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----<b><i>Lifetime Measuring Eye</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  6 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  3
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Crafty Observation Method
Living leaves its stamp on people.  Calluses, scars, habits-- the trained magistrate is well aware of all of these things.  Unfortunately, human variation being what it is, it can sometimes be hard to determine what is merely personal choice, and what is the result of a pattern.  A Solar using Lifetime Measuring Eye can filter through such variation to sift for facts.  Indeed, such variation becomes patterns that the Solar can follow to gain even more perception into the lives of those he observes.
The use of this Charm provides the following facts:
*[[IsawaBrian/SolarInvestigationObservation]] -- The cunning insight of Solar Magistrates.
*[[IsawaBrian/SolarInvestigationSocialCombat]] -- The harsh and unfailing Lawgivers' quest for the truth
Whether or not the target is concealing or disguising himself.
*[[IsawaBrian/SolarInvestigationTelepathy]] -- Ultimate mastery of intellectual insight for the Solars
Any Attributes the target has at 5 or higher, or her highest Attributes if none are at least 5.
A small description of important events of the past day.
Any Abilities the target has at 5 or higher, or his highest Abilities if none are at least 5.
A small description -- at most a sentence -- of the target’s life path or profession.  This is often the target’s concept.
Any Abilities that the character has a Specialty in, and what those specialties are.
The target’s Nature.
If the target has the second level of Innocuous, is subject to Arcane Fate, or is protected by a disguise Charm such as Impenetrable Identity (Lifetime Measuring Eye will penetrate King of Masks Technique), the Exalt must bypass the target’s defenses or the only information he will gain is that corresponding to a Resplendent Destiny, the Impenetrable Identity, or a simple background null.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-OK.  It detects Motivation rather than Nature.  It costs only 3m if used on a target that the Solar has a current application of Evidence-Discerning Method active on.  At Essence 5, the character will also learn all of the target's Intimacies.</i>
----<b><i>Brilliant Insight</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  1 mote per die
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Supplemental
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  1
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  1
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  None
For a brief moment, the character’s perceptions stretch beyond the normal, and her mind makes powerful intuitive leaps.  For each mote spent on this Charm, add one die to the Solar’s Attribute + Investigation dice pool.  This cannot more than double the Solar’s Attribute + Investigation dice pool.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is superceded by the First Investigation Excellency.</i>
----<b><i>Heart on the Sleeve Method</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  5 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  One Scene
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Irresistible Questioning Technique
The character opens his perceptions to the subtle clues of emotions that surround people and animals alike.  His eyes and ears pick up the quiet hints that everyone displays, and he becomes peripherally aware of the invisible bends in Essence caused by emotions.  Until the end of the scene, the character is aware of the surface emotions of all those around him.  As a result, subtract the character’s Essence from all difficulties of rolls that can be aided by understanding emotion.  This will not overwhelm him, even if the emotions are very strong.  Heart on the Sleeve Method will not reveal long term emotional constants or deep, concealed emotions, merely what is on the top of the target’s mind.  It is therefore possible to use self-control to fool this Charm.
<i> In Second Edition, this Charm functions slightly differently.</i>
  <i><b>Cost:</b> 7m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 5, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks)</i>
  <i><b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social</i>
  <i><b>Duration:</b> One Scene.</i>
  <i><b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Irresistible Questioning Technique, Evidence-Discerning Method.</i>
<i>The character opens his perceptions to the subtle clues of emotions that surround people and animals alike.  His eyes and ears pick up the quiet hints that everyone displays, and he becomes peripherally aware of the invisible bends in Essence caused by emotions.  Until the end of the scene, the character is aware of the surface emotions of all those around him.  As a result, reduce all external penalties on dramatic and social/social mass combat actions the character takes by his permanent Essence, so long as the roll in question could be aided by emotional understanding.  If a target is actively concealing his emotional state via self-control or other method, have the Solar roll Perception + Investigation against a difficulty equal to the target's (Manipulation + Socialize)/2.  The number of excess successes the Solar gets, if any, are then the number that is subtracted from external penalties as above, up to a maximum of the Solar's permanent Essence.  Failure has no penalty.</i>
----<b><i>Roaring Silence Insight</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  8 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  One Scene
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  4
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Heart on the Sleeve Method
With this Charm, the Solar’s insight into the minds of those around her grows beyond mere surface clues.  Her attunement to the hidden flows of mental essence deepens, and emotions and even thoughts cannot be concealed from her.  Until the end of the scene, the character is aware of both the surface emotions around her, and with a reflexive action, may become aware of deep emotional constants, including the target’s Nature.  She is also aware of the surface thoughts around her.  Depending on the strength and number, this may range from quiet whispers to the roaring of a crowd, and the Storyteller should judge how hard it is to make out individual thoughts as a result.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-OK, and reveals Motivation rather than nature.  Any Intimacies that are immediate to a deliberately scanned target-- such as being used for or against an MDV, or the object of an Intimacy being present, etc.-- will also be revealed.  The Essence minimum for this Charm is 3.</i>
----<b><i>Probing the Hidden Depths</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  8 motes, 2 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  5
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Roaring Silence Insight
By locking eyes with the target for one turn- this may require additional Charms or restraining gear- the Exalted may probe the mind of his target.  The Solar stares directly into the mental Essence of the target, reading it like a book.  This mental probing can reveal hidden secrets and thoughts desperately concealed.  It will <b>not</b> reveal anything that the target has never voiced, only seen, except for words- the resultant probe is only verbal.  No emotions, visual cues, smells, etc. will be conveyed, unless the target expressed these to herself in reaction to the memory.  This will also not reveal any insight into memories that have been locked away, whether by trauma, or charm, or other means.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-OK and Obvious.  Its Essence minimum is 4.  This Charm may be used to plumb for non-immediate Intimacies.</i>
----<b><i>Becoming the Inner Eye</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  10 motes, 2 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  Varies
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  6
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  6
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Probing the Hidden Depth
By means of this Charm, the Solar can send her target into a deep trance, bringing up long-hidden memories and allowing the Solar to view them as though she were watching from the target’s perspective.  This effect requires at least an hour of preparation, although after the first five minutes, it is unnecessary to restrain the target, as he will be dropped into a deep trance.  The target gets a willpower roll against a difficulty equal to the Exalted’s Essence to resist; if he does, she may not use this Charm again on him for a day.  Otherwise, it will be as though he is in a deep sleep- any violence or loud noises will awaken him, but he is otherwise out.  The Solar will also be in a trance from this point on, so it is usually a wise idea to have guardians of some kind around. 
Once both are in the trance, it will take the rest of the hour, and then twice the time-length of the memory being probed, for the character to retrieve and relive the memory.  The character need not know what she is searching for, but if she is merely ‘fishing’, it will take the target’s Permanent Essence in hours to find something interesting.  The character must specify the sort of memory she is searching for, or the Storyteller may feel free to heavily extend the time in the trance while searching.  The Solar may end this Charm at any time, reflexively.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-Basic and Obvious.  Its effects transcend ordinary social combat.  The Investigation and Essence Minimums are both reduced to 5.</i>
----<b><i>Despair of the Fair Folk</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  3 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Reflexive
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  2
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  2
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Judge’s Ear Technique
A Solar’s mind is a powerful thing, and very few beings can conceal the truth from him.  If a Solar with this Charm is aware- or believes- that his mind is being fooled, he can attempt to break the illusion by activating this Charm and making a reflexive Perception + Investigation roll.  The difficulty of this roll will either be the number of successes rolled for the illusion or the permanent Essence of the illusion’s creator, whichever is higher.  If this is successful, the illusion is has no affect on the character.  This Charm may be used as a reflexive defense against Glamour powers, Glamour-forged Weapons, or any attack made by a Wyld entity such as a Fae.  If this defends successfully against a Glamour-forged Weapon, it may not ever hurt this character again- it will simply pass through.  This counts as a parry.
<i>This Charm functions differently in Second Edition.  See below.</i>
----<b><i>Illusion-Shattering Technique</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  3 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Reflexive
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  3
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Despair of the Fair Folk
Now the character may not be challenged by the unreal.  She may prevent any one illusion from affecting her.  Once she is aware of its nature as an illusion, she will always be aware of it- illusory animals cannot harm her, glamour-forged weapons will pass through her, and so on.  This may also be used as a perfect defense against Glamour Powers, the attacks of Fae and similar Wyld creatures, and so on.
<i>This Charm functions differently in Second Edition.  See below.</i>
----<b><i>An End to Deception</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  8 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  4
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Illusion-Shattering Technique
With a powerful burst of Essence and will, the character utterly destroys one illusion.  Glamour-forged weapons shatter, illusory walls disappear, etc.  This will not kill Fair Folk, Wyld Creatures, or sapient illusions instantly; instead, roll the character’s Intelligence + Investigation, with a number of automatic successes equal to her Essence + Perception.  The resulting successes are applied as lethal damage to the target.  Only a perfect defense will shield against this attack.  This will not harm someone who has an illusion on them, unless it is glamour somehow sustaining life.  This will function as an attack on characters or entities lost in the Sea of the Mind, but they may expend Virtue for perfect defenses.
<i> In Second Edition, this Charm is Obvious and Combo-Ok.  It has a Speed of 5 ticks and no DV penalty. </I>
----<b><i>Transcendent Investigation Prowess</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  None
  <b>Duration:</b>  Permanent
  <b>Type:</b>  Special
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Irresistable Questioning Technique, Brilliant Insight
The character develops an uncanny insight and cunning instinct for research and investigation.  Subtract two from the difficulty of all Investigation rolls (minimum difficulty one).  This Charm is based on Neph’s suggestion on the wiki; I just fleshed it out.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm does not require Brilliant Insight; it instead requires Infinite Investigation Mastery.  It reduces all external penalties to Investigation rolls by 2; this does not affect MDVs in social combat.  Its Prerequisite Charms are all three Investigation Excellencies, Infinite Investigation Mastery, and Essence Investigation Flow.</i>
----<b><i>Sense of Disharmony</i></b>
  <b>Cost:</b> None
  <b>Duration:</b> Permanent
  <b>Type:</b> Special
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b> 3
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b> 2
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Ten Magistrate Eyes
The Solar's skill at investigation has given him a sixth sense for when something is <b>wrong</b>.  Whenever there is something within the Exalted's presence, he will be aware of it, as though it were a slightly brighter color than its surroundings, or otherwise highlighted.  This will not distract the character from combat or an ambush, although if the Solar chooses to focus on it exclusively, he may be in trouble. 
This Charm gives absolutely no information about what wrongness has occured, merely the location of a wrong thing.  For example, if the Solar is in a bar and a man in the corner has been subtly stabbed and left in a manner so that it appears that he is sleeping over his tankard, this Charm will merely draw the Solar's eyes in the body's direction.  The Solar will have to investigate himself, and if the stabbing was done properly, it will take an Investigation roll as usual to differentiate whether the victim had been poisoned or hit with a Spell, and so on.
Similarly, this Charm will give no bonus to the actual investigation rolls made.  A Solar standing in front of a wall to which someone was nailed and tortured will know that there is something wrong with it, but only an investigation roll will show the little flecks on the wall where the nailholes were mortared in.  Until that point, it might be a secret door, a trap, an illusion, the place where a valuable painting was held and then stolen, and so on.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm requires any Investigation Excellency.</i>
----<b><i>Unblinking Eye</i></b>
  <b>Cost:</b> 6 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Minimum Investigation:</b> 4
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b> 3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Sense of Disharmony
The Solar uses her Essence to stretch forth her perceptions, attuning her senses to concealment and disguise.  For the rest of the scene, the Solar's senses will perfectly detect any concealed object, including identities (disguises, King of Masks Technique, and similar abilities/charms) within the range of her perception.  Perfect illusions and invisibility will still defend against this Charm; make a contested roll between the Exalt's Perception + Investigation and the target's relevant dice pool (Manipulation + Ability, typically Stealth, Performance, or Larceny if none else is available).  The Exalt using Unblinking Eye gains bonus successes on this roll equal to her Essence.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Combo-OK; it does -not- have one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability.  Instead of those, or the system above for defense, use the usual Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object rules (Essence + Ability on each side), although the bonus of Essence successes is still retained.</i>
----Second Edition Charms
----<b><i>Liar's Bane</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 3m; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 3, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Reflexive (Step 2)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Investigation Excellency
The Solar's keen insight gives him the ability to shrug off the imprecations and arguments of others, no matter how far he has been lead down a conversational trap. This Charm is used in response to a social attack, allowing the Exalt to ignore all penalties that apply to his Investigation-based Parry MDV, not including inapplicability.  This Charm is especially efficacious against attacks that are based on lies or deception (storyteller's call); against such attacks, if the storyteller permits, the character may spend an extra 1m reflexively to add his Essence to his Parry MDV against such a social attack.  If the defense is successful, the character will learn what, if any, outright lies were used, though not what the truth is.
----<b><i>Despair of the Fair Folk</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Liar's Bane
A Solar’s mind is a powerful thing, and very few beings can conceal the truth from her.  If a Solar with this Charm is aware- or believes- that her mind is being fooled, she can attempt to break the illusion by activating Liar's Bane and rolling Essence + Investigation against the Essence + applicable Ability of the one casting the illusion.  A success will negate the illusion.  Liar's Bane may now also be used for an additional 1m cost to negate all penalties to a mental or physical DV that is used to defend against an illusion, Glamour powers, Glamour-forged Weapons, or any attack made by a Wyld entity such as a Fae.  If this defends successfully against a Glamour-forged Weapon, it may not ever hurt this character again- it will simply pass through.
----<b><i>Illusion-Shattering Technique</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 6m; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Reflexive (Step 2)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Despair of the Fair Folk, Judge's Ear Technique
The Solar's insight becomes transcendent for a single moment giving him a total accounting of the motivations and intents of another's attempts to manipulate him.  Against any expected social attack, the Solar defends perfectly, even if that attack would ordinarily be unblockable.  This also perfectly defends against/ends ongoing Compulsion, Servitude, Total Control, or similar mind control effect.  Nor may the character be challenged by the unreal.  If faced with an illusion or illusory foe, the Lawgiver may instead prevent any one illusion from affecting him.  Once he is aware of its nature as an illusion, he will always be aware of it- illusory animals cannot harm him, glamour-forged weapons will pass through her, and so on.  This may also be used as a perfect defense against Glamour Powers, the attacks of Fae and similar Wyld creatures, and so on.  This Charm has one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability common to all Solar perfect defenses, suitably adjusted for Social Combat.
----<b><i>Finding the Harsh Truth</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 4m; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 3, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social, Crippling
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Investigation Excellency
A Solar's interrogation can leave the weak-minded sweating, distracted, and confused-- weakened to further influence.  By making an especially harsh investigative attack, the Solar can cause mental anguish in a target.  This Charm may be activated when the character makes an Investigation social attack designed to ferret the truth or information from a target.  If the attack succeeds, her player rolls a number of dice equal to the successes she has in excess of the target's MDV.  Apply an internal penalty equal to the successes from this roll to the target's Social Attribute dice pools and one point per success from the equivalent static ratings.  This is a Crippling effect that lasts for the remainder of the scene.
----<b><i>Subtle Interrogation Technique</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 4m; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Investigation Excellency
Although Solar power is often overwhelming, it can be useful for a Chosen to be more subtle from time to time.  As talented interlocutors, Solars can manipulate their words so as to disguise their intent to draw out information or truth from their subject.  This Charm is used to hide an Investigation social attack designed to gather information or force the subject to tell the truth, making it appear as though the Solar did not ask a question, or as though the question came from another source in a group conversation. 
Anyone paying attention to the Solar-- including the target-- must make a Wits + Awareness roll and garner a number of successes equal to the Solar's permanent Essence to notice that the social attack was made by the Solar.  This requirement decreases by one each additional time this Charm is used by the Solar during a scene.  Those who fail to achieve sufficient successes or who are not paying attention in the first place will be completely fooled; the Solar's interrogation will seem like pleasant, ordinary conversation, virtually unrelated to the topic.  If there is a group of individuals engaged in social discourse (not necessarily combat) the Solar can lay 'blame' for the attack in a general direction, but, unless there is only one other person, not on a specific individual.
----<b><i>Crushing Inquisition Barrage</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 6m; <b>Mins:</b> Investigation 3, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Social, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Crafty Observation Technique
Faced with evasive or recalcitrant subjects a Solar can draw upon the magnificent weight of her august mandate and bear down on upon them, unleashing an inexorable barrage of questions and interrogations that will brook no interference, no evasion, and no deflection.  Only a stubborn, total will can possibly withstand this questioning.  This Charm supplements an Investigation-based social attack aimed at forcing the truth from the subject or garnering information from him.  It renders the subject's Parry MDV inapplicable against this attack, and doubles the Lawgiver's successes on the attack roll during Step 3, prior to the application of a defense, if any.
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Latest revision as of 06:59, 18 April 2010
