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And here be Session Three for this crew of pirates.
And here be Session Three for this crew of pirates.
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates | Back to Western Pirates]]
[[Shorlixa/WesternPirates|Back to Western Pirates]]
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionTwo | Back to Session Two]]
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionTwo|Back to Session Two]]
== Session Three ==
== Session Three ==
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Orillian tries to save the Hurricane, for though he's stopped it from sinking, it is nowhere near sail worthy. Red is trying his best to help, though his help is very meagre. Ryoujal has just surfaced into a scene of chaos, with people working frantically on the Hurricane while others try to pull the wounded out of the water. Megumi continues to make her way down, clutching the thread that leads to Syn, the only thing she can feel in the cold water. And Syn waits, hoping that the ship will either decide to move or someone will finally join her in her lonely guard.
Orillian tries to save the Hurricane, for though he's stopped it from sinking, it is nowhere near sail worthy. Red is trying his best to help, though his help is very meagre. Ryoujal has just surfaced into a scene of chaos, with people working frantically on the Hurricane while others try to pull the wounded out of the water. Megumi continues to make her way down, clutching the thread that leads to Syn, the only thing she can feel in the cold water. And Syn waits, hoping that the ship will either decide to move or someone will finally join her in her lonely guard.
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionFour | On to Session Four]]
[[Shorlixa/WPSessionFour|On to Session Four]]

Latest revision as of 01:58, 9 June 2010

And here be Session Three for this crew of pirates.

Back to Western Pirates

Back to Session Two

Session Three

The Hurricane has left the Coral Archipelago, heading East and sailing the routes where the pirate ship is said to have attacked other ships. And they know all this because Gyar handed over a package that mysteriously arrived for the captain before they left, which contains what little information is known about the mysterious pirate ship. Given they have to deal with this problem, they're sailing around the area, hoping to either bump into the ship or get some more information.

Orillian is on deck making sure all the parts of the ship are in order.

Lady Syn is handling the helm.

Megumi stands near the bow of the ship and scans the horizon. Ah, yes. A ship. It'd be good to find this ship so they could move on to more interesting pursuits.

Ryoujal leans against the main mast, glancing off to the side and making sure that the men have their arms in order since they are more than likely looking at boarding another ship in the near future.

They travel further before happening upon some broken off wreckage. Those looking overboard know that there isn't enough wreckage for a whole ship, but it's still some wreckage. A particularly sharp-eyed person even hollers that there's a body among the wreckage, and that's quite true.

Orillian wanders over to the side of the boat curiously.

Ryoujal looks over the railing, "Time to go diving captain?"

Megumi peers up into the sky, and the area around. "Uh, sure. But leave some people up here, in case whatever did this comes back."

You paged Megumi with 'Megumi looks around and just sees some corpse and wreckage. It doesn't seem worth diving for.'

You paged Ryoujal with 'Ryoujal spots the body, but he can't really make much else out in the wreckage.'

Ryoujal grabs a long rope, ties it to the railing, and jumps into the body swimming towards the body.

You paged Orillian with 'Orillian can see that the body isn't a body, but a wounded man. Good thing the doctor has sharp eyes.'

Megumi says, "Let's...not linger, though. Nevermind.."

Orillian rushes to the side. "Take care with that man! Death's not claimed him yet!"

With Ryoujal's strength, he manages to haul the wounded man on board. He's a Southerner by looks, and clutching a Plasma Tongue Repeater tightly in one hand, the other having been used to grab onto the wreckage. He's also severely wounded, not even counting how long he might have been exposed to the elements.

Ryoujal hoists the guy up on deck, and rolls up the rope, "Well he's still alive that's something to be thankful for..."

You paged Orillian with 'The man is severely wounded. It's quite amazing that he's lasted so far out in the elements. There are sword cuts, splinters and bite marks, but what he finds most interesting is the fact that some wounds bear the mark of acid burns, similar to the ones he had to treat the sailors for when they encountered the kraken-creature.'

Megumi stays out of Orillian's way as he looks over the not-corpse.

Orillian curses. "This be the work of the same beast as we fought before! Be on guard, all!" He hoists the wounded sailor into his arms and begins to head down below decks. "Clear the sick berth!" he shouts down into the hatch.

Ryoujal looks about, "Oh poopie... Guess I should get ready..." Goes and attaches his gloves to his arms.

Megumi considers. "You know..we're going to need to clear a permanent space for this kind of thing."

It's a tense few minutes as they look around, prepared for battle and waiting for some black tentacles to reach up and grab at people again. Then, as the minutes continue to pass, they realise that maybe the creature isn't here right now. After all, who knows how long the man has been in the water.

Orillian channels the essence through his hands to care for his patient, but for once, doesn't seem to be able to do very much. He handles the worst of the wounds, and if the man continues to rest, he should be able to move around soon. And as he works, the man wakes up.

Back on deck, it takes a while longer before they decide that the beastie isn't going to attack today. After all, it was just part of the wreckage they saw. It's possible this wasn't even the main scene of the battle.

Orillian wipes his brow. "Not my best work, but you'll live," he comments as the man regains consciousness.

Big Red eyes open and he looks around in a panic waving his gun. With his attacker no where in sight he relaxes looking at his healer. "Thanks friend. I am in your debt today."

Ryoujal says, "So no big thing for us to beat up?"

Megumi shakes her head. "I guess not. Is there any way we can track this thing?"

Ryoujal says, "We could attach a long length of rope to it with a brightly coloured barrel on the end of it?"

Orillian shrugs. "Aye, aye. Now then, I take it ye were attacked by the beastie?"

Big Red says, "Aye. A beast of sorts. But first came some fish men that boarded my ship."

Megumi rolls her eyes. "This creature discharges some sort of ink, doesn't it?" She looks over the side for traces of any inky water.

Lady Syn says, "And how pray tell do ye plan to get down there with the rope without it attaching itself to ye?"

Big Red holsters the repeater and mutters about his other weapons ammo getting wet.

Ryoujal stops to think about it for a while then comes back, "Don't Northerners tie ropes to harpoons then stick'em in big things?"

Orillian raises an eyebrow. "Fish men, ye say? That... be serious business." He scratches his chin. "They have a ship?"

Big Red says, "Not sure. I was below deck when it started. I remember running to the deck and having to fight for my life. Then some great tentacles came from the water and begun to rend the ship in half. I finally fell victim to my wounds and awoke here."

Orillian nods. "I see... I'll be goin' back above, then. Remember, no strainin' yerself!" He calls back as he heads up on deck. "Well. The beastie, and fish-men," Orillian announces, shaking his head.

Ryoujal says, "Fish-men? That's new..."

Megumi sighs. "As 'brilliant' as that plan seems, I really don't want to risk capsizing the ship when the beast dives deeper. Ok. Back to your stations. We have a pirate ship to find."

Big Red watches him go and lays back to rest

Orillian looks between Ryoujal and the captain. "Wait, what were ye discussing?"

Ryoujal says, "Nothing..."

Megumi says, "A way to track the creature."

Lady Syn says, "Just bad ideas"

Orillian ponders. "Ahh, well, I could make a buoy and then some, err, brave soul could attempt to harpoon the creature..."

Megumi glances. "I think Ryo just volunteered."

Ryoujal says, "I did?"

Lady Syn says, "It took all four of us to drive it off before. With only one of us, you'd be wrapped, eaten, and dead."

Megumi nods solemnly. "You did."

Ryoujal says, "Or we could find that First Age ship and then just blow it up with what ever weapons it has."

Megumi says, "Or we could do that."

Ryoujal says, "Much better plan capt'n."

Megumi says, "So what else can you tell us about our passenger?" She looks at Orillian. "While we get back under way, I mean."

Orillian reports, "He's very beat up. Sword wounds, splinters, burns from the blood of the beast. Still very thoroughly injured, too."

Ryoujal says, "Must be one tough customer...."

Megumi nods. "That could be useful, when the time comes.

Megumi turns and looks over the bow again. This could be a long search.

Orillian suggests, "Well, he should probably need a few weeks of rest, though I'll see what I can do."

Wounded as their new passenger is, it takes Orillian only a few days to heal everything up. In the meantime, the man has introduced himself as Red. It's also likely he will be curious as to how Orillian did all that healing. Still, after those few days, he's strong enough to be questioned and ask questions as well.

Big Red sits and rolls himself a cigarette from his pack and approaches the captain. "Well Miss I am glad for the rescue and all but what plans do you have for me. My superiors are missing me by now and cursing my name for letting this happen to their property again."

Orillian nods. "Who'd ye work for?"

Megumi shrugs. "I suppose we can drop you off on a populated isle, where you can find passage where you need to go. Unless of course you want to stay here."

Big Red says, "Well I am a member of the Guild. On my way to a post in the Western Isles"

Ryoujal says, "May I ask how big was your ship, because we didn't find much about you..."

Megumi clenches her hands slightly. "The Guild, you say." Greaaaat.

Orillian has assiduously avoided mentioning to the patient what ship he's on or what it does, fortunately.

Big Red looks to the captain "Staying here depends on what this ships mission is." turns to Ryoujal "A standard size merchants frigate"

Big Red says, "Yes the Guild. Is that a problem"

Megumi says, "Well, right now we're hunting for a pirate ship somewhere in these waters. A terrible ship, that rarely leaves any survivors. And if we stumble across that beast and kill it, in the hunt, so much the better."

Lady Syn says, "Any other Guild ships in the area?"

Big Red says, "If these pirates are that same that attacked me I would be glad to help. It would go a long way to help in explaining things to my bosses"

Big Red says to Lady Syn "No idea."

Megumi shrugs. "It could well be. I haven't heard anything about fishmen, but as I said...there are rarely survivors, and the ones that do aren't given to talking about the trauma they endured."

Megumi glances to Red. "To that end, it matches the methodology quite well."

Big Red says, "Very well. I do owe this ship and its crew a favour. With out you all who knows how long I would of been floating out on that log. If you'll have me I would like to help with this pirate problem. Get a little of my own revenge."

Megumi nods. "It's a pleasure to have you aboard then, Red."

Big Red looks to Orillian "By the way. What did you do to me? I am a fast healer. But what you did was amazing

Lady Syn says, "Now, where do you draw the lines on pirate problems?"

Orillian coughs. "Oh, old sawbones tricks," he dodges.

Megumi glances at Syn. Ah, yes, the critical question. She carefully steps to the side of the ship and looks over with great interest.

Big Red smiles a bit "Right" then to the lady "Depends on the pirates I guess

Lady Syn says, "Well, that’s good to know. I've a few friends in that line of work."

Megumi smirks, her back turned to the assembly.

Big Red nods "Could be useful friends to have. In the right circumstances"

Lady Syn says, "Sometimes the only way to catch a thief is with one."

Ryoujal smiles and pats Red on the back, "Welcome to the crew then friend."

They sail on for many more days, searching for the mysterious pirate ship. The work feels fruitless, except for the fact that the Hurricane keeps finding wreckage. They don't find any more lucky survivors though, simply dead bodies rotting away. Some of them may also realise that they haven't seen another ship in a while. The pirates must have become very active.

Eventually, they get lucky enough to find something. Night has fallen, but the moon is bright enough to light the seas. And in the horizon, they can see two ships that appear to be in pitched battle, and the red glow of flames.

Megumi sighs over the latest piece of wreckage. "We might almost have better luck waiting around in one place to be preyed upon. Or doing a few approaches on trading ports in the hopes of looking enough like a normal trader.."

Orillian stares out hollowly toward the horizon. "Almost running out of sailcloth for the burials, capt - ahh. Finally."

Megumi points toward the two ships. "Make all speed toward that battle."

Megumi says, "If you'll excuse me, I must prepare a moment."

Ryoujal says, "And I don't know how many more 'kind words' I can speak in a day..."

Megumi retreats to her quarters and "pulls out" her bow and armour. Ah, yes, the armour. Well. Can't hide the truth from Red forever.

Ryoujal gets out his claws and readies his body for battle, spending personal essence of course, getting ready to swing on to the pirate ship.

Orillian retrieves his hammer but keeps it shoved into the back of his jacket.

Big Red makes himself ready. Pulls off his duster and lays it over a crate and checks his guns for easy draw. A glint of Orichalcum can be seen under his shirt.

Megumi comes out to the main deck and approaches the bow in her Tigershark armour, with a faintly glowing bow. The crew seems to be acting more efficiently than usual.

Lady Syn remains on the helm until the chaos begins.

They sail straight to the scene of battle, and it's easy to see which side is winning. The side with monsters is winning. Their ship is a terrible monstrosity of rotting wood and barnacles, and it's amazing that it's still floating. Yet the way it seems alive enough to be consuming the merchant's ship, one isn't that surprised. That's not to mention the half sea creature half humanoid looking things that are boarding the merchant ship and slaughtering the people on board. The Hurricane comes and immediately draws attention. "More lambs to the slaughter!" Comes a loud voice. "Get them!" And the battle is joined.

Megumi draws the sparkling string of her glowing bow back as she sets one boot upon the bow railing of her ship. A golden arrow seems to appear in her hand as the bow reaches its full draw. She sights down the length of the arrow, takes a brief breath, and releases all of the air and all of the energy toward the barnacle ship. "Draw alongside and prepare to board them!" she calls out as she makes her own attack.

The other ship seems to have the same idea, and both ships crash together at the same time. People and creatures from either side charge in and the battle begins in earnest.

Megumi begins to suspect, shortly before the impending crash, that standing upon the bow may not have been the best location to be directing things and firing her bow.

Orillian clangs his fists together, heating up his gloves, and then grabs hold of his goremaul and makes a flying leap at the hull other ship, intending to knock his way through and then tear it apart from inside.

Lady Syn holds the ship steady and tries to angle her as the captain commands with as little damage to the Hurricane but as much to the derelict.

Ryoujal sees the ship coming close and is right on the railing ready to head over. As soon as the main mast comes within range, he fires his claw to one of the riggings and swings over on to the other ship, coming down upon the first beasty's head he comes upon.

Big Red moves back to the mast with the crash of the ships shooting at the fishmen as they board

The arrow flies true and skewers a few creatures as Lady Syn rams the Hurricane into the other ship, managing to keep the Hurricane in one piece although perhaps not doing as much damage to the barnacle ship as one would like. Whatever the case, both ships are now firmly stuck together. Orillian jumps in and slams into the hull, breaking through the rotting wood relatively easily, only to be faced by scores of other creatures. The inside of the ship is not unprotected. Ryoujal and Red board the more conventional way, with Red causing agonising pain with his accurate shots and Ryoujal lopping off the heads of a few creatures.

The creatures on the ship also start with their attack, waving around swords and other exotic weapons, charging in and attacking everyone who doesn't look like one of the crew.

Megumi skips back away from the railing and seems almost to float - far more gracefully than one should in such armour - as she dances up the first several feet of the Hurricane's main mast, onto a low-hanging line of rigging, where she can take up position once more to lead and to fight.

Lady Syn releases her grip on the helm and draws Reefcutter as the fiends near.

Big Red bobs and weaves as best he can trying his best to avoid these blades this time around

Ryoujal seeing as he is pretty much near the railing, he decides to use the only amount of cover, and rips up a section of the rotting wood to throw in the face of the nearest attacker.

Orillian waves the creatures back menacingly with his goremaul.

Megumi points briefly toward whomever would appear to be her opposite number before drawing back her bow again. "Orillian, Ryo, we need to drop their leader! The rest of you, cut down as many as you can!" She pulls back her bow, shifts her weight on the rope, and fires another ethereal arrow, this time at the leader dude. Not so spectacular, somehow, though.

Big Red dodges the sword of his attacker and places his repeater in the beast chest. He gives a quick smile and pulls the trigger

Lady Syn puts a hand on the railing near the helm and vaults around it to run through the fishman that got into her face.

Ryoujal doesn't do much looking before he is swamped by the various fish men. Instead he stands his ground and whips his claws about, trying to threaten as big an area as possible and slashing at the closest thing that isn't a compatriot.

Orillian looks around, finds himself thickly surrounded by monsters, and shrugs. "Oh. Well-crewed ship." He bursts into action then, with his red and purple-tinged anima flowing through the corridors as he attacks. First he swings his mighty hammer, without regard for intervening bulkheads or equipment, at the two toughest-looking monsters he sees, then tosses it down the corridor in front of him and begins punching his way through the throng after it, hands flaming.

It's hard to find the captain in this mess of people, so Megumi settles for shooting someone important looking. With her shot, she shoots the important looking creature and the one behind it too. Red gets up close and personal with another creature and shoots him straight in the chest. Syn boards the ship at the same time and runs another two creatures through. Orillian does an incredible flurry of attacks that leave the creatures around him in pieces. All around them, the battle continues to rage. While the Solars fare pretty well against the creatures, the men have to be much more careful and are fighting for their lives desperately.

At this point, the captain shows up. Now that Megumi and Ryoujal see him, they almost wonder how they missed him. He is a shifting mass of silver flesh with his many tentacles, standing taller and larger than Ryoujal. He carries no weapons, but seems immensely powerful. "Prey worthy to be destroyed!" He bellows and backhands Ryoujal.

Ryoujal sees the big guy come up on deck and makes a rather muttered, "Big..." Before seeing the massive fist coming towards him. Crossing his arms to help defend against the attack, he spends some peripheral essence to lessen the blow.

Megumi snaps the fingers on her draw hand, licks her thumb and forefinger briefly, and draws the string back again, stepping further up the ropes to make it even harder to poke at her. She releases two more arrows, side by side, which spiral toward the big leader dude, noodly contrails merging together to spin in a spiral. She likes that trick, has anyone noticed?

Lady Syn twirls her blade as she looks around. "All right, boys. Who wants to show the lady a good time? Who doesn't think they'll fall apart under pressure? You?" She charges towards one unfortunate monster and gives a wide slash around it and its close compatriots.

Orillian continues to batter his way through the crew, conserving his Essence now. He grabs some nearby debris that quickly turns to ash in his hands which he scatters in the faces of the monsters, then follows up with vicious fiery punching.

Big Red lays some fire down for the crew of the Hurricane. He levels his aim and shoots to defend the mortal sailors.

The massive fist pushes Ryoujal back a few steps, but he holds steady as the essence flares around him to prevent him from getting injured. "SOLARS!" He roars. The arrows come flying and he bats them aside like flies. Lady Syn and Red does better when against the lackeys and happily cut them to pieces. Orillian does decently and stops another one from attacking him. There are others rushing towards him, but he has time to do a little something if he wishes.

Ryoujal pushes the attack off and as the big guy is busy with the arrows, he charges up his claws with essence to move in and deliver a great jab to the solar plexus.

Orillian waves to the onrushing sailor, whistles innocently, and swings his hammer in a long, mighty arc over his head to break through to the next deck up and then uses the it's momentum and impact to help himself launch up.

The enemy captain swings around to move against Ryoujal the same time as Ryoujal's claw comes in, his massive fists smashing against him again even as he takes Ryoujal's attack.

Ryoujal can feel the massive fist coming about to smack him again, he channels a little more essence into his fists to keep the fist away from his body by twisting the already lodged one up, and letting his legs fall out from underneath him.

Meanwhile, the other creatures attempt to swarm over Red and Syn, but to be honest, they're not very successful at it. The two (secret) Solars are much too good to allow anyone to harm them. And with this inspiring them, the crew manages to fight on, persevering well.

Below decks, Orillian smashes a big hole into the ceiling of the ship and attempts to launch himself up. The odd thing is, he seems to be launching himself down and realises that the wood beneath his feet has rotted away as he lands into the ocean again, the sea boiling around his gloves.

Orillian gurgles out something that might sound like, "Sarcastic bloody ship" as he cools his gloves and scrambles for handholds on the planks or growths of the hull and climb up.

Megumi draws back another two arrows and fires them swiftly at the molten-silver punk. They're not particularly flarey, though - more to conserve essence than to allow for a defensive charm, but it's all good perkage.

Ryoujal finds that the massive attack cuts into his flesh and it hurts. He is almost slammed away by the force behind the blow again, but just manages to hold firm.

Orillian looks up to the ship, and seriously speaking, it shouldn't even be floating any longer. There were way too many holes and it was rotting and looks like it was falling apart. Yet for some reason, it still floats. And as he continues looking, the holes in the ship seem to be growing back. And that includes the hole he is reaching for. Thankfully, he manages to clamber back up in time before the hole becomes too small for him.

Orillian raises an eyebrow. "Fell sorcery afoot," he comments before attempting to make his way abovedeck again, this time trying to find the stairs.

When Orillian fell through the hole, it seems the others decided to go above deck and fight some more. So he manages to find a way up, cutting down a few creatures who get in his way. Above deck, he sees the monstrous captain fighting Ryoujal while the battle rages.

Ryoujal seeing that his last attempt didn't do much, he decides to go another route, standing tall, he decides to flow with the punch, instead of stand firm, allowing his shoulder to roll back so that the blow mostly grazes him.

The enemy captain bats aside the first arrow, but the second one buries itself in his silver flesh. A tentacle moves to pluck out the arrow, and he looks rather annoyed as he aims to find who is shooting these annoying arrows. Spotting the little fly that is Megumi, he decides to stop playing with Ryoujal and leaps onto the Hurricane in one quick bound. "I see you Solar!" He snarls and swoops up to bat her out of her vantage point.

The silver light flares up around the captain as he shouts, revealing the Lunar Anathema for what he is.

Megumi evaporates into noodly gore before the assault of the Lunar, only to reappear on the next rope over. Or was she always there, and just APPEARED to be here?

Lady Syn turns from mowing down the peons at the sound of Ryou taking a massive blow. She smiles grimly as she spies the captain and starts running towards him as he boards her ship. As one of the fishmen gets in her way, she jumps onto his head then off it to sail through the air and towards the enemy captain ready to cut down into him 300 style. Around her gold and purplish light flares around her.

Big Red turns his attention to the enemy captain now that the crew is fighting with renewed vigour. He spins the repeater from his hip in that direction and focuses some energy into making a successful shot.

Ryoujal seeing his captain in danger, he lets out a little disgusted groan, backing up, he runs towards the ship and leaps up into the air. While in the air, he aims his claws at the captain to draw himself closer to him. "Hey, you think I forgot about you big guy? You're my dedicated punching bag!"

After Megumi blinks to one side, the Lunar spins to absorb most of Syn's attack even while annoying things come flying at him and stinging. "No! You're my punching bag!" He roars at Ryoujal. And the tentacles come into play as they swarm out to attack everyone in sight and reach while his massive fists obliges Ryoujal in pummelling him.

Megumi turns and uses some of the last of her essence to fire two flaming arrows from her distressingly near position, trying to move along the rope away from him as she releases the projectiles.

Lady Syn grabs a rope in one hand while cutting at tentacles and cutting the rope to send her soaring upwards.

Ryoujal sees the pummelling coming, and grabs the chains coming from his bracers and pulling himself a little more in hoping that as the captain moves about to hit him, he can use it to be drug out of the way. If not... he has another plan.

Big Red charges at the tentacle and attempts to dive under it at the last minute

Megumi does the simplest thing and just dives clear off the ropes, back into the mass of troops. Dangerous, but not as dangerous as this dude.

Orillian cools his gloves and tugs off his greatcoat, holding it in one hand and his hammer in the other. "Hey, ugly! Why didn't your mother just stay in Malfeas' gut!?" He apparently assumes the creature to be a demonblood. After pausing just a moment to let the insult sink in, he tosses his goremaul up in a high arc and rushes the chimeric captain, igniting his gloves again as he goes and by extension his jacket. He tosses the flaming garment at the wet creature to cover up his triple attack, once with each fist and then finally a mighty swing once he catches the hammer. His anima flares out again, unmistakeable.

The Lunar once more simply bats the arrows to one side, and this time the flames end up on her ship rather than the enemy's one. But her crew is well trained for it and her ship is somewhat fire-proofed. Then Orillian comes in and the Lunar bellows in rage and pain. Tentacles reach out to slap at Megumi and Red although Ryoujal smartly reserved his defences and protects himself against what would have been a very painful blow. "I'll return Solars! And you'll regret this!" He gives a loud bellow and leaps again, diving overboard. The enemy ship tears away at the same time, quite literally. Orillian will see how it seems to have eaten at the Hurricane while he wasn't paying attention. And the ship sinks beneath the waves as well. All that is left are the bodies of what creatures that came on board, and the wreckage of the merchant ship.

Lady Syn leaps from the ship and into the waters to see if she can get a heading on where the ship is going or maybe even board it.

Ryoujal goes over to the side and looks to see if there are any surviving merchant vessel sailors.

Megumi coughs and carefully fires first one, then another arrow at the fleeing ship, to try to do as much damage as possible before it gets out of range. Pity they can't be aflame. Oh, wait, there's flames over here. She dips the arrow in the flame aboard her ship before sending it off.

Orillian rushes to the railing to shake his fist at the cowardly sea-dog, then looks down and notes the hull damage with alarm.

Megumi says, "We have to destroy that ship before it gets away and preys on more civilians!"

Megumi looks annoyed at the fleeing pirates.

Ryoujal says, "Can we even cause enough damage to sink that thing?"

Megumi attempts to fire the arrows and set something aflame, but it's really a moot point when the ship is sinking underwater. As Syn watches, the ship continues to dive further and further down into the depths. If she wants, she can try to board it, but she's not sure how much it'll dive down. And they are in the middle of the ocean after all. The Lunar is there, trailing silver light and tentacles, but moving much too fast for Syn to catch.

Lady Syn checks to see if she has anything that floats and ties it to her jacket and lets it trail behind her. She then plunges her sword into the back of the haul and lets it carry her along. With luck her make shift buoy will give the others a way to follow.

With a glance, Orillian can tell that it's bad. He needs to patch the ripped portions up fast if he doesn't want the Hurricane to join the ship that just sank underwater.

Ryoujal says, "Damn it, we have to go down there and save Syn!"

Megumi drops her bow, which seems to fade out of existence as it clatters to the deck. She then dives overboard to swim after the submerging ship. At least enough to track while Orillian fixes the ship.

Ryoujal sighs as he sees everybody else jumping into the water, he jumps over swimming with all of his might to save Syn and kill the rutting guy.

Orillian starts to bellow, "All hands to damage control stations! Slip the launches and gather salvage wood from the wreck - HEY! I be the impulsive one on this ship!" He faceplants as everyone starts following Syn into the water. "Well, by Fakharu's beard, someone's got to stay aboard and make sure you lot have a boat to come back to!" He rushes belowdecks and starts patching things up, oblivious of the golden figure standing over the ship, going through the same motions.

Megumi and Ryoujal both can't see the ship any longer, nor any trace of the Lunar or Syn. Ryoujal does spot something bobbing in the water, and once he picks it up, he notices the little thread. It's very fragile though, so he has to be careful. Megumi follows Ryo, since he seems to notice something.

Ryoujal motions for Megumi, through touch and points to the thread. He then continues to follow the thread, hoping it leads to Syn.

You paged Lady Syn with 'The ship continues to sink deeper and deeper until the only light that shines comes from the castemark on her brow. If she didn't have her hearthstone, she's pretty sure she would be dead by now.'

Orillian rubs his temples. "I need to build meself a bloody double..." he grumbles as he steps around wounded sailors, stopping just long enough to stabilize the ones he can.

From afar, Lady Syn rides along hoping that she is unnoticed and waiting to see where the ship makes port. After that its find a dryer route and lead the others to it.

Ryoujal and Megumi attempt to swim lower and lower, but Ryoujal doesn't have anything to help him underwater and the pressure is growing on his ears. If he goes any lower, he might end up being squeezed into a jelly from the pressure.

Megumi mutters as she follows the trail. "Remind me to get more of these things built. Or at least the rebreathers."

You paged Lady Syn with 'The ship continues to speed lower and lower until it finally stops, simply staying still. She realises that it must have hit the ocean floor. The waters around her is very dark, and she can barely see or hear anything.'

You paged (Megumi, Ryoujal) with 'They swim lower and lower until Ryoujal realises there's no way he can hold his breath that long. Only Megumi has the ability to follow after Syn for now, and they're already so deep, it's only the thread telling them where to go.'

To (Shorlixa, Megumi), Ryoujal pages: Points along the thread, pushing her forward right before he turns up and starts kicking with all his might for the surface, trying to hit air as quickly as possible.

Above the ocean, Orillian is busy trying to keep the ship from sinking. He shouts at the crew and works frantically with his hammer and on the way saves a few people's lives as well. Too many have to die but the ship is more important.

From afar, Lady Syn remains still and waits to see what happens next. If the monsters roll out or if the others arrive. With a slight twinge of annoyance, she ponders about how much work replacing her jacket.

Ryoujal breaks the surface of the ocean taking a deep breath and swims as quickly back to the Hurricane.

From afar, to (Shorlixa, Ryoujal): Megumi nods and continues downward.

Orillian frantically struggles through the work, shoving the dying crewmen out of his mind... for now. It's certainly coming back to haunt him, though...

Orillian tries to save the Hurricane, for though he's stopped it from sinking, it is nowhere near sail worthy. Red is trying his best to help, though his help is very meagre. Ryoujal has just surfaced into a scene of chaos, with people working frantically on the Hurricane while others try to pull the wounded out of the water. Megumi continues to make her way down, clutching the thread that leads to Syn, the only thing she can feel in the cold water. And Syn waits, hoping that the ship will either decide to move or someone will finally join her in her lonely guard.

On to Session Four