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<i>Blow after blow crossed Surely Tempered Nerve's chasis, but no mark remained to speak of their presence. A lucky blade caught itself in a joint, and became stuck between metal sinew. Its owner would not feel so fortunate in a moment.</i>
<i>Blow after blow crossed Surely Tempered Nerve's chasis, but no mark remained to speak of their presence. A lucky blade caught itself in a joint, and became stuck between metal sinew. Its owner would not feel so fortunate in a moment.</i>
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----<b><i>Strain Resistance Chassis Modification</b></i>
----<b><i>Strain Resistance Chassis Modification</b></i>
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A secondary use for the AT field is that it may cancel a similar field on a one for one basis (i.e. Other AT fields or the Twilight caste Anima power)
A secondary use for the AT field is that it may cancel a similar field on a one for one basis (i.e. Other AT fields or the Twilight caste Anima power)
<i><b>Vortical Essence Dynamo</b></i><BR>
<b>Author:</b> [[DeathBySurfeit]]<BR>
<BR><b>Cost:</b> None<BR>
<b>Installation Cost:</b> 1 mote<BR>
<b>Duration:</b> N/A<BR>
<b>Type:</b> Permanent<BR>
<b>Minimum Stamina:</b> 2<BR>
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 2<BR>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None
This Charm takes the form of a slowly rotating cylinder, set into articulated holdings behind the bearer's shoulders and lit brightly by essence channels imbedded into its surface. It increases the rate of Essence respiration by drawing upon ambient supplies, adding the Alchemical's permanent Essence in motes to the amount respired each hour for each time it is installed. If  the rate of respiration is halved or annulled entirely, that multiplier applies <i>after</i> the bonus from this Charm is added. Exalts may have no more copies of this Charm installed than their permanent Essence (or permanent Essence x 5 for those of Essence 8+). Vortical Essence Dynamo cannot be placed in an Array.
<i>Xenogonic Reflux Converter</i> - this submodule exists as a bubbling array of tubes filled with luminous liquid, intertwined with the Dynamo. When installed, it adapts the Charm to function in even the most hostile of environments, converting unusual Essence flows to a universal standard. If the bearer is in a situation where his Essence regeneration is halved or negated, the Essence regained from the Vortical Essence Dynamo is unaffected.
<i><b>Sacrificial Override System</b></i><BR>
<b>Author:</b> [[DeathBySurfeit]] <BR>
<b>Cost:</b> 5 motes, 1 Willpower<BR>
<b>Installation Cost:</b> 1 mote<BR>
<b>Duration:</b> Instant<BR>
<b>Type:</b> Reflexive<BR>
<b>Minimum Stamina:</b> 3<BR>
<b>Minimum Essence:</b> 2<BR>
<b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Sustained Augmentation Of Stamina
Installed in the centre of the Alchemical's chest, this Charm appears as an ornamented disc surrounded by countless filaments anchored in her flesh. Upon activation, the disc is illuminated by a rotating circle of motes, and a piercing note plays across the upper reaches of hearing. The alchemical's flesh cracks, smoke pouring out of the seams, their Charms vent roiling Essence and bolts of actinic light dance across their form. On their next initiative pass, or once Incapacitated (whichever comes first) they explode, sending broken fragments of hardened clay, metal and magical materials in a hail of shrapnel and scalding energy.
On detonation, all creatures within the blast radius (the Alchemical's Stamina x their permanent Essence in yards) must make a Stamina+Resistance roll at a difficulty equal to the Exalt's permanent Essence; on a success, they must soak (2 x Essence)L. On a failure, they must soak (5 x Essence)L. Objects and structures automatically fail this check. Regardless, the Alchemical's body is irrevocably destroyed in the process; no defences or soak mechanisms can save them from their fate.
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Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

Alchemical Stamina Charms

Blow after blow crossed Surely Tempered Nerve's chasis, but no mark remained to speak of their presence. A lucky blade caught itself in a joint, and became stuck between metal sinew. Its owner would not feel so fortunate in a moment.

Strain Resistance Chassis Modification</b>
(See Time of Tumult, p. 168)

<b>Obstinate Flesh Mechanism</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain, Zach Bush
Installation Cost: 1 Mote
Cost: N/A or 3 Motes per dice or 5 Motes per factor
Duration: Permanent or One Scene or One Day
Type: Simple
Min. Stamina: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Strain Resistant Chassis Modification

The Obstinate Flesh Mechanism consists of small metal nubbins below the skin. When activated they burst forth and interlock as overlapping circular scales molded to the Alchemical's contours. The nubbins themselves make the Alchemical more difficult to damage in any significant way and add 1L/+2B to the Alchemical's soak as long as they are installed. When activated they can be use in one of two ways either they can be deployed as a network of nano-machines that speed the healing process, in this case the charm remains active for a day, and each 5 motes adds another healing rate (i.e. with 5 motes the Alchemical heals twice as fast, with 10 three times, with 15 four times, etc) In this configuration they do not additionally aid the Alchemical's Soak. Deployed in their armor configuration the plates are very hard and each 3 motes spent activating them adds +1L/+2B to the Alchemical's Lethal soak for the rest of the scene. No more motes may be spent activating that function than the alchemical has stamina x 3.

Chest Cavity Storage Unit</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 1 Mote
Cost: N/A
Duration: Permanent
Type: Simple
Min. Stamina: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

The Alchemical Exalted has a door in their chest made of the magical material of their caste. They may open or close this door at will, and it is to store objects within themselves. Due to some odd elsewhere geometries they can store objects of seemingly ridiculous sizes and shapes so long as the total mass does not exceed 5 pounds per point of stamina that the Alchemical possesses.

Chest Cavity Processing Unit</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 2 Motes
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Stamina: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Chest Cavity Storage Unit

The Alchemical's Chest cavity storage unit is fitted with a variety of specialized and automated tools. Anything stored within the cavity may be worked by the Alchemical at the same time as the alchemical performs other actions. This does not reduce the time between the appropriate crafts rolls, but it does allow them to be made while the Alchemical does other things. It does not increase the capacity of the Storage area. The Alchemical is presumed to have the tools needed to perform whatever crafts they perform. This means that an Alchemical could place thread within the chest cavity and later that day remove a fully made toga so long as they make the necessary rolls to produce it. The motes must remain committed throughout the construction process. Alternatively the cavity can operate for a single scene (about an hour), to refine raw matter (iron ore, cotton plants, etc) into refined materials, (Steel, Cotton, etc). This Charm can only be used in conjunction with the Crafts ability and is therefore incompatible with artifact creation.

Chest Cavity Manufacturing Unit</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 1 Mote
Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Stamina: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Chest Cavity Processing Unit

The Alchemical's Chest cavity tools are upgraded to have industrial processes, a tiny mirror of the processes that go on within the Machine God. It can produce mundane items of a common nature (requiring only 2 or 3 success on a crafts roll to make) almost instantly with the proper materials. The alchemical may slide in a mass of steel close their chest cavity, almost instantly open it back up and withdraw a sword or plowshare. Alternatively it can be used to repair a more complex item that is damaged, such as an exceptional sword. So long as the Alchemical has the raw materials needed the repair is instant. Alternatively it can be used to create a perfect counterpart to an object that the Alchemical can see, a blade for an existing sword hilt, or a key to fit a specific lock.

Chest Cavity Automata Production Facility</b>
<b>Author: Josh Bain
Installation Cost: 1 Mote
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: Until Reclaimed
Type: Simple
Min. Stamina: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Chest Cavity Manufacturing Unit

The Ultimate Chest Cavity upgrade, this allows the Alchemical to produce a complex autonomous unit from their own flesh. The Alchemical need not have any resources available to use this charm. The health level cost of this charm is an out-of order -2 health level at the top of the -2's area. It incurs no penalty unless the Alchemical runs out of -1 health levels normally. If a -2 is not available then the Alchemical pays the cost in the regular order and it is shifted to a -2 when possible. The Health Level does not heal as long as the Charm persists. Activating this Charm requires a number of hours equal to the automata's final essence rating (more powerful automata require longer to make), at the end of this time the chest cavity opens and the automata emerges. It cannot communicate with the Alchemical remotely unless it is given Charms that would allow it to do so, though it can speak. The charm only ends when the Alchemical Exalted recovers the Automata (or its remains) and places them within its chest cavity to be reclaimed by its body, or when the automata is totally annihilated. When the automaton is reclaimed the Alchemical downloads all its memories into its own mind, as if they were his own. The Automata appears to be made of brass and the magical material of the Alchemical's caste. The automata's stats are assigned by the Alchemical Exalted during its creation as follows. It has an attribute spread of 5/4/3, four health levels (0, -1, -2, Destroyed) it has an essence score of 1 and calculates essence pool as follows [Essence x 5 + Willpower] it has no virtues, 10 points to allocate on abilities. Its willpower is 10 No ability or Attribute may exceed that of the alchemical that created it. It can only be fitted with copies of Charms that the Alchemical currently possesses. It has a number of bonus points equal to the Alchemical's Essence x stamina. It may raise its essence for 10 points, purchase a charm for 5, and raise abilities or attributes at regular cost. Additionally it may buy considerations with bonus points as follows;

  • Flight (5 bonus points): The automata has helicopter like blades, or a gravitational flight array, and may fly at three times its regular movement rate.
  • Armor Plates (3 bonus points): Raise the Automata's Lethal and Bashing soak by 1 each.

These are not the only possible considerations, players and storytellers are encouraged to create their own.

The automaton is immune to mind affecting effects, and is totally loyal to its creator, fulfilling its mission with mechanical precision.

Kinetic Energy Redirector</b>
<b>Author: kingfisher192
Installation Cost: 3 motes
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Stamina: 3
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: None

Creation has proved to be a new challenge to Alchemicals in many ways, and this device stemmed from the need to protect Alchemicals from the distressing number of violent conflicts that plague Creation. Essence channeled through this module forms a web work of Essence veins through the Alchemicals' body. These veins redirect the energy from kinetic-based impacts to the module's buffers. From here, the energy can be fed back into the Alchemical to enhance it's own physique.

Upon use, the Alchemical can take up to three dice of raw damage (but never reducing it to 0 or less) from any pure kinetic-based impact (such as being hit by a sword, or a tree, or smacking into a wall), and store it briefly in the module. Note that the module cannot ever hold more than three dice at any one time, and that in order to avoid overloading, energy is bled quite quickly from the module at the rate of 1 dice/2 turns. The alternate use for the module is the dice can be taken and used to enhance any one single physical activity, or may be used as additional raw damage in an attack.

This module is implanted in the abdomen.

Personalized Molecular Bond Stabilization Field</b>
<b>Author: Unknown
Installation Cost: 3 motes
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. Stamina: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

A small generator is built into the spine just under the shoulders; when active this charm causes the skin to slow slightly -- this symbolizes the field is working. When active for a number of turns equal to a Stamina + Endurance roll the field strengthens the bonds between molecules allowing the exalt to use her full stamina for Lethal soak. This maybe used with Armor.

Absolute Terror Field Of The Mechanical Angel</b>
<b>Author: Unknown
Installation Cost: 2 motes
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. Stamina: 3
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Personal Molecular Stabilization Field

A pair of small orbs are placed into the temple of the Exalt when this charm is installed. When activated for a number of turns equal to a stamina roll, the Exalt may roll Willpower to cancel damage to himself on a one for one basis.

A secondary use for the AT field is that it may cancel a similar field on a one for one basis (i.e. Other AT fields or the Twilight caste Anima power)

Vortical Essence Dynamo
Author: DeathBySurfeit

Cost: None
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Duration: N/A
Type: Permanent
Minimum Stamina: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm takes the form of a slowly rotating cylinder, set into articulated holdings behind the bearer's shoulders and lit brightly by essence channels imbedded into its surface. It increases the rate of Essence respiration by drawing upon ambient supplies, adding the Alchemical's permanent Essence in motes to the amount respired each hour for each time it is installed. If the rate of respiration is halved or annulled entirely, that multiplier applies after the bonus from this Charm is added. Exalts may have no more copies of this Charm installed than their permanent Essence (or permanent Essence x 5 for those of Essence 8+). Vortical Essence Dynamo cannot be placed in an Array.

Xenogonic Reflux Converter - this submodule exists as a bubbling array of tubes filled with luminous liquid, intertwined with the Dynamo. When installed, it adapts the Charm to function in even the most hostile of environments, converting unusual Essence flows to a universal standard. If the bearer is in a situation where his Essence regeneration is halved or negated, the Essence regained from the Vortical Essence Dynamo is unaffected.

Sacrificial Override System
Author: DeathBySurfeit
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Stamina: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Sustained Augmentation Of Stamina

Installed in the centre of the Alchemical's chest, this Charm appears as an ornamented disc surrounded by countless filaments anchored in her flesh. Upon activation, the disc is illuminated by a rotating circle of motes, and a piercing note plays across the upper reaches of hearing. The alchemical's flesh cracks, smoke pouring out of the seams, their Charms vent roiling Essence and bolts of actinic light dance across their form. On their next initiative pass, or once Incapacitated (whichever comes first) they explode, sending broken fragments of hardened clay, metal and magical materials in a hail of shrapnel and scalding energy.

On detonation, all creatures within the blast radius (the Alchemical's Stamina x their permanent Essence in yards) must make a Stamina+Resistance roll at a difficulty equal to the Exalt's permanent Essence; on a success, they must soak (2 x Essence)L. On a failure, they must soak (5 x Essence)L. Objects and structures automatically fail this check. Regardless, the Alchemical's body is irrevocably destroyed in the process; no defences or soak mechanisms can save them from their fate.