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Each Additional Level: Current Rating x 2   
Each Additional Level: Current Rating x 2   

Latest revision as of 01:08, 9 June 2010

Ninja Chargen:\\ \\ Attributes\\ 8/6/4 \\ \\ Element\\

You start with one dot in each of your 6 elements. You then receive 9 points to distribute among them. You may not raise an element above 4 without spending freebies. No element may be higher than double the score of the elements on either side of it. Thus, if you wanted to have a 5 in your Wood element, you would have to have 3’s in the elements to either side of it, Earth and Water. To have 3’s in your Earth and Water, you would have to have at least a score of 2 in Fire and Air. \\

       Your strongest element tends to have an effect on your personality, a high fire leading you to be passionate, a high wood leading you to embrace life, a high wind leading you to lofty ideas and goals, a high water leading to an urge to go with the flow and avoid conflict, a high earth leading you to live fully grounded in reality, and a high void leading you to be cold and detached from those around you. This is not necessarily true, merely a generalization.  \\

\\ Favored Abilities\\ For each of your initial dots you spend in an element, you may pick one of that element’s associated abilities to favor. A favored ability requires one experience point less to raise each time, and reduces the experience cost of charms with that ability as a requirement by 1(or 2, not sure). Any character may choose Martial Arts as one of their favored abilities from any element.\\


  • Archery
  • Awareness
  • Dodge
  • Larceny
  • Occult
  • Stealth


  • Athletics
  • Dodge
  • Melee
  • Performance
  • Presence
  • Thrown


  • Archery
  • Athletics
  • Awareness
  • Socialize
  • Stealth
  • Thrown


  • Bureaucracy
  • Brawl
  • Lore
  • Medicine
  • Resistance
  • Survival


  • Brawl
  • Craft
  • Endurance
  • Investigation
  • Lore
  • Resistance


  • Endurance
  • Linguistics
  • Melee
  • Sail
  • Survival
  • Ride\\

\\ Ability Points\\

Characters receive 35 dots to distribute amongst their abilities, none of which may be greater than 3 without spending freebie points. You must spend at least one point into each of your favored abilities.\\ \\ Virtues\\ Pick your three defining virtues. All characters have some amount of all virtues in them, but these three define and express the core of your personality, meaning these are virtues that make your personality exceptional. A character with a Valor of 1 is more courageous than any commoner, and one with a 5 is paragon of Valor, an unshakably courageous bastion. You start with one dot in each of your virtues, and receive 5 dots to distribute among them. You may not raise a virtue above 4 during character creation without spending freebie points.\\ \\ Compassion – How and how much you care about things\\ Conviction – How well you stick to your goals and ideas. Adversely, how stubborn you are.\\ Temperance – How level headed and able to resist temptation you are.\\ Valor – Your courage and strength of spirit in adversity.\\ Instinct – How well you tap into your animalistic instincts and reactions, reacting to what’s going on around you now.\\ Intuition – Your innate understanding of the universe and the ways things should work, the ability to react to what may be happening soon.\\ Conscience – How much your sense of right and wrong affects your actions.\\ Add more 1-2 more preferably, Suggestion welcome\\ \\ Willpower\\ Your willpower is equal to the sum of your two highest virtues.\\ \\ Backgrounds\\ 12 points\\ Resources – This background is only avalible to Ronin Ninja who do not serve a Ninja Village.\\ Equipment – Weapons, armor, specialty equipment for jutsu, clothing, tools of the trade, etc.\\ Mystical Gear – Powerful works of magic. Requires DM approval.\\ Status – Your standing within an organization or place.\\ Trainer/Master/Mentor – Someone who teaches you out of the good of their heart, some contract, or who was assigned to oversee your advancement.\\ Allies – Friends and helpful NPC companions\\ Contacts – People you know, and who can provide you with helpful information.\\ Bloodline – Powerful genetic ancestery that allow you to access unique, innate Jutsu. This background costs two background points for each level you take in it. For the first two dots, you may one select one Bloodline, and this is your primary Bloodline. For each additional dot, you may choose to increase your Primary Bloodline, or add an additional bloodline. A non-primary bloodline must be less than or equal to your primary Bloodline. For a primary Bloodline, you automatically favor its associated Element or Attribute. This reduces the costs of increasing an Attribute or Element by 1. See the Bloodline Genius merit for information on favoring a non-primary Attribute or Element.\\ \\ Jutsu\\ The character receives 12 Jutsu of their choice. They may pick form any Jutsu they meet the requirements for. \\ \\ Freebies\\ 20 Freebie points\\

Freebie Cost:\\ \\ Attribute: 4\\ Favored -1 Ability: 2 Favored -1 Specialty: 1 2 for 1 freebie if favored Element: 4 Favored -1 Virtue: 3 Willpower: 2 Background: 1 Jutsu: 4 Favored -1 Bloodline Jutsu: 3 Elemental Combo L1: 3\\

Each Additional Combo Level: 2

Experience:\\ \\ Atribute: Current Rating x 4 Favored -1 Ability: Current Rating x 2 Favored -1 Specialty: 3 Favored -1 Element: Current Rating x 4 Favored -1 Virtue: Current Rating x Willpower: Current Rating Jutsu: 4 + Minimum Element Favored -1 Bloodline Jutsu: 3 + Minimum Bloodline Elemental Combo L1: 4\\

Each Additional Level: Current Rating x 2
