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This Style is the Rival of the Celestial Monkey Style and while based on similar principles diverges in the detailsThe Three Schools of Monkey are in reference to the three tiers of the Monkey Style, Terrestrial, Celestial and (High Essence or Sidereal)Great Bear focuses on one level and only has the following high end Celestial StyleThose who practice these styles rarely get along and when they do associate usually end up debating which School came first or which Philosophy is correctAt least one famed rivalry during the high first ages was based on nothing more than this clash of Dojos.
Senses straining, heightened, drawn taught over the weighted apprehension in the lingering eternity of every momentEach sound, every color cast in sharp crisp relief, each thundering pulse felt hammering high in the chest, hidden deep in the throat and warm behind the eyesStill there is nothing, but the terror won't calmShivering to the core, shaken unsure and waiting for the tearing pain, the shock of adrenalineHeld by the darkness, by the whisper of movement, frozen in bated anticipation.
There is a quiet simplicity to the undisturbed, unnoticed, and natural concentration of acting in ones nature, of performing those tasks which one is naturally inclined towardsIt is in mastering such tasks that true excellence is foundIn such excellence is happiness found.   
Fear wafts through the air, savory, intoxicating.  The taste of it drives you forward almost gasping swallowing anticipation writhing.  Yet the darkness holds you waiting, prey postures glancing around in desperate false hope, but knowingThe prey stares off hoping, gaze stabs at the darkness this way and that.  Movement.  Hot and iron-tang'd life flows past fangs, flesh tears and then there is silence.   
Pursuing and struggling to become simply good at something one is not naturally inclined towards leads to continual frustration and a disruption of one’s essenceSuch tasks can not become second nature and they can never harmonize with one’s own nature to become just that: one’s nature.   
The Dark Hunter is the cunning predator, the quiet shadow, the ghost waiting just at the edge of perception...to strikeLurking, stalking, watching through the undergrowth and distraction waiting for the perfect moment.   
Great Bear Style teaches one to seek such perfection of one’s nature, to truly master those skills one is able to pursue in harmony with one’s inner spirituality and essence.  Stylists train in the movements and katas of this style with a deliberate and tensed slowness.  A single strike typical takes upwards of ten seconds to perform and masters can extend such a movement to a minute of more.  Such training slowly ingrains every motion of the style into the Martial Artist’s very muscles and essence.
During the second age of man, creation was the stalking grounds for one of the greatest predators to ever live, an Iron Wolf, one of the chosen of the Sun, NadiaFor an age her name was synonymous with the beast, hunger, dread; she was the HunterThis style was her manifestation of one aspect of that.   
These Quiet Juggernaut Sages as they are sometimes called emulate the great bears of creation as embodiments of a quiet harmonious power at peace with their own purpose and strength.  The bear understands its strength and nature so much so it does not need to understand either.  Like the bear, Quiet Juggernaut Sages reserve their power and strength for when it is neededThey learn to subtly and slowly martial their essence to an unstoppable wave when the need arises.  At other times these sages contemplate the harmony of the world around them and within themThe balance of the body emulates the balance of Creation and it is by living as one with the world in harmony that one can live in harmony with one’s self.
Stylists typically trained at places in balance with their surroundings.  Geomantically aligned temples were once common as were secluded mountains in geomantic balance.  Great bears would typically den in the vicinity and the Stylists would meditate within eyeshot of such creatures under the relentless weight of waterfallsSlow katas, long meditative trances, precision and endurance were stressed in the training.
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=== Style ===
=== Style ===
<b><i>Show of Dominance Stance</b></i>  
<i>My apologies, for the overly abbreviated charm layoutAs it turns out this researcher's locks are no match for a certain experienced, and down right terrifying, Night Caste who has taken it upon herself to express her displeasure in the revelation of her secretsI have hope of making some head way when next I encounter herThe things I do for posterity.</i>
<b>Cost:</b> 10 motes
<b>Duration:</b> Instant
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok, Obvious, Knockback
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 4
<b>Min. Medicine:</b> 2
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 2
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None
Violence and peace in harmony is learned from the bearQuiet and peaceful creatures content to forage, lazily hunt, and protect loved ones.  They are the dichotomy of carnivore and herbivore.  Warrior and monkThe simple fact of strength is sometimes enough to discourage aggressors and the Martial Artist learns this as one of the first lessons of the Great Bear Style.  To act when it isn’t needed is a wasteShow an opponent what they face and they will know they are beaten.
When the Martial Artist activates this charm they arch back, muscles tightening, the air around them shivers in anticipation and then lashes violently outward in a tremendous burst of essence.  All extras within 10 yards are knocked back.  For everyone else the Martial Artist applies one Charisma + Martial Arts attack against each person’s DV.  Those that fail to defend against this attack as well as any extras suffer an internal penalty of Essence for Charisma Actions.
<b><i>Stone Gouging Claw Strike</b></i>  
<b><i>Flight is not Defeat</b></i>  
<b>Cost:</b> 2 motes
<b>Duration:</b> Instant
<b>Type:</b> Supplemental
<b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Stackable, Combo-Ok
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 4
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Show of Dominance Stance
The awe inspiring force of a bear’s claw is legendary even in terms of larger creatures and small gods.  The Fair Ones looked at their strength during the invasion and twisted some of the greatest bears into their warriors utilizing them over even some behemoths.  Channeling and emulating the power of these natural myths the Martial Artist tears into her opponent easily parting fur, wood, stone and steel.
When this charm is activated tens rolled on damage count as two successes and each strike removes 2B/2L soak from armor.  Against mundane armor this loss is permanent until repair.  Against magical armor soak returns at a rate of one level per day.
<b><i>Waiting Dread Instinct</b></i>
<b><i>Urwl’s Hide</b></i>  
<b><i>Dark Hunter Form</b></i>  
<b>Cost:</b> 6 motes, 1 willpower
<b>Duration:</b> One Scene
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Basic, Obvious
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 4
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Show of Dominance Stance
The hide of the first bear, The Elemental of Earth: Urwl, was pure earth essence invulnerable to all attack until the stroke of a primordial felled the great beast.  Bears still hold a portion of this strength and their great ancestor’s blessing still enables them to turn sword and spear.  The Martial Artist sees this strength and learns from it, drawing from deep within himself he pours essence from his chakra into his skin.  When this is done the Martial Artist gains a light aura in the shape of a great bear.  While the visual fades after the charm is activated the image remains in the Stylist’s light anima as long as the charm is active.
Once this charm is activated the Martial Artist subtracts one die from the minimum damage they suffer.  Adds Essence to their Stamina and soaks Lethal with full Stamina.
<b><i>Bear Takes Salmon Movement</b></i>  
<b><i>Beast Walker Shintai</b></i>  
<b>Cost:</b> 5 motes
<b>Duration:</b> Until Used
<b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 4
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Stone Gouging Claw, Urwl’s Hide
There is a quiet assurance in patience.  Like the great and wise bear the Martial Artist knows how to wait.  For any attack there is a perfect time to make it, very few people ever master the simple skill of waiting for that moment.  However, it is in that moment that the attack should be made, it is meant for that moment and all but unavoidable.
The Martial Artist enters a Guard Action and holds it for up to six ticks.  When they strike they do so with such startling speed and force, the attack gains a number of extra successes equal to the number of ticks the Guard Action was held for.  The motion is a simple and straight forward one, seemingly easy to block but the moment carries it through to the target.
<b><i>The Endless Moment</b></i>
<b><i>Great Bear Form</b></i>  
<b><i>The Hunter's Hunger</b></i>  
<b>Cost:</b> 6 motes
<b>Duration:</b> One Scene
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Form-Type, Obvious
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 4
<b>Min. Medicine:</b> 4
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 2
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Bear Takes Salmon Movement
Those who are able to internalize the lessons of the bear begin to understand their own harmony. Breathing in deeply the Stylist calmly centers herself seeking the perfection of her own nature.  This simple movement and breath brings her chakra into alignment. 
While this charm is active the Martial Artist adds one dot to each Caste and Favoured ability.  Such spiritual harmony cannot help but reflect in the material world.  Peace of spirit, essence and mind yields peace of body.  Each muscle and each movement find a natural rhythm greater than the individual parts.  The Martial Artist adds their highest virtue to their bashing and lethal soak.
<b><i>Feral Stride</b></i>
This is a Form-Type Charm.
<b><i>From the Darkness</b></i>
<b><i>Armour of Quiet Dread</b></i>  
<b><i>Wisdom of Ajna</b></i>  
<b>Cost:</b> 5 motes
<b>Duration:</b> One Scene
<b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 4
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Great Bear Form
Spiritual harmony, inner peace and control; these are the aspects of a Great Bear Stylist.  Learning to further understand the simple harmony such Stylists seek, the Martial Artist becomes able to not only align his Chakra but to move, focus and control them.  Focusing and manifesting the Third-Eye Chakra, Ajna, the Martial Artist forehead glows with an arcane eye of violet.
While this charm is active the Practitioner is able to perceive spirits and other dematerialized beings.  Further, Ajna grants perception of the disharmony in others allowing the Martial Artist to add one level to the damage he inflicts.  Finally, knowledge of their own body and spirit allows the Martial Artist to add or subtract one tick from their own Action to a minimum of three.
<b><i>Palm and Sole Chakra Realignment</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> 5 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
<b>Duration:</b> One Scene
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok, Obvious
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 5
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Wisdom of Ajna
The Martial Artist upon mastering this charm has reached a state of spiritual harmony such that they are able to move other chakra to overlap and reinforce their Palm and Sole Chakra.  The Palm and Sole Chakra become almost manifest and strike not only the target’s physical form but their Essence.  Simply Focusing their Palm and Sole Chakra they are able to strike dematerialized beings as well as add Essence to their Raw Damage.
The stylist may purchase add-ons for this charm at two experience points or one bonus point each.  Each add-on for this charm allows the Martial Artist to shift a different Chakra to overlay their Palm and Sole Chakra.  Only one add-on can be activated at a time but once the charm is active the Stylist can switch add-ons with a Reflexive Miscellaneous Action.
:<b>Third-Eye (Ajna)</b> When the Third-Eye is made to overlay the Palm and Sole Chakra the Martial Artist adds one success and 2 Accuracy to his attacks.  Both of these modifications are applied after roll as if they make the difference between hitting and missing the attack is considered Piercing.  Further any target struck while this add-on is active glows lightly with a violet aura for the rest of the scene.  This add-on is not compatible with Wisdom of Ajna. 
:<b>Throat (Vishuddha)</b> When the Throat is made to overlay the Palm and Sole Chakra the Martial Artist causes those struck to increase their natural healing rate by three times.  This functions as a weak Body-Mending Meditation.  Further, bashing the Stylist deals completely heals at the end of the scene.
:<b>Solar Plexus (Manipura)</b> When the Solar Plexus is made to overlay the Palm and Sole Chakra the Martial Artist hands are wreathed in yellow flame from the manifest Chakra this adds +2L to unarmed attacks and allows parrying of Lethal weapons without a stunt.  This flame burns with the strength of the Stylist’s will and as such they add their current Willpower to Raw Damage.
:<b>Root (Muladhara)</b> When the Root is made to overlay the Palm and Sole Chakra nothing of equal or lower Essence can convince the Martial Artist to change his attitude toward his target.  Any virtue channels used while this charm is active grant an addition two dice, however any Limit Break rolls are also made with two addition dice.
<b><i>Instinctive Apprehension</b></i>
<b><i>Sushumara Meridian Meditation</b></i>  
<b><i>Predator's Patience Vigil</b></i>  
<b>Cost:</b> 5 motes
<b>Duration:</b> One Scene
<b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 5
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 3
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Wisdom of Ajna
There are two major Essence lines which carry energy between the Chakra.  One the Lunar line, one the Solar line.  The two lines are in a delicate interplay balancing the spirit and bring instinct and passion from the lower soul to be tempered by the reason and memory of the higher.  This delicate balance is very rarely perfect.  By adjusting their Chakra the Martial Artist is able effect that balance and the effects can be drastic.  The simpler adjustment suffuses the fiery Essences throughout the body and inures the Practitioner to such threats. 
When this charm is activated the Stylist adds their Essence Rating to their Hardness vs. Fire.  They also reduce the number of levels of damage fire does by half their Essence Rating.
This is of course a simple manipulation.  With careful and undisturbed meditation something grander can be accomplished.  By spending a Willpower in addition to the normal cost the charm is changed to a Simple Action of Indefinite Duration.  Due to the effort of this manipulation the Action cannot be Comboed and is Obvious.  While maintaining the meditative trance that is created the Martial Artist gains an enhanced awareness of her immediate surroundings, negating vision penalties and  adding three dice to awareness out to Essence yards.  In such a trance the Stylist heals at three times natural rate.  This functions as a weak version of Body-Mending Meditation.
<b><i>Chakra Externalization Technique</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> -
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent
<b>Type:</b> Permanent
<b>Keywords:</b> None
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 5
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 4
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Palm and Sole Chakra Realignment, Sushumara Meridian Meditation
This charm permanently modifies both Palm and Sole Chakra Realignment and Sushumara Meridian Meditation.  Prior to this point the Martial Artist was able to manipulate and focus Essence line and Chakra within their body.  Once this charm is mastered the Stylist becomes able to project these forces outside of their bodies for short periods of time.
:<b>Palm and Sole Chakra Realignment</b> When Palm and Sole Chakra Realignment is active the Martial Artist may at any point spend one Willpower to project the glowing orb of their Chakra just beyond their body and causing their target to be knocked back Willpower + Essence yards.  This effect only lasts an instant but if the target hits anything sufficiently solid before coming to the end of their knock back they suffer the remaining yards in dice of bashing damage.
:<b>Sushumara Meridian Meditation</b> By externalizing the twin Essence Lines the Martial Artist is able to create a blast of roiling unstable Essence that rips into anyone in the way.  If used in this manner Sushumara Meridian Meditation functions identical to Breath of the Fire Dragon.
<b><i>Noble Meridian Division</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> -
<b>Duration:</b> Permanent
<b>Type:</b> Permanent
<b>Keywords:</b> None
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 5
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 5
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Chakra Externalization Technique
A given disciple of the Great Bear Style can only ever learn one of the two paths that this charm lays before them.  At this level of mastery one must choose to focus on either the Lunar (Loyal Ida Path) or the Solar (Proud Pingala Path).  For with this charm the Martial Artist purposely unbalances themselves again and chooses their own Nature.  One path they are naturally inclined toward one not and the decision is very rarely difficult once the Stylist has progressed this far.
:<b>Loyal Ida Path</b> In any encounter the Martial Artist may choose one opponent and one ally.  The opponent suffers an external penalty of five to strike the Martial Artist and an external penalty of one to strike the ally.
:<b>Proud Pingala Path</b> Once this path is chosen the Excellency cap for the Martial Artist is raised by two.
<b><i>Quiet Juggernaut Sage</b></i>
<b>Cost:</b> 10 motes, 1 willpower
<b>Duration:</b> One Scene
<b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Basic
<b>Min. Martial Arts:</b> 5
<b>Min. Essence:</b> 6
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Noble Meridian Division
Master of the Great Bear Style were never common, those few that reached such skill and enlightenment were called Quiet Juggernaut Sages or simply Quiet Sages.  The uninformed and the uninitiated sometimes referred to any Practitioner of the Great Bear Style as such.  It is, however, with truly mastering the Ways of the Great Bear that the title is earned both according to other Sages and ones enemies.  There is no external sign when a Quiet Sage enters this charm or that it is active.  They have mastered their own perfection after-all and no longer emulate anything.
A Quiet Juggernaut Sage is as hard as her will.  While this charm is active the Martial Artist adds their Strength + Martial Arts to Bashing and Lethal Soak and one level of damage is subtract from that dealt to them after it is rolled.
A Master of the Great Bear Style is a strong as her spirit.  While this charm is active add one success to all Strength rolls, including Damage and add Essence to Raw Damage.
A Quiet Sage has made her pursuits her nature.  While this charm is active add one dot to five Abilities which are set when this charm is purchased and must be chosen out of Caste and Favoured Abilities.
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===

Latest revision as of 12:24, 17 April 2009


Dark Hunter Style

"For the cunning, to face an enemy in open confrontation would be a fourth rate solution for someone who has already made three serious mistakes: Not knowing the territory, not moving about in secrecy, and not evading a direct attack. It is only when all your strategies and tactics have failed, that you resort to ripping someone’s head off."

Characters who practice this style may use tiger claws or razor claws freely (considering them unarmed Martial Arts attacks) with all of its Charms. This style is incompatible with the use of armor. Additionally, upon mastering the form the stylist permanently gains a die to stealth while not wearing armor. While it is not necessary to possess Tiger Style before mastering Dark Hunter Style, a few charms are useless without it.

Senses straining, heightened, drawn taught over the weighted apprehension in the lingering eternity of every moment. Each sound, every color cast in sharp crisp relief, each thundering pulse felt hammering high in the chest, hidden deep in the throat and warm behind the eyes. Still there is nothing, but the terror won't calm. Shivering to the core, shaken unsure and waiting for the tearing pain, the shock of adrenaline. Held by the darkness, by the whisper of movement, frozen in bated anticipation.

Fear wafts through the air, savory, intoxicating. The taste of it drives you forward almost gasping swallowing anticipation writhing. Yet the darkness holds you waiting, prey postures glancing around in desperate false hope, but knowing. The prey stares off hoping, gaze stabs at the darkness this way and that. Movement. Hot and iron-tang'd life flows past fangs, flesh tears and then there is silence.

The Dark Hunter is the cunning predator, the quiet shadow, the ghost waiting just at the edge of perception...to strike. Lurking, stalking, watching through the undergrowth and distraction waiting for the perfect moment.

During the second age of man, creation was the stalking grounds for one of the greatest predators to ever live, an Iron Wolf, one of the chosen of the Sun, Nadia. For an age her name was synonymous with the beast, hunger, dread; she was the Hunter. This style was her manifestation of one aspect of that.


My apologies, for the overly abbreviated charm layout. As it turns out this researcher's locks are no match for a certain experienced, and down right terrifying, Night Caste who has taken it upon herself to express her displeasure in the revelation of her secrets. I have hope of making some head way when next I encounter her. The things I do for posterity.

Flight is not Defeat</b>

<b>Waiting Dread Instinct</b>

<b>Dark Hunter Form</b>

<b>Beast Walker Shintai</b>

<b>The Endless Moment</b>

<b>The Hunter's Hunger</b>

<b>Feral Stride</b>

<b>From the Darkness</b>

<b>Armour of Quiet Dread</b>

<b>Instinctive Apprehension</b>

<b>Predator's Patience Vigil</b>

=== Comments ===