.
Puffing himself up importantly, the magistrate begins to explain Hoark's apparently byzantine legal system, which seems designed solely to allow magistrates such as himself to do as they please.
They intend to hold Verdant Waves for an indefinite period of time, for ill-defined crimes based on insufficient evidence.
<Zeleny> "I see. Well, as my friend is obviously the victim in this case, holding him here is patently ridiculous. What avenues will you explore in your investigation?"
Zeleny 's tone does not permit argument.
Constable: "Hurff! Now see here - I will not have you barging in here and calling my investigation 'ridiculous.' Who the blazes are you?"
Constable: "In fact, never mind. Men, get him out of here. Both of them."
<Zeleny> "I am Captain Zeleny. The rest of you-" he glares at the surrounding coppers- "will do no such foolish thing."
<Verdant> "Zel, we don't have time. Irisa's been taken."
<Zeleny> As the magistrate's men hesitate, Zeleny seems to disregard them. "You will realize that my friend had nothing to do with this, and so, will release him with your fervent apologies, and be grateful for the opportunity. " Zeleny's eyes, staring into the magistrate's, are level, but that worthy keeper of the peace cannot help but notice the gore that sticks to his clothing, or the utter indifference with which he regards the guardsmen.
Zeleny 's eyes widen. "She was the target? Then-" he stops, frowning. "There is no time for you," he says, dismissing the magistrate utterly.
<Zeleny> He turns to Verdant. "What happened?"
<Verdant> "Five assailants. Four are no longer in any condition to talk, fifth one threw something in my eyes, couldn't see, dragged Irisa out the window, more on the roof. By the time I could see again they'd showed up," he says, nodding at the cops.
<Zeleny> "Irisa's enemies."
Zeleny stops for a moment.
<Zeleny> "We should talk to her friend."
Pyhrra: "Can we find it again without her help?"
<Verdant> "I know where we went."
<Zeleny> "Then lets go."
<Zeleny> He gives the magistrate a brusque nod of farewell, and strides out the door.
Pyhrra: "Right on. See you later, boys." She gave a parting wink to the stunned enforcers, who decided to pretend the whole thing had never happened.
Verdant stands up, takes his staff and leaves.
Later, after knocking on the door to Vorn's place of business...
Pyhrra: "No answer."
Pyhrra: "It was kind of a long shot, coming here this late..."
Zeleny forces the door open.
Pyhrra: "Uh..."
The waiting room is dark, but a little bit of light leaks under the door to Vorn's inner sanctum.
<Zeleny> "I'm not in a mood to wait," he replies calmly as he walks through the shattered remnants.
Zeleny opens the door to the Vorn's room. He doesn't knock first.
Vorn stands just short of the door, as if he was just about to open it before Zeleny came in. A long, thin sword is held in one hand.
<Zeleny> "We wish to discuss Irisa." He ignores the sword.
Vorn looks like he has been under a great deal of stress. His normally immaculate hair is rumpled, and his eyes are sunken and red.
<Zeleny> "May we come in?"
Vorn: "Of course. Please..." He gestures to the seats in front of his desk.
As he strides to take his seat, he places the sword gingerly against the wall next to him.
Zeleny enters the room, and politely waits for Pyhrra to sit before he does.
Vorn: "I just word of what has happened. I'm glad you thought to come here."
("Just RECEIVED word...")
Vorn: "Please excuse my... appearance, and the sword... this is a trying time, for all of us."
Just noticing Zeleny's blood-soaked apparel, concern crosses his face. "Captain, are you injured?"
<Zeleny> "Only superficially."
<Zeleny> He seems to realize something, and glances with sudden concern at Verdant.
Vorn looks to Verdant, whose face still bears a painful-looking discoloration from the blinding powder. "Yourself, sir?"
<Verdant> "I'll heal."
Vorn nods. "I defer to your judgement. Please, what can you tell me of the kidnapping?"
Vorn: "All I know is that the men I assigned to watch over your place of rest were killed, and that Irisa was the attackers' target."
<Zeleny> (Judge's Ear technique)
Vorn: "I'm sorry about the constabulary, by the way. They are largely in the pocket of the Guild in this town, but I can assure you that I would not have allowed you to languish in their grasp for long."
<Zeleny> "Tell me. Does the Black Snake Brotherhood command cultists? These men were fanatics."
Vorn looks concerned. "The assassins of the Black Snakes are among the finest in the West. Very little is known about them, but from what the rumors say, "fanatic" would be an apt description."
<Zeleny> "I see." Zeleny glances at Verdant. "What was your impression of them?"
<Verdant> "Emotionless. I killed four in less than ten seconds, and the fifth was unmoved."
Vorn: "If they were truly of the Black Snakes, the assassins would have had snake tattoos around their ankles and wrists. Did you happen to see...?"
<Zeleny> "Young, as well. For an assassin. They must recruit children...."
Verdant shakes his head. "They all had black robes on. I didn't get a chance to examine the bodies."
Zeleny bit as least one person's wrist. And he had burned innumerable bodies. He tries to think if he remembered any tattoos..
(Their costumes were full-body. Unless an ankle or wrist was exposed in the process of slaying them...)
Zeleny shakes his head. "I didn't see any tatoos. Precious little flesh, for that matter.. And I have already disposed of the bodies aboard my ship. Perhaps the inn...?"
Yes, there had been a flash of a snake-tattoo on the wrist that Zeleny bit into. He remembers quite clearly the tiny black snake head that had stared back at him, almost accusingly.
(RETCON. Sorry, didn't want to have to send you back into the inn to check bodies when you could be frying bigger fish.)
<Zeleny> "Wait. Yes. When I bit that man's wrist- there was a black snakehead..."
Vorn shudders. "Then you are lucky to have survived."
He pauses for a moment. "You killed four? In less than ten seconds?"
Verdant thinks a moment, hands idly moving back and forth as he speaks softly, "Head, gut, floorboard to the groin, chest, head to the windowsill..."
<Verdant> "Yes."
(Ha ha ha!)
<Zeleny> "Do you know of any members of the Brotherhood? One who could perhaps be -persuaded - to tell what he knows?" Zeleny asks, as Vorn recovers from his stupefaction.
Vorn turns to Zeleny, eyes the blood covering the man. "Did... did you kill any of Irisa's kidnappers?"
<Zeleny> "No."
<Zeleny> The assassins on the Brilliance hadn't kidnapped anyone...
<Zeleny> "Members of the Brotherhood," Zeleny reminds the man patiently.
Vorn nods slowly, then seems to consider. "There are men whom everyone -expects- to be Black Snakes. There is no way to know for sure, however - only the assassins wear the marks of the snake."
<Zeleny> "Who?"
Vorn: "You are contemplating suicide, friend."
<Zeleny> "Perhaps. Who?" Zeleny would not soon forget Lane, or any of the others.
Vorn squirms uncomfortably. "You have to understand..."
Vorn: "I care for Irisa terribly, as a dear friend. But to even be remotely associated with someone who challenges the Snakes so openly as you propose..."
<Zeleny> "We will leave you be. But give us a name!" Zeleny voice raises, becomes a shout.
Vorn's voice breaks. "They will tear my name from your skulls before they kill you! Then everyone - my family, my friends, everything I have built - they'll destroy it all! You risk bringing down the fury of a tempest on us all!"
He sobs, lays his head on his arms. "...I can't risk everything on a fool's errand..."
Zeleny 's voice becomes soft, dangerous. He looks at Vorn without kindness. "No. We will not fall before them. If they are so vile...so monsterous..then we will end their evil utterly."
<Zeleny> There is nothing but certainty in him.
Vorn is in tears now. He cannot stand before the will of a Resplendent Sun.
Vorn: "Lao the Gilded. Lao is who you seek."
Zeleny closes his eyes in brief triumph. He rises from his chair, crosses the distance to where Vorn weeps at his desk. He touches the man lightly on shoulder, almost in benediction, and then he leaves the room.
Pyhrra stands, looking pityingly on the frail man, collapsed on his desk.
<Verdant> "Thanks. Too bad I never saw you before in my life." And with that, Verdant walks out the door.
Pyhrra says a small good-luck prayer for Vorn, closing the door gently on her way out.
<Verdant> "Incidentally, I wouldn't advise trying to negotiate with these lunatics. Pausing for intimidation instead of killing him outright gave my opponent the chance to do this."
Verdant gestures to the still discolored section of his face.
Zeleny chuckles grimly. "I don't plan to. Our first step, I think...should be information."
<Verdant> "Isn't that what we just did?"
<Verdant> "Or do you mean more legwork on this 'Lao'?"
<Zeleny> "Legwork."
Zeleny doesn't pronounce the word as if he would enjoy it. "We must know his dwelling-place...his protection....."
Verdant rumbles. "Old wounds that can be aggravated..."
<Zeleny> "We should rendevoeus with the men I have ashore here....they can help...."
Verdant nods.
<Zeleny> "I've arranged the meet them at the Lucky Dog tavern....I'm told it's open all night...." Zeleny leads Verdant and Pyhrra to this dive..
(Lucky Dog? We'll say it's the seedy version of the Barking Dog.)
Niehan is waiting, two of his men seated at his table with him, as well as three jovial strangers.
Verdant looks unimpressed by the tavern. "Quite an...atmosphere..." he says dryly.
The strangers appear to have been well-plied with drink, but the crewmen are more than sober as their captain approaches.
Zeleny nods to them, and with a surprising facility for acting, collapses on a nearby bench in a drunken haze.
Taking their cue, the men return to their 'friendly bar-goer' facades.
Pyhrra looks at Verdant with an expression that says "what are we supposed to make of this?"
Zeleny listens as his men ruthlessly interrogate the boozed-out strangers, and then gets rid of them. All while seeming to be a drunk, friendly gossip. Overall, Zeleny is impressed.
Once they can safely drop character, Niehan nods to the Captain.
Verdant looks at Pyhrra with an expression that says "I'm too tired to care," and sits down near Zeleny, leans back closes his aching eyes.
Niehan: "Sir."
Zeleny nods back. "Learned anything of interest?"
Pyhrra shrugs, pulls up a chair, and orders a mug of ale.
Niehan leans in a little closer. "Well, Cap'n, from th' looks of thin's, you had the more excitin' evenin'."
<Zeleny> "Likely so. Ever hear the name 'Lao the Guilded'?"
Niehan scratches his stubbly chin. "Hrnn... boys?"
Boor shakes his head. Carp looks thoughtful, though.
Carp: "Huh. Lao... yeah, he's a bigwig around here, what I hear."
<Zeleny> "Know something?"
Carp gestures at the tavern. "Doesn't really run in these circles, y'know? But some of the sailors like to gossip about the really decadent merchants around here."
<Zeleny> "What do they say?"
Carp: "Yeah, I think he's famous for throwing really wild parties. Rich people come from all over, supposedly really crazy-lavish."
Carp seems reluctant to elaborate.
<Zeleny> "Do they. Where is he supposed to live?"
Carp: "Uhh... dunno sir. Sorry. I think I heard he was a major player in the Thrice-Blessed Gift merchant company, though."
Boor: "Oh yeah, I met some guys worked fer them."
<Zeleny> "Oh?"
Boor seems embarassed to be talking directly to his captain. "Yeh... run a big operation offa one of Hoark's little islets, over on the eastern side."
<Zeleny> "Ahhh....Some kind of trade outpost?"
Boor shrugs self-consciously. "I guess so. Lot of people, goods move through there."
Niehan: "Eh, sir... I'm pretty sure these Thrice-Blessed bastards are big into the slave-trade."
<Zeleny> "Do they." Zeleny's eyes narrow into slits. "Then that is where we will strike."
Pyhrra looks a little uncomfortable. "So, you'll be tracking down Irisa AND hurting the slavers. Sounds pretty sweet, 'Cap'n'"
<Zeleny> "Yes," he breathes. "It does."
<Zeleny> "We will wipe them and their works from the face of Creation."
The ex-pirates raise their glasses in toast. "Hear, hear!"
Pyhrra joins in with the cheering, but hesitantly...
Zeleny turns to Verdant and Pyhrra. "Let's go back to the ship. This will require...planning...."
...and the men and women of Hoark continued on the paths laid out for them by Fate, unaware that forces they could not comprehend conspired that very evening to tilt the balance of their world, and change their lives forever...