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Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He's got the Motes to do the butterfly spell or flare up, but seeing the cav break might help forment a revolt among the other troops. )
Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He's got the Motes to do the butterfly spell or flare up, but seeing the cav break might help forment a revolt among the other troops. )
Apollonian . o O ( Ah, this would probably be a good time to mention -- I'm using the optional [[DawnJesseLowe/PirateMonkeySession12/Dusk]] Anima power -- same as the standard one, but mortals are at a -2 if they succeed on a Valor check, and flee if they fail. )
Apollonian . o O ( Ah, this would probably be a good time to mention -- I'm using the optional Dawn/Dusk Anima power -- same as the standard one, but mortals are at a -2 if they succeed on a Valor check, and flee if they fail. )
Apollonian . o O ( Naturally, the same applies to the Zenith Anima power. )
Apollonian . o O ( Naturally, the same applies to the Zenith Anima power. )

Latest revision as of 01:16, 6 April 2010

Dark clouds roll in from the east and south on a high storm wind as the Captain and company make their way down to Celeren's gates. Monkey bears the body of the fallen Abyssal, and two fangs of Seventh Legion troopers accompany them, drawn by the Captain's command aura. While they're waiting for the gate to be opened for them, an officer runs up in a huff. "The Chumyo has sent me to observe, sir," he says to the Captain. The gate opens, and the group marches out into the no-man's-land, wards and banners whipping in the rising wind. The late afternoon sun throws the long shadow of Celeren's walls across the waiting army of the Mask of Winters, and you can smell a charnel stench from their camp.

Apollonian . o O ( Captain, take it away. )

Captain Kaizoku whispers to Monkey as they walk, his anima burning like a torch "All eyes will be on me Monkey... as soon as they start paying attention, go make a little mischef over there. Surprise me." He nods slightly in the direction of the Scholar's tent, but says nothing more. "YOU!" his voice booms out over the no-man's land. "Your craven plan has turned to dust!" He takes the body of the Deathknight and holds it high by the neck until there is some reaction.

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Sorry to break character here.

TonyC [to jetman]: David, what exactly do you want me to do?

jetman [to TonyC]: The captain had in mind for Monkey to go do something destructive and disruptive in the camp. He was thinking of the mage tent, since that weighs on his mind, but didn't specify, so Monkey is free to go steal the Warstrider, as that's what'll catch his attention.

TonyC [to jetman]: Do you realize that you are ordering Monkey to commit suicide? Do you still wish to proceed?

jetman [to TonyC]: In that case, no. I didn't realize the possiblities were so slim to pull it off.

TonyC [to jetman]: The whole theft we've been discussing hinges on Monkey is wearing a Lookshy warstrider. At the moment, Monkey is not already in a warstrider.

First, a quick note on the layout of the besieging camp: It is arrayed in an arc across from the city wall, about a quarter-mile from the wall. In the center and behind the front ranks (which are nemissaries) are the army's support and headquarters areas. This is where the noble and royal warstriders are located. There are a couple large tents there, obviously belonging to the Reducer of Cities and the Graceful Scholar, as well as a large framework of scaffolding, probably for warstrider maintenance. Moving out from the center of the arc, we have: nemissaries, zombies, human soldiers (the army is symmetrical). All the units are in good formation, divided by wings. Five common warstriders are walking the perimeter. The other five are stationary, off to the north side of the arc. You can see the undead war machines in two clusters, behind the main lines, north and south near the center of the army.

jetman [to TonyC]: Oh, I must have blanked on that part. I thought he was going to use stealth. My bad. Should I redo the order, or just go forth with Moneky doing something else vague?

TonyC [to jetman]: Let's rewind and redo the whole thing from the beginning.

Captain Kaizoku whispers to Monkey as they walk, his anima burning like a torch "All eyes will be on me Monkey... as soon as they start paying attention, slip forward some. If they make any surprising moves, make one right back at them." He comes to a halt and straightens. "YOU!" his voice booms out over the no-man's land. "Your craven plan has turned to dust!" He takes the body of the Deathknight and holds it high by the neck until there is some reaction.

jetman [to TonyC]: Monkey is to cover the Captain, in this case.

Monkey [to Captain Kaizoku]: Aye aye, Captain.

There's a stir of activity among the nemissaries, but no one comes forward. The foremost units nearest you form up in battle array, though, and off to the left, at the far end of the army, you can see a cavalry patrol heading your way at a trot. There is an air of anticipation.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The Deathknights aren't in sight? )

Apollonian . o O ( No, they're not. Yet. )

Monkey stands guard, staff on hand.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And that's living cavalry? )

Apollonian . o O ( No, nemissary. )

Captain Kaizoku points with his open hand to where the living part of the army is encamped. "YOU THERE! The rest of this horde is an abomination unto the Sun, but YOU are far more vile then all of the rotting bodies together!" he bellows. "THEY have no choice, but YOU have chosen to become bootlickers of the dead! You debase yourselves for the few crumbs of power tossed to you! Even a DOG will avoid the shambling corpses that you go to lick the hands of!"

Apollonian . o O ( Make a Cha + Performance roll )

Monkey . o O ( There's a living force in the besieging army? )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 6 dice on Cha+Per >>> {1, 6, 9, 6, 10, 7}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( If they've got client states serving them, why not? )

You rolled 4 dice on something >>> {5, 9, 4, 8}.

You rolled 5 dice on something >>> {5, 3, 3, 5, 7}.

From the living troops, you hear a sussuration of anger and there's a bit of turmoil in the ranks. Their nemissary officers struggle to keep control of them, for the most part with success.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Any sign of the Deathknights yet? )

Monkey . o O ( Man, that's Abyssal double-dipping for you. I mean, living, they serve the undead. So we kill them, except then the nemissaries will just possess their corpses, and we'll have to kill them again. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Just kill them so much the first time that there's no body left! )

Monkey . o O ( Hard to do with Str 2 and a +7B staff. What we really need is a bunch of Fire-aspect DBs to walk around sterilizing the battlefield and burning the bodies to ash. )

Monkey yawns and wonder if the cavalry is there just to parade around.

Captain Kaizoku gestures with the black and soulsteel clad body in his left hand, shaking it at the troops. "Even a dog that is beaten will turn on a terrible master!" he projects to them. "Can you? Are you mean, or are you as dead inside as the hungry ghosts that you serve?! Their power is that of darkness... it will simply vanish when there is light! Show them the light of your courage!"

You see, now, a group approaching from the headquarters tents. It's a party of nemissary cavalry, but different from most of the ones you've seen so far. Those have been possessing Marukani warriors and horses with little change in their gear. These are all garbed in ash gray and ride pale steeds with red eyes, masked in silver like their riders. The riders bear soulsteel lances from which flutter white pennants dipped in scarlet. They ride in a double column -- you'd guess there's about a scale's worth -- and at their head rides a deathknight in soulsteel armor. He rides a colossal black horse and bears sword and shield, though the sword is sheathed at the moment. A banner attached to his back bears the mon of the Mask of Winters, while his shield has the sigil of the Reducer of Cities. The troop rides straight for you.

Monkey . o O ( Ah man, I knew Jesse is going to spring this. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( What? )

Monkey . o O ( Sometime last week I run across Jesse here. Turns out he's doing a mock-combat. For a duel. Fill in the rest. )

Apollonian . o O ( You've got time to do something before they get to you -- it's an eighth of a mile from the army to you. (Unless you're really feeling suicidal.) )

Captain Kaizoku does not move as the troop starts in on his position. He calls out "A MAN will stand before the shadows. They are nothing before the burning light of human courage! LOOK at how weak the power of your unworthy masters is!" His anima banner flares to its full strength, the solar tides and winds rising around him as the power of the Sun goes into his left hand. The corpse lights up from the inside out, the body of the once-feirce deathknight burning at its, touch, flesh reduced to smoke that floats up to the heavens. He unsheaths his Daiklave and points it to the human troops, then the cavalry. "Will you be cowering dogs, or MEN OF THE LIGHT?!?"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The Legion escort didn't bring any ranged weapons, did they? )

Apollonian . o O ( "fierce" )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Crud. )

Apollonian . o O ( No, they didn't. Anyway... )

Monkey . o O ( The Captain is calm, how could Monkey be worried? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And did that count as stunting? I could use some Essence. :) )

Apollonian . o O ( Sure -- 2 die stunt, 4 Essence. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Bringing me up enough to do the butterfly trick! )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And is the local god still flying around? )

Captain Kaizoku points at Monkey with his sword and then bends his elbow back towards the Manse... a "fighting retreat" signal.

The Reducer of Cities approaches at the head of his honor guard. As he comes within bowshot, his anima flares, darkness flowing out of him in an endless tide and rising into the sky till it touches the low-hanging clouds. His armor glitters like blades in the night, and his eyes glow with the pale fury of the ancient dead. Shadowed in the darkness above him you can see the giant spectral figure of a tiger, snarling, but rotting. Bones stab through rotted flesh and the stench of death grows stronger as his anima flares.

Monkey nods and moves to stand beside the Captain.

Monkey . o O ( It's important to stay away from Captain Kaizoku's line of fire. )

You rolled 4 dice on Seventh Legion Valor Check Fang One >>> {5, 3, 4, 10}.

You rolled 4 dice on Seventh Legion Valor Check Fang One >>> {5, 6, 4, 1}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( How far is that, range-wise? And are they still charging, or slowing? )

Apollonian . o O ( Still moving forward at a steady pace. Meanwhile... )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Something happening in the enemy camp? )

Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, if CK has the motes, he could counter-scare the nemissaries. )

The Lookshy regulars who accompanied you tremble at the display of Abyssal might, and one fang breaks and runs, dropping their weapons and gear in terrified haste. The other five, and the dragon-blooded officer, remain, but the mortals are clearly shaken.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He's got the Motes to do the butterfly spell or flare up, but seeing the cav break might help forment a revolt among the other troops. )

Apollonian . o O ( Ah, this would probably be a good time to mention -- I'm using the optional Dawn/Dusk Anima power -- same as the standard one, but mortals are at a -2 if they succeed on a Valor check, and flee if they fail. )

Apollonian . o O ( Naturally, the same applies to the Zenith Anima power. )

Monkey . o O ( Monkey could do it, except he will not affect the nemissaries, and surprise-scaring the remaining is probably going to make them bolt instead of steadying them. )

Captain Kaizoku stands proudly before the oncoming horde, his anima burning like a torch on the plain, his golden sword catching the reflections of the light and casting it in all directions as he moves his blade to keep it in line with the Reducer's chest.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( What counts as a "mortal" in that case for undead? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( To wit, will the Nemessaries flee if they blow it? )

Apollonian . o O ( Pretty much anybody under Essence 2 or 3 -- most ghosts and nemissaries for sure. )

Monkey glances behind to watch the fleeing fang with disinterest. "Not like we need them anyway."

Captain Kaizoku merely narrows his lips at the paniced retreat, glancing at them for a half a second and giving the remaining ones a reassuring nod.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( What's happening with the human troops? Did seeing a Deathknight vaporized get them to turn on their tenders? )

Apollonian . o O ( No. OOC, these are the Abyssal equivalent of what you'd get if you trained Tiger Warriors. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( So there wasn't any further reaction after the officers calmed them down? )

Apollonian . o O ( No visible reaction, no. )

Monkey . o O ( How far away is the cavalry from us now? )

Apollonian . o O ( The deathlord's? About three hundred yards. 'nother bit of desc coming up. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'll wait on mine then. )

The Reducer of Cities and his escort come to a halt about three hundred yards away from you. The cavalry troop shifts formation into a wedge as the Abyssal gazes at you. He glances behind him, then draws his daiklave. He raises it and lets it fall, pointed straight at Captain Kaizoku's heart. The cavalry charges, lances falling to the ready as they approach.

Monkey . o O ( Well, in that case, while we wait for Captain's desc, Jesse, Monkey's nature is Thrillseeker. Last session, he jumped on that hybroc for no good reason (the assassination was already foiled, the enemy is already fleeing, defeated). Surely this counts as "putting yourself in life-threatening situation and escaping it". So, does Monkey get some WP (1-3) back? )

Apollonian . o O ( Yes - 2 WP. )

Captain Kaizoku holds his sword up high above his head before the charge... Once again, the power of the Sun comes to him, a wave of energy surging, rising up past the point of his tall blade. Meeting the Reducer's dead eyes, he brings down the glowing blade, aiming it it at the oncoming force. The blazing wave crests and surges forward, burning at what passes for courage among the walking dead as it washes over them.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Anima flare to scare them. )

Apollonian . o O ( Yo. Gimme a moment. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( And has the captain given any orders and had them obeyed? Hmm... not sure myself. )

You rolled 4 dice on nemissary valor >>> {4, 7, 3, 5}.

You rolled 4 dice on nemissary valor >>> {4, 2, 3, 4}.

You rolled 4 dice on nemissary valor >>> {1, 9, 1, 9}.

You rolled 4 dice on nemissary valor >>> {4, 6, 7, 5}.

As the golden wave washes over the charging dead, a quarter of them break off and flee in panic. The rest hold more-or-less steady in their charge. The golden wave laps at the darkness surrounding the Abyssal, but cannot pierce it.

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Hmmm, does anima effects affect other Exalts?

Monkey . o O ( For example: If I fight against Bull Of The North, and I flare my anima, does he has to roll? How about Reducer? )

Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, would Reducer fit more under "unclean", i.e., things affected by Zenith? )

Apollonian . o O ( Not as a rule, I think. It specifically says "mortal creatures" which rules out Exalts. )

Monkey . o O ( Gotcha. )

Apollonian . o O ( E.g., I didn't have either of you or the DB roll when the Reducer flared a minute ago. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He had 25 cav in his guard, so about six took off? )

Apollonian . o O ( BRB, gotta get my coffee. And twenty cav, five took off. )

Monkey says, "Captain, time for you to go. I'll delay them should they manage to get past the warding."

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The rest of the Nemessaries get a penalty to attack, right? )

Captain Kaizoku replies under his breath "We will retreat in good order Monkey, once I have a moment to prepare the winds."

Apollonian . o O ( Back. )

Monkey thinks, "Wind? We're going to sail? But we're on land?"

Captain Kaizoku adds quickly "Trip the horse" as his eyes narrow in concentration.

Monkey glances at the remaining honor guard fang.

Apollonian . o O ( You've got two turns from the time they started charging till they actually crash into you. BTW, the DB is getting kinda glowy himself -- Wood aspect. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hrm. The plan is for the captain to do some stunt and get at least three essence back to cast Stormwind Rider. )

The five remaining soldiers are reading their swords and shields, formed up around their Dragon-Blooded commander.

Monkey . o O ( That is risky. Are you sure you are playing Captain Kaizoku and not Monkey? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Ooops, never mind. That's a 15 spell. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The terrain's all flat, right? )

Apollonian . o O ( Yes. )

Apollonian . o O ( Very flat, actually. )

Captain Kaizoku waves his sword and calls out to the Legion "Best speed rearward. We will take them at a more advantageous position."

Captain Kaizoku won't start moving until after they do, then full movement.

Monkey turns to the Dragon-Blooded commander. "Well, go on. What are you waiting for?"

The soldiers barely even glance at their actual commander as they turn and run, keeping a disciplined formation. The DB follows with a glance at the Captain, obeying nearly reflexively.

Apollonian . o O ( Might as well roll initiative. )

On 1d10+8, you rolled 17.

Captain Kaizoku leaps backwards and does a neat flip before moving alongside the troops. "Monkey, dig some holes in front of them with your staff..." he calls out

Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 17.

Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 26.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The troops didn't have pikes by any chance, did they? )

Apollonian . o O ( 'Fraid not. Swords, shields, bows. )

Monkey . o O ( Digging holes with staff.... Hmmm, alright, Mr. Storyteller, what are the game mechanics? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I was figuring just a bunch of attacks on the ground would do it. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( With anime-style potholes appearing with every strike. )

Apollonian . o O ( Sure. It's cool. )

Monkey . o O ( Do I need to roll anything and if I do, how well? )

Apollonian . o O ( Yeah, roll Strength + Melee. Number of successes = number of holes. )

Monkey jumps up and holding his staff two-handed, swings it at the ground with all his might.

Apollonian . o O ( 1-die stunt )

Monkey rolled 7 dice on Str + Melee >>> {3, 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, 9}.

Monkey rolled 1 dice on Stunt >>> {8}.

Monkey yells, "Hiiiiiiiyah!"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The first troops that fled should send some others running this way... )

Monkey strikes the hard-packed earth, and two head-sized holes appear as caked dirt jumps up from the ground around him.

Monkey scratches his head, looking at the holes and the incoming cavalry charge. "I wonder if I should make more."

Behind, you can see a troop of Marukani cavalry and a pair of Seventh Legion warstriders heading out of Celeren's gates to cover your retreat.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Who's up? )

Apollonian . o O ( You is. )

Captain Kaizoku makes his orderly retreat, keeping the holes directly in the Reducer's path. "You seem to be losing your troops, while I am gaining them!" he calls out to the Deathknight. "Does your flesh fall apart as rapidly as your army?" he taunts, hoping to get the man to overextend himself as he makes a series of dashes and hops backwards to safety.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Full move... is that Presence to mock him? )

Monkey . o O ( Mock? Mock is more Socialize, I think. )

Apollonian . o O ( Eh... )

Apollonian . o O ( It's not exactly clear. I'd say Presence works, though. And that's a 1-die stunt. )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 8 dice on Pre + Manip >>> {7, 3, 9, 8, 1, 7, 5, 10}.

Apollonian . o O ( Just a minute... )

Captain Kaizoku calls out in a low voice "Remember our pirate motto Monkey..."

You rolled 2 dice on Reducer's Temperance >>> {2, 2}.

Apollonian . o O ( Oh, boy. He's lost it. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Though I'm not sure he would, which is "Attack only when you have the upper hand." )

The shadowy tiger roars in rage and the Reducer of Cities spurs his horse faster in a dead sprint in his rush to catch and slaughter Captain Kaizoku.

Monkey thinks, "Motto? Is that the Take Everything That Isn't Nailed, And Bring A Crowbar motto?"

Apollonian . o O ( I gotta warn you -- this guy _will_ kick your ass unless you're careful and lucky. )

Monkey . o O ( How far to the warding? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( THAT is why I'm leading him back to where the men with large warstriders and guns are... and to get him to hit the barrier and bounce. )

Apollonian . o O ( You started just beyond it, so next turn, you'll be within the warding. And... he _won't_ bounce. His men will, though. (They're wards against the dead. Abyssal's aren't dead, therefore...) )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Whoops. Just have to fix that then... and he'll be sans cavalry and surrounded by the enemy. )

Apollonian . o O ( True. Anyway, his go -- he's just charging. And charging up. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Am I still connected? )

Apollonian . o O ( Yes. )

Apollonian . o O ( roll Initiative )

On 1d10+8, you rolled 13.

Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 21.

Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 25.

Apollonian . o O ( Monkey, you're going first. )

Monkey . o O ( How far away am I from the ward? )

Apollonian . o O ( You're just past it. )

Monkey legs it to just inside the ward before stopping. Then he messes about with his belt. "Got it," he says. Dropping his pants, he bends down and pats his buttocks, mooning the charging cavalry.

Monkey . o O ( That's my action. Moving on. )

Apollonian . o O ( Ah, three die stunt for that, even if you're not rolling. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I shudder to imagine what skill that would add to... )

Monkey . o O ( Thank you, thank you. No need to stand and applause, I'm already assuming you all do. )

Apollonian . o O ( Captain, what are you doing? It's at least two turns until the covering force can reach you, while the Reducer will act on this turn. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Does he have a lance out? )

Apollonian . o O ( No, daiklave. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Does his horse look alive or dead? )

Apollonian . o O ( Alive, but not for long the way he's pushing it. )

Monkey . o O ( Hmmmm, I'm hoping Reducer will go after me, but either way I think your best bet is keep moving and stay defensive. )

Apollonian . o O ( Heh, it's a bit of a toss-up. )

Monkey . o O ( What, who he's after? Roll those temperance and see who offends him the most. )

You rolled 2 dice on something >>> {3, 6}.

You rolled 2 dice on something >>> {8, 5}.

Apollonian . o O ( Captain, made a decision yet? )

Captain Kaizoku is still making his jumping, carefree run up the hill, then stops 10 feet inside the barrier, sword ready. "The rest of your forces seem to have fallen apart!" he remarks, casually holding his sword on the ground like a cane. "Perhaps you can find some more meat to work with at the butcher's!" With that, he charges forward, leaning low, heading for the Reducer on his offhand side, Daiklave striaght out. He is aming not at the man, but at the horse... tearing into its flesh and the straps that hold the saddle up!

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, take away his mounted advantage. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. Roll an attack, 2 die stunt bonus. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Two actions, one for defense. )

Apollonian . o O ( I should hope so. )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 14 dice on Sword Strike >>> {9, 1, 4, 6, 4, 7, 6, 6, 1, 3, 3, 7, 8, 3}.

Monkey . o O ( Aw, man. This could be Monkey vs. WSW all over again, except worse, since Reducer is three levels above WSW. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hmmm... )

Apollonian . o O ( That's enough to cut the straps and send him falling. Describe it. )

Captain Kaizoku spins around after he runs past the horse... nothing happens for a moment, until the mad jostling Reducer puts his horse through makes the main strap part in twain... on in incline, the saddle slides right off, taking the rider with it as the horse runs for freedom. "Truly, a mighty cavalry charge. I've never seen its like" the Captain remarks casually.

You rolled 6 dice on reducer tumble >>> {3, 1, 4, 5, 4, 7}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( If we're REALLY lucky, he'll fumble and break a limb or two. )

TonyC sends psychic wave to influence the Pyramoo die-roller.

The Reducer rolls twice as he hits the ground and comes up in a defensive stance on one knee, shield up and daiklave extended, facing Monkey. His nemissary escort comes to a frantic halt inches away from the wards in a cloud of dust. Several begin readying bows.

Apollonian . o O ( That's his action. Roll init. )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 15.

Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 20.

On 1d10+15, you rolled 20.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I have TERRIBLE luck with init. )

Apollonian . o O ( Monkey, you've got the first action. )

Apollonian . o O ( Oops, forgot about him... )

On 1d10+10, you rolled 19.

Apollonian . o O ( Monkey, you're still first. )

Monkey says, "Wait, wait! This is highly improper!" He pulls his pants up and ties his belt. "Look, there's a proper procedure before this kind of thing. There's the introduction of names and list of deeds. Otherwise how would we know if the opponent is worthy?"

Apollonian . o O ( Hmmm... )

Apollonian . o O ( Would that be a challenge to a duel? )

Monkey says, "I'm called Monkey. I hail from the West, from a village that no longer exist, so I shall refrain from telling you our history. My deeds are many."

Monkey . o O ( Maybe.... )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( You don't introduce yourself for a war, after all. )

Apollonian . o O ( Make a Cha + Presence roll. )

TonyC [to Apollonian]: Better spend wp for auto-success.

Monkey rolled 4 dice on Cha + Pre >>> {3, 2, 1, 1}.

Monkey . o O ( Good thing too. )

Apollonian . o O ( Who, Reducer or Monkey? )

Monkey . o O ( One success from WP. )

You rolled 2 dice on reducer temperance >>> {3, 1}.

Apollonian . o O ( Oy. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( If he goes berserk enough, maybe he'll drop his weapons! )

Monkey . o O ( I faced twelve Dynasts in mortal combat on a sinking ship, I raced the V'neef fleet on the wings of a storm, and I sneaked into the Midnight Queen's bedchamber and came out with half her jewelry. )

Monkey says, "I faced twelve Dynasts in mortal combat on a sinking ship, I raced the V'neef fleet on the wings of a storm, and I sneaked into the Midnight Queen's bedchamber and came out with half her jewelry."

Monkey remembers Kace.

The Reducer stands and salutes Monkey, ignoring the oncoming reinforcements. In a clear voice, he intones, "I am the Reducer of Cities, the mailed fist of the Mask of Winters. By my hand mortals have fallen as flowers in frost, cities burnt to cinders, armies brought to their knees, and all graced with the peace of Oblivion. Under my sword fell the Solar Ashen Vengeance when he opposed my master in the south. You shall join him."

Apollonian . o O ( And.... )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm up? )

Monkey . o O ( Keep moving. )

Apollonian . o O ( Captain, it's your turn. You notice the DB officer standing a few paces behind you, daiklave at the ready, awaiting your command. )

Captain Kaizoku points his finger from the officer to the restrained Nemissaries readining their bows, then draws his finger across his throat. Then he barks out a laugh. "I am Captain Taiyo Kaizoku, Captain of a thousand plans and the ruler of the inner sea. I have beheld the terrible aspect of the Walker in Darkness. He forced my respect. You force only my pity. My second in command shall deal with you... he handles all my minor tasks"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hold action for defense. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. Roll Init again. Reinforcements show up at the end of this turn. )

Monkey . o O ( Oooo, good one, but you really should keep moving. )

On 1d10+15, you rolled 17.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He's put himself into our hands... )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 23.

On 1d10+10, you rolled 16.

Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 24.

Apollonian . o O ( Monkey, you first. )

Monkey . o O ( Yes, but given your low Essence, he can still take you out if he really wants to. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He'll be too distracted back and forth to try, I suspect. )

Monkey puts his hand on his waist and looks cross at the reinforcement. Making shooing motions at the Lookshy forces, he says, "Go on, you heard what the Captain says. Shooo, shoo!" Then he turns to the nemissaries. "You too. Go away, you're just in the way."

Apollonian . o O ( Is that your action? )

Monkey . o O ( Yup. )

Apollonian . o O ( Saving anything for defense? )

Monkey . o O ( There is nothing to save. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay... Captain, your turn. )

Monkey . o O ( CK, there's really two things you can do. Either you leave and Monkey leave after a suitable interval. Or you consider this an opportunity, ignore Monkey's actions, and signal attack. )

Monkey . o O ( Note that I have no intention of actually duking it out with Reducer. )

Apollonian looks relieved.

Monkey . o O ( At least not one vs. one. )

Captain Kaizoku falls back another 10 yards or so back to the incoming Lookshy forces (free move). "Bad Monkey! Your mighty deeds have made the poor general too scared to fight!" he calls out to Monkey in a tone of mock reproach. "He has lost his *nerve* just as surely as he has lost his Horse*"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( One action for defense. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okey-dokey. The Reducer's turn. )

The Reducer drops briefly into a ready stance before exploding into an armored blur. His daiklave describes a figure eight around Monkey's form -- legs, belly, throat, and belly again. (Four attacks.)

Apollonian . o O ( I'll roll, then you declare dodges as you see fit. )

You rolled 12 dice on Leg chop >>> {2, 6, 2, 9, 1, 4, 2, 5, 1, 8, 9, 5}.

You rolled 11 dice on first belly slash >>> {5, 3, 9, 9, 2, 5, 10, 3, 10, 10, 2}.

Monkey . o O ( There's no need to roll. Unless you have undodgeable attack. )

You rolled 10 dice on throat cutting >>> {1, 7, 8, 7, 2, 8, 4, 4, 7, 3}.

You rolled 9 dice on second belly slash >>> {1, 2, 1, 1, 8, 4, 3, 8, 4}.

Apollonian . o O ( No, they're all dodgeable. Seven Shadow Evasion on all? )

Monkey effortlessly takes a step back with each attack, and somehow that step always bring Monkey out of the daiklave's reach.

Monkey . o O ( Yes. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay, mark off the motes... )

Apollonian . o O ( And it's the dragon-blooded's turn. )

With each step, Monkey's anima banner flares higher and higher. First his caste mark shines, then his whole body is surrounded by the sun's radiance, and at the last two steps, Monkey's totem, the white gorilla, backsteps together with Monkey inside.

With a thunder of hooves, the sallying party from Celeren arrives. Barely behind them the earth shakes under the footsteps of a pair of warstriders, gaily painted in the forest green of the Second Field Force. A feeble volley of arrows from the nemissaries is answered in kind by the Marukani archers, with no casualties on either side. The Dragon-Blooded officer who accompanied you points at the Reducer with his daiklave, and the two warstriders attack.

Apollonian . o O ( Dammit, just a sec... looking things up. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Perfect. )

Apollonian . o O ( Whew. Thought I lost connection for a sec. )

You rolled 8 dice on Warstrider Attack! >>> {10, 10, 4, 6, 10, 9, 1, 3}.

You rolled 8 dice on Warstrider Attack! >>> {2, 6, 2, 1, 8, 3, 9, 3}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( What are the Striders packing? Melee or ranged too? )

Apollonian . o O ( Daiklaves and bolt casters. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( So should the Reducer flee, they can shoot at him on the long walk down. )

Monkey . o O ( Well, at this point their warstriders should be running here. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The ones piloted by war ghosts? )

You rolled 14 dice on Fluttering Moth Defense >>> {5, 7, 3, 5, 8, 1, 10, 5, 10, 4, 8, 4, 8, 10}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( We keep the Reducer POed enough, and move the battle further and further inside the barrier... )

Monkey . o O ( CK: Yup. Even if they can't get into the ward, they may have ranged attacks too. )

The lead warstrider's daiklave harms nothing but the battlefield, while the second one's strike falls straight toward the Abyssal. Without visible effort, the Reducer lashes out with his own blade, deftly turning the man-sized sword aside and stepping out of its path.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( But if their leader is in close combat, they can't shoot too much. )

Apollonian . o O ( Roll Initiative. )

Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 18.

Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 18.

On 1d10+15, you rolled 20.

On 1d10+10, you rolled 15.

Monkey . o O ( Well, but you see, our Lookshy warstriders don't seem to show much concern about getting into melee while Monkey's in close combat. )

Apollonian . o O ( Order is: Reducer & Nemissaries, Monkey, Captain, DB & reinforcements. )

Monkey says, "Hey, look, sorry about the interruption."

Apollonian . o O ( Hmmm... Nemmies first. They shoot arrows again. )

You rolled 5 dice on Nemissary Archery >>> {10, 10, 8, 10, 4}.

You rolled 5 dice on Marukani dodge >>> {5, 4, 2, 6, 8}.

Apollonian . o O ( Oh, ouch. )

Apollonian . o O ( A full quarter of the Marukani horsemen fall from their saddles, pierced by cold black arrows. Only eighteen remain to aid you. )

Apollonian . o O ( Meanwhile... )

Monkey . o O ( I'm conflicted. Me as the player analyzes the situation tactically and thinks, "What a golden opportunity! Quick, smash him!". Meanwhile, me as Monkey says, "Yawn, this is boring. I'll just go back to Celeren and wait until warstriders vs. Abyssal is done. It's just not sporting." )

Distracted by the graceless imposition of the warstriders, the Reducer strikes out at their impertinence. His anima surges as the tiger leaps forward, matching the thrust of his daiklave against the massive armored forms.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Maybe Monkey can remember the Captain's motto? )

Apollonian . o O ( math is hard.... )

Monkey . o O ( Motto: Math is hard? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The Captain is not a talking Barbie doll! )

Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, a CK pull-me doll. I'd buy that. :) )

You rolled 25 dice on Reducer daiklave stab >>> {6, 3, 3, 9, 5, 2, 9, 3, 8, 8, 7, 5, 9, 9, 5, 1, 6, 5, 4, 4, 9, 1, 3, 4, 6}.

Apollonian . o O ( Oops, forgot the Valor and stunt dice. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( "Death to the Realm" "I have a plan" "Stop that, Monkey" and 7 other phrases! )

You rolled 4 dice on extra dice >>> {1, 6, 3, 10}.

You rolled 6 dice on Warstrider parry >>> {9, 6, 4, 5, 10, 7}.

You rolled 3 dice on damage vs warstrider >>> {6, 5, 1}.

Apollonian . o O ( Figures. )

The Reducer's blade leaves a huge wound in the warstrider itself, but does not wound the wearer, who rears back into a defensive posture.

Apollonian . o O ( Monkey's turn. )

Monkey . o O ( Let's try disarming. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That was going to be what I tried. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( But go crazy! Dont' forget weapon bonus. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. )

Apollonian . o O ( Diff. 3 )

After watching what Reducer of Cities' daiklave could do to a warstrider, Monkey decides that it's best if he tries to separate Reducer of Cities and the daiklave. Thus, the White Gorilla jumps in between the Reducer and the warstrider, and with a quick strike and twirl of his staff, he tries to twist the daiklave away.

Apollonian . o O ( 2-die stunt. )

Monkey . o O ( Excellent Strike. 10 dice. 5 motes. )

Monkey rolled 25 dice on Disarm >>> {8, 2, 3, 5, 8, 7, 4, 3, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 2, 5, 7, 3, 4, 8, 5, 6, 3, 3, 4, 6}.

Apollonian . o O ( Eh? ES is 1 mote/die, isn't it? )

Monkey . o O ( You're right. 10 motes. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( It's the parry charm that's 1/2. )

Monkey . o O ( Not a good roll. )

Monkey . o O ( 7 success total. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Include the stunt? )

Monkey . o O ( Yup. )

With a crackle of dark Essence, the Abyssal snaps his blade around in a swift parry.

You rolled 23 dice on Elegant Flowing Deflection plus Fluttering Moth Defense >>> {9, 8, 4, 8, 4, 8, 7, 3, 1, 5, 1, 5, 6, 7, 6, 1, 2, 3, 10, 2, 2, 4, 9}.

Apollonian . o O ( 9 successes. )

Monkey . o O ( Did he use a charm against the warstrider? )

Apollonian . o O ( Yes. Combo. )

Monkey . o O ( Ah, offense+defense combo. )

The Reducer's daiklave follows the path of Monkey's staff in a black and golden spiral around the two combatants, ending as the deathknight jumps back and raises his shield against the Solar, daiklave still in hand.

Monkey . o O ( Well, if we keep going, eventually he'll run out of willpower and essence. )

Apollonian . o O ( And it's the Captain's turn. )

Apollonian . o O ( Captain? )

Captain Kaizoku has carefully watched the play of Reducer's dark power and spinning blade. He calls out to the remaining troops, and the others that must surely be approaching "Ho the Legion. I have brought a present... feel free to take all you want of him!" With that, he thrusts forward, his anima trailing behind him, making him look like a meteor. He moves his sword in the same circle as the Reducer's as he runs up to the Deathknight, then, locks the blades together to try and spin the evil daiklave free of the owner's grasp.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Disarm, four motes in Excellent Strike. )

Apollonian . o O ( 2-die stunt )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 20 dice on Twirling Disarm Strike >>> {10, 5, 8, 6, 10, 6, 5, 2, 4, 6, 5, 10, 2, 10, 6, 2, 6, 3, 4, 6}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Five successes, but four of them were 10s... 9 total. )

Monkey . o O ( Sweet! )

The Reducer brings his shield up in an attempt to block the Captain's daiklave, skimming his own blade across the top as he does so.

You rolled 20 dice on Disarm resist >>> {2, 7, 10, 2, 7, 7, 1, 9, 6, 2, 5, 8, 8, 9, 6, 6, 4, 2, 2, 8}.

Apollonian . o O ( 10 successes. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( DAMN. )

Monkey . o O ( That combo again? OUcha. )

The Captain's daiklave sweeps across the shield and can find no purchase on the screaming soulsteel as the Reducer steps back from one defensive stance to another.

Captain Kaizoku steps back as well, blade whirling to a halt as he holds it before him in a two-handed grip, expression tightening slightly.

Apollonian . o O ( And it's the reinforcements' turn. The Marukani horsemen are busy with the nemissaries, so that leaves the DB and the other warstrider. )

Monkey . o O ( Wait, maybe the warstrider can smash him to bits. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Let's hope. )

The Dragon-Blooded officer stands indecisive, not sure how he should -- or if he should -- step into the circle of black and golden death. The warstrider has no such compunctions, and brings his massive daiklave down in a crushing overhand blow.

You rolled 8 dice on warstrider attack >>> {8, 10, 3, 1, 6, 1, 7, 5}.

Monkey . o O ( Positive outlook, Captain. The Maidens like people who keep a bright view of the world. )

The Reducer sees the blow coming down and brings his shield up, but halts in mid-block. The blade smashes into him...

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Those were barmaids who wanted you to pay when you started to pass out, not the Maidens, Monkey. )

You rolled 23 dice on Pain-Eating Focus >>> {8, 10, 4, 9, 2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 8, 10, 3, 8, 2, 8, 4, 4, 2, 8, 1, 9, 5, 6}.

Monkey . o O ( Oh? No wonder there's like 8 of them instead of 5. )

You rolled 7 dice on warstrider damage >>> {1, 9, 1, 4, 2, 7, 3}.

Monkey . o O ( Well, first blood on us, I think. )

The jade sword dents the soulsteel breastplate of the Reducer and you see a spray of bright red blood -- but at the same time, dark Essence explodes out of the wound and rushes back in ten-fold.

You rolled 7 dice on avoiding that old knockback >>> {9, 1, 1, 6, 6, 7, 10}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Though he just got back all the power he expended... )

Apollonian . o O ( Roll initiative )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 1d10+14 and got 15.

Monkey rolled 1d10+16 and got 26.

On 1d10+15, you rolled 17.

On 1d10+10, you rolled 18.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I've got a general plan for this sort of circumstance, but I'm not sure how to communicate it in IC concepts. )

Apollonian . o O ( Order: Monkey, DBs, Reducer, CK )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( DB includes the Strider? )

Apollonian . o O ( All the reinforcements. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Got it. )

Monkey shrugs, hopes that Reducer of Cities does not have some other tricks up his sleeve, and tosses his staff up in the air. "You, Dragon Prince, kindly bring that back to Celeren." After which, he sprints and jumps at the Abyssal, attempting to grapple him with all four limbs.

Monkey . o O ( Oh, is he knocked back? )

Apollonian . o O ( No, standing his ground. )

Apollonian . o O ( Bastard, makin' me check the grapple rules. )

Monkey . o O ( But anyway, three attempts. I don't count tossing a staff as an action, since that's basically dropping it. )

Monkey . o O ( Core: p. 239. )

Apollonian . o O ( thx )

Monkey rolled 6 dice on Grapple1 >>> {10, 2, 8, 10, 2, 2}.

Apollonian . o O ( Acutally, Player's Guide, p. 205. (Power Combat) You're going for a Clinch, right? )

Monkey . o O ( Yup. )

Monkey . o O ( Oh, rate is 1. In that case, only one action. )

Apollonian . o O ( He's going to parry with Fluttering Moth Defense )

You rolled 14 dice on Fluttering Moth Defense >>> {7, 2, 4, 8, 10, 4, 2, 9, 9, 4, 6, 10, 10, 8}.

Monkey . o O ( My full dice pool is nine, so I'll have to roll 3 dice. Also, is he doing that combo thing again? )

Apollonian . o O ( Not this turn. )

Monkey rolled 3 dice on extra >>> {10, 5, 9}.

Apollonian . o O ( Dayum. He got 12 successes on the parry. )

Monkey . o O ( Grumbles. Oh well, but he can't do that combo now. So pile on, brothers. )

As Monkey lunges in to grapple with the deathknight, he finds his every grasp blocked by a soulsteel blade as the Deathknight backs up toward his nemissary escort.

Apollonian . o O ( Spending Willpower to realize that he's too valuable to lose. )

Apollonian . o O ( DB's turn. A repeat of the warstrider attack. )

You rolled 8 dice on Warstrider smash! >>> {9, 8, 8, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7}.

You rolled 14 dice on Fluttering Moth Defense >>> {2, 3, 1, 9, 8, 5, 4, 7, 6, 5, 4, 7, 10, 5}.

Again, the warstrider lunges forward, this time with a broad sweeping slash, and again, the deathknight casually brushes the massive blade aside.

Apollonian . o O ( His turn. )

Monkey . o O ( What about the other warstrider? )

The Reducer of Cities turns and dashes the last few paces back across the wards, smoothly mounting a ready warhorse. "We shall meet again, Solars -- and one of us will not leave that meeting alive!"

Apollonian . o O ( Not doing anything. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm up? )

The Dragon-Blooded officer shouts, "Look!" and points to the north. A trio of the Mask's warstriders are headed toward you at a dead run.

Apollonian . o O ( Yes, the Captain's turn. )

Captain Kaizoku levels his sword at the fleeing Deathknight. "Here is a message to take back to your master, oh, knight of maggots: The power of the Sun will burn you, and him down!" With that, he flares his anima, a wave of solar energy washing off the curved blade to impact the Reducer's head!

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. Roll it. (Anima power, right?) )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Anima flare, let's hope for a scar, at least. )

Monkey . o O ( Heh. heh. heh. )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 3 dice on Anima Burn >>> {10, 2, 7}.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( 3 of 3! )

Apollonian . o O ( Incidentally, a maybe solution on the "Deathknights can resist Zenith anima, but minimum ping is Essence" problem: Zenith anima burn does lethal, not aggravated, vs. them. Sound good? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Let's give it a try! )

As the golden light stabs through the shadows surrounding the deathknight, he rears back and yells in pain. Wheeling his horse, he gallops back toward his army, followed closely by his escort, their gray robes swirling in the wind.

Monkey chalks this battle as "won, but with reservations" and starts going back to Celeren, whistling.

Captain Kaizoku gestures with his sword again. "Mark this sight well men of the Legion... the backs of the "mighty" Deathknight general! A blow for your leader!"

Captain Kaizoku whacks the flat of his blade on the bloody sword of the Wastrider who wounded the Reducder. "And here is the symbol of your triumph!"

The troops cheer vigorously, and begin a wary retreat back to the gates. One of the warstriders hands Monkey his staff, the orichalcum weapon looking very small in its giant hand.

Captain Kaizoku grabs the lost saddle from Reducer's first horse before he retreats back to the relative safety of the city.

Monkey bows gracefully and accepts the staff, and reversing the trick mechanism, collapses it into itself and stashes it in his belt.

Entering the city, you are greeted with cheers -- spirits are much raised by your heroism. Still, the nagging thought that you may have risked much for little benefit cannot be silenced. On the other hand... it turned out well, didn't it?

Apollonian . o O ( Incidentally, this nets you both two Willpower for Nature. )

Monkey . o O ( Woot. )

Monkey . o O ( Captain may have that nagging thought. Monkey definitely doesn't. Risk? What risk? )

Captain Kaizoku holds the saddle up over his head as he plays to the crowd, encouraging the good feelings with every word and deed, lauding the Legion's courage as well.

Apollonian . o O ( Make a Cha + Performance roll. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Did Reducer have anything in his saddlebags? )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 6 dice on Cha + Per >>> {9, 10, 6, 9, 9, 6}.

Captain Kaizoku makes sure to add in "This is only the beginning" as a common theme.

Apollonian . o O ( No. Basic war saddle -- anything carried would be carried by a page or companion. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Cheap dead bastard. )

Monkey . o O ( Okay, how far is the abyssal encampment from Celeren again? )

The crowds respond enthusiastically to the Solar's oratory, grasping at new hope. Even the most dour of the Dragon-Blooded seem to be swept up in the feeling, dogma about Anathema aside.

Apollonian . o O ( That's a good place to end that scene, I think. The siege line is about half a mile from the city walls. The ward line is halfway between walls and army. )

Captain Kaizoku has crushed any lingering voices in the back of his head about the value of the effort as he returns with Monkey to their lodgings.

Monkey basks in the adulation.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( THIS should help with the pitch about the airship. BTW, would Calling the Wind's Kiss let Monkey and the Captain fly upward under a sail to board the airship? )

Apollonian . o O ( is working. Okay. What next? And maybe -- I'd say it required a bit of stunting and a bit of luck. Hint: Ask around for aerial assets before trying it. )

Monkey . o O ( I have a suggestion. The City Father can fly. Perhaps we should talk to him. )

Captain Kaizoku is studying the map of Floating Dead movements in his room and pondering... he sends a page looking for anyone who liases with the Air Fleet.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Good one. )

Monkey . o O ( First though, CK should probably talk to Field Command, who no doubt would like to be informed first of what CK wants to do before CK actually did it. )

Apollonian . o O ( What's Monkey up to? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( There's two plans... find and board the airship, go recon the Dead base via Stormwind. I think the first will take longer, to draw out the airship, so maybe set the plan in motion, then go to the island? )

Monkey . o O ( Depends. Does CK wants him to do anything right now? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( He'd have him go talk to the City Father about the airship's actions and if there's any reason he couldn't carry some people up to it. )

Monkey . o O ( If not, Monkey will go look for Taimyo Yushoto and City Father, whoever nearest first. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Him would be "Monkey" in the above, sorry. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The first him. Monkey gets to ask the Father about elements of the plan. )

Monkey, still surrounded by his anima, climbs up to the roof of a nearby building, and from that perch, starts looking for the biggest temple in the city.

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. Both the Taimyo and the City Father are in the Celeren Manse. Monkey heads that-away. Meanwhile, a Shugan-Junai (sorcerer-technician) shows up at the Captain's door to advise him on technical matters as requested. )

Apollonian . o O ( and I'll be right back. Nature calls. )

Monkey . o O ( There's an island that could be the FD base? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, the Captain divined the location from the map of activity patterns someone handed him last time. )

Monkey . o O ( How far away from shore? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Not that far... 2-3 hours by Stormwind Rider. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( A night's work looking at charts and logbooks points to somewhere about a )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( hundred miles northwest of Thorns as the center point from which all the )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( raids seem to come. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Gah. )

Monkey . o O ( It will have to be done tomorrow. Neither of us have enough essence to go there and come back out right now. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Five hours of sleep during the day would do the trick, and the night's better for sneaking anyway. )

Monkey . o O ( Tight schedule. We have three days, starting tomorrow. )

Apollonian . o O ( Back. )

Monkey . o O ( Of which the last day will probably taken by the actual evacuation. )

TonyC [to jetman]: Night is not necessarily better when you're dealing with undead.

Monkey . o O ( In fact, it's probably worse. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( There is that, yes. Well, we'll have to see how fast the airship has moved. )

Monkey arrives at Celeren manse and enters.

Monkey . o O ( Besides, Stormwind Rider in and out, that's 30 motes. Consider sailing Stormhammer instead with just CK and Monkey. )

The graveyard stench carried from over the besieging army is absent here, washed clean by the Essence of the manse. An orderly directs Monkey to a room on the third floor where the Taimyo is resting. Monkey is quickly admitted into the Taimyo's presence and finds him finishing the evening meal.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That's at least a 2 day round trip though. )

Monkey . o O ( Point. Stormwind Rider then. I'll see if I can swinder a hearthstone loan. )

Monkey says, "Good evening. Hmmm, smells nice. What are you eating?"

Monkey says, "Ah, roasted chicken with garlic and roasted pepper. Nice."

Monkey says, "Hey, orderly, bring me what he has."

Taimyo Yushoto gestures to his manservant, who brings up a chair and an extra plate for Monkey. "A notable performance today, Solar."

Monkey says, "Notable? Did you see me mooning him? I'd say it was first rate!"

Monkey waves the chicken drumstick around to emphasize his point.

Monkey proceeds with a blow-by-blow retelling, accompanied by the appropriate gestures and sound effects.

Monkey . o O ( Quick, somebody stop me before I get to the mooning part! )

Taimyo Yushoto says, "Ah, yes... Remarkable flair and audacity. Risky. Daring." He doesn't sound _entirely_ approving. "Your exploit has raised morale in the city, but our position remains the same. What does the Captain plan?"

Monkey stops mid-way and pauses, "Oh, right. I was supposed to discuss that with you."

Monkey says, "He's trying to figure out a way of baiting the airship."

The Taimyo raises an eyebrow and waits for Monkey to continue.

Monkey says, "The best bet seems to be flying a skyship from here to bring the enemy skyship out, then board that skyship, and take it over or destroy it."

Monkey . o O ( David, correct me if some details are wrong. )

Monkey says, "Do you have a skyship?"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The idea was to bait the enemy skyship with a Lookshy one, then use unconventional means to board. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Summoned, birds, big kite, sail with spell, that sort of thing. )

The Taimyo idly taps the table, thinking. "Possible... Risky, but possible."

The Taimyo says, "How will you get to the enemy skyship? So far, it hasn't come within bowshot of the ground."

Monkey says, "The Captain also plans on using that whirlwind spell to go and check an island southwest that might be the base of the Floating Dead."

The Taimyo nods. "Yes. The pirates could seriously hamper the evacuation if they are given free rein.

Monkey says, "Oh, well, we haven't decided on how to get there yet. We're considering asking the City Father, what's his name by the way? Anyway, he could fly. Maybe he could fly us in somehow. Otherwise, we might have to rig a big kite and then convince the wind spirits to behave."

Monkey says, "There's also the possibility of riding a giant eagle, or even a hybroc, but getting a live one around here seems hard. Oh well."

Monkey says, "So, item 1. Skyship. Do you have one here you're willing to risk?"

The Taimyo says, "We have a Chariot of the Infinite Heavens that could be risked -- if this can be pulled off. I'll need to talk to the Captain personally before requesting Skywolf's presence as bait."

Monkey says, "What's a Chariot of Infinininity Heavens?"

The Taimyo says, "A flying vehicle. We use them for scouting and patrols. It will accomodate three passengers, so you and the Captain could ride up with a pilot."

Monkey says, "And how much cargo can it carry?"

The Taimyo says, "Very little -- only what the passengers can carry."

Monkey says, "I see. And the Skywolf, is it here?"

The Taimyo laughs, a sharp bark. "Hah! No, almost all of the Sky Guard's assets are busy between Lookshy and the Marukani Redoubt. I will need a persuasive argument to divert a skyship -- which is why I'll need to talk to the Captain."

The Taimyo says, "But that can wait till the morrow -- any of the skyships will need at least a few hours notice before moving here. Ask the captain if he will kindly meet me after breakfast."

Monkey says, "Okay, I'll tell him that. Now, about visiting the floating dead, well, if it's not the base, there's nothing to worry about, but if it is, well, to put things short, is there some hearthstone you can lend us?"

The Taimyo's eyebrows shoot up, nearly disappearing into his hairline. "Lend you?" He ponders, tapping the table. "Perhaps..."

Apollonian . o O ( Roll Charisma + Presence )

Monkey . o O ( Preferably from local manses. That way if it's lost, no big deal. )

Monkey rolled 4 dice on Cha + Pre >>> {2, 9, 6, 2}.

TonyC [to jetman]: Anything else? Otherwise Monkey will move on to City Father.

The Taimyo nods, and says, "While I cannot spare any of the Seventh Legion's hearthstones, the City Father might be able to lend you one or two. I suggest you treat with him."

jetman [to TonyC]: Nope, you spilled all the good bits to him and gave him time to think about how crazy it is. :)

Monkey . o O ( That's what you get for letting Monkey do the talking. :p )

Monkey says, "What's his name anyway?"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I'm pretty sure Monkey was just told to see the City Father, then followed his stomach! :) )

Monkey . o O ( Watch as Jesse scrambles to come up with a name. )

Apollonian . o O ( Hasn't been brought up. A quick bit of asking around gets you "Yeke Delger." )

Apollonian . o O ( Thpppt! )

Monkey says, "Oh, one more thing. Can I borrow one of your warstrider and try it on? Never been in one and I'm curious how the thing works."

Apollonian . o O ( Make another Cha + Pre roll... )

Monkey . o O ( Okay, this one I better spend WP. )

Monkey rolled 4 dice on Cha + Pre + autosuccess >>> {1, 6, 8, 6}.

The Taimyo says, "I'll check with the warstrider kazei -- he may be able to spare one, briefly. Check with him tomorrow."

Monkey . o O ( A better way is probably to make it look like CK requires the warstrider to take on the bad guys, but that would be manipulative. )

Monkey says, "Tomorrow? Awwww."

Monkey stands up though, and still holding the chicken drumstick, salutes, "I'm off to see the City Father now. Thanks for the chicken. My complements to the chef."

Monkey . o O ( Mmmm, chicken. )

The Taimyo nods farewell and the orderly shows you out, directing you to the hearthstone room of the manse to see Yeke Delger.

Monkey enters the hearthstone room. "Uis! Monkey's here, on a really really important errand."

Monkey looks around.

Apollonian . o O ( Uis? )

Monkey . o O ( Random nonsensical noise. )

Monkey . o O ( CK: Hmmm, how heavy is a keg of firedust? It occurs to me that a bombing run might be feasible. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I had the same notion, for leaving a bomb behind, but does it blow up, or just burn? )

The hearthstone room is not so much a room as a wide open space atop the manse. The four corners of the pyramid rise up to a point above a platform about thirty feet in diameter. In the center of the platform is a low basin, presumably where the manse's hearthstone forms, but it is empty. The platform is open on all four sides, and gentle breezes blow through it. The only other person on the platform is a young man in a plain white robe. He turns at Monkey's approach and you see that he has horse hooves in place of feet.

Apollonian . o O ( Making a firedust bomb would take a Craft roll. )

Monkey . o O ( I asked this way way back when we're in Barada's cargo hold and there are firedust kegs inside. The answer: prepared properly, it will explode. )

Monkey says, "Good evening. I'm looking for Yeke Delger. Can you direct me to him?"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Probably a couple hundred pounds then. )

The man says, "I am he. What do you seek, Prince of the Earth?"

Monkey looks around to see who the guy was talking to.

The spirit waits patiently for Monkey to respond.

Concluding that the spirit is talking to him after all, Monkey finally responds, "No, no, you misheard me. The name's Monkey."

Monkey says, "You look very different from when I saw you outside, flying. That was you, right?"

Yeke Delger says, "Ah, I beg pardon, Monkey. Yes, I may assume another form when prowess in battle is required."

Monkey . o O ( Using similar naval weapons as a comparison, how much damage do you estimate such a keg do? )

Apollonian . o O ( Eh, ask me over e-mail. )

Monkey says, "Oh. That's a neat trick."

Monkey says, "But anyway, my Captain told me to see you and ask.... oh, about flight."

The spirit says, "What about flight?"

Monkey says, "We need to fly to get at the skyship, well, I haven't seen it, but there's one that's preventing the Lookshy skyships from coming here and helping out."

Monkey says, "Anything you can do about that?"

Monkey says, "Speaking about which, what are your plan about the army out there?"

Monkey says, "Anything we can help with?"

Monkey, being Monkey, will continue chattering until interrupted.

Yeke Delger says, "Perhaps. If the ship were lured over the city, I might be able to carry a warrior up to it. But it would need to be close -- I am bound by the city's limits. As for the army -- well, when the city falls, so shall I. I will make that fall costly."

Monkey says, "Oh, and hearthstone. That Yushoto guy told me that if we want to borrow a hearthstone, we should ask you."

Apollonian . o O ( Cha + Presence, yet again... )

Monkey says, "What about the other spirits? Can't you ask for help? I mean, there are other gods out there, and elementals, and well, there's ghosts, but now that I think about it, that's probably not a good idea."

Monkey rolled 4 dice on something >>> {4, 9, 1, 6}.

Monkey says, "Can't you escape? I mean, we're evacuating. Maybe you can find some other city to be god of. Or even start one."

Yeke Delger says, "Perhaps I can lend you this manse's hearthstone -- in return for a favor."

Monkey says, "I mean, all the people evacuating must go somewhere, right?"

Monkey says, "Favor, what favor?"

Yeke Delger reaches into the folds of his robe and pulls something out. It's his still-beating heart, glistening in the starlight. "Take this and plant it in a safe place, not too far from here, but not too near, by the next dark of the moon."

Monkey tries to remember his nautical tables. "In about a week? No problem."

Monkey accepts the heart and puts it in his pouch.

Yeke Delger says, "Then we are agreed." He carefully places his heart in Monkey's hands, and then draws a stone from his robe. It's a cloudy, pale gray almond-shaped stone about the size of a woman's fist. "This is the hearthstone of Celeren Manse. Use it well."

Apollonian . o O ( It's a Stone of Easy Breath -- allows you to breathe anywhere with no problems, regardless of environment. )

Monkey says, "Master Jaff," and the simian scampers from the entrance (he's always been there, of course), and climbs to Monkey's shoulder. "Hey, Master Jaff, you keep an eye on the heart and remind me about the deal."

Monkey . o O ( Level? )

Apollonian . o O ( Level 4. )

Monkey says, "Well then, I'll go back to Captain Taiyo Kaizoku and discuss what to do next. Thanks."

Monkey saunters out.

Monkey . o O ( CK: Now what? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The plans have been laid out (if less dramatically then the Captain would have done, so wait until morning, it seems. )

Monkey . o O ( Hmmm, in that case.... )

Captain Kaizoku checks in with the crews at the harbor, and spends the night on the Stormhammer, relating the tale of the battle to them.

Monkey goes to find a Lookshy officer and asks him for directions to the warstrider arsenal.

Apollonian . o O ( Are we moving on to the next day, then? )

Monkey . o O ( No. I'm doing this right away. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Unless Monkey has some idea, but he was told the next morning for a Warstrider too. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay... )

Monkey . o O ( Monkey's not good at waiting. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Hopefully he'll check on the firedirt barrel while he's at ti. )

Monkey . o O ( Nah, he'll forget. Only one idea at a time. )

The officer looks a little baffled but points Monkey toward a staging area in the southern section of the inland city. Following his directions, Monkey finds his way to a wide-open plaza in which stand the silent forms of six warstriders. It's moving on toward midnight now, but figures are moving around the hulking shapes, and Monkey can see the occasional glint and flash of Essence on the scaffolding that surrounds two of them.

Monkey says, "Ehm. Who's the person in charge here?"

A stocky Dragon-Blooded in the robes of a sorcerer-technician looks up from the warstrider he's working on. "I am. Who are you?"

Monkey says, "First Officer Monkey. If it helps jog your memory, we foiled an assassination attempt against your Taimyo and kicked the enemy general's butt earlier today."

The Dragon-Blooded says, "Ah. You were the one who nearly got two of our 'striders smashed up, right?"

Monkey thinks that goodness Captain is asleep. With luck, he won't hear about this tomorrow.

Monkey says, "You know, with that kind of attitude, maybe I should go back to Yeke Delger, tell him the deal is off, and leave tomorrow. Good luck evacuating. Tell your Taimyo that you'll deal with further assassination attempts."

Monkey starts walking away.

Monkey will go to Celeren Manse.

The Dragon-Blooded shrugs. "Shoulda known Anathema would back out on a fight."

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Ooooh, the Captain would have Monkey flogged if he knew that Monkey was talking about policy. )

Once Monkey arrives in Celeren Manse, he strides in, and say, "Yeke Delger. I'm returning your hearthstone and your heart. The Lookshy folks aren't being cooperative and I don't feel like beating my head on a wall. Good luck."

Apollonian . o O ( Strides into the Hearthstone room? )

Monkey goes back to Stormhammer to sleep.

Monkey . o O ( Yes. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. )

The spirit looks very startled, and accepts both heart and hearthstone. "Very well, Prince of the Earth. Farewell."

Apollonian . o O ( And, moving on to the next day... )

Monkey . o O ( From this point on, Monkey will do what Captain Kaizoku orders him and no more. )

Apollonian . o O ( Cranky... )

Captain Kaizoku is up with the dawn, as always, looking out over the sea to gauge the weather, and the future.

Apollonian . o O ( Anybody down on Willpower? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Down 1. )

Monkey . o O ( Down 1. )

Apollonian . o O ( Roll Conviction to regain. )

Monkey . o O ( Refused. )

Captain Kaizoku rolled 3 dice on Conviction >>> {5, 8, 1}.

Apollonian . o O ( Okay... )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Back to full. )

Once Monkey wakes up, he goes to find Captain Kaizoku. "Captain, I no longer feel that the evacuation effort is worth my time and energy. I will still follow your order, but will do no more than your direct order."

Captain Kaizoku makes sure Monkey is up no more than a half hour later than he is. "What did the City Father say Monkey? Can he fly us to the airship, should we draw it out?"

Monkey says, "Yes, he will fly one of us."

Captain Kaizoku lifts an eyebrow and looks very troubled at that. "Why do you feel that all of the people here deserve to be killed and added to an army of the dead Monkey?" he asks bluntly.

Monkey says, "Yes."

Monkey says, "They are ungrateful bunch who considers our effort to help them hindrances. So why should we help him? If they don't want us, they can very well dig their way out themselves."

Captain Kaizoku clears his throat. "WHY do you feel that way? I need to know if you saw some fell deed here that caused this."

Captain Kaizoku sits Monkey down and gets out half a ration of rum, sliding it to him. "They seemed greatful when we battled the Reducer. What changed since then?"

Monkey says, "When asked by a Lookshy officer who I am, I introduced myself, and told him that we're the ones who foiled the assassination attempt and forced the enemy general to flee. His response is to blame me for smashing their warstriders."

Monkey says, "As far as I can tell, nothing changed."

Captain Kaizoku lifts an eyebrow. "Why were you at a Warstrider repair area?" He pushes that thought aside and instead asks "Do you remember when you broke the crow's nest on the Sun? And Mr. Carpenter said 'why are you breaking my ship?'"

Monkey says, "Captain, I don't see why the crow's nest have anything to do with this. I didn't touch anything of theirs."

Monkey . o O ( You might want to confine yourself to what Monkey actually said and done instead of what I, TonyC, intended to do. )

Apollonian . o O ( I'll input a bit of desc on the weather and such while you two do the scene -- but otherwise, I'm waiting with bated breath. )

Captain Kaizoku abandons gentle metaphor as he leans forward. "But it was our fight that caused the damage. Remember Monkey, many people still fear and hate us for being Solar Exalted. They call us Anathema. We must restore their trust through our actions."

Monkey says, "Captain, if it requires much more action than we already did, then it's not worth it. What, saving their commander's life is not enough. Beating their enemy is not enough. If licking their boots is what is required to get their trust, no thanks."

The morning of the 23rd of Descending Wood has dawned cloudy and cold, with that same chill wind blowing from the southeast that bore the smell of death yesterday. There's a light chop on the open sea, but the captain takes comfort in knowing that the same wind that bears ill tidings will also bear any ships from Celeren toward safety. High above the city, the undead hybrocs and their silver-masked riders still circle, although higher today than yesterday. The presence of the Solar Exalted in the city has made them wary.

Monkey . o O ( Given the impasse, let me put forth the options as I see it. )

Captain Kaizoku replies "We will lick no man or god's boots Monkey" in a firm tone. "We have a great battle ahead of us... greater than this one, or with the Realm. We must restore confidence in our kind after centuries of fear. It daunts even me, Monkey. You are the only ally I have who understands this." The captain rarely speaks this way...

Monkey . o O ( Hmmmm, good argument there. )

Monkey says, "Very well, Captain. For your sake, I shall swallow my pride this time."

Apollonian . o O ( Well, the Captain's managed to avoid Limit... for the moment... )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I never thought it'd come from Monkey! )

Apollonian . o O ( 'course, he's still gotta deal with the Taimyo. )

Monkey . o O ( I'll go get some snacks. Your scene. )

Captain Kaizoku puts his hand out to Monkey's shoulder. "Your pride is always inside you Monkey. No one can harm it there, or sully it, save you."

Apollonian . o O ( I'm getting pretty tired -- we'll wrap up soonish, I think. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Meet with the Taimyo then, and prepare for the big assault, which we start off with next time? )

As the Captain and Monkey talk over morning rum, the business of the evacuation continues. Per the Captain's orders, the crews of the Nimbus and the Stormhammer are preparing the ships for either refugees or soldiers. Around them, the gathered small ships are taking on the lucky and the wealthy and setting sail on the morning tide, headed for safer waters singly or in small convoys. After the conversation is over, a Seventh Legion messenger is presented to the Captain. He asks why the Solar is late for his meeting with the Taimyo.

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( The meeting that Monkey didn't mention in his fit of pique... )

Apollonian . o O ( Yeah, that one. )

Captain Kaizoku stands and straightens his coat. "We will speak more of this later Monkey, but for now, duty calls." He belts on his sword and follows the messenger to the meeting.

The Taimyo is sitting on a low bench overlooking the city from the Celeren Manse. He glances up as the Captain is ushered into his presence, not bothering to conceal a look of irritation on his face. "Good morning, Captain. Forgive me if I do not stand."

Captain Kaizoku says smoothly "Think nothing of it, you have stood long in defense of this city" as he sits down, thinking of who arranged the meeting and failed to mention it. "I presume Monkey outlined the bones of my plans?"

He continues to look out at the defenses and the gathered army. Activity in the enemy camp seems to be picking up, especially behind the headquarters area. Figures scurry to and fro, and the occasional flash of Abyssal Essence darkens the morning. The Taimyo says, "He did yes, but then returned and said all was called off. Am I to understand that you are no longer allied with Lookshy?"

Monkey . o O ( Jesse, please reread what Monkey actually said and did. )

Apollonian . o O ( I know -- but think about how well information gets communicated in a bureaucracy. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( That cranky mechanic got it all wrong when he reported up the chain. )

Apollonian . o O ( Especially if, say, a certain malignant force is influencing said bureaucracy... )

Monkey . o O ( Suit yourself. )

Apollonian looks irritated.

Captain Kaizoku was unprepared for that and doesn't hide it at first. "Nothing could be further from the truth. I will stand by Lookshy as promised, and extend every effort I can here" he says resolutely.

Taimy Yushoto looks up at the Captain and studies him for a long moment. "Well. What are your plans, then? Your subordinate told me that you intend to bait the enemy skyship into appearing, and also that you plan on disrupting the Floating Dead. These are ambitious goals, but if successful -- if -- they would be vital to success. Am I correct?"

Captain Kaizoku nods. "You are. The enemy skyship overmatches your air power, so I plan to board it using other means. You witnessed the prowess of Monkey and myself on the field... it is even greater on the deck of the ship. I have every confidence I will be able to seize or destroy it."

Apollonian . o O ( roll Cha + Presence )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( HPM too? )

Apollonian . o O ( If it's up. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Didn't declare it yet, so... )

You rolled 6 dice on something >>> {2, 9, 10, 5, 1, 4}.

Captain Kaizoku rolled 7 dice on Cha + Pre >>> {10, 3, 10, 4, 2, 10, 8}.

Apollonian . o O ( I've kind of assumed that the Captain has it up in most social situations... )

Apollonian . o O ( Not that you need it... )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Oh, I was assuming that too, but I wasn't sure you did. )

A smile flashes across the Taimyo's face. "I see. Please describe your plan, then, so I can present the case for risking a skyship to the Sky Guard."

Captain Kaizoku returns that smile with a wolfish, or sharkish one of his own. "There will be little risk for the Sky Guard... they will act as bait, no more... The ship will move towards the city in what will look a desperate move to evacuate by air, drawing out the enemy ship. The Sky Guard's course will mean the enemy has to pass over the city, and then I will make my move, through one means or another, and board it. The Sky Guard ship can then retreat out of attack range."

The Taimyo nods in appreciation. "I see. I will send a message immediately." He signals for an orderly and, taking up brush and paper, writes a quick message. The orderly takes it and vanishes into town. "We shall have a response within an hour. When do you wish to attempt this?

Captain Kaizoku replies "Time is short, so immediately. Today, should they rise to the bait. I would also require a keg of firedust configured to explode. Should we be unable to secure the ship, I will leave it in pieces."

The Taimyo says, "I'll see what can be done. Firedust is in short supply. I can also provide a Chariot of the Infinite Heavens for the attempt, and a pilot." He waves over to a nearby Dragon-Blooded in a sky-blue uniform. The woman approaches and bows. "Chuzei Arakawa here is an expert with the Chariots, and can bring you to the objective safely and quickly."

Apollonian . o O ( brb )

Captain Kaizoku returns the bow, as for an honored subordinate. "Very nice to meet you. Have you seen this enemy skyship in action? What is its greatest strength?" he asks. "How has it downed the Sky Guard so successfully?"

Chuzei Arakawa says, "It appears to be a fully-functional First Age skyship, with concomitant weaponry and capabilities. Furthermore, it is always accompanied by an escort of those undead fliers, who are remarkably good at harassing our own assets."

Captain Kaizoku taps his finger on the hilt of his Daiklave. "The power of the Sun will clear the air of the undead. They cannot abide by its light" he says firmly. "Given that, will you be able to move to land or drop my first and I off on the ship? What about gaining access to the interior?"

Chuzei Arakawa says, "Yes. The enemy skyship is a similar design to Skywolf. There's a landing deck on top of the ship, with a deckhouse near the stern. Access to the interior should be through the deckhouse, or through hatches on the deck itself."

She adds, "We have a few sketches of the ship that may be useful in planning the attack."

Captain Kaizoku calls for paper and has her sketch out the design twice, marking entrances. "And the best place to plant an exploding-keg?"

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Heh... )

Monkey . o O ( The Essence engine, wherever that is. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Is that Hearthstone powered? You could just remove them then. )

Monkey . o O ( Cutting off the fuel line of a flying war machine will not be easy, but yes, that's one way of disabling them. )

She looks over the sketches, and hmmmms. "It's unlikely we'll be able to breach the hull -- not if it's soulsteel, and it sure seems like it. Still..." she points her pencil at one of the pods on the side of the hull. "This is one of the turbines that keeps the ship aloft. If you can place a keg there, it will severely damage the ship, possibly enough to ground it. Alternately, you could place a keg in the Hearthstone room, but that would be very chancy."

Captain Kaizoku 's eyes narrow as he ponders the chancy nature of such an operation. "Has the City Father ever confronted the airship? He could place such a keg on the outside as we diverted the crew's attention from within."

Chuzei Arakawa shakes her head and says, "No, the keg needs to be inside the ship -- otherwise the force of the blast will be blown outward and do little if any damage." She chews her lip. "Unless he placed it _inside_ one of the turbines... but that would require exquisite timing."

Apollonian . o O ( I'm about to conk out for the night. Shall we finish the planning over e-mail? )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Yes, though most of it's done... May want to use both the Chariot and the City Father for the drop though, in case of the worst. )

Apollonian . o O ( Okay. Experience: 3 for attendance, +1 each for the fight with the Reducer. )

Apollonian . o O ( Monkey gets an extra +1 for the 3-die mooning. )

Monkey . o O ( Alright, since we're done for the night.... David, my apology. Jesse, we'll discuss my behaviour over email? )

Apollonian . o O ( Captain gets a +1 for cleaning up after Monkey's mess and soothing various ruffled feathers. )

Apollonian [to TonyC]: Okay.

Monkey . o O ( Ah, I was just going to suggest giving David an extra XP. )

Monkey . o O ( Alright, talk to you guys later. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( I was unsure how much to clean up... )

Apollonian . o O ( BTW, could you guys make sure your Wiki sheets are up-to-date? I'm going to go in and adjust the Backgrounds sometime this week to reflect the last few sessions. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( Take care! )

Apollonian . o O ( 'night. )

Monkey . o O ( No problem. )

Captain Kaizoku . o O ( OK, Night! )

TonyC decides that saving the world takes priority over chatting and disappears.