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[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame | Back to Performer's Game]]
[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame|Back to Performer's Game]]
Here we have the log for Session One of my Performer's game. Given how they decided to split into two groups, we have two logs.
Here we have the log for Session One of my Performer's game. Given how they decided to split into two groups, we have two logs.
Line 116: Line 116:
Chiming Bell says:<br>
Chiming Bell says:<br>
Chiming Bell crouches and stares the child right in the eye.  "What do [[/YOU]]/ think, young lady?  What did this other troupe you're talking about do?"<br>
Chiming Bell crouches and stares the child right in the eye.  "What do[[Shorlixa/YOU]]/ think, young lady?  What did this other troupe you're talking about do?"<br>
§töryteller says:<br>
§töryteller says:<br>
Line 571: Line 571:
Hana is already merrily sprinting ahead, glad to be out of mortal danger.
Hana is already merrily sprinting ahead, glad to be out of mortal danger.
[[Shorlixa/PGSessionTwo | To Session Two]]<br>
[[Shorlixa/PGSessionTwo|To Session Two]]<br>
[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame | Back to Performer's Game]]
[[Shorlixa/PerformersGame|Back to Performer's Game]]

Latest revision as of 01:53, 9 June 2010

Back to Performer's Game

Here we have the log for Session One of my Performer's game. Given how they decided to split into two groups, we have two logs.

Following Bell and Needles

§töryteller says: The troupe has been travelling with the Guild caravan for a while, and it has been a pretty profitable journey. The Guild sells stuff to make money, the Performers perform and earn money, and the Solars cheat the Guild out of their money. All in all, very profitable.

The troupe has the funky yeddim that does tricks, but the Guild has five yeddim to pull their immense amount of goods along, as well as several other horse-drawn wagons. It makes for slow, but steady movement as the entire company travels a circuit in the East. At the moment, they are in the Northerly part of their circuit, where the weather is cool, the lands grassy and dotted with pines and firs.

Having travelled for two weeks without other signs of habitation, it is certainly a welcome respite to finally reach a town. A little asking around will reveal their destination and bits of information on it relatively easily. The town of Yerans is a small one, consisting of some 600 people, though far too big to be considered a village. The caravan makes regularly stops here because their skills in wood crafting are exceptionally fine, and their sculptures and bows command high prices. The town is located next to a beautifully lush forest, where they obviously get their raw materials from.

Zakirn, the caravan leader, declares that they will stay here for three nights to commence with trading. The Guild quickly gets down to work setting up a market while selected people go forth to announce their arrival.

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell slides off Silver, his albino Yeddim, patting it on the snout as he drops to the ground. "Alright you lowlives, move like I'm paying you! We need to get camp set up before we can do the show! I want latrine trenches dug, poles sunk, the tents set up... in an hour! We want to get a show off tonight. Move!"

§töryteller says:
All his loyal followers obediently follow his command. It'll take a while to set up, so meanwhile they'll have some time to do other things.

Chiming Bell says:
Pleased with the progress, Chiming Bell takes a moment to unhook a roll of posters from Silver's harness, a brush, and a pot of paste. "I'm going into town to put up some advertisements and check out the nightlife. Anyone want to tag along?"

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon glares at the village suspiciously, Kelthaka the polar bear growls in frustration....too hot. They both miss the great and icy North, but right now there is work to do. Gelderon shouts at Chiming Bell, "How long are we staying here? Did he say three nights. That's just flippin excellent!"

Golden Needles says:
Needles makes his way through the crowd of workers towards Chiming Bell. "If you don't mind me tagging along...? I may spot some useful trinkets here and there."

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon stations his wagon closer to the woods. He gives Kelthaka some food and water, leaves him alone(nobody's gonna bother a polar bear). A begins looking around for a place to train his techniques.....after that maybe an Inn.....some saki maybe.....

§töryteller says:
The forest does seem like an obvious place for training if Gelderon wants some seclusion.

§töryteller says:
The town has a small force of guards. Mainly to keep the peace and all that. They'll give all incoming people the onceover, but most look too harried or tired to care much about the visitors.

Chiming Bell says:
"Hail Citizen! Well met! Where might a troupe of travelling players find an appreciative audience and perhaps a pint of something to wash the thick dust of travel from their throats?" Chiming Bell swaggers up to the guards with a wide, almost maniac grin.

§töryteller says:
The first guard looks at him tiredly, and doesn't say anything. The second guard is the one that speaks up. "Second performing troupe in a few days. Our town must be getting popular."

§töryteller says:
"I'll recommend the inn down the street. Dancing Feather. But be careful. Brawls have been frequent as of late."

Chiming Bell says:
"Second? SECOND? But my dear sirs, ours is an extravaganza beyond compare. They may have arrived before us, but I guarantee ours is First. And thank you for the name of the inn. We shall be the very essence of discretion!"

Golden Needles says:
Needles tries very hard not to attract attention, which is rather hard with a troupe leader of that variety.

§töryteller says:
Attention is a given. But the guards wave both of them through and continue their weary vigil.

§töryteller says:
The streets are not filled with people, and it's a little emptier than one might expect. But the inn itself is easy to find, just down the street as pointed out. There's very loud sounds coming from within, but it doesn't sound like a brawl. Yet.

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell looks about for bare walls to paste his posters to.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Okihana has just gotten her hair in order, and replaces her comb in its convenient belt-pouch. She makes her way to Gelderon, tapping him lightly on the back.

§töryteller says:
There are plenty of bare walls around the town, but after he sticks up the sixth, a boy comes up to him. "Don't you need permission to do that?"

Chiming Bell says:
"Only if I get caught, m'boy, only if I get caught." He turns the full power of his smile on the child, and tosses him a hard candy. "But that won't happen will it?"

§töryteller says:
The boy grins and takes the sweet. "Of course not." He then scurries away.

Golden Needles says:
"You know, now he's going to get all his friends and blackmail you for more...that's what we used to do when I was young."

Chiming Bell says:
"All the better to have the boys of the town on our side. They'll bring business and buy trinkets. A little trouble is good advertising!"

Golden Needles says:
"Speaking of trinkets, am I ever going to get a pay raise? In fact, do you pay me anything at all?"

Chiming Bell says:
"Oh hush. My company is pay enough. And I know about all the little sideline businesses you run. Don't think I don't. This is an investment... it'll pay off in the long-run."

§töryteller says:
As they continue standing on the streets and pasting posters, the predicted children are starting to come to get more candy.

Golden Needles says:
"Um. Sideline businesses? What sideline businesses?" Needles is, unfortunately, incredibly bad at lying.

Chiming Bell says:
"Quite. Ah, here are the little jewels of the town come to greet us. Smile, Needles." Chiming Bell begins tossing candies into the growing mob.

§töryteller says:
There's plenty of cheers as the nice man starts tossing candies. However, after a while some of them begin fighting over the candies, and some of the kids are bullying the others by grabbing their candy.

Golden Needles says:
Needles attempts to smile, and starts one of his Dancing Sparkly Lights shows, targeted slightly away from the largest area, especially the bullies.

Golden Needles says:
Swirls of essence-sparks and color burst into existence to the side of the crowd, closest to where the population of children is sparse.

Golden Needles says:
Chiming Bell catches a muttered "some things don't change".

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell begins juggling candies through the clouds of essence, the translucent blobs of hard sugar glowing as they pass through the light-show. "Now now children, there's more than enough for everyone, mustn’t fight. If you're fighting, I won't put on a puppet show for you tonight! And no more candy either!"

§töryteller says:
As the essence lights burst into existence, the children slowly stop fighting and look in awe. There are a few whispers that they can catch. "-do the same thing." "Just like those before-" But the juggling takes the cake and the kids stop fighting.

§töryteller says:
"So you're going to do a puppet show?" One of the kids asks. "Will it be special? We saw a really special one."

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell crouches and stares the child right in the eye. "What doShorlixa/YOU/ think, young lady? What did this other troupe you're talking about do?"

§töryteller says:
"It was really special. With lights and pretty things. She could make people dance like they were puppets. Can you make people dance like puppets?"

Chiming Bell says:
"Why in Creation would I want to do something you've already seen? I promise you, this will be a very special show, and you will enjoy it immensely."

Golden Needles says:
Needles blinks, and looks vaguely uneasy, but continues the light show for the other kids.

§töryteller says:
Eventually the kids calm down, especially realising that if they do, they'll get more candy later. A few more grab whatever sweets were strewn on the ground and they run off gleefully. "Thanks for the sweets. We liked the light show. It's as pretty as you are." A few call back.

Golden Needles says:
"Um. Thank you?" Needles goes slightly red and attempts to hide in thin air.

Chiming Bell says:
"Don't forget to tell everyone about us! We'll be around for a few nights!" Chiming Bell doffs his cap and gives an elaborate leggy bow.

Golden Needles says:
Needles also sketches a glowing, dancing, chorus line of stick figures in the air to accompany that sentence.

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell turns to Needles and puts a companionable arm around her. He whispers "What in the name of malfeas are we in the middle of here?"

Golden Needles says:
"I have no idea. I hope it's not faeries, or some of those devilish...'Anathema', I think they're called?" Needles coughs slightly, for effect.

Chiming Bell says:
"Making people dance like puppets. I really don't like the sound of that. Ring any bells?"

Golden Needles says:
"Um. Faeries, you, some obscure monsters I haven't heard about, really nasty gods..."

Chiming Bell says:
"Well, not REALLY me. I mean I probably could but it seems icky."

Golden Needles says:
"That's what I thought, it isn't your style, and I think I saw you last night. Sounds like faeries to me, really."

Chiming Bell says:
This is truly good. TRULY good. And it's even their style, with their obsession with emotion and stories..."

Golden Needles says:
Needles blinks. "Do I want to know what you're planning?"

Chiming Bell says:
"That was sarcasm, dear. Nothing about this is good. Unless we can get them to break truce... we really can't leave those monsters rampaging around this far into creation. Are there even any Wyld pockets around here? What are they DOING here?"

Golden Needles says:
"...oh. Okay. Maybe they're hungry and - ...I really hope that isn't the case. I have no idea. Sorry."

Chiming Bell says:
"I'm starting to worry about what we're going to find in that bar."

Golden Needles says:
Needles taps his gloves. "I do know a bit of self-defense, if it helps?"

§töryteller says:
As they contemplate, a few people are fleeing out of the bar. It's official. The brawl is on.

Golden Needles says:
"...how about we turn around and walk away calmly?"

Chiming Bell says:
"I'm thinking I'm agreeing with you. About face!"

Golden Needles says:
Needles about-faces.

§töryteller says:
And so they flee from the inn. As they walk through the street, they see another disturbing sight. Two men are beating up another one in broad daylight while a few people stand and watch, too afraid to do anything.

Golden Needles says:
Needles winces, shoves his hands into his gloves, and destroys the men with holy fire...or not. Bolts of essence-light lance from his hands, barely missing the two men. "I would appreciate it if you stopped fighting for a moment, please."

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell looks at the men, and screws up his face. He pauses, then swears savagely. "Yes gentlemen. That would be a good idea."

§töryteller says:
The men freeze in their actions, and just as quickly run away. The rest also scatter, except for one injured man.

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell rushes over to him and glances over his injuries. "Needles!"

Golden Needles says:
Needles winces again, takes off the gloves, and runs over to the injured man. "Yes! I know. Um. No supplies. ...no supplies. Um."

He pauses.

"I'm very sorry, but this is going to hurt."

He puts the gloves on again, and taps the injured man's wounds. A very disturbing hissing noise follows.

§töryteller says:
The man weeps in pain, but eventually just passes out.

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell looks at Needles. "You take legs, I take shoulders? Can we move him? Or do we need a stretcher?"

Golden Needles says:
Needles nods. "He's fine now. Or, at least, he will be by the end of the day. Perfectly healed, probably."

Golden Needles says:
Needles moves to pick him up. "Where to?"

Chiming Bell says:
"Caravan. This place is insane. I'm not going in here again until we have a plan. And Gelderon. And Silver if we can bring her."

§töryteller says:
As they lug the man through the streets, another kid comes up to them. "I know where he lives. I'll tell you where if I can get another candy." She says matter of factly.

Golden Needles says:
"...would now be the best time to reveal that I don't have a clue about how to kill faeries?"

Golden Needles says:
"I mean, apart form cold iron..."

Chiming Bell says:
"No. But cold iron we should be able to find. This would be best kept for private consultation, though. And who is he, kid? He going to be safe at home?"

Golden Needles says:
"Um. Yes. Shutting up now."

§töryteller says:
"He's just a Fletcher. He'll be fine. There's no one to bother him at home." She shrugs.

Golden Needles says:
"I'm voting for caravan, still."

Chiming Bell says:
"Fletcher, eh, well he can owe me a sheaf of arrows. I think we'll take him with us... don't want to worry about the brawls. But here, you're a good kid, have a candy anyway"

§töryteller says:
At first disappointed, she lights up when he passes over another candy. "Thanks mister." She grabs at the candy and runs off again.

Chiming Bell says:
He grunts as he tries to move a bit faster down the street. "Gotta love greed. Such a motivator."

§töryteller says:
As they head near the edge of the town, a few guards come over. "What's going on? Why are you dragging that man away?"

Chiming Bell says:
"Two guys were banging on him. We got him out of a bind. He owes us, but we ain't gonna be able to collect if he's pulped, eh? Don't worry, we'll take good care of him. Woulda died if we hadn't come upon him."

§töryteller says:
The guard sighs. "Not another one. I don't know why the whole town's going so crazy."

Chiming Bell says:
"How long has this been going on?"

§töryteller says:
"A few days. I don't know. It's just been so sudden. We can barely cope with all the craziness. And the thing with the forest too." He sighs and rubs his head.

Golden Needles says:

§töryteller says:
"It's dying. We don't know what's going on. We've tried praying to the forest spirit, but she isn't coming out. And a few woodcutters have gone missing too. Why does this have to happen to us?"

Chiming Bell says:
"Anything new happen or come to town just before this happened?"

§töryteller says:
"I'm not sure. The forest's been dying for a while. We don't even know when it started. The woodcutters just noticed it first, then they started disappearing. No one's brave enough to check what happened to them."

§töryteller says:
"As for the craziness. I guess it was after those performers came. After they left, there's been a crime spree. I wonder if they left some of their people, but all those we caught are citizens."

Chiming Bell says:
"Can you describe these performers for us? We have strict rules of conduct... if these people are pretending to be a travelling troupe, we need to know so we can apply an appropriate punishment," lies Bell grimly.

§töryteller says:
The guard looks at him, but shrugs and decides there can be no harm from answering. "I don't really remember. I wasn't on guard duty then. But I heard from the others they looked really beautiful. Couldn't even describe what they felt. Me, I kept away. It isn't my thing."

Chiming Bell says:
"Right. Thanks for your help. Any questions, Needles?

Golden Needles says:
Needles shakes his head. "I think I know who they're talking about. We've had some reports, haven't we?"

Chiming Bell says:
Bell nods and bares his teeth. "And we have special uses for their sort. Thank you sir. We'll be back, you can count on it."

§töryteller says:
"Of course." The guard doesn't even bother to look convinced and waves the two of them, with one unconscious person, along. Back at their camp, Bell's busy bees have gotten quite a lot of work done. Everything should be set up by nightfall. There are even a few curious kids already hanging around.

Chiming Bell says:
Chiming Bell eyeballs the children, looking for very pretty ones while they carry the man over to one of the tents.

§töryteller says:
There are one or two pretty ones and they're mainly lounging around. They recognise him as the man with candies, but since he's busy, they leave him alone.

Golden Needles says:
Needles does a quick check to make sure that the emergency medical assistance wasn't botched, then goes over to Bell.

§töryteller says:
It was done well, and as expected, the man will be good as new by the next day.
Chiming Bell says:
Bell points out the pretty children. "Do they look too fair to you?"

Golden Needles says:
Needles blinks. "Er." He looks for signs of General Faerieness, as discreetly as possible.

Golden Needles says:
Needles stretches out a hand, and lets dancing lights float over to seemingly random children, bouncing them around and hopefully getting them to turn and walk around to watch the lights. In particular, the lights float in such a pattern as to let him observe the pretty children carefully and from all angles.

§töryteller says:
The children happily dance among the lights, trying to catch them in their little hands and there are a few more kids who stream in from the town and join the light show. However, as far as he can tell, there's no fae among them.

Golden Needles says:
"I have no clue, sorry." The lights continue to dance, and shift into fireflies.

Chiming Bell says:
"Hmmph. Well. We'll assume they're clean. Come on, we need to set up and organize our council of war."

Golden Needles says:
One light drops onto the head of a particularly energetic child and shifts into a small bird, which flies off.

§töryteller says:
In the meantime, Hana and Gelderon come out of the forest after their own encounter.

Following Gelderon and Okihana

§töryteller says:
The forest is a typical enough forest, but is rather shaded with thick trees keeping out much of the light.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon streches out his thick back, and tree like legs. Perhaps a few Axe katas to get himself in shape. He begins with a series of attack and defense techniues, enjoying the shade of the woods

§töryteller says:
As he does his exercises, he hears a person walking through the forest. A few moments later, a man passes by, hefting an axe as well. However, it's obvious he's just a woodcutter, not a warrior. "Good day." He says, when he sees Gelderon.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon nods at the man, but says nothing.

§töryteller says:
Seeing he isn't wanted, he shrugs and continues his journey. There's wood he has to cut. Going deeper into the forest, he vanishes from sight.

§töryteller says:
A few minutes after Gelderon resumes practice though, there's a loud, panicked yell coming from the direction where the man had gone.

§töryteller says:
As Hana comes by, she is just in time to hear the yell.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon sighs, hefts Grimcleaver up to his side and runs towards the yell.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana draws a dagger out of a convenient slot and readies her dagger arm.

Gelderon Alminir says:
The huge, scarred black bearded man bursts through the trees, hacking any that bar his way.

Gelderon Alminir says:
(trees that is)

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Not quite knowing what else to do, Hana follows as quickly and sneakily as she can.

§töryteller says:
Gelderon comes into an empty clearing and doesn't see anything.

§töryteller says:
Hana however spots the drag marks near the edge of the forest. The man's yell has already stopped.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"Nothing?....well this is strange?"

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana dashes towards the drag marks for a closer look.

"Big guy! Over here!" she hisses.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"what?" Gelderon trundles over.

§töryteller says:
Now that they're closer, it's easy to see something must have dragged the man away. A short distance away, there's the axe Gelderon saw the man carrying.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"huh.....don't see that everyday" Gelderon leans over and picks up the axe. "Must be wolves about. Maybe a bear..." eyes light up.

§töryteller says:
Closer inspection by a man used to looking at the wilderness will reveal that there are no animal tracks. Or he could just be really poor at finding them.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Still Gelderon deems it worthy of a closer inspection.

§töryteller says:
Looking at the trail, Gelderon can certainly tell no animal dragged this man away. In fact, it looks like he had simply been dragged forcibly away by something that didn't even touch the ground, but dragged the man across it nonetheless.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"By the Unconquered Sun!, see how the trail is dug! It looks like some kind of flying thing dragged this man away" He looks at Hana for some help with this notion.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
"The tracks certainly resemble skid-marks, so that would definitely make sense - I trust your wilderness-observation skills, but what are we to do now? We don't even know whether it was a good or bad thing whatever it was got dragged away." Hana rubs her nose, trying to understand the situation at hand.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
(or at foot!)

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon checks to see if it is possible to track the man and creature....

§töryteller says:
The trail is pretty obvious since they managed to find it in the first place and so is easy to see. As they walk through though, they notice that the trees are beginning to look less healthy, if positively ill. The lush greenery is becoming more droopy and sad. They eventually come across the body of the man, his throat cut and blood spilling into the ground.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana wrinkles her nose and scans the area around herself with suspicion.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon draws his axe, and feels his essence, but doesn't ignite it," see to him, I'll check the area"

§töryteller says:
The man is obviously dead. The slash was swift to take his life immediately.
Looking around, Gelderon comes to a patch of land that is obviously dead. The trees are simply dead wood and the ground is black and brown. All the plant life here is dead.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Dagger still in her better throwing hand, Hana grabs three needles to position in between her offhand's fingers as she crouches down a short distance from the body, facing it.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"Alright, evil spirit beast, show yourselves and meet the wrath of Gelderon, Bear Tamer!"

Gelderon Alminir says:
Lifts Axe very menacingly.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana rolls her eyes slightly and grins at her friend's rather outspoken approach to the situation.

§töryteller says:
His shouts echoes through the woods, but is not met with a challenge. Instead, both of them hear a faint whispering in another direction. It leads away from the clearing and the man's body.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon glances in the direction of the whispers, "this isn't gonna be fun, is it? Do we follow these whispers?"

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
"I... don't know, myself. Maybe we should get the others here, but then again it's probably too late." Hana rubs her nose, and stares intently at the body, as if trying to figure out something about it.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"I can kill this thing myself...assuming I can find it"

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana steps away from the body, and moves towards her companion.

"Heh. Whatever it is, it's aware of your presence of the very least, so we haven't much choice." She grins and nods at him.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon advances after the whispers.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana shakes her head in resignation, and manages to bring her feet to trail along swiftly.

§töryteller says:
They walk away in the direction of the whispers and it does grow louder as they approach it. Now they are safely away from the blighted area and back into green forests. The whispers eventually grow loud enough so they can hear it.

§töryteller says:
"You'll do nicely..."

§töryteller says:
At this point, the forest comes alive around them.

§töryteller says:
Caught off guard, Gelderon is attacked by a lashing thorny vine, attempting to grab him.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon channels his essence, into hardening his skin into steel.

§töryteller says:
Hana is lucky enough that her essence fuelled defence means she sidesteps the other grasping vine nicely.

§töryteller says:
So right now, Gelderon is being wrapped by thorny vines, while the other vine that is aiming at Hana is waiting for the right moment to strike.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon is cursing.....alot.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
The dagger whirls at the tips of Hana's right fingers, as she strikes at the point where the vine is maintaining its wrap around Gelderon by.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Upon its release from her fingertips, she proceeds to draw her Orichalcum-powered Jade Chakram, eyes darting left, right and centre.

§töryteller says:
It's a delicate thing, but she manages it just nicely and slashes the vine away. Of course, that means the vine focused on her can go after her.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon tries to intercept the secondary vine....with his axe

§töryteller says:
Still, no evil vine is a match for the powers of Solars and Hana dodges it neatly. Which leaves Gelderon open to whack it as hard as he can.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon throws himeself at the vine, placing his great might, behind his fearsome blow, he seems to glide momentarily in the air, then the axe swings down like a pendulum of death.

§töryteller says:
He swings hard, swings well, but the swing completely misses as the vine intelligently moves to one side.

§töryteller says:
As time passes, a few more vines are slowly crawling out of the woodwork.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon curses some more."where are these things coming from?'

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana's eyes continue darting. "I'm looking, I'm looking..."

§töryteller says:
As Hana looks around, she comes to a revelation. The vines are from the forests itself. In fact, she can just detect the trees beginning to shift a little and the place is generally going to become one hostile environment.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
"Well, I know this sounds really strange and all, but the vines are being controlled by the forest itself. There's no way we can run from the forest unless we find some way to FLY."

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
"Uh, and this is going to sound even stranger. Hello-hello, forest, why are you attacking us?"

Gelderon Alminir says:
"and if you don't stop....you are gonna see an exalted with mettle skin and a mean temper"

§töryteller says:
As if completely surprised by their actions, the vines actually pause in their motions. Eventually, the forest actually stops attacking, with the vines subsiding. The whispers begin anew, though they have to strain to hear anything clearly.

§töryteller says:
"...dying...please...help me.....something...has tainted....my forest...the death is spreading....sacrifice...only means to hinder..." The voice sounds strained, as if speaking is a great effort for it, and finally exhausted, it stops speaking altogether.

Gelderon Alminir says:
"Who is tainting you nature spirit. Gelderon will seek them out and destroy them." Gelderon raps his chest.

§töryteller says:
The voice doesn't speak any more, but the vegetation around them shifts a little until it is obviously pointing back to the dead area that they saw earlier.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana shudders and begins rubbing her nose again.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
"I think we should get back to the others on this, and quickly. We seem to need Needle's occult expertise here."

Gelderon Alminir says:
"Alright, after all they might be in trouble...or something" Gelderon tries not to show that he is slightly creeped out as well.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
"Nature spirit! We'll be right back, with help. Please hang in there, and try not to take any more lives in the meantime. We'll do our best, if you'll let us return safely with friends."

§töryteller says:
It's not like it had much of a choice. So, the spirit relents and gradually points them in the right direction back to their friends.

Gelderon Alminir says:
Gelderon sighs, "Come on, I want to get to the bottom of this." pushes Hana along.

Kiyomizu Okihana says:
Hana is already merrily sprinting ahead, glad to be out of mortal danger.

To Session Two
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