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Latest revision as of 00:46, 9 June 2010


I like five castes for each Exalt type. I think the only reason there were three Lunar castes in the Lunar book is because there are only three groups of Attributes (Physical, Social, Mental). This begs the question: What were the Favored Attributes of the lost castes? Were they all Social?
FIX: Take a page from Exalted: The Autochthonians and give each caste one caste Attribute from each category along with three Favored Attributes while removing Favored Abilities. This gives Lunars more strength regarding Attributes while remaining balanced. It also allows for five Lunar castes, thus giving the player more options.

No sir, I don't like it.
FIX: Out the window. More to come.

Lunars should be able to shapeshift into anything they've tasted the Heart's Blood of.
FIX: For 3 motes, a Lunar can shapeshift into any form in their "library." The Lunar Charms Towering Beastman Form, Humble Mouse Shape, and Prey's Skin Disguise are now folded into this ability.

Every Lunar has a totem animal. Every Lunar should have three true forms: their mortal form, their totem animal, and a hybrid form. Purchasing this as a Charm should not be required. It's silly that DBT should only enhance your Lunar's Physical Attributes. This is unnecessarily confining.
FIX: Every Lunar has a hybrid form. At character creation, players receive two Bonus Attributes and one Gift per Permanent Essence that can only be accessed in Hybrid Form. These Bonus Attributes may be placed anywhere, but once chosen are permanent. You may not place more points in a single Attribute than your Permanent Essence, though your Hybrid Form's Bonus Attributes may allow you to exceed your normal Attribute limits. Your Hybrid Form also gives you access to one Gift per Permanent Essence. Once chosen, these are permanent. Shapeshifting into the Hybrid Form costs 5 motes and is a reflexive action.

EXAMPLE: Varya's totem animal is a Mospid. At character creation, she has an Essence of 2, so she receives 4 Bonus Attributes and 2 Gifts while in her Hybrid Form. She selects Perception +1, Appearance +1, and Dexterity +2 (the limit of Bonus Attributes based on her Essence). For her Gifts, she selects Fluttering Wings and Terrible Beast Claws.

Each time the character raises their Permanent Essence with experience points, they receive two more Bonus Attributes and one Gift. This represents their Hybrid form growing more advanced as they grow stronger and more in touch with their bestial essence.

The Hybrid Form's Bonus Attributes are NOT considered natural for the purposes of dice-adding Charms, nor do they count against the dice-adding limit of Charms. The reason for this is to keep them balanced between Sidereals and Solars. While in their mortal form, an Essence 10 Lunar will have a maximum dice pool (with dice-adders) of 30 (10 from Attribute, 10 from Ability, 10 from dice-adder). In Hybrid form, they have a maximum dice pool of 40 (10 Attribute, 10 Ability, 10 dice-adder, 10 Bonus Attribute). A dice pool maximum of 30 is equal to Sidereals, 40 is equal to Solars. If Bonus Attributes count as natural for dice-adders, their dice pool maximum outclasses a comparable Solar.

I'm toying with the idea of tying the Lunar Limit (maybe each time she assumes her Hybrid Form, she gets a point of Limit) as well as giving the Hybrid Form a time limit like Werewolf: The Forsaken's Gauru form (perhaps Essence x 2 turns?).

The Tell should be one trait that remains common in all the Lunar's forms. It is also the nature of the Tell to remain hidden unless you already know what you're looking for. A stranger trying to find the Lunar in a different form should not be able to spot her Tell. If that stranger somehow learns what the Tell is, it would become easily visible and unmistakable.
FIX: A Tell should not be something obvious like goat legs or horns, it should be something subtle like a white stripe of hair in all forms, red rings around the eyes, or silver hands/paws/fins/wings.The only way to learn a Lunar's Tell is to have someone reveal it to you or to succeed on a reflexive Perception + Awareness roll at difficulty 5 when the Lunar's anima becomes totemic (16+ motes). This roll only applies to the first time the Lunar's anima becomes totemic in a scene. If your roll succeeds, the Lunar's Tell becomes quite clear to you no matter what form she is in.

Moonsilver tattoos are sweet, though they should not instantly reveal a Lunar's identity.
FIX: Lunars receive moonsilver tattoos to fix their castes shortly after they exalt as usual. These tattoos remain invisible unless a Lunar's anima flares at 8-10 motes. At that point, they glow with moonlight no matter what form the Lunar is in. The Lunar may also spend a single point of Essence to light up her tattoos to reveal her nature to onlookers.

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