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==== Natural Weapons ⋙ Lunar Claws ====
==== Natural Weapons ⋙ Lunar Claws ====
*Arsenal of Flesh Method (Bare [[HandedSlipNine/WrynnDiermidis/Footed]])
*Arsenal of Flesh Method (Bare [[HandedSlipNine/Footed]])
*Mastery of the Silver Armory (Savage Silver Talons)
*Mastery of the Silver Armory (Savage Silver Talons)
*Mastery of the Silver Armory (Thrice-Sharp Lunar Edge)
*Mastery of the Silver Armory (Thrice-Sharp Lunar Edge)

Latest revision as of 02:09, 9 June 2010

Wrynn Diermidis

Name: Wrynn Diermidis
♂ Alias: Wren
♀ Alias: Ran
Concept: Professional Cat Burglar and Showoff
Nature: Thrillseeker
Caste: Waning Moon (Snow Leopard)
Tell: Feline gait, posture, body language and tail.



Wrynn Diermidis is fair, dashing, agile, skilled in the roguely arts and entirely undecided on the subject of gender preference— that is: not which gender Wrynn likes (they're both good), but simply which one he (or she) belongs to. This is fine really, you could even call it a selling point: a physical identity as liquid as moonsilver. Wrynn slips from one stolen identity to the next without pause or hesitation and performs their parts with a subtlety and ease of one born to it and a personality mischievous enough to make light of it.

Taking then into account that ability plus some not inconsiderable skill in stealth and the larcenic arts and it isn't surprising Wrynn has something of a supernatural reputation. Rumors claim there is nothing he cannot aquire— for a price. Of course, reputations cut both ways— he may enjoy the prestige of being one of the finest thieves in the direction now but— well, lets just say even he would be impressed if he knew the kinds of people who knew his name.

Impressed and maybe a little bit scared.

You'd think that such a professional thief would be stoic and... well... professional— and he can be. Emphasis on can. No ammount of feigned dignity will help when you conduct business meetings in the guise of a snow-white kitten— and no ammount of phsyical awe of a Leopard the size of a wagon will offset a playful eagerness for a good petting. You'd think all that might hurt his reputation but— he's worth it. In fact he puts a lot of effort into being known to be worth it specifically so he can get away with those kinds of things. Why else would he do it?

Wrynn is something of a patron saint of Thieves— he represents the entire lifestyle and has begged, stolen, wheedled, cajoled and been involved in every vaguely illegal activity under the sun (or moon) pretty much ever since he could walk; even the ones not generally associated with someone sporting a male pronoun—

—If indeed that's what Wrynn had back then anyway. He (or she) isn't telling.

It's more fun that way.

Considering the breadth and variety in his childhood, it's easy to figure that Wrynn wasn't alone in his youth. No child could think up— much less actually get involved in— so many crazy, bizzare or just plain creepy schemes and rackets. No, you need an eccentric mentor for that: and eccentric mentors was a resource the organization had in abundance. Actually, there was only one mentor period, but it seemed like abundance, really. Any more than that, Wrynn won't tell. Considering again the... breadth and variety of his childhood again, that's understandable— though evidently it's actually more a simple matter of having been sworn to secrecy than actual embarassment. In fact, if you ask he's quite happy to talk about what he's done and with significantly more candor than you'd expect from anyone above the age of five so really, it's best you don't.

Regardless of the exact details though, it can be assumed Wrynn's had a lifetime experience in the field of... well, all of them really. At least, all the illegal ones. He knows what it's like to claw his way up from the very bottom of what creation has to offer and as they say: empathy breeds civility. Wrynn has a stronger set of morals than most men on the proper side of the law, though that isn't saying much. Still, it's something he's proud of. Abuse and exploitation of the weak and poor are things he will not abide, and though no bulwark or blockade can forestall his entrance, he will not kill at anothers' behest.

Make no mistake though, Wrynn steals from good and honest men and kills for no reason more than a convenient shape to wear. He may respect the destitute but has no problem putting a struggling merchant into the red for years to come. As for killing... that is more complicated. Creation is a dangerous place— this is fact and Wrynn does not begrudge the necessity for some people to be dealt with in manners most permanent and duly painful. What he will not support is Assassinry. Death is personal. Death must be personal, or there is no accountability. This alone is unnegotiable. Any attempt to manipulate Wrynn into a situation where he becomes another's assassin is—

—actually just fine, really. That's life and that's death. Second-guessing every cause and effect is impossible and pointless besides. Hell, if someone can craft such a situation as to make it happen good for them. That's more work than he puts into it and they have his respect— which is worth quite a bit more than most can pay, really— and not for lack of trying either. You have no idea how annoying it is when the professional thief you just bought the services of refuses to stop shedding on your new suit.


Ignoring of course the thousand and one shapes he takes on the job or just for fun, Wrynn's appearance varies more than you'd usually expect from something called a 'true form.' Generally speaking though, Wrynn appears snow-skinned, pampered and pert-featured with emerald eyes and liquid hair more red than gold and damn near long as he or she is tall.

Wrynn's male true form is of average height, though lanky enough to seem tall and posessing a wiry strength belied by smooth flexibility. Sharp featured and handsome— perhaps in his early twenties— he keeps his hair pulled loosely back into a ponytail laced with black ribbon. Rakish rather than rough and designed to stand out, Wrynn has a presence and bearing to match. Usually. Sort of. If he tries anyway. It doesn't happen often, so watch closely.

Her female True Form on the other hand appears a several years younger and is— well, less lanky. Just as the male form, she appears to have been wrought from whole cloth only to please, and well... she certainly is pleasing. Thin and lissom with soft volume substantiated by athletic muscle. Where the male is presence and bearing, she is passion and fierce beauty— which means of course if you were paying attention, that it's a state both perfectly suited and rarely achieved— ooh, hey is that a ball of string?

If you think we're done you don't know Lunars. Wrynn's neut form is... Well... perhaps the most accurate one. Where the male and female are young adults, the neut is anything but. Perhaps ten years old at most, s/he is just the cutest little thing you ever saw holding blades the size of its forearms. The neut is typically mistaken for a little girl because frankly— nothing else desevers to be so damn cute. Of course, the skirts and lace might be helping that perception a bit too.


	Physical			Social				Mental
■ Dexterity	●●●●◆◆	■ Stamina	●●●○○	□ Strength	●●●○○	
■ Manipulation	●●●●●	■ Appearance	●●●●▲	□ Charisma	●●●○○	
■ Wits		●●●●▲	■ Perception	●●●○○	□ Intelligence	●●○○○	


	War				Life				Wisdom
□ Archery	○○○○○	□ Craft		○○○○○	□ Bureaucracy	○○○○○	
□ Athletics	●●●○○	□ Larceny	●●●◆◆	□ Investigation	●●●○○	
□ Awareness	●●●○○	□ Linguistics	○○○○○	□ Lore		●○○○○	
□ Brawl	○○○○○	□ Performance	●●●○○	□ Medicine	○○○○○	
□ Dodge	●●●○○	□ Presence	●●●○○	□ Occult	○○○○○	
□ Endurance	○○○○○	□ Ride		○○○○○			
□ Martial Arts	●●●○○	□ Sail		○○○○○		Specialties	
□ Melee	○○○○○	□ Socialize	○○○○○			
□ Resistance	○○○○○	□ Stealth	●●●○○	□ 		○○○	
□ Thrown	○○○○○	□ Survival	●●○○○	□ 		○○○	
	■ Favored			◆ Bonus Point			▲ Experience



  • Artifact ◆◆
    • Augmenting the Augustine Armory
    • Hearthstone Amuley
  • Manse ◆◆◆
    • Stone of Startling Reorientation
  • Totem ●●●◆
    • Leopard
  • Blood Library ●●●
  • Contacts ●
  • Resources ●●●


  • Double Jointed ◆◆
  • Legendary Dexterity ◆◆◆


  • Enemy [][]
    • Investigator with a Grudge
  • Known Anathema [][][]
  • Wanted [][][]
    • For Theft, Disturbing the Peace and Wanton Acts of Pie
  • Background [][][][][]


Totem ⋙ The Base

  • Harmony with the Inner Beast

Shapeshifting ⋙ Transformation

  • Shaping the Ideal Form
    • Many-Faced Moon Transformation

Physical Enhancement ⋙ Enhancement

  • Silver-Soul's Appearance
    • Shifting Might Meditation

Close Combat ⋙ Moonsilver

  • Surprising Moonsilver Deformation

Natural Weapons ⋙ Lunar Claws

  • Arsenal of Flesh Method (Bare HandedSlipNine/Footed)
  • Mastery of the Silver Armory (Savage Silver Talons)
  • Mastery of the Silver Armory (Thrice-Sharp Lunar Edge)

Defense ⋙ Dodge

  • Bowing Reed Method

Perception ⋙ Languages

  • Animal Speech Method

Misdirection ⋙ Masking

  • Hide of the Cunning Hunter

Misdirection ⋙ Stealth

  • Stealthy Fox Method (2m+)
    • Chameleon Skin Disguise
    • Object Concealing Method

War ⋙ Social Force

  • Mind-Blanking Cute and/or Sexy Technique


Fugue of the Scarlet Dance (Natural Weapon)

Speed		●●
Accuracy	●●●
Damage		●●●●L
Rate		●●●
Special	Piercing

Heroic Damage

They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach— but for Wrynn that's just a pointless detour: she just goes straight through the ribcage. Evidenced by curls of quicksilver essence, wounds from Fugue of the Scarlet Dance are nicks and scratches exponentiated and given a life of their own. Few weapons can match its exact ratio of delicacy and mess— a single finger cutting filligree like a scalpel or a blow at full force blossoming into layers like a peeled onion. It is an experience few wish to relive, and those who do are freakyweird Lunars anyway so they hardly count.

Stone of Startling Reorientation (Lunar Hearthstone ●●●) by Ikselam

Trigger: Concentration (Reflexive).

This stone appears as a perfect sphere, divided into a silver half and a dark gray half. No matter how it is held, the gray portion always faces down. When attuned, it allows the wearer to briefly reorient gravity with respect to himself. He can fall horizontally, upward, or any other straight-line direction he desires. This power may be activated once per turn as a reflexive action, and lasts until the same initiative count on the following turn.

The altered gravity does not affect anything but the user and his personal effects. Note that activating this power does not immediately kill the character's previous velocity; if he is falling off a cliff, he had better start falling upward not too long after the halfway point if he wants to avoid damage. Likewise, falling in a direction other than down still has the potential to inflict damage if the character hits something, so it is advisable to have a nearby landing spot in mind when activating this power.

Augmenting the Augustine Armory (Moonsilver Reinforced Buff Jacket ●●)

This artifact appears as a silver choker with a single hearthstone setting in the center. When worn and attuned, the wearer's clothing— whatever it may be— slowly 'grows' armor. The process takes half as long as the wearer would normally spend donning armor she is familiar with. The armor produced by this artifact is as per Augmenting the Augustine Armory's statistics as a Moonsilver Reinforced Buff Jacket whose appearance varies according to the style of clothing: a fine court dress may produce ornate and obvious articulated silver plates in matching style while a nondescript cloak would more likely be lined on the inside with similarly nondescript chain and leather. Augmenting the Augustine Armory's statistics are always the same no matter the type of armor 'grown'.

Augmenting the Augustine Armory's wearer may supress the armor-growth effect when she dresses if desired and may remove such suspension at any time without redressing‑ still waiting the required ammount of time for her clothing to grow armor unless 3 motes are spent to speed the process (in which case it is instant). This cost may be paid while the character is nude (such as while in a totem form) to produce armor as normal, and is the only way to produce armor in such a situation. Such armor is similar to that produced by clothed characters, save its appearance is instead determined by the charcter's personality and essence, rather than clothing. This type of armor varies, being sometimes subdermal, carapacine, or appearing as regular clothing. Again, regardless of form, Augmenting the Augustine Armory produces the same protection.

When the armor produced by Augmenting the Augustine Armory is removed it is rendered nonmagical and will dissolve into into liquid moonlight over the next lunar day. Augmenting the Augustine Armory provides no method for dismissal of armor— it must be removed by hand and may usually be removed without disrobing though no guarantees are made‑ especially in the case of disguised armors.

Augmenting the Augustine Armory provides one Hearthstone Sockets on the center of the choker.

Ribbon of Luna’s Cleansing Light ●

This takes the form of a black silk ribbon with fine moonsilver trim and detailing. Keeps the wearer clean, provides ●● to resistance rolls vs. poison and disease and ● to stealth.


Limit		○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Essence	● ● ●
Personal	17 		-0
Peripheral	42	9	-0
Committed		^

Willpower	●●●●● ●●○○○
		■■■■■ ■■
Compassion	●●●◆○
Temperance	●●○○○
Conviction	●●●○○
Valor		●▲○○○
True Form	●●●●●●●●
Other Form	●●●●●●●●●●
Natural Soak	1L	3B
Armor		7L	10B
Health Levels (7)
-0	□
-1	□□
-2	□□
-4	□
Inc.	□
Dying	□

57/100 Experience Spent

3	Valor ●●
12	Wits ●●●●●
10	Object Concealing Method
12	Appearance ●●●●●
10	Silver-Soul's Appearance
10	Mind-Blanking Cute and/or Sexy Technique