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I'm probably going to have to do this in steps - the perception and awareness charm cloud is farking massive. So, let's see what we can trim away and what we can make more useful - help is always appreciated!

Sense-Sharpening Change

 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Awareness: 2

Add bonus dice equal to Awareness or Perception, whichever is lower. Otherwise as per Exalted: The Lunars. This is a Transformation Charm of the Cunning Totem.

Raised Hackles Intuition

 Cost: 2 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Awareness: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Sense-Sharpening Change

This Charm is passive, triggering reflexively when the Lunar is in a situation where he will soon be exposed to danger. It allows the Lunar a reflexive Perception + Awareness roll to recognize from sensory clues what will occur, with a difficulty reliant on the scale of the clues - feeling the gentle tremble before an earthquake or hearing the hearts of a hidden ambush party is difficulty 1, while noting that your quill has shifted in its inkwell, which means that someone has read your missive to your superiors, is difficulty 5. Generally, the subtler the clues, the more advanced the warning - the Lunar in the second example, obviously, has some degree of time before the rival spy moves with his information, while there is little the Lunar can do about the earthquake but brace himself.
This Charm activates of its own accord but should not activate frivolously - it is not a tool to rob the Lunar of motes.
Example: Five-Fangs has fled the boundaries of the Dynasty's reach and is spending some time in Nexus while waiting to report back to his master, Ma-Ha-Suchi. While there, he returns to his lodgings one day and this Charm immediately activates - he rolls Perception + Awareness, scoring 6 successes, and discovers that the carpet has been mussed in a different direction since when he left, which means someone wearing long robes - possibly a monk - has entered the room, but not left. He pieces this all together mere moments before the Air Immaculate strikes, allowing him to confront his would-be-assassin on equal terms.

Observed Prey Instinct

 Minimum Awareness: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Raised Hackles Intuition

Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars.

Weather-Scenting Method

 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Raised Hackles Intuition

Allows the character to purchase information with no regards to equal division of successes. Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars.

Unerring Earth Direction Sense

 Minimum Awareness: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Raised Hackles Intuition

Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars.

Heightened (Sense) Meditation

 Cost: 6 motes
 Duration: Indfefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Awareness: 3
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Sense-Sharpening Change

This is, in fact, three Charms - Heightened Sight Meditation, Heightened Hearing and Touch Meditation, and Heightened Smell and Taste Meditation. It must be purchased multiple times for multiple effects, but the cost remains the same - that is, a Lunar with Heightened Seight and Heightened Hearing and Touch may activate both charms at the same time for 5 motes, as if they were a single Charm - multiple purchasings therefore increase the mote efficiency AND effectiveness of the Charm.
While this Charm is active and the Lunar is using an enhanced sense, he converts all of his Perception dice on the Perception + Awareness check into automatic successses. This Charm does not directly grant range of sensory input beyond the norm, but will supplement new forms of sensing gained from other Charms (For example, it grants no night-vision but will enhance the night vision gained from Wondrous Owl Eye.)
This is a Transformation Charm of the Cunning Totem.

Wondrous Owl Eye

 Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Heightened Sight Meditation

This Charm grants the Lunar the ability to see in darkness, fog, and otherwise obscured conditions - he treats fog and darkness as daylight for all purposes. He is slightly colorblind under daytime conditions (+1 to Perception difficulties), and must have some degree of light (even a small candle in an adjacent room) to see by - his vision does not function in perfect, mystical darkness. This Charm also functions in the deep ocean - as long as the Lunar does not enter any conditions of absolute darkness (which would be fantastically deep and likely inside caves), he can see.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Mysteries Totem.

Perceiving the Hidden World

 Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Wondrous Owl Eye

Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Mysteries Totem.

Hundred-League Glance

 Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Heightened Sight Meditation

This Lunar briefly and wildly distorts his eyes, adding new temporary structures that widen, lengthen, and sharpen the parameters of his vision. He must roll Manipulation + Awareness, with each success becoming a 'conversion bonus' for one Perception + Awareness check related to sight. These bonuses can be used for raw extra dice, or to increase the angle of vision (one success applied allows the Lunar to see 180 degrees, two successes 270 degrees, three successes 360 degrees), or to increase the range of vision (one success doubles, two triple, three quadruple, etc.), assigned as he wishes. The Lunar may then roll the Awareness check as normal.

Keen Whisper Parts the Night

 Cost: 2 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Heightened Hearing and Touch Meditation

The Lunar gives off a subsonic call that immediately bounces off surfaces in the region (Defined as the Essence x 10 yards immediately around the Lunar). He gains a perfect mental 'image' of sound that describes the region - have him roll Perception + Awareness, difficulty of 1 in normal circumstances, 2 in pitched battle, and 4 inside a cacophony of interference.
One success means the Lunar is aware of all beings and objects in the region, and suffers no chance of tripping or falling due to poor sight conditions. He may attack and defend, but does so at +2 difficulty. Three successes means he is perfectly aware of locations, attacking and defending at no penalty, while five successes means he is acutely aware of *direction* of motion - he may pre-empt his foes, attacking and defending at +2 dice against any foe inside the sensed region. Sound blinds or mystical obstacles to hearing can affect this sensory Charm, and a new image must be made each turn if the Lunar wishes to remain current on locations.

Blood-Kin Sense

 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Heightened Smell and Taste Meditation

Otherwise as in Exalted: The Lunars. This is, incidentally, a really stylish Charm.

Unity-of-Being Synesthesia

 Cost: 3 motes per success, 1 Willpower
 Duration: Indefinite
 Type: Simple (Transformation)
 Minimum Awareness: 4
 Minimum Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Any two Heightened (Sense) Meditations.

The Lunar unites all of his myriad senses into a whole that is more than its parts - his senses reinforce and bolster one another, a weak sense of smell backed by excellent hearing, taste enhanced to the accuracy of keen eyesight, and so on - the Lunar smells colors, sees sounds, hears tastes, and so forth. As long as the Charm is active, the Lunar may convert a number of dice on any Awareness check into automatic successes, converting dice at the cost of 3 motes per die, with no more dice converted than the Lunar's Awareness or Essence, whichever is lower.
This is a Transformation Charm of the Mysteries Totem.
