Difference between revisions of "Miedvied/LPackCharms"

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Line 81: Line 81:
Multiple uses of this charm (if activated by various pack members) are<br>
Multiple uses of this charm (if activated by various pack members) are<br>
cumulative, but the total is still capped at the lowest [[EssenceMiedvied/LPackCharms/Dex]] (if the<br>
cumulative, but the total is still capped at the lowest [[EssenceMiedvied/Dex]] (if the<br>
lowest [[EssMiedvied/LPackCharms/Dex]] score in the pack is 2, then one pack member may <br>
lowest [[EssMiedvied/Dex]] score in the pack is 2, then one pack member may <br>
activate this charm for 2 dice, or two pack members can activate it for<br>
activate this charm for 2 dice, or two pack members can activate it for<br>
one die each - but if they both activate it for two dice, then the total bonus<br>
one die each - but if they both activate it for two dice, then the total bonus<br>
Line 103: Line 103:
Multiple uses of this charm (if activated by various pack members) are<br>
Multiple uses of this charm (if activated by various pack members) are<br>
cumulative, but the total is still capped at the lowest [[EssenceMiedvied/LPackCharms/Dex]] (if the<br>
cumulative, but the total is still capped at the lowest [[EssenceMiedvied/Dex]] (if the<br>
lowest [[EssMiedvied/LPackCharms/Dex]] score in the pack is 2, then one pack member may <br>
lowest [[EssMiedvied/Dex]] score in the pack is 2, then one pack member may <br>
activate this charm for 2 dice, or two pack members can activate it for<br>
activate this charm for 2 dice, or two pack members can activate it for<br>
one die each - but if they both activate it for two dice, then the total bonus<br>
one die each - but if they both activate it for two dice, then the total bonus<br>

Latest revision as of 23:59, 8 June 2010

Lunar Pack Tactics Charms

Pillar of the Wyld Pack
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Simple
Minimum Wits: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Brotherhood of Lake and River

A Lunar pack is a fearsome thing, for every Lunar can call upon the
strength of his packmates to increase his own might. However, every
group has a central pilllar; a Lunar who wishes to become the supporting
strength of his pack often learns charms such as this.

Once learned, all Charms activated to give bonuses to one's packmates
have their Essence cost reduced by the Pillar's Permanent Essence,
though not to be reduced below 1.

This charm may be bought a number of times equal to the Lunar's
Permanent Essence (giving an additional essence break of the Pillar's
Permanent Essence each time; a Lunar that buys this charm 3
times will reduce the cost of charms affecting his pack by 3 times his
P.E., not to be reduced below 1.)

Fallen Brother's Avenger
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Simple
Minimum Wits: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Pillar of the Wyld Pack

For a Lunar as intimately tied to his packmates as the Pillar, the loss of
a packmate is an unbearable pain - one searing to the soul and shattering
to the psyche. There is nothing that can soothe this loss, but one thing
allows it to be coped with - vicious and merciless vengeance.

If a packmate is wounded while fighting in the Pillar's presence, the Pillar
gains a dice bonus equal to the packmate's wound penalty. If the packmate
is incapacitated (with bashing damage), the wound penalty is considered -5. If
the packmate dies, the Lunar gets +2 to all physical attributes, four -1 health
levels, and four -2 health levels until the next moon (of the Lunar's caste) or
until the packmate is avenged, whichever comes first (but no less than one
scene.) Multiple fallen packmates cause these effects to become cumulative.

If the bonuses of this charm fade before the packmate is avenged, the Lunar
permanently loses one willpower.

Summoning the Wyld Frenzy
Cost: 2 motes, +2/wolf-sibling
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Blood-Singing Instincts, and
either Sinuous Striking Grace or Striking Mospid Method

Upon activation, the Lunar pays 3 motes, plus 2 for every packmate. For
the remainder of the scene (this essence is committed), all packmates
gain the charm activator's Permanent Essence as a bonus to their initiative scores.

The charm user himself does not gain this bonus unless he spends an
additional 2 motes (above and beyond the 2 motes +2/sibling activation cost.)

Call of Blood and Terror
Cost: 2 motes/die, +2m/pack member
Duration:One turn
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms:Blood-Singing Instincts, and
either Sensing the Deadly Flow or Tyrant Lizard Strike

Once activated, every pack member gains an additional die on all attacks
made for the remainder of the turn. Bonus dice are capped at the lowest
Permanent Essence or lowest Dexterity in the pack, whichever is lower -
however, these bonus dice do not count towards the usual dice bonus cap
of Dexterity; these dice are in addition to any other bonus dice.

Multiple uses of this charm (if activated by various pack members) are
cumulative, but the total is still capped at the lowest EssenceMiedvied/Dex (if the
lowest EssMiedvied/Dex score in the pack is 2, then one pack member may
activate this charm for 2 dice, or two pack members can activate it for
one die each - but if they both activate it for two dice, then the total bonus
to the pack is still only 2 dice.)

Ravenous Flurry
Cost: 3 motes/die, +2m/pack member
Duration:One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Call of Blood and Terror

This charm grants a bonus die to all attacks made by all pack members
for the remainder of the scene. Bonus dice are capped at the lowest
Permanent Essence or lowest Dexterity in the pack, whichever is higher.
However, these bonus dice do not count towards the usual dice bonus cap
of Dexterity; these dice are in addition to any other bonus dice.

Multiple uses of this charm (if activated by various pack members) are
cumulative, but the total is still capped at the lowest EssenceMiedvied/Dex (if the
lowest EssMiedvied/Dex score in the pack is 2, then one pack member may
activate this charm for 2 dice, or two pack members can activate it for
one die each - but if they both activate it for two dice, then the total bonus
to the pack is still only 2 dice.)

Siege-Shattering Summons
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One round
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms:Unspeaking Aura of Dread

The Lunar lets out a fierce battle cry, summoning to him all
opponents within hearing distance - all opponents must immediately
roll Willpower against a difficulty of the Lunar's Charisma. Those that
succeed are at +1 difficulty to all actions for the remainder of the
round; those that fail must focus on attacking the Lunar for that round (or,
if they are not in attacking range, must focus on reaching him.) They
cannot attack anyone else or take any other actions that round; they may
dodge attacks (so long as they still devote an action towards approaching
the Lunar in the most expedient manner available to them), but do so at +1

One-Man Legion
Cost: None
Type: Simple
Minimum Wits: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Brotherhood of Lake and River

When in any concerted action with one's packmates (this may be battle; it may
also be a group attempt at persuading a single diplomat, or what have you) the
pack may create a "success pool." Whenever a packmate attempts an action
in an attempt at achieving the group goal, he may set aside some of his successes
into a communal pool. Other packmates (who must also have this charm) may
draw upon these successes themselves; this may be useful for gathering up a
huge amount of successes, but as the total amount of successes remain the
same regardless, it is most useful in protecting packmates from botches and
failures, by allowing them to grab at a success here and there.

The success pool may never be greater than the sum of all of the packmate's
Wits scores, and a packmember may never contribute or withdraw more
successes in a single round than his Wits score.

More than one success pool may be created, but successes are not transferrable
between different types of actions - there may be a Damage Success Pool and an
Attack Roll Success Pool, but successes from the Damage pool can not be used
to aid in Attack rolls, and vice versa.

Pools may only be created for immediate goals - convincing this diplomat, defeating
that foe, etc. - they may not be stored for goals as nebulous and far-reaching as
"toppling the Imperial Dynasty."